Counting tips of tipped employees: DWD to promulgate rules re employer use of electronic signature to acknowledge gratuities -
SB50Delivery and transportation network companies: couriers and drivers are not employees for WC, minimum wage, and UI purposes; portable benefit accounts and insurance coverage provisions -
AB487Delivery and transportation network companies: couriers and drivers are not employees for WC, minimum wage, and UI purposes; portable benefit accounts and insurance coverage provisions -
SB485Minimum wage increase; study committee created and report required [Sec. 1672-1706, 2454, 9150 (1)] [original bill only] -
AB68Minimum wage increase; study committee created and report required [Sec. 1672-1706, 2454, 9150 (1)] -
SB111Minimum wage ordinance prohibition eliminated -
AB1148Minimum wage ordinance prohibition eliminated -
SB1074Minimum wage threshold raised for enterprise zone and business development tax credits [Sec. 1274-1285, 1288-1290, 1325-1336, 1339-1341, 1360-1369, 1372, 1373, 2551, 2553-2555, 2559, 2560, 2566] [original bill only] -
AB68Minimum wage threshold raised for enterprise zone and business development tax credits [Sec. 1274-1285, 1288-1290, 1325-1336, 1339-1341, 1360-1369, 1372, 1373, 2551, 2553-2555, 2559, 2560, 2566] -
SB111Motor carrier safety improvement used or deployed by motor vehicle operator for a motor carrier is not evidence of employment rather than independent contractor for WC, UI, minimum wage, wage claims, and income and franchise tax law purposes -
AB691Motor carrier safety improvement used or deployed by motor vehicle operator for a motor carrier is not evidence of employment rather than independent contractor for WC, UI, minimum wage, wage claims, and income and franchise tax law purposes -
SB703State minimum wage increased and revised annually using the consumer price index; tipped employees, meal and lodging allowances, and certain categories of employees provisions; local minimum wage ordinance prohibition eliminated -
AB477State minimum wage increased and revised annually using the consumer price index; tipped employees, meal and lodging allowances, and certain categories of employees provisions; local minimum wage ordinance prohibition eliminated -
SB452Tipped minimum wage eliminated -
AB278Tipped minimum wage eliminated -
SB286Hazard pay and paid medical leave for frontline health care workers during public health emergency; uninsured health care worker coverage re COVID-19 or communicable disease; Medicaid expanded and BadgerCare Plus Core eliminated -
AB955Hazard pay and paid medical leave for frontline health care workers during public health emergency; uninsured health care worker coverage re COVID-19 or communicable disease; Medicaid expanded and BadgerCare Plus Core eliminated -
SB918Hazard pay and paid medical leave required for certain health care workers; public health emergency and employer reimbursement provisions -
AB31Hazard pay grant program in DWD created and individual income tax subtraction created; JSCTE appendix report; additional funding for UW System and DPI special education aid -
AB1152Hazard pay grant program in DWD created and individual income tax subtraction created; JSCTE appendix report; additional funding for UW System and DPI special education aid -
SB1068Motor carrier safety improvement used or deployed by motor vehicle operator for a motor carrier is not evidence of employment rather than independent contractor for WC, UI, minimum wage, wage claims, and income and franchise tax law purposes -
AB691Motor carrier safety improvement used or deployed by motor vehicle operator for a motor carrier is not evidence of employment rather than independent contractor for WC, UI, minimum wage, wage claims, and income and franchise tax law purposes -
SB703Prevailing wage required for certain public works; repealing certain highway project requirements [Sec. 247, 1113, 1175-1181, 1481, 1482, 1537, 1615, 1659, 1660, 1662-1665, 1667, 1671, 1707, 1780, 1801-1803, 2456, 2471, 2493, 3336, 3457, 9350 (7), (8)] [original bill only] -
AB68Prevailing wage required for certain public works; repealing certain highway project requirements [Sec. 247, 1113, 1175-1181, 1481, 1482, 1537, 1615, 1659, 1660, 1662-1665, 1667, 1671, 1707, 1780, 1801-1803, 2456, 2471, 2493, 3336, 3457, 9350 (7), (8)] -
SB111Electronics recycling waste cleanup in certain counties -
AB943CAFO WPDES fees increased [Sec. 2645] [original bill only] -
AB68CAFO WPDES fees increased [Sec. 2645] -
SB111Clean Water Fund and Safe Drinking Water Loan programs: application process changes -
AB501Clean Water Fund and Safe Drinking Water Loan programs: application process changes -
SB489Clean Water Fund Program and Safe Drinking Water Loan Program: application process changes [Sec. 2610-2612, 2631-2633, 2635] [original bill only] -
AB68Clean Water Fund Program and Safe Drinking Water Loan Program: application process changes [Sec. 2610-2612, 2631-2633, 2635] -
SB111Clean Water Fund Program and Safe Drinking Water Loan Program funding limit from the environmental improvement fund [Sec. 2619; A.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, Sec. 367; A.Amdt.9: further revisions] -
AB68Clean Water Fund Program and Safe Drinking Water Loan Program funding limit from the environmental improvement fund [Sec. 2619] -
SB111Clean Water Fund Program appropriation language revised [Sec. 346; A.Sub.Amdt:2: further revisions, Sec. 53] -
AB68Clean Water Fund Program appropriation language revised [Sec. 346] -
SB111External peer review process for administrative rules created; comments on statements of scope from persons who may be regulated required; notice and review of proposed groundwater standards -
AB987External peer review process for administrative rules created; comments on statements of scope from persons who may be regulated required; notice and review of proposed groundwater standards -
SB894Fenwood Creek watershed pilot project funding -
AB1043Fenwood Creek watershed pilot project funding -
SB968Groundwater recharge systems installation: exception to certain DNR prohibition -
AB500Groundwater recharge systems installation: exception to certain DNR prohibition -
SB501Gulf Hypoxia Action Plan: continued support for efforts by states along the Mississippi River Basin to reduce the hypoxic zone in the northern Gulf of Mexico -
AJR104Gulf Hypoxia Action Plan: continued support for efforts by states along the Mississippi River Basin to reduce the hypoxic zone in the northern Gulf of Mexico -
SJR86Lead service line replacement, urban nonpoint source program, rural nonpoint source program, well compensation grant program, and grants for well testing and public education: allocating certain federal moneys to -
AB243Lead service line replacement, urban nonpoint source program, rural nonpoint source program, well compensation grant program, and grants for well testing and public education: allocating certain federal moneys to -
SB271Nekoosa storm water project appropriation, sunset provision [A.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 49, 50, 9432 (4)] -
AB68Nitrogen optimization pilot program: grants to farmers re reducing nitrate loading to groundwater [Sec. 263, 1562] [original bill only] -
AB68Nitrogen optimization pilot program: grants to farmers re reducing nitrate loading to groundwater [Sec. 263, 1562] -
SB111Nonpoint source water pollution abatement projects: additional public debt [A.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 98] -
AB68Nonpoint source water pollution bonding authority [Sec. 506] [original bill only] -
AB68Nonpoint source water pollution bonding authority [Sec. 506] -
SB111PFAS: groundwater, drinking water, water quality, soil and sediment residual contamination, and air emissions standards; grant programs changes; fire fighting foam regulations; food packaging, financial responsibility, and reports provisions -
AB419PFAS: groundwater, drinking water, water quality, soil and sediment residual contamination, and air emissions standards; grant programs changes; fire fighting foam regulations; food packaging, financial responsibility, and reports provisions -
SB361Property assessed clean energy (PACE) program changes -
AB719Property assessed clean energy (PACE) program changes -
SB692Storm water permit appropriation [Sec. 356] [original bill only] -
AB68Storm water permit appropriation [Sec. 356] -
SB111Urban storm water, flood control, and riparian restoration bonding authority [Sec. 507; A.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 99] -
AB68Urban storm water, flood control, and riparian restoration bonding authority [Sec. 507] -
SB111Clean Water Fund and Safe Drinking Water Loan programs: application process changes -
AB501Clean Water Fund and Safe Drinking Water Loan programs: application process changes -
SB489Clean Water Fund Program and Safe Drinking Water Loan Program: application process changes [Sec. 2610-2612, 2631-2633, 2635] [original bill only] -
AB68Clean Water Fund Program and Safe Drinking Water Loan Program: application process changes [Sec. 2610-2612, 2631-2633, 2635] -
SB111Clean Water Fund Program and Safe Drinking Water Loan Program funding limit from the environmental improvement fund [Sec. 2619; A.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, Sec. 367; A.Amdt.9: further revisions] -
AB68Clean Water Fund Program and Safe Drinking Water Loan Program funding limit from the environmental improvement fund [Sec. 2619] -
SB111Lead service line replacement: appropriation for forgivable loans -
AB444Lead service line replacement: appropriation for forgivable loans -
SB439Lead service line replacement: appropriation for forgivable loans [Sec. 48, 333, 2634] [original bill only] -
AB68Lead service line replacement: appropriation for forgivable loans [Sec. 48, 333, 2634] -
SB111Lead service line replacement projects re private users of public water systems: bonding authority of the Safe Drinking Water Loan Program increased to provide forgivable loans -
AB1173Lead service line replacement, urban nonpoint source program, rural nonpoint source program, well compensation grant program, and grants for well testing and public education: allocating certain federal moneys to -
AB243Lead service line replacement, urban nonpoint source program, rural nonpoint source program, well compensation grant program, and grants for well testing and public education: allocating certain federal moneys to -
SB271PFAS: groundwater, drinking water, water quality, soil and sediment residual contamination, and air emissions standards; grant programs changes; fire fighting foam regulations; food packaging, financial responsibility, and reports provisions -
AB419PFAS: groundwater, drinking water, water quality, soil and sediment residual contamination, and air emissions standards; grant programs changes; fire fighting foam regulations; food packaging, financial responsibility, and reports provisions -
SB361PFAS group of substances: DNR to establish and enforce standards, emergency rules provisions [Sec. 2294-2296, 2606, 2646, 2670, 2671, 2673, 2674, 9132 (4)-(7), 9432 (1)] [original bill only] -
AB68PFAS group of substances: DNR to establish and enforce standards, emergency rules provisions [Sec. 2294-2296, 2606, 2646, 2670, 2671, 2673, 2674, 9132 (4)-(7), 9432 (1)] -
SB111PFAS testing in schools and daycares: appropriation created -
AB1164PFAS testing in schools and daycares: appropriation created -