Civic education: required model curriculum and instructional materials for elementary and high school grades; included in social studies credits required for a high school diploma - AB563
Concealed carry licensee may carry firearm in place of worship located on grounds of a private school provided governing body has written policy that allows it - AB597
Concealed carry licensee may carry firearm in place of worship located on grounds of a private school provided governing body has written policy that allows it - SB584
Critical incident mapping data: grants to schools to submit data to public safety officials - AB482
Critical incident mapping data: grants to schools to submit data to public safety officials - SB449
Dual enrollment credential grants program for high schools: sunset repealed - AB893
Dual enrollment credential grants program for high schools: sunset repealed [S.Amdt.1: independent charter school pupil participation in the Early College Credit Program provisions added] - SB833
Early admission to 4K, 5K, or first grade for a private school participating in a parental choice program permitted - AB617
Early admission to 4K, 5K, or first grade for a private school participating in a parental choice program permitted - SB597
Esports participation grants to schools: DPI pilot program established - AB1188
Feminine hygiene products: schools required to provide in women’s restrooms; revenue limit adjustment provision - AB920
Feminine hygiene products: schools required to provide in women’s restrooms; revenue limit adjustment provision - SB832
Holocaust and other genocides: incorporation into model academic standards for social studies and instruction in specified grades required - AB55
Holocaust and other genocides: incorporation into model academic standards for social studies and instruction in specified grades required - SB69
Immunization-related mail: government entities, schools, health care providers, and childcare centers required to ensure mail is sealed and no information is visible on the outside - AB132
Immunization-related mail: government entities, schools, health care providers, and childcare centers required to ensure mail is sealed and no information is visible on the outside - SB150
Parental choice program: family income limits and pupil participation limits eliminated; threshold for private school to charge tuition increased; education expense reimbursement program - AB970
Parental choice program: family income limits and pupil participation limits eliminated; threshold for private school to charge tuition increased; education expense reimbursement program - SB974
Parental choice program, SNSP, independent charter schools, and certain private schools: DPI authority to waive education statute and rules granted in 2019 WisAct 185 extended; alternate deadlines for parental choice and SNAP [S.Sub.Amdt.1] - AB1
Parental choice program, SNSP, participating private schools, and independent charter schools: DPI authority to waive education statutes and rules and establish alternate deadlines re 2019 WisAct 185 extended to October 31, 2021 - AB261
Parental choice program, SNSP, participating private schools, and independent charter schools: DPI authority to waive education statutes and rules and establish alternate deadlines re 2019 WisAct 185 extended to October 31, 2021 [S.Amdt.1 and S.Amdt.1 to S.Amdt.1: DPI cannot waive requirement re certain pupil assessment program and standardized reading test] - SB302
Per pupil payments to private schools participating in parental choice programs: calculation changed - AB1041
Private school tuition income tax deduction: adjusted gross income threshold [Sec. 1261, 1262] [original bill only] - AB68
Private school tuition income tax deduction: adjusted gross income threshold [Sec. 1261, 1262] - SB111
Private schools participating in parental choice program or SNSP: teachers required to hold DPI issued license of permit; exception and waiver provisions - AB1039
Property tax bill required to include information re gross reduction in state aid to school districts - AB1047
Property tax bill required to include information re gross reduction in state aid to school districts [Sec. 1405] [original bill only] - AB68
Property tax bill required to include information re gross reduction in state aid to school districts [Sec. 1405] - SB111
Property tax bill required to include information re gross reduction in state aid to school districts - SB971
Public school, independent charter school, and private school participating in a parental choice program that operates or sponsors interscholastic or intramural sports: designating team or sport into one of three categories based on the sex of the participating students - AB196
Public school, independent charter school, and private school participating in a parental choice program that operates or sponsors interscholastic or intramural sports: designating team or sport into one of three categories based on the sex of the participating students - SB322
Pupil transfers based on the existence or absence of COVID-19 mandates; interscholastic athletic association rules to allow for a transfer exception - AB600
Pupil transfers based on the existence or absence of COVID-19 mandates; interscholastic athletic association rules to allow for a transfer exception - SB587
Reading readiness and literacy: promoting pupils based on standardized reading test; diagnostic reading assessment; licensure of reading teachers grants; Achievement Gap Reduction program sunsetted; programs to identify and address pupils with dyslexia; parental opt-out from standardized tests for certain grades prohibited - AB971
School lunch and breakfast programs: additional state reimbursement and expanded to include public and private schools; conditions specified - AB805
SNSP: private schools required to also participate in a parental choice program [Sec. 1947] [original bill only] - AB68
SNSP: private schools required to also participate in a parental choice program [Sec. 1947] - SB111
SNSP: religious activity opt-out at participating private schools [Sec. 1968] [original bill only] - AB68
SNSP: religious activity opt-out at participating private schools [Sec. 1968] - SB111
State agencies that report on coronavirus relief funds to the federal government to submit copies to JCF and post to their Internet site; Governor to allocate certain federal moneys for mental health grants to schools, report to JCF required - AB564
State aid for school mental health programs expanded to include pupil wellness and pupil services professionals; UW System funding provision - AB750
State aid for school mental health programs expanded to include pupil wellness and pupil services professionals; UW System funding provision - SB731
Sudden cardiac arrest during youth athletic activities: DPI to develop information, in consultation with WIAA, and distribute to participants in private or public school or private club activities [A.Amdt.4: pediatric cardiologists consultation and sunset provisions added] - AB82
Sudden cardiac arrest during youth athletic activities: DPI to develop information, in consultation with WIAA, and distribute to participants in private or public school or private club activities - SB95
Teacher licensure requirement for private schools participating in a parental choice program or the SNSP [Sec. 1896, 1950, 2007-2011, 2013-2019, 2094, 2095, 2098, 2128, 2129, 2131, 9434 (1)] [original bill only] - AB68
Teacher licensure requirement for private schools participating in a parental choice program or the SNSP [Sec. 1896, 1950, 2007-2011, 2013-2019, 2094, 2095, 2098, 2128, 2129, 2131, 9434 (1)] - SB111
Transporting pupils attending a private school in a first class city - AB160
Transporting pupils attending a private school in a first class city - SB221
Vaping on public and private school property prohibited; "electronic smoking device" defined - AB1122
Vaping on public and private school property prohibited; "electronic smoking device" defined - SB1055
Vaping on school premises prohibited [Sec. 2002] [original bill only] - AB68
Vaping on school premises prohibited [Sec. 2002] - SB111
Voter registration at high schools and certain tribal schools: provisions prior to 2011 WisAct 240 reinstated; qualified voter provision - AB459
Voter registration at high schools and certain tribal schools: provisions prior to 2011 WisAct 240 reinstated; qualified voter provision - SB446
WPCP and RPCP prior year pupil attendance requirement to include SNSP pupils; transfers from RPCP or MPCP to WPCP when pupil’s residence changes - AB621
WPCP and RPCP prior year pupil attendance requirement to include SNSP pupils; transfers from RPCP or MPCP to WPCP when pupil’s residence changes - SB608
Youth apprenticeship program: schools to include in educational options information provided to parents and guardians - AB220
Youth apprenticeship program: schools to include in educational options information provided to parents and guardians - SB231
parole or probationParole or probation
County reimbursement funding increased for community aids; parole, extended supervision, and probation revocation; youth aids; children and family aids; and circuit court costs - AB1115
County reimbursement funding increased for community aids; parole, extended supervision, and probation revocation; youth aids; children and family aids; and circuit court costs - SB1094
DOC required to recommend revocation of parole, probation, or extended supervision if person is charged with a crime while on release; expungement of criminal record provisions - AB174
DOC required to recommend revocation of parole, probation, or extended supervision if person is charged with a crime while on release; expungement of criminal record provisions - SB188
Huber release for individuals on probation, parole, or extended supervision [Sec. 2738, 2743] [original bill only] - AB68
Huber release for individuals on probation, parole, or extended supervision [Sec. 2738, 2743] - SB111
Immunity from prosecution for controlled substance possession for person aiding an overdose victim: 2017 WisAct 33 expired provisions made permanent [Sec. 3382-3384] [original bill only] - AB68
Immunity from prosecution for controlled substance possession for person aiding an overdose victim: 2017 WisAct 33 expired provisions made permanent [Sec. 3382-3384] - SB111
Intentional bodily harm to a probation, extended supervision, parole, community supervision, or aftercare agent: crime expanded to include family member of the agent, comparable programs by American Indian tribes or bands, and threats of harm; JRCCP may report - AB90
Intentional bodily harm to a probation, extended supervision, parole, community supervision, or aftercare agent: crime expanded to include family member of the agent, comparable programs by American Indian tribes or bands, and threats of harm; JRCCP may report - SB100
Persons on probation, extended supervision, or parole from another state and move to Wisconsin are required to submit human biological specimen to state crime labs for DNA analysis regardless of the crime committed - AB274
Persons on probation, extended supervision, or parole from another state and move to Wisconsin are required to submit human biological specimen to state crime labs for DNA analysis regardless of the crime committed - SB299
Restoring right to vote of persons convicted of certain felonies: payment of all fines, costs, fees, surcharges, and restitution, and completion of community service required - AB918
Restoring right to vote of persons convicted of certain felonies: payment of all fines, costs, fees, surcharges, and restitution, and completion of community service required - SB873
Sentencing revisions re reducing extended supervision; Class D felony maximum sentence; earned compliance credit created; parole, probation, and extended supervision revocation and sanctions; and earned release program; DOC reports required [Sec. 373-375, 377, 2680, 2683, 2704-2715, 2717-2720, 2724-2731, 2733, 2734, 2737, 2744-2747, 2750-2752, 2754, 3070, 3110, 3322, 3363, 3365, 3422, 3423, 3425, 3428-3430, 3444-3447, 3449, 3451, 9108 (1)-(5), 9308 (1)] [original bill only] - AB68
Sentencing revisions re reducing extended supervision; Class D felony maximum sentence; earned compliance credit created; parole, probation, and extended supervision revocation and sanctions; and earned release program; DOC reports required [Sec. 373-375, 377, 2680, 2683, 2704-2715, 2717-2720, 2724-2731, 2733, 2734, 2737, 2744-2747, 2750-2752, 2754, 3070, 3110, 3322, 3363, 3365, 3422, 3423, 3425, 3428-3430, 3444-3447, 3449, 3451, 9108 (1)-(5), 9308 (1)] - SB111
Serving a sentence for certain violent crimes: individual is ineligible for challenge incarceration program, Wisconsin substance abuse program, extended supervision, special action parole release, and earned release program [A.Amdt.1: removes substance abuse and earned release programs] - AB842
Serving a sentence for certain violent crimes: individual is ineligible for challenge incarceration program, Wisconsin substance abuse program, extended supervision, special action parole release, and earned release program - SB851
Youthful offender: sentence adjustment procedure created, mitigating factors a court must consider, and mandatory life sentence without parole or extended supervision eliminated - AB856
Youthful offender: sentence adjustment procedure created, mitigating factors a court must consider, and mandatory life sentence without parole or extended supervision eliminated - SB862
partnershipPartnership, see Corporation
payday loan providerPayday loan provider, see Small loan
payment in lieu of taxesPayment in lieu of taxes, see Property tax
pedestrianPedestrian, see Bridge; Street
pepin village ofPepin, Village of
Premier resort area: Village of Pepin authorized to become - AB183