2023-2024 Wisconsin Legislature

Assembly Bill 19

An Act to create 15.197 (20), 20.435 (1) (cd) and 255.45 of the statutes; Relating to: spinal cord injury research grants and symposia and making an appropriation. (FE)

Status: S - Finance

Important Actions (newest first)

Date / House Action Journal
4/15/2024 Sen.Failed to concur in pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1970
10/5/2023 Asm.Report passage as amended recommended by Committee on Colleges and Universities, Ayes 13, Noes 0323


Date / House Action Journal
2/7/2023 Asm.Introduced by Representatives Tittl, Wittke, J. Anderson, Bare, Baldeh, Cabrera, Clancy, Conley, Duchow, Gundrum, Haywood, Madison, Magnafici, Mursau, O'Connor, Ortiz-Velez, Riemer, Rozar, Sinicki, Spiros, Subeck, Summerfield, Tusler and Vining;
cosponsored by Senators Wanggaard, Carpenter, Cabral-Guevara, Hesselbein, James, Spreitzer, Taylor and Tomczyk
2/7/2023 Asm.Read first time and referred to Committee on Colleges and Universities30
2/8/2023 Asm.Representative Joers added as a coauthor32
3/3/2023 Asm.Fiscal estimate received 
3/10/2023 Asm.Representative Jacobson added as a coauthor62
3/16/2023 Asm.Public hearing held 
3/22/2023 Asm.Assembly Amendment 1 offered by Representative Tittl74
3/29/2023 Asm.Representative Emerson added as a coauthor90
3/29/2023 Asm.Representative Stubbs added as a coauthor90
3/30/2023 Asm.Executive action taken 
7/27/2023 Asm.Representative Andraca added as a coauthor247
8/1/2023 Asm.Representatives Billings and Hong added as coauthors248
8/7/2023 Asm.Representative Ratcliff added as a coauthor258
8/8/2023 Asm.Representative Steffen added as a coauthor258
8/10/2023 Asm.Representative Drake added as a coauthor260
8/14/2023 Asm.Representative C. Anderson added as a coauthor262
8/18/2023 Asm.Representative Snodgrass added as a coauthor263
10/5/2023 Asm.Report Assembly Amendment 1 adoption recommended by Committee on Colleges and Universities, Ayes 12, Noes 0323
10/5/2023 Asm.Report passage as amended recommended by Committee on Colleges and Universities, Ayes 13, Noes 0323
10/5/2023 Asm.Referred to joint committee on Finance323
2/20/2024 Asm.Withdrawn from joint committee on Finance and referred to committee on Rules pursuant to Assembly 42 (3)(c)744
2/20/2024 Asm.Made a special order of business at 11:27 AM on 2-22-2024 pursuant to Assembly Resolution 29744
2/22/2024 Asm.Read a second time780
2/22/2024 Asm.Assembly Amendment 1 adopted780
2/22/2024 Asm.Ordered to a third reading780
2/22/2024 Asm.Rules suspended780
2/22/2024 Asm.Read a third time and passed780
2/22/2024 Asm.Ordered immediately messaged780
2/23/2024 Sen.Received from Assembly860
2/26/2024 Sen.Read first time and referred to joint committee on Finance866
3/7/2024 Sen.Representative Shankland added as a coauthor897
4/15/2024 Sen.Failed to concur in pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1970
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