An Act to renumber and amend 76.81; and to create 76.81 (2) of the statutes; Relating to: exempting personal property from the tax imposed on telephone companies. (FE)
Date / House | Action | Journal |
7/27/2023 Asm. | Introduced by Representatives Steffen, Brooks, Rettinger and Wichgers; cosponsored by Senators Bradley, Nass and Quinn | |
7/27/2023 Asm. | Read first time and referred to Committee on Ways and Means | |
7/27/2023 Asm. | Read first time and referred to Joint Survey Committee on Tax Exemptions | |
8/1/2023 Asm. | Fiscal estimate received | |
8/15/2023 Asm. | Fiscal estimate received | |
12/5/2023 Asm. | Assembly Amendment 1 offered by Representative Steffen | |
1/11/2024 Asm. | Public hearing held | |
1/11/2024 Asm. | Representative Dittrich added as a coauthor | |
2/1/2024 Asm. | Executive action taken | |
2/1/2024 Asm. | Report Assembly Amendment 1 adoption recommended by Committee on Ways and Means, Ayes 11, Noes 0 | |
2/1/2024 Asm. | Report passage as amended recommended by Committee on Ways and Means, Ayes 7, Noes 4 | |
2/1/2024 Asm. | Referred to joint committee on Finance | |
2/1/2024 Asm. | Executive action taken by joint committee on Finance | |
2/6/2024 Asm. | Report Assembly Amendment 1 adoption recommended by Joint Committee on Finance, Ayes 11, Noes 4 | |
2/6/2024 Asm. | Report passage as amended recommended by Joint Committee on Finance, Ayes 11, Noes 4 | |
2/6/2024 Asm. | Referred to committee on Rules | |
2/19/2024 Asm. | Assembly Amendment 2 offered by Representative Steffen | |
2/20/2024 Asm. | Made a special order of business at 10:15 AM on 2-22-2024 pursuant to Assembly Resolution 28 | |
2/22/2024 Asm. | Laid on the table | |
4/15/2024 Asm. | Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1 |