Earl, Gov. Anthony S.: life and public service of the 41st Governor of Wisconsin honored [AJR28] - JR 4
Farrow, Margaret: life and public service of former Lieutenant Governor [SJR96] - JR 12
Floorperiods for the 2023-24 session established; budget deadline extended [SJR1] - JR 1
Kohl, Herb: life and public service of former U.S. Senator commended [SJR119] - JR 13
LeMahieu, Daniel Roy: life and public service of former state representative commended [AJR54] - JR 5
judgeJudge, see also Supreme Court
Judicial security profiles exempt from disclosure under the public records law - Act 236
Picketing or parading at the residence of a judge with intent to impede administration of justice or influence a judge made a crime - Act 234
Privacy protections for judicial officers created; judicial candidate provisions - Act 235
Candidate adjudged guilty of felony campaign finance or election fraud violations: court to order candidate committee dissolved and conditions on disbursement of funds specified - Act 52
justice department ofJustice, Department of
Alerts for missing adult at risk expanded to include persons under age 18 whose situation does not qualify for another alert - Act 272
Alternatives to prosecution and incarceration grant program appropriation changes [Sec. 119, 124, 125, 422, 9227 (1)] - Act 19
Beat patrol officers grant program repealed [Sec. 123, 423] [vetoed] - Act 19
Community-oriented policing-house grant program sunsetted [Sec. 117, 118, 424, 9427 (1)] - Act 19
Critical incident mapping data: DOJ grants to school board or governing body of private school modified [Sec. 9127 (1)] - Act 19
Domestic abuse services, sexual assault victim services, and child advocacy: grants for DOJ - Act 241
Elder abuse hotline and grant program [Sec. 120, 421] - Act 19
Human Trafficking Council created in DOJ; county sex trafficking task force and law enforcement officer to coordinate prevention and enforcement efforts encouraged under set conditions - Act 239
Payment card networks prohibited from using firearm merchant codes for retail payment card transactions; governmental entities prohibited from keeping lists of firearms owners, exception for criminal investigations or prosecutions; AG authority [vetoed] - SB466
Peer support teams and critical incident stress management (CISM) services teams for various law enforcement, fire protection, and emergency medical service agencies: DOJ to establish; privileged communication provisions - Act 220
School Safety, Office of: authorized positions increased; funding from concealed carry license fees - Act 240
School safety plan: “interactive critical mapping data” term replaces “critical incident mapping data” - Act 199
Sexual assault kits: time limit for processing, conditions set - Act 58
Wireless communication device location in emergency situation: provider to provide information to law enforcement under certain conditions, customer and court review provisions; emergency contact information provision - Act 232
Wisconsin State Crime Laboratories: division administrator included in definition of employee (remedial legislation suggested by DOJ) - Act 260
justicesJustices, see Supreme Court
juvenile courtJuvenile court
Juvenile court may impose pre-disposition restrictions on a juvenile that submits a denial at a plea hearing [vetoed] - SB836
Kinship care eligibility expansion and placement options; "like-kin" definition - Act 119
Possession of virtual child pornography: penalties for visual representations appearing to depict a child engaged in sexually explicit conduct - Act 224
Victim or witness who is an elder person: expediting proceedings in criminal and delinquency cases and juvenile dispositional hearings; preserving testimony in criminal matters - Act 231
juvenile delinquencyJuvenile delinquency, see also Juvenile court
Victim or witness who is an elder person: expediting proceedings in criminal and delinquency cases and juvenile dispositional hearings; preserving testimony in criminal matters - Act 231
juvenile detention facilityJuvenile detention facility
Juvenile correctional services: daily rates [Sec. 454g] - Act 19
kenosha countyKenosha County
TIDs in the Village of Pleasant Prairie: eliminating certain exemptions - Act 8
kettle moraineKettle Moraine, see Forestry
Early literacy instruction and reading readiness assessments and interventions: Office of Literacy and Council on Early Literacy Curricula created in DPI, teacher licensing and professional development training, model policy for promoting third graders to fourth grade, school district and school report cards, parent notification requirements, complaint by parent or guardian to DPI; reports and sunset provisions - Act 20
Early literacy professional development: expanding who may offer required training; reading readiness assessments administered in 2024-25 school year required - Act 192
Online early learning program sunset delayed [Sec. 473-476] [vetoed] - Act 19
kinship careKinship care, see Day care
la crosse countyLa Crosse County
“Ho-Chunk World War II Code Talkers Memorial Highway”: DOT to designate and mark portion of I 90 in La Crosse and Monroe counties as - Act 216
la pointe town ofLa Pointe, Town of, see Ashland County
Buffalo Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District grant [Sec. 9132 (4)] - Act 19
Echo Lake dam: grant to City of Burlington for restoration [Sec. 75] [vetoed] - Act 19
Fill on bed of the Great Lakes and river waterfront property: establishing lawful public or private use of; claim provision - Act 247
Great Lakes contaminated sediment removal: appropriation created [Sec. 71] - Act 19
Harbor Commission of the Town of La Pointe established and investigating potential for ferry service between Wisconsin mainland and Town of La Pointe: DOA grants; sunset provision [Sec. 138, 139, 9130 (1)] - Act 19
Lake Altoona sediment dredging: DNR grant to the Lake Altoona Protection and Rehabilitation District [Sec. 9132 (6)] - Act 19
Lake Mallalieu Association: grant for dredging [Sec. 78] [partial veto] - Act 19
Mirror Lake Management District: grant for dredging and gully rehabilitation [Sec. 9132 (2)] - Act 19
Producer-led watershed, lake, and river protection grants: eligibility expanded - Act 5
Public inland lake protection and rehabilitation district: email for notice of board business allowed - Act 62
landLand, see also Forestry; Wetland
De Pere Greenwood Cemetery: DSPS grant for erosion remediation [Sec. 9138 (1)] - Act 19
Land Recycling Loan Program eliminated and rule repealed [Admin.Code NR 167] - Act 6
land _ taxationLand — Taxation, see Property tax
County land conservation committee membership - Act 32
Judicial review of local governmental decisions re certain land development, local approval of residential housing development, and zoning ordinance amendments - Act 16
landlord and tenantLandlord and tenant
Main street housing rehabilitation revolving loan fund and loan program established re owners of rental housing; reports required - Act 15
landscape architectLandscape architect
Design professional services: prohibiting enforcement of indemnification provision in a contract with the state or a political subdivision - Act 211
langlade countyLanglade County
TID number 4 in the City of Antigo: maximum life and tax allocation period increased - Act 137
law enforcement standards boardLaw Enforcement Standards Board
Human Trafficking Council created in DOJ; county sex trafficking task force and law enforcement officer to coordinate prevention and enforcement efforts encouraged under set conditions - Act 239
LESB to pay law enforcement agencies for preparatory training expenses of recruits; minimum amount per officer increased - Act 227
Tactical EMS professional allowed to carry a firearm in prohibited areas; definition and LESB duties - Act 218
Local professional baseball park district: administration and governing body changes; lease and nonrelocation agreements; facilities improvement funding; ticket surcharge; Milwaukee County sales tax and pension obligation bonds; audit and redevelopment report required - Act 40
legislative audit bureauLegislative Audit Bureau
LAB performance audit of election processes following a general election required; noncompliance and report provisions [vetoed] - SB736
Local professional baseball park district: administration and governing body changes; lease and nonrelocation agreements; facilities improvement funding; ticket surcharge; Milwaukee County sales tax and pension obligation bonds; audit and redevelopment report required - Act 40
Retirement systems in first class cities and counties: sales and use tax imposed, reports required, new hires covered under WRS, and City of Milwaukee and Milwaukee County systems closed to new employees; collective bargaining provision - Act 12
legislative reference bureauLegislative Reference Bureau