[see s. 38 of]
cr. effec. 04-01-2022
_Toc112659959Session Laws Affected by 2021 Wisconsin Acts
Session Laws Chapter or Wisconsin Act
Affected By
WisAct 59, s. 9439 (4t) am.
Act 67
WisAct 136, s. 2u am.
Act 238
WisAct 142, s. 13 am.
Act 238
WisAct 236, s. 3 am.
Act 238
WisAct 255, s. 3 am.
Act 238
WisAct 331, s. 97 (1) am.
Act 67
WisAct 8, s. 33 am.
Act 239
WisAct 8, s. 55 am.
Act 239
WisAct 8, s. 71 am.
Act 239
WisAct 9, s. 9437 (5f) am.
Act 239
WisAct 170, s. 4 (1) (dm) cr.
Act 215
WisAct 58, s. 9104 (1) (g) 2g., 2r. cr.
Act 229
_Toc112659960Wisconsin Administrative Code Sections Affected
Treatment & Any Delayed Effective Date
Affected By
r. effec. 05-01-2022
(2) (a) 2.
am. effec. 05-01-2022
am. effec. [see s. 2m (1) of]
Ch. DCF 150 (title)
am. effec. 12-01-2021
cr. effec. 12-01-2021
(9m) Note
rn.fr. DCF 150.02 (28) Note effec. 12-01-2021
(13) (a) 8.
am. effec. 12-01-2021
am. effec. 12-01-2021
r. effec. 12-01-2021
(28) Note
rn. DCF 150.02 (9m) Note effec. 12-01-2021
am.rn.fr. DCF 150.03 (1) (intro.) effec. 12-01-2021
(1) (intro.)
am.rn. DCF 150.03 (1) effec. 12-01-2021
(1) (a) to (e)
rn. DCF 150.035 (2) (a) to (e) effec. 12-01-2021
(1) (e) Note
rn. DCF 150.035 (2) (e) Note effec. 12-01-2021
(5) (a)
am. effec. 12-01-2021
(5) (b) (intro.), 2., 7.
am. effec. 12-01-2021
(5m) (intro.), (a), (b), (g)
am. effec. 12-01-2021
am. effec. 12-01-2021
am.rn. DCF 150.035 (3) effec. 12-01-2021
cr. effec. 12-01-2021
rn.fr. DCF 150.04 (2) effec. 12-01-2021
(1) (b) 1., 2., 5.
am.,as rn. effec. 12-01-2021
(2) (a) to (e)
rn.fr. DCF 150.03 (1) (a) to (e) effec. 12-01-2021
(2) (e) Note
rn.fr. DCF 150.03 (1) (e) Note effec. 12-01-2021
am.rn.fr. DCF 150.03 (11) effec. 12-01-2021
am. effec. 12-01-2021
(1) (b) 5. a., b.
am. effec. 12-01-2021
(1) (b) 8.
am. effec. 12-01-2021
rn. DCF 150.035 (1) effec. 12-01-2021
(3) (b)
am. effec. 12-01-2021
(4) (a)
am. effec. 12-01-2021
(5) (b)
am. effec. 12-01-2021
(6) (b) 1., 4.
am. effec. 12-01-2021
(6) (c) 1. b., 3.
am. effec. 12-01-2021
am.rn.fr. DFI-Bkg 77.06
(4) (d)
Ch. Med 8
r. effec. 04-01-2022
am. effec. 12-01-2021
_Toc112659961Constitutional Amendments and Referendums
First Consideration
Subject of Amendment
Article I, Section 8 (2)
Conditions for release prior to conviction, including the imposition of bail.
[2021 AJR-107]
Article III, Section 1
Eligibility to vote.
[2021 SJR-32]
Article III, Section 7
Prohibiting state and local governments from using privately sourced moneys or equipment in connection with the conduct of elections and specifying who may perform tasks related to the conduct of an election.
[2021 SJR-101]
Article IV, Section 35
Expenditure of moneys Wisconsin receives from the federal government.
[2021 SJR-84]
Second Consideration
Subject of Amendment
To publication time, none of the joint resolutions passed by the 2021 Wisconsin Legislature had approved a constitutional amendment on second consideration.