2023-2024 Wisconsin Legislature

Assembly Bill 438

An Act to repeal 77.705, 77.707 (1), 77.76 (6), 229.64 (2), 229.65 (7), 229.66 (2) (b), 229.66 (2) (c), 229.66 (2) (g), 229.68 (11), 229.68 (15) and 229.682 (3); to renumber 77.707 (2); to renumber and amend 229.64 (1); to amend 16.58 (3), 77.54 (41), 77.707 (1), 77.71 (intro.), (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5), 77.76 (4), 79.037 (2) (intro.), 79.037 (3), 229.65 (1), 229.66 (2) (a), 229.66 (4), 229.67, 229.68 (intro.), 229.68 (4) (b), 229.68 (4) (d), 229.68 (7), 229.68 (9), 229.68 (12), 229.68 (13), 229.68 (16) (intro.), 229.68 (16) (a), 229.682 (1), 229.682 (4), 229.682 (7), 229.685 (1), 229.69 (4), 229.71, 229.75 (3), 229.76 and 341.14 (6r) (b) 13. b.; to repeal and recreate 229.66 (3); and to create 16.09, 25.17 (1) (es), 77.54 (9a) (gm), 79.037 (4), 229.65 (6m), 229.66 (2) (bm), 229.66 (2) (cm), 229.66 (2) (gm), 229.68 (8) (d), 229.68 (8m), 229.6802, 229.6805, 229.682 (9), 229.682 (10), 229.682 (11), 229.685 (3), 229.687, 229.695 and 229.80 of the statutes; Relating to: baseball park district administration and funding for improvement of professional baseball park facilities. (FE)

Status: A - Enacted into Law

Important Actions (newest first)

Date / House Action Journal
12/5/2023 Asm.Published 12-6-2023492
11/14/2023 Asm.Senate Substitute Amendment 1 concurred in, Ayes 72, Noes 26471
11/14/2023 Sen.Ordered immediately messaged, Ayes 26, Noes 7611


Date / House Action Journal
9/28/2023 Asm.Introduced by Representatives Brooks, Duchow, Binsfeld, Rozar, O'Connor, Plumer, Melotik, Schmidt, Michalski and Swearingen;
cosponsored by Senator Feyen
9/28/2023 Asm.Read first time and referred to Committee on State Affairs311
10/5/2023 Asm.Public hearing held 
10/11/2023 Asm.Referred to joint survey committee on Tax Exemptions pursuant to s. 13.52 Wisconsin Statutes336
10/12/2023 Asm.Assembly Amendment 1 offered by Representative Brooks346
10/12/2023 Asm.Fiscal estimate received 
10/12/2023 Asm.Report Assembly Amendment 1 adoption recommended by Committee on State Affairs, Ayes 14, Noes 0340
10/12/2023 Asm.Report passage as amended recommended by Committee on State Affairs, Ayes 13, Noes 1341
10/12/2023 Asm.Referred to committee on Rules341
10/12/2023 Asm.Placed on calendar 10-17-2023 by Committee on Rules 
10/13/2023 Asm.Fiscal estimate received 
10/16/2023 Asm.Executive action taken by joint survey committee on Tax Exemptions 
10/16/2023 Asm.Report of Joint Survey Committee on Tax Exemptions received, Ayes 5, Noes 4 
10/17/2023 Asm.Read a second time358
10/17/2023 Asm.Assembly Amendment 1 adopted358
10/17/2023 Asm.Ordered to a third reading358
10/17/2023 Asm.Rules suspended358
10/17/2023 Asm.Read a third time and passed, Ayes 69, Noes 27358
10/17/2023 Asm.Ordered immediately messaged359
10/17/2023 Sen.Received from Assembly521
10/18/2023 Sen.Read first time and referred to committee on Government Operations540
10/25/2023 Sen.Public hearing held 
11/7/2023 Sen.Senate Amendment 1 offered by Senator Feyen574
11/8/2023 Sen.LRB correction591
11/8/2023 Sen.Executive action taken 
11/8/2023 Sen.Report adoption of Senate Amendment 1 recommended by Committee on Government Operations, Ayes 5, Noes 0589
11/8/2023 Sen.Report concurrence as amended recommended by Committee on Government Operations, Ayes 3, Noes 2589
11/8/2023 Sen.Available for scheduling 
11/8/2023 Sen.Withdrawn from committee on Senate Organization and rereferred to joint committee on Finance pursuant to Senate Rule 46(2)(c)591
11/8/2023 Sen.Executive action taken 
11/8/2023 Sen.Report adoption of Senate Amendment 1 recommended by Joint Committee on Finance, Ayes 15, Noes 0589
11/8/2023 Sen.Report concurrence as amended recommended by Joint Committee on Finance, Ayes 14, Noes 1589
11/8/2023 Sen.Available for scheduling 
11/13/2023 Sen.Placed on calendar 11-14-2023 pursuant to Senate Rule 18(1)603
11/13/2023 Sen.LRB correction603
11/14/2023 Sen.Senate Amendment 2 offered by Senator Nass606
11/14/2023 Sen.Senate Substitute Amendment 1 offered by Senator Feyen606
11/14/2023 Sen.Read a second time609
11/14/2023 Sen.Senate Substitute Amendment 1 adopted, Ayes 25, Noes 8609
11/14/2023 Sen.Ordered to a third reading609
11/14/2023 Sen.Rules suspended to give bill its third reading, Ayes 26, Noes 7609
11/14/2023 Sen.Read a third time609
11/14/2023 Sen.Refused to suspend the rules to return to the amendable stage, Ayes 15, Noes 18609
11/14/2023 Sen.Concurred in as amended, Ayes 19, Noes 14609
11/14/2023 Sen.Ordered immediately messaged, Ayes 26, Noes 7611
11/14/2023 Asm.Received from Senate amended and concurred in as amended (Senate Substitute Amendment 1 adopted)470
11/14/2023 Asm.Senate Substitute Amendment 1 concurred in, Ayes 72, Noes 26471
11/14/2023 Asm.Action ordered immediately messaged471
11/15/2023 Asm.LRB correction (Senate Substitute Amendment 1)475
11/15/2023 Asm.Report correctly enrolled on 11-15-2023475
11/30/2023 Asm.Presented to the Governor on 11-30-2023487
12/5/2023 Asm.Report approved by the Governor on 12-5-2023. 2023 Wisconsin Act 40492
12/5/2023 Asm.Published 12-6-2023492
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