SB70-AA1,1057 15Section 1057. 13.48 (30) (a) 1. of the statutes is repealed.
SB70-AA1,1058 16Section 1058. 13.48 (30) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA1,469,317 13.48 (30) (b) The legislature finds and determines that the provision of
18broadband Internet access is essential to the welfare of the citizens of this state and
19to economic development in this state, and therefore the provision of broadband
20Internet access is a government function and a statewide responsibility of statewide
21dimension. The legislature further determines that sufficient private capital has
22been and continues to be unavailable to fulfill the need for the development of
23broadband Internet access in
underserved and unserved areas in this state. It is
24therefore in the public interest, and it is the public policy of this state, to assist the

1public service commission in making broadband expansion grants under s. 196.504
2(2) (a) for the purpose of constructing broadband infrastructure in
underserved and
3unserved areas of this state.
SB70-AA1,1059 4Section 1059. 24.40 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA1,469,95 24.40 (3) Notwithstanding s. 28.02 (5) or any contrary rule promulgated by the
6department, if the department grants an easement under sub. (1r) for the
7construction of broadband infrastructure in underserved unserved areas, as
8designated under s. 196.504 (2) (d) (e), the department may not require any appraisal
9or the payment of any fee to grant the easement.
SB70-AA1,1060 10Section 1060. 86.16 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA1,469,1511 86.16 (6) If the department consents under sub. (1) to the construction of
12broadband infrastructure in underserved unserved areas, as designated under s.
13196.504 (2) (d) (e), the department may not charge any fee for the initial issuance of
14any permit necessary to construct broadband infrastructure along, across, or within
15the limits of a highway.
SB70-AA1,1061 16Section 1061. 196.504 (1) (b) of the statutes is repealed.
SB70-AA1,1062 17Section 1062. 196.504 (1) (c) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA1,470,418 196.504 (1) (c) 2. Provided at actual speeds of at least 20 percent of the upload
19and download speeds for advanced telecommunications capability as designated by
20the federal communications commission in its inquiries regarding advanced
21telecommunications capability under 47 USC 1302 (b)
download speeds of 100
22megabits per second or greater and upload speeds of 20 megabits per second or
23greater. Beginning on July 1 of the 2nd calendar year beginning after the effective
24date of this subdivision .... [LRB inserts date], and on July 1 of each successive
25odd-numbered year thereafter, the commission may adjust the threshold speeds

1designated in this subdivision if, upon review, it determines there is good cause to
2do so in order to align with changes in technology and actual market conditions. If
3the commission adjusts these threshold speeds, it shall publicize the adjusted speed
4thresholds on its website
SB70-AA1,1063 5Section 1063. 196.504 (1) (c) 3. of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-AA1,470,66 196.504 (1) (c) 3. Available, reliable, and affordable.
SB70-AA1,1064 7Section 1064. 196.504 (2) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 2021 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
SB70-AA1,470,139 196.504 (2) (a) To make broadband expansion grants to eligible applicants for
10the purpose of constructing broadband infrastructure in underserved unserved
11areas designated under par. (d) (e). Grants awarded under this section subsection
12shall be paid from the appropriations under ss. 20.155 (3) (c), (r), and (rm) and 20.866
13(2) (z), in the amount allocated under s. 20.866 (2) (z) 5.
SB70-AA1,1065 14Section 1065. 196.504 (2) (c) of the statutes is renumbered 196.504 (2) (c) 1.
15(intro.) and amended to read:
SB70-AA1,470,1816 196.504 (2) (c) 1. (intro.) To establish criteria for evaluating applications and
17awarding grants under this section subsection. The criteria shall prohibit grants
18give priority to all of the following:
SB70-AA1,470,21 19a. Grants that do not have the effect of subsidizing the expenses of a provider
20of telecommunications service, as defined in s. 182.017 (1g) (cq), or the monthly bills
21of customers of those providers. The criteria shall give priority to projects
SB70-AA1,470,23 22c. Projects that include at least 40 percent matching funds, and shall give
23higher priority to projects with more than 40 percent matching funds.
SB70-AA1,470,25 24d. Projects that involve public-private partnerships , that affect unserved
1e. Projects that are scalable,.
SB70-AA1,471,4 2f. Projects that promote economic development , that will not result in delaying
3the provision of broadband service to areas neighboring areas to be served by the
4proposed project, or
SB70-AA1,471,6 5g. Projects that affect a large geographic area that is difficult to connect or a
6large number of underserved unserved individuals or communities.
SB70-AA1,471,8 72. When evaluating grant applications under this section subsection, the
8commission shall consider the all of the following:
SB70-AA1,471,12 9a. The degree to which the proposed projects would duplicate existing
10broadband infrastructure, information about the presence of which is provided to the
11commission by the applicant or another person within a time period designated by
12the commission; the.
SB70-AA1,471,14 13b. The impacts of the proposed projects on the ability of individuals to access
14health care services from home and the cost of those services; and the.
SB70-AA1,471,16 15c. The impacts of the proposed projects on the ability of students to access
16educational opportunities from home.
SB70-AA1,1066 17Section 1066. 196.504 (2) (c) 1. b. of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-AA1,471,1818 196.504 (2) (c) 1. b. Require that projects serve unserved areas.
SB70-AA1,1067 19Section 1067. 196.504 (2) (c) 1. h. of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-AA1,472,420 196.504 (2) (c) 1. h. Projects that are capable of offering service at actual
21download speeds of 100 megabits per second or greater and upload speeds of 100
22megabits per second or greater and shall give higher priority to projects that are
23capable of exceeding these speeds. Beginning on July 1 of the 2nd calendar year
24beginning after the effective date of this subdivision .... [LRB inserts date], and on
25July 1 of each successive odd-numbered year thereafter, the commission may adjust

1the threshold service speeds designated in this subdivision if, upon review, it
2determines there is good cause to do so in order to align with changes in technology
3and actual market conditions. If the commission adjusts these threshold speeds, it
4shall publicize the adjusted speeds on its website.
SB70-AA1,1068 5Section 1068. 196.504 (2) (c) 2. d. and e. of the statutes are created to read:
SB70-AA1,472,66 196.504 (2) (c) 2. d. The affordability of the service.
SB70-AA1,472,87 e. All federal funding for broadband facilities in the project area of the proposed
SB70-AA1,1069 9Section 1069. 196.504 (2) (d) of the statutes is repealed.
SB70-AA1,1070 10Section 1070. 196.504 (2t) of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-AA1,472,1411 196.504 (2t) (a) Within 10 days of the close of the broadband expansion grant
12application process, the commission shall publish on its website the proposed
13geographic broadband service area and the proposed broadband service speeds for
14each application for a broadband expansion grant submitted.
SB70-AA1,472,1815 (b) An Internet service provider in or proximate to the proposed project area
16may, within 30 days of publication of the information under par. (a), submit in writing
17to the commission a challenge to an application. A challenge shall contain
18information demonstrating one of the following:
SB70-AA1,472,2219 1. The provider currently provides available, reliable, and affordable fixed
20wireless or wired broadband service to any part of the proposed project area at
21download speeds of 100 megabits per second or greater and upload speeds of 20
22megabits per second or greater.
SB70-AA1,473,423 2. The provider commits to complete construction of broadband infrastructure
24and to provide available, reliable, and affordable fixed wireless or wired broadband
25service to any part of the proposed project area at speeds equal to or greater than the

1speeds described under subd. 1. no later than 24 months after the date of the
2commission's order awarding broadband expansion grants. The provider shall
3submit documentation showing this commitment, including engineering plans,
4invoices related to project materials, permit applications, and a project timeline.
SB70-AA1,473,85 (bm) An Internet service provider that submits a challenge under this
6subsection shall allow the commission to inspect the broadband infrastructure
7identified by a provider in a challenge under par. (b) 1. or 2. to ensure it meets
8minimum service standards.
SB70-AA1,473,139 (c) The commission shall evaluate an Internet service provider's challenge
10under this subsection, and is prohibited from funding any portion of a project relating
11to the area that is the subject of the challenge if the commission determines that the
12challenger's provision of or commitment to provide broadband service that meets the
13requirements of par. (b) in that area is credible.
SB70-AA1,473,2514 (d) If the commission denies funding to an applicant as a result of an Internet
15service provider's challenge made under this subsection and the Internet service
16provider does not fulfill its commitment to provide available, reliable, and affordable
17broadband service in the area that is the subject of the challenge, the commission is
18prohibited from awarding grant funding to that Internet service provider for the
19following 2 grant cycles and that Internet service provider is prohibited from
20participating in the challenge process under par. (b) for the following 2 grant cycles,
21unless the commission determines that the Internet service provider's failure to
22fulfill its commitment was the result of factors beyond the Internet service provider's
23control. The commission shall give priority scoring treatment to an application
24targeting a grant project area that remains unserved as a result of a successful
25challenge and an unfulfilled commitment.
1Section 1071. 196.504 (3) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA1,474,42 196.504 (3) (intro.) The commission shall encourage the development of
3broadband infrastructure in underserved unserved areas of the state and do all of the
SB70-AA1,9336 5Section 9336. Initial applicability; Public Service Commission.
SB70-AA1,474,126 (1) Broadband expansion grant program. The treatment of ss. 13.48 (30) (a)
7(intro.), 1., and 2. and (b), 24.40 (3), 86.16 (6), and 196.504 (1) (b) and (c) 2. and 3.,
8(2) (a) and (d), (2t), and (3) (intro.), the renumbering and amendment of s. 196.504
9(2) (c), and the creation of s. 196.504 (2) (c) 1. b. and h. and 2. d. and e. first apply to
10an application for a broadband expansion grant submitted pursuant to s. 196.504
11during the grant application period that begins after the effective date of this
SB70-AA1,1072 13Section 1072. 20.005 (3) (schedule) of the statutes: at the appropriate place,
14insert the following amounts for the purposes indicated: - See PDF for table PDF
SB70-AA1,1073 15Section 1073. 20.155 (3) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-AA1,474,1716 20.155 (3) (b) Broadband line extension grants. The amounts in the schedule
17for financial assistance grants for broadband line extension under s. 196.504 (2r).
SB70-AA1,1074 18Section 1074. 20.155 (3) (r) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA1,475,319 20.155 (3) (r) Broadband expansion grants; transfers. From the universal
20service fund, all moneys transferred under s. 196.218 (3) (a) 2s. a., 2015 Wisconsin

1Act 55, section 9236 (1v), 2017 Wisconsin Act 59, section 9237 (1) and (2) (a), and 2019
2Wisconsin Act 9
, section 9201 (1), for broadband expansion grants under s. 196.504
SB70-AA1,1075 4Section 1075. 20.155 (3) (rm) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA1,475,75 20.155 (3) (rm) Broadband grants; other funding. From the universal service
6fund, as a continuing appropriation, all moneys transferred under s. 196.218 (3) (a)
72s. b., for broadband expansion grants under s. 196.504 (2).
SB70-AA1,1076 8Section 1076. 196.504 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA1,475,139 196.504 (2) (b) To prescribe the form, nature, and extent of the information that
10shall be contained in an application for a grant under this section subsection. The
11application shall require the applicant to identify the area of the state that will be
12affected by the proposed project and explain how the proposed project will increase
13broadband access.
SB70-AA1,1077 14Section 1077. 196.504 (2r) of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-AA1,475,1615 196.504 (2r) The commission shall administer the line extension assistance
16program and shall have the following powers:
SB70-AA1,475,2217 (a) To make financial assistance grants to residents of properties that are not
18served by a broadband service provider to assist in paying the customer costs
19associated with line extension necessary to connect broadband service to the
20properties. The amount of a financial assistance grant under this subsection may
21not exceed $4,000. Grants awarded under this subsection shall be paid from the
22appropriation under s. 20.155 (3) (b).
SB70-AA1,475,2523 (b) To establish criteria for evaluating applications and awarding financial
24assistance grants under this subsection. The criteria shall give priority to properties
25that serve as a primary residence.
1Section 1078. 20.155 (1) (q) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA1,476,62 20.155 (1) (q) Universal telecommunications service; broadband service; digital
. From the universal service fund, the amounts in the schedule for the
4promotion of broadband service and, universal telecommunications service, and
5digital equity
for the purposes specified in s. 196.218 (5) (a) 1., 4., 8., 9., and 10., and
SB70-AA1,1079 7Section 1079. 196.01 (2n) of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-AA1,476,98 196.01 (2n) “Digital equity” means all individuals and communities have the
9information technology capacity needed to fully participate in society.
SB70-AA1,1080 10Section 1080. 196.218 (5) (a) 15. of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-AA1,476,1211 196.218 (5) (a) 15. To administer a digital equity program for the purposes
12specified under s. 196.504 (10).
SB70-AA1,1081 13Section 1081. 196.504 (10) of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-AA1,476,1514 196.504 (10) The commission shall administer a digital equity program under
15which it may do all of the following:
SB70-AA1,476,1616 (a) Provide outreach and assistance to promote digital equity.
SB70-AA1,476,1717 (b) Coordinate the administration of federal and state digital equity funding.
SB70-AA1,476,1818 (c) Provide digital navigation services.
SB70-AA1,476,1919 (d) Implement digital inclusion activities.
SB70-AA1,1082 20Section 1082. 66.0422 (1) (cr) of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-AA1,476,2221 66.0422 (1) (cr) “Unserved area” means an area of this state that is designated
22as an unserved area by the public service commission under s. 196.504 (2) (e).
SB70-AA1,1083 23Section 1083. 66.0422 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA1,477,824 66.0422 (2) (c) No less than 30 days before the public hearing, the local
25government prepares and makes available for public inspection a report estimating

1the total costs of, and revenues derived from, constructing, owning, or operating the
2facility and including a cost-benefit analysis of the facility for a period of at least 3
3years. The costs that are subject to this paragraph include personnel costs and costs
4of acquiring, installing, maintaining, repairing, or operating any plant or
5equipment, and include an appropriate allocated portion of costs of personnel, plant,
6or equipment that are used to provide jointly both telecommunications services and
7other services. This paragraph does not apply to a broadband facility that is intended
8to serve an unserved area.
SB70-AA1,1084 9Section 1084. 66.0422 (3d) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA1,477,1710 66.0422 (3d) (intro.) Subsection (2) does not apply to a facility for providing
11broadband service to an area within the boundaries of a local government if the local
12government asks, in writing, each person that provides broadband service within the
13boundaries of the local government whether the person currently provides
14broadband service to the area and, if the area is not an unserved area, whether the
15person intends to provide broadband service to the area within 9 months, or, if the
16area is an unserved area, whether the person actively plans to provide broadband
17service to the area within 3 months and
any of the following are satisfied:
SB70-AA1,1085 18Section 1085. 66.0422 (3d) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA1,478,219 66.0422 (3d) (a) The local government asks, in writing, each person that
20provides broadband service within the boundaries of the local government whether
21the person currently provides broadband service to the area or intends to provide
22broadband service within 9 months to the area and within 60 days after receiving the
23written request no person responds in writing to the
The local government does not
24receive a response in writing
that the a person currently provides broadband service

1to the area or intends or actively plans to provide broadband service to the area
2within 9 months the relevant time period.
SB70-AA1,1086 3Section 1086. 66.0422 (3d) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA1,478,74 66.0422 (3d) (b) The local government determines that a person who responded
5to a written request under par. (a) that the person currently provides broadband
6service to the area did not actually provide broadband service to the area and no other
7person makes the response responds to the local government described in par. (a).
SB70-AA1,1087 8Section 1087. 66.0422 (3d) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA1,478,149 66.0422 (3d) (c) The local government determines that a person who responded
10to a written request under par. (a) that the person intended or actively planned to
11provide broadband service to the area within 9 months the relevant time period did
12not actually provide broadband service to the area within 9 months the relevant time
and no other person makes the response responds to the local government
14described in par. (a).
SB70-AA1,1088 15Section 1088. 66.0422 (3m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA1,478,1816 66.0422 (3m) (b) The municipality itself does not use the facility to provide
17broadband service to end users. This paragraph does not apply to a facility that is
18intended to serve an unserved area.
SB70-AA1,1089 19Section 1089. 66.0422 (3m) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA1,478,2420 66.0422 (3m) (c) The municipality determines that, at the time that the
21municipality authorizes the construction, ownership, or operation of the facility,
22whichever occurs first, the facility does not compete with more than one provider of
23broadband service. This paragraph does not apply to a facility that is intended to
24serve an unserved area.