An Act to amend 66.1105 (7) (ak) 2. and 66.1105 (7) (am) 4. a.; and to create 66.1105 (6) (a) 21., 66.1105 (6) (g) 4. and 66.1105 (7) (ak) 6. of the statutes; relating to: the maximum life and allocation period for Tax Incremental District Number 4 in the city of Antigo.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1
. 66.1105 (6) (a) 21. of the statutes is created to read:
66.1105 (6) (a) 21. Thirty-two years after the tax incremental district is created if the district is Tax Incremental District Number 4 in the city of Antigo.
2. 66.1105 (6) (g) 4. of the statutes is created to read:
66.1105 (6) (g) 4. This paragraph does not apply to Tax Incremental District Number 4 in the city of Antigo.
3. 66.1105 (7) (ak) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
66.1105 (7) (ak) 2. Except as provided in par. (am) 4., for a district that is created after September 30, 1995, and before October 1, 2004, and that is not subject to subd. 1., 4., or 5., or 6., 23 years after the district was created, and, except as provided in subd. 3., for a district that is created before October 1, 1995, 27 years after the district is created.
Section 4
. 66.1105 (7) (ak) 6. of the statutes is created to read:
66.1105 (7) (ak) 6. Except as provided in par. (am) 4., for Tax Incremental District Number 4 in the city of Antigo, 32 years after the district is created.
5. 66.1105 (7) (am) 4. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
66.1105 (7) (am) 4. a. At any time during the district's existence, but subject to sub. (8) (e), the city that created the district described under subd. 1., 2., or 3. or par. (ak) 1. or, 2., or 6. may request that the joint review board extend the life of the district for an additional 3 years in addition to an extension authorized under subd. 1., 2., or 3., if during the district's existence, the annual and total amount of tax increments to be generated over the life of the district are adversely impacted by 2013 Wisconsin Act 145.