Sexually protective device: civil cause of action for nonconsensual removal or tampering with - SB822
Social media Internet site that restricts religious or political speech: civil cause of action against the owner or operator created, conditions set - AB591
Social media Internet site that restricts religious or political speech: civil cause of action against the owner or operator created, conditions set - SB583
Social media platforms: requirements and prohibitions re users and user content created; private cause of action provision - AB530
Social media platforms: requirements and prohibitions re users and user content created; private cause of action provision - SB525
Time limitation for prosecution of lesser included offenses re specified felonies - AB386
Time limitation for prosecution of lesser included offenses re specified felonies - SB382
TPR by affidavit disclaiming of parental rights of mother, father, or alleged father of child under the age of one; payments to out-of-state private child placing agency re adoption - AB138
TPR by affidavit disclaiming of parental rights of mother, father, or alleged father of child under the age of one; payments to out-of-state private child placing agency re adoption - SB29
Uniform Deployed Parents Custody and Visitation Act adopted - AB103
Uniform Deployed Parents Custody and Visitation Act adopted - SB108
Unsolicited obscene or sexually explicit image sent by electronic means: penalties and private cause of action established - AB868
Unsolicited obscene or sexually explicit image sent by electronic means: penalties and private cause of action established - SB821
Violent felon prosecuted for illegal possession of a firearm revisions - AB841
Violent felon prosecuted for illegal possession of a firearm revisions - SB852
Voice recording of testimony re application for a search warrant: original recording not required to be filed with certified transcript - AB84
Voice recording of testimony re application for a search warrant: original recording not required to be filed with certified transcript - SB66
Wisconsin Supreme Court to review decision by a justice on a motion to disqualify him or herself from an action - AB349
court _ reporterCourt — Reporter
Voice recording of testimony re application for a search warrant: original recording not required to be filed with certified transcript - AB84
Voice recording of testimony re application for a search warrant: original recording not required to be filed with certified transcript - SB66
cranberryCranberry, see Farm produce
creditCredit, see also Agricultural credit
Alcohol beverage retailers: penalties for purchase of alcohol beverages from source other than a wholesaler revised; credit transactions with wholesalers modified - AB364
Credit card transactions: prohibition on imposing certain fees - AB587
Credit card transactions: prohibition on imposing certain fees - SB572
Payment processing program for farmers’ markets re EBT and credit and debit card processing equipment and services; additional funding for DPI special education aid, TCS, and UW System - AB1147
Payment processing program for farmers’ markets re EBT and credit and debit card processing equipment and services; additional funding for DPI special education aid, TCS, and UW System - SB1046
UW Regents allowed to obtain extensions of credit for short-term funding for specified expenses [Sec. 331, 653] [original bill only] - AB68
UW Regents allowed to obtain extensions of credit for short-term funding for specified expenses [Sec. 331, 653] - SB111
credit cardCredit card, see Credit
credit unionCredit union, see also Financial institution
Credit union authorized activities and operations changes; rules re financial institution off-site ATMs provision [Admin.Code DFI-Bkg 14.03, DFI-CU 63.03, DFI-SB 12.03, DFI-SL 12.03] - AB478
Credit union authorized activities and operations changes; rules re financial institution off-site ATMs provision [Admin.Code DFI-Bkg 14.03, DFI-CU 63.03, DFI-SB 12.03, DFI-SL 12.03] - SB451
Financial institution confidentiality and may not disclose certain information to the IRS - AB961
credit unions office ofCredit Unions, Office of
Credit union authorized activities and operations changes; rules re financial institution off-site ATMs provision [Admin.Code DFI-Bkg 14.03, DFI-CU 63.03, DFI-SB 12.03, DFI-SL 12.03] - AB478
Credit union authorized activities and operations changes; rules re financial institution off-site ATMs provision [Admin.Code DFI-Bkg 14.03, DFI-CU 63.03, DFI-SB 12.03, DFI-SL 12.03] - SB451
“Act of terrorism” and “intent to terrorize” statutory definitions modified - AB1195
Adult-entertainment establishments: requirements and prohibitions created - AB897
Adult-entertainment establishments: requirements and prohibitions created - SB836
Bail jumping: felony penalty changed to misdemeanor [Sec. 3349-3351] [original bill only] - AB68
Bail jumping: felony penalty changed to misdemeanor [Sec. 3349-3351] - SB111
Bail required for criminal defendants who previously failed to comply with conditions of release for present offense - AB933
Bail required for criminal defendants who previously failed to comply with conditions of release for present offense - SB892
Bodily substance thrown or expelled at a public safety officer or prosecutor: court to require testing of criminal defendant for communicable diseases, probable cause provision - AB91
Bodily substance thrown or expelled at a public safety officer or prosecutor: court to require testing of criminal defendant for communicable diseases, probable cause provision - SB99
Child born alive after abortion: requirements of health care providers present and criminal penalties created, damage provisions; JRCCP may report - AB6
Child born alive after abortion: requirements of health care providers present and criminal penalties created, damage provisions; JRCCP may report - SB16
Crimes against adults at risk: sexual assault penalty revised; freezing of assets of defendant; at risk person seeking certain restraining orders may appear in court via telephone or live audiovisual means; JRCCP may report - AB922
Crimes against adults at risk: sexual assault penalty revised; freezing of assets of defendant; at risk person seeking certain restraining orders may appear in court via telephone or live audiovisual means; JRCCP may report - SB388
Crimes against elder persons: penalties increased; sexual assault penalty revised; physical abuse crime created; freezing of assets of defendant; elder person seeking restraining order may appear in court via telephone or live audiovisual means; JRCCP may report - AB44
Crimes against elder persons: penalties increased; sexual assault penalty revised; physical abuse crime created; freezing of assets of defendant; elder person seeking restraining order may appear in court via telephone or live audiovisual means; JRCCP may report - SB17
Criminal defense of adequate provocation, self-defense, or not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect eliminated if based on victim’s gender identity or expression or sexual orientation - AB470
Criminal defense of adequate provocation, self-defense, or not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect eliminated if based on victim’s gender identity or expression or sexual orientation - SB450
Criminal justice changes re firearm transfers and possession; crime victims and witnesses; law enforcement recruitment, retention, and training; obstructing justice; hate crime reporting; DNA evidence; and fraud scheme crime; funding for mental health and substance use services, DPI special education aid, and UW System; JRCCP may report - AB1140
Criminal justice changes re firearm transfers and possession; crime victims and witnesses; law enforcement recruitment, retention, and training; obstructing justice; hate crime reporting; DNA evidence; and fraud scheme crime; funding for mental health and substance use services, DPI special education aid, and UW System; JRCCP may report - SB1091
Determining lawful presence of person arrested for or charged with a crime or certain civil violations: law enforcement officer requirements and collection of data; report required - AB601
Determining lawful presence of person arrested for or charged with a crime or certain civil violations: law enforcement officer requirements and collection of data; report required - SB579
Disorderly conduct: alternatives to prosecution [Sec. 3406] [original bill only] - AB68
Disorderly conduct: alternatives to prosecution [Sec. 3406] - SB111
DOC required to recommend revocation of parole, probation, or extended supervision if person is charged with a crime while on release; expungement of criminal record provisions - AB174
DOC required to recommend revocation of parole, probation, or extended supervision if person is charged with a crime while on release; expungement of criminal record provisions - SB188
Election official qualifications: persons convicted of treason, felony, or bribery my serve as poll workers; conditions set - AB1198
Employment discrimination includes requesting and considering applicant's conviction record before being selected for an interview [Sec. 1806, 9350 (9), 9450 (7)] [original bill only] - AB68
Employment discrimination includes requesting and considering applicant's conviction record before being selected for an interview [Sec. 1806, 9350 (9), 9450 (7)] - SB111
Financial exploitation of a vulnerable person: civil cause of action created - AB514
Financial exploitation of a vulnerable person: civil cause of action created - SB510
Firearm left or stored in an unlocked stationary vehicle made a misdemeanor; JRCCP may report - AB855
Firearm possession by person convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence: prohibition created; JRCCP may report - AB321
Firearm possession by person convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence: prohibition created; JRCCP may report - SB317
Firearm possession by person who is a fugitive from justice: prohibition created and criminal background check system provision; JRCCP may report - AB322
Firearm possession by person who is a fugitive from justice: prohibition created and criminal background check system provision; JRCCP may report - SB318
Graffiti or damage to historical property on public property made a felony; JRCCP may report - AB776
Graffiti or damage to historical property on public property made a felony; JRCCP may report - SB751
Harassment of a sports official: penalty provisions created; JRCCP may report - AB158
Harassment of a sports official: penalty provisions created; JRCCP may report - SB175
Hiding, burying, or mutilating a corpse to conceal a crime: felony penalty increased; JRCCP may report - SB887
Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Month: January 2022 proclaimed as - AJR125
Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Month: January 2022 proclaimed as - SJR99
Human trafficking awareness certification for lodging establishments created - AB1169
Human Trafficking, Council on, created in DOA - AB1170
Impersonating a public officer, public employee, or employee of a utility with intent to mislead: felony crime created; JRCCP may report - AB251
Impersonating a public officer, public employee, or employee of a utility with intent to mislead: felony crime created; JRCCP may report - SB257
Kratom products made from the leaf of the Mitragyna speciosa plant: manufacture, distribution, delivery, and possession regulated - AB599
Kratom products made from the leaf of the Mitragyna speciosa plant: manufacture, distribution, delivery, and possession regulated - SB958