Non-judicial elective state officials required to serve as election officials; Senate, Assembly, and legislative committees prohibited from meeting on election days -
SB363Wisconsin Celebrating Women in Public Office Day: March 19 proclaimed as -
AJR20Broadband mapping data: Internet providers required to report certain information for PSC to use; public records law exception [Sec. 2426] [original bill only] -
AB68Broadband mapping data: Internet providers required to report certain information for PSC to use; public records law exception [Sec. 2426] -
SB111Public records law changes re certain records relating to law enforcement officers -
AB746Public records law changes re certain records relating to law enforcement officers -
SB714Public records location fee [Sec. 246, 9351 (2)] [original bill only] -
AB68Public records location fee [Sec. 246, 9351 (2)] -
SB111Records and correspondence of legislative members: exclusion from "public records" definition eliminated -
SB289Records and correspondence of legislative members: exclusion from "public records" definition eliminated -
SB289Chemical recovery boilers: frequency of periodic inspections -
AB497Chemical recovery boilers: frequency of periodic inspections -
SB466DOA grants to political subdivisions to combat crime re additional policing, strategic planning, uniformed beat patrol, and public safety goals; DOJ and report provisions; Governor to allocate certain federal moneys [A.Amdt.1: further revisions] -
AB777DOA grants to political subdivisions to combat crime re additional policing, strategic planning, uniformed beat patrol, and public safety goals; DOJ and report provisions; Governor to allocate certain federal moneys -
SB752First aid training for law enforcement officers and their vehicles are equipped with automated external defibrillators -
AB447Lawnmower Safety Week: June 20-26 proclaimed as -
AJR65Lawnmower Safety Week: June 20-26 proclaimed as -
SJR47Operating unregistered vehicles: declared state of emergency exception repealed; imminent public disaster, death, or great bodily harm exception created -
AB445Operating unregistered vehicles: declared state of emergency exception repealed; imminent public disaster, death, or great bodily harm exception created -
SB437Pepper spray use: exception for DOC employees acting in official capacity -
AB826Pepper spray use: exception for DOC employees acting in official capacity -
SB845Placement in juvenile detention facility as a sanction or short-term detention eliminated; public safety risk exception [Sec. 3121, 3126, 3127, 3202-3212, 9308 (3)] [original bill only] -
AB68Placement in juvenile detention facility as a sanction or short-term detention eliminated; public safety risk exception [Sec. 3121, 3126, 3127, 3202-3212, 9308 (3)] -
SB111Recklessly endangering the safety of a person incapacitated by alcohol or other drug: felony crime created; JRCCP may report -
AB895Residential dumbwaiters and elevators: inspections and disclosures in real estate transactions required, penalty provision -
AB441Residential elevator: notice of defects and remedies notification requirements -
AB442Residential elevators: landing door clearance distance requirements -
AB443Statewide public safety interoperable communication system: DMA to administer current and future systems [Sec. 2758-2760; A.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, RFP provisions, Sec. 390-392, 9131 (1)] -
AB68Statewide public safety interoperable communication system: DMA to administer current and future systems [Sec. 2758-2760] -
SB111Violence Prevention Month: May 2021 proclaimed as -
AJR59Violence Prevention Month: May 2021 proclaimed as -
SJR33Broadband expansion grant program changes re application, use of funds, and report -
SB1097Broadband expansion grant program changes re definition of “infrastructure,” report requirement, and LAB performance audit -
SB1098Broadband expansion grant program: changes re infrastructure construction, speed standard, application evaluation criteria, challenge from Internet service provider and collecting certain data, and final report from recipient -
AB371Broadband expansion grant program: changes re infrastructure construction, speed standard, application evaluation criteria, challenge from Internet service provider and collecting certain data, and final report from recipient [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, challenge, final report from recipient, and collecting data from Internet service provider provisions removed] -
SB365Broadband expansion grant program funding -
AB444Broadband expansion grant program funding -
SB439Broadband expansion grant program funding [Sec. 281, 2421] [original bill only] -
AB68Broadband expansion grant program funding [Sec. 281, 2421] -
SB111Broadband expansion grant program: PSC to give farms a priority -
AB1186Broadband expansion grant program: PSC to give farms a priority -
SB1105Broadband expansion grants: allocating certain federal moneys for; report required -
AB239Broadband expansion grants: allocating certain federal moneys for; report required -
SB278Broadband expansion grants: underserved or unserved area eligibility [Sec. 2420] [original bill only] -
AB68Broadband expansion grants: underserved or unserved area eligibility [Sec. 2420] -
SB111Broadband line extension grants; broadband planning grants; appropriation for state broadband office at PSC [Sec. 280, 282, 283, 2405, 2422-2425] [original bill only] -
AB68Broadband line extension grants; broadband planning grants; appropriation for state broadband office at PSC [Sec. 280, 282, 283, 2405, 2422-2425] -
SB111Broadband mapping data: Internet providers required to report certain information for PSC to use; public records law exception [Sec. 2426] [original bill only] -
AB68Broadband mapping data: Internet providers required to report certain information for PSC to use; public records law exception [Sec. 2426] -
SB111Broadband mapping data reporting from service providers to PSC and grants to construct wireless broadband and cellular service infrastructure; Governor to allocate certain federal moneys -
AB573Broadband mapping data reporting from service providers to PSC and grants to construct wireless broadband and cellular service infrastructure; Governor to allocate certain federal moneys -
SB565Broadband programs and requirements changes; public school financing law changes; fee remission program for technical colleges and two-year UW System schools -
SB1104Carbon emissions measurement and offset transactions related to animal agriculture operators; renewable natural gas and energy produced at animal agriculture facilities; DATCP and PSC duties -
AB1072Carbon emissions measurement and offset transactions related to animal agriculture operators; renewable natural gas and energy produced at animal agriculture facilities; DATCP and PSC duties -
SB1054Community solar programs: establishment authorized; zoning and sunset provisions -
AB527Community solar programs: establishment authorized; zoning and sunset provisions -
SB490Consumer advocate for certain energy customers: funding from certain public utilities and PSC duties [Sec. 2406-2409] [original bill only] -
AB68Consumer advocate for certain energy customers: funding from certain public utilities and PSC duties [Sec. 2406-2409] -
SB111Discrimination in broadband prohibited and broadband service provider requirements [Sec. 1568, 1569, 2301, 2427, 9302 (2), 9436 (1)] [original bill only] -
AB68Discrimination in broadband prohibited and broadband service provider requirements [Sec. 1568, 1569, 2301, 2427, 9302 (2), 9436 (1)] -
SB111Electric vehicle charging facility grant program established; reports and sunset provisions -
AB695Electric vehicle charging facility grant program established; reports and sunset provisions -
SB663Electricity generated from renewable resources: person that controls the equipment is exempt from the definition of a public utility, conditions specified; electric public utility provision -
AB731Electricity generated from renewable resources: person that controls the equipment is exempt from the definition of a public utility, conditions specified; electric public utility provision -
SB702Energy Innovation Grant Program appropriation -
AB782Energy Innovation Grant Program appropriation -
SB756Environmental trust financing used for retiring electric generating facility fueled by nonrenewable combustible energy resources [Sec. 2402, 2403] [original bill only] -
AB68Environmental trust financing used for retiring electric generating facility fueled by nonrenewable combustible energy resources [Sec. 2402, 2403] -
SB111Focus on Energy rate change [Sec. 2415] [original bill only] -
AB68Focus on Energy rate change -
AB793Focus on Energy rate change [Sec. 2415] -
SB111Focus on Energy rate change -
SB758Gas pipeline safety violation penalties [Sec. 2428] [original bill only] -
AB68Gas pipeline safety violation penalties [Sec. 2428] -
SB111High-voltage transmission line fee administration transferred from DOA to PSC [Sec. 163-168, 454, 456, 2419, 9101 (2)] [original bill only] -
AB68High-voltage transmission line fee administration transferred from DOA to PSC [Sec. 163-168, 454, 456, 2419, 9101 (2)] -
SB111Lead service line financial assistance or certificate of authority application by a water public utility: PSC deadlines [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] -
AB300Lead service line financial assistance or certificate of authority application by a water public utility: PSC deadlines -
SB316Meter installation or replacement: water public utility exemption from certificate of authority [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, repair and administrative code provisions added [Admin.Code PSC 184.03]] -
AB302Meter installation or replacement: water public utility exemption from certificate of authority -
SB315Property assessed clean energy (PACE) program: PSC to develop model ordinance and advertise availability as part of Focus on Energy program [Sec. 2401, 2413] [original bill only] -
AB68Property assessed clean energy (PACE) program: PSC to develop model ordinance and advertise availability as part of Focus on Energy program [Sec. 2401, 2413] -
SB111PSC to require energy utilities to fund a consumer advocate; other PSC statutory changes -