“Ho-Chunk World War II Code Talkers Memorial Highway”: DOT to designate and mark portion of I 90 in La Crosse and Monroe counties as - Act 216
Menominee Indian tribe child welfare services funding [Sec. 111, 146] - Act 19
Nontaxable tribal land: shared revenue payments to counties to compensate for lost property taxes; sunset provision [Sec. 151, 152, 163, 164, 9451 (1)] [152, 154, 9451 (1) -- vetoed] - Act 19
Opportunity attraction and promotion program: WEDC to establish and administer grants; annual report required - Act 169
Peer support teams and critical incident stress management (CISM) services teams for various law enforcement, fire protection, and emergency medical service agencies: DOJ to establish; privileged communication provisions - Act 220
Pre-disaster flood resilience grant program for local governmental units created; DEM to administer - Act 265
Pupils who have asthma: schools required to adopt a management plan which includes standing orders for short-acting bronchodilators; advanced practice nurse prescriber, physician assistant, and physician provisions and civil liability immunity - Act 195
Tribal elder community food box program; funding from tribal gaming receipts [Sec. 53, 145, 385] - Act 19
Tribal nation welcome signs within the right-of-way of certain highways - Act 74
Tribal subsidized guardianships [Sec. 112, 114, 147, 249, 259-281] - Act 19
Undesignated glucagon: prescriptions and standing orders to public, private, charter, and tribal schools from specified medical personnel; administration by school personnel; civil liability immunity - Act 193
industrial developmentIndustrial development, see also Business
BioForward, Inc.: WEDC grant re designation as a regional technology and innovation hub by federal government - Act 96
Electronic waste recycling program changes, fee provision - Act 108
Research credit: income and franchise tax credit revisions [Sec. 338-340, 342-345] - Act 19
Technical education equipment grants from DWD to school districts: conditions revised; adds construction fields - Act 165
information system or technologyInformation system or technology, see Data processing
Fraudulent insurance acts: OCI duties [Sec. 461] - Act 19
insurance _ commissioner office ofInsurance — Commissioner, Office of
Fraudulent insurance acts: OCI duties [Sec. 461] - Act 19
Insurance law changes and OCI duties modified - Act 212
Obsolete OCI appropriation eliminated [Sec. 54] [vetoed] - Act 19
Dental benefits: assignment of reimbursement for services directly to a dental provider - Act 91
Federal Internal Revenue Code changes adopted re contribution to health savings account and telehealth or other remote care services - Act 35
Insurance law changes and OCI duties modified - Act 212
Permitted electronic transmissions under employer-sponsored health insurance policies and plans - Act 78
SeniorCare participants allowed to purchase 100-day prescription drug supplies; administrative rule revision and DHS to apply for federal Medicaid waiver [Admin.Code DHS 109.31] - Act 71
insurance _ life and accidentInsurance — Life and accident
Insurance law changes and OCI duties modified - Act 212
insurance _ motor vehicleInsurance — Motor vehicle
Motor vehicle certificate of title application by nonresident insurance company: rules revised [Admin.Code Trans 154.13] - Act 161
Peer-to-peer motor vehicle sharing program: requirements and insurance provisions [vetoed] - AB395
insurance _ mutualInsurance — Mutual
Insurance law changes and OCI duties modified - Act 212
insurance _ premiumInsurance — Premium
Licensing and regulation by DFI of consumer lenders, payday lenders, money transmitters, sales finance companies, collection agencies, mortgage bankers and mortgage brokers, adjustment service companies, community currency exchanges, and insurance premium finance companies; the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry; ABLE program established in DFI; rules revised [Admin.Code DFI-Bkg 74.01, 74.03, 74.04, 74.05, 74.06, 74.07, 74.10, 74.11, 74.12, 74.14, 74.16, 75.01, 75.08] - Act 267
intellectual disabilitiesIntellectual disabilities, see also Persons with disabilities
Alerts for missing adult at risk expanded to include persons under age 18 whose situation does not qualify for another alert - Act 272
Financial exploitation of vulnerable adults is suspected: process for financial service provider to create list of persons to be contacted who are authorized by vulnerable adult - Act 132
Interest rates on late, nondelinquent taxes or fees owed to and overpayments refunded by DOR [vetoed] - AB1089
internal revenueInternal revenue, see Income tax
international relationsInternational relations, see also Refugees
Internationally trained physicians: provisional licenses to practice medicine and surgery - Act 214
Nathan and Esther Pelz Holocaust Education Resource Center: funding from DPI to the Milwaukee Jewish Federation in support of - Act 248
Wisconsin-Ireland Trade Commission: WEDC to create advisory committee; report required - Act 170
interstate compactInterstate compact
Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact ratified; emergency rule provision - Act 56
Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact ratified; emergency rule provision [vetoed] - Se3 SB1
Counseling Compact ratified - Act 55
Counseling Compact ratified [vetoed] - Se3 SB1
Dentist and Dental Hygienist Compact ratified - Act 88
PA (physician assistant) Licensure Compact ratified - Act 81
PA (physician assistant) Licensure Compact ratified [vetoed] - Se3 SB1
Preliminary health care credentials: DSPS to grant to previously unlicensed individuals under set conditions; Social Work Licensure Compact ratified [vetoed] - SB158
Social Work Licensure Compact ratified [vetoed] - Se3 SB1
interstate relationsInterstate relations, see also Reciprocity
Income tax reciprocity between Wisconsin and Minnesota: study by respective departments of revenue required; agreement conditions and approval by Governor and JCF - Act 147
Licensing and regulation by DFI of consumer lenders, payday lenders, money transmitters, sales finance companies, collection agencies, mortgage bankers and mortgage brokers, adjustment service companies, community currency exchanges, and insurance premium finance companies; the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry; ABLE program established in DFI; rules revised [Admin.Code DFI-Bkg 74.01, 74.03, 74.04, 74.05, 74.06, 74.07, 74.10, 74.11, 74.12, 74.14, 74.16, 75.01, 75.08] - Act 267
MA health services provided via telehealth by out-of-state health provider: physical address in this state not required - Act 180
Telehealth by out-of-state mental health care providers: conditions set; DSPS forms provision [vetoed] - AB541
Uniform Unsworn Foreign Declarations Act modified and Uniform Unsworn Declarations Act adopted in its place - Act 245
investment boardInvestment Board
Local professional baseball park district: administration and governing body changes; lease and nonrelocation agreements; facilities improvement funding; ticket surcharge; Milwaukee County sales tax and pension obligation bonds; audit and redevelopment report required - Act 40
jackson countyJackson County
Wisconsin Cranberry Research and Education Foundation in Jackson County: property tax exemption [Sec. 321, 9337 (1)] - Act 19
Active psychosis and mental health treatment for prisoners: training correctional officers to recognize and voluntary and emergency transfer to a mental health treatment facility or the Wisconsin Resource Center - Act 229
County jailers classified as protective occupation participant status for WRS purposes, MERA provision - Act 4
Election observer procedure revisions, penalty provisions [vetoed] - AB543
House of correction added to "county jailer" definition re public employee trust fund - Act 12
WRS contributions by certain county jailers certified as protective occupation participants: date reference correction (remedial legislation suggested by DETF) - Act 257
Advisory referendum on the question of requiring able-bodied, childless adults to look for work in order to receive taxpayer-funded welfare benefits [SJR4] - JR 3