SB70-AA3,458 9Section 458. 938.38 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA3,297,1910 938.38 (2) Permanency plan required. (intro.) Except as provided in sub. (3),
11for each juvenile living in a foster home, group home, residential care center for
12children and youth, juvenile detention facility, shelter care facility, or supervised
13independent living arrangement, the agency that placed the juvenile or arranged the
14placement or the agency assigned primary responsibility for providing services to the
15juvenile under s. 938.355 (2) (b) 6g. shall prepare a written permanency plan, if any
16of the following conditions exists, and, for each juvenile living in the home of a
17guardian or a relative other than a parent or in the home of like-kin, that agency
18shall prepare a written permanency plan, if any of the conditions under pars. (a) to
19(e) exists:
SB70-AA3,459 20Section 459. 938.38 (3m) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA3,297,2421 938.38 (3m) (a) All appropriate biological family members, relatives, and
22like-kin of the juvenile, as determined by the agency.
Notwithstanding s. 938.02
23(12c) (b), in this paragraph, “like-kin” may include a person who is or previously was
24the child's licensed foster parent.
SB70-AA3,460 25Section 460. 938.38 (4) (f) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
1938.38 (4) (f) (intro.) A description of the services that will be provided to the
2juvenile, the juvenile's family, and the juvenile's foster parent, the operator of the
3facility where the juvenile is living, or the relative or like-kin with whom the juvenile
4is living to carry out the dispositional order, including services planned to accomplish
5all of the following:
SB70-AA3,461 6Section 461. 938.38 (4m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA3,298,157 938.38 (4m) (b) At least 10 days before the date of the hearing the court shall
8notify the juvenile; any parent, guardian, and legal custodian of the juvenile; any
9foster parent, or other physical custodian described in s. 48.62 (2) of the juvenile, the
10operator of the facility in which the juvenile is living, or the relative or like-kin with
11whom the juvenile is living; and, if the juvenile is an Indian juvenile who is or is
12alleged to be in need of protection or services under s. 938.13 (4), (6), (6m), or (7), the
13Indian juvenile's Indian custodian and tribe of the time, place, and purpose of the
14hearing, of the issues to be determined at the hearing, and of the fact that they shall
15have a right to be heard at the hearing.
SB70-AA3,462 16Section 462. 938.38 (4m) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA3,298,2517 938.38 (4m) (d) The court shall give a foster parent, other physical custodian
18described in s. 48.62 (2), operator of a facility, or relative, or like-kin who is notified
19of a hearing under par. (b) a right to be heard at the hearing by permitting the foster
20parent, other physical custodian, operator, or relative, or like-kin to make a written
21or oral statement during the hearing, or to submit a written statement prior to the
22hearing, relevant to the issues to be determined at the hearing. The foster parent,
23other physical custodian, operator of a facility, or relative, or like-kin does not
24become a party to the proceeding on which the hearing is held solely on the basis of
25receiving that notice and right to be heard.
1Section 463. 938.38 (5) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA3,299,182 938.38 (5) (b) The court or the agency shall notify the juvenile; the juvenile's
3parent, guardian, and legal custodian; the juvenile's foster parent, the operator of the
4facility in which the juvenile is living, or the relative or like-kin with whom the
5juvenile is living; and, if the juvenile is an Indian juvenile who is placed outside the
6home of his or her parent or Indian custodian under s. 938.13 (4), (6), (6m), or (7), the
7Indian juvenile's Indian custodian and tribe of the time, place, and purpose of the
8review, of the issues to be determined as part of the review, and of the fact that they
9shall have a right to be heard at the review as provided in par. (bm) 1. The court or
10agency shall notify the person representing the interests of the public, the juvenile's
11counsel, the juvenile's guardian ad litem, and the juvenile's school of the time, place,
12and purpose of the review, of the issues to be determined as part of the review, and
13of the fact that they may have an opportunity to be heard at the review as provided
14in par. (bm) 1. The notices under this paragraph shall be provided in writing not less
15than 30 days before the review and copies of the notices shall be filed in the juvenile's
16case record. The notice to the juvenile's school shall also include the name and
17contact information for the caseworker or social worker assigned to the juvenile's
SB70-AA3,464 19Section 464. 938.38 (5) (bm) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA3,300,720 938.38 (5) (bm) 1. A juvenile, parent, guardian, legal custodian, foster parent,
21operator of a facility, or relative, or like-kin who is provided notice of the review
22under par. (b) shall have a right to be heard at the review by submitting written
23comments relevant to the determinations specified in par. (c) not less than 10
24working days before the date of the review or by participating at the review. A person
25representing the interests of the public, counsel, guardian ad litem, or school who is

1provided notice of the review under par. (b) may have an opportunity to be heard at
2the review by submitting written comments relevant to the determinations specified
3in par. (c) not less than 10 working days before the date of the review. A foster parent,
4operator of a facility, or relative, or like-kin who receives notice of a review under par.
5(b) and a right to be heard under this subdivision does not become a party to the
6proceeding on which the review is held solely on the basis of receiving that notice and
7right to be heard.
SB70-AA3,465 8Section 465. 938.38 (5) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA3,300,179 938.38 (5) (e) Within 30 days, the agency shall prepare a written summary of
10the determinations under par. (c) and shall provide a copy to the court that entered
11the order; the juvenile or the juvenile's counsel or guardian ad litem; the person
12representing the interests of the public; the juvenile's parent, guardian, or legal
13custodian; the juvenile's foster parent, the operator of the facility where the juvenile
14is living, or the relative or like-kin with whom the juvenile is living; and, if the
15juvenile is an Indian juvenile who is placed outside the home of his or her parent or
16Indian custodian under s. 938.13 (4), (6), (6m), or (7), the Indian juvenile's Indian
17custodian and tribe.
SB70-AA3,466 18Section 466. 938.38 (5m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA3,301,919 938.38 (5m) (b) The court shall notify the juvenile; the juvenile's parent,
20guardian, and legal custodian; and the juvenile's foster parent, the operator of the
21facility in which the juvenile is living, or the relative or like-kin with whom the
22juvenile is living of the time, place, and purpose of the hearing, of the issues to be
23determined at the hearing, and of the fact that they shall have a right to be heard
24at the hearing as provided in par. (c) 1. The court shall notify the juvenile's counsel
25and the juvenile's guardian ad litem; the agency that prepared the permanency plan;

1the juvenile's school; the person representing the interests of the public; and, if the
2juvenile is an Indian juvenile who is placed outside the home of his or her parent or
3Indian custodian under s. 938.13 (4), (6), (6m), or (7), the Indian juvenile's Indian
4custodian and tribe of the time, place, and purpose of the hearing, of the issues to be
5determined at the hearing, and of the fact that they may have an opportunity to be
6heard at the hearing as provided in par. (c) 1. The notices under this paragraph shall
7be provided in writing not less than 30 days before the hearing. The notice to the
8juvenile's school shall also include the name and contact information for the
9caseworker or social worker assigned to the juvenile's case.
SB70-AA3,467 10Section 467. 938.38 (5m) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA3,301,2411 938.38 (5m) (c) 1. A juvenile, parent, guardian, legal custodian, foster parent,
12operator of a facility, or relative, or like-kin who is provided notice of the hearing
13under par. (b) shall have a right to be heard at the hearing by submitting written
14comments relevant to the determinations specified in sub. (5) (c) not less than 10
15working days before the date of the hearing or by participating at the hearing. A
16counsel, guardian ad litem, agency, school, or person representing the interests of the
17public who is provided notice of the hearing under par. (b) may have an opportunity
18to be heard at the hearing by submitting written comments relevant to the
19determinations specified in sub. (5) (c) not less than 10 working days before the date
20of the hearing or by participating at the hearing. A foster parent, operator of a
21facility, or relative, or like-kin who receives notice of a hearing under par. (b) and a
22right to be heard under this subdivision does not become a party to the proceeding
23on which the hearing is held solely on the basis of receiving that notice and right to
24be heard.
SB70-AA3,468 25Section 468. 938.38 (5m) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
1938.38 (5m) (e) After the hearing, the court shall make written findings of fact
2and conclusions of law relating to the determinations under sub. (5) (c) and shall
3provide a copy of those findings of fact and conclusions of law to the juvenile; the
4juvenile's parent, guardian, and legal custodian; the juvenile's foster parent, the
5operator of the facility in which the juvenile is living, or the relative or like-kin with
6whom the juvenile is living; the agency that prepared the permanency plan; the
7person representing the interests of the public; and, if the juvenile is an Indian
8juvenile who is placed outside the home of his or her parent or Indian custodian
9under s. 938.13 (4), (6), (6m), or (7), the Indian juvenile's Indian custodian and tribe.
10The court shall make the findings specified in sub. (5) (c) 7. on a case-by-case basis
11based on circumstances specific to the juvenile and shall document or reference the
12specific information on which those findings are based in the findings of fact and
13conclusions of law prepared under this paragraph. Findings of fact and conclusions
14of law that merely reference sub. (5) (c) 7. without documenting or referencing that
15specific information in the findings of fact and conclusions of law or amended
16findings of fact and conclusions of law that retroactively correct earlier findings of
17fact and conclusions of law that do not comply with this paragraph are not sufficient
18to comply with this paragraph.
SB70-AA3,469 19Section 469. 938.385 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA3,303,6 20938.385 Plan for transition to independent living. (intro.) During the 90
21days immediately before a juvenile who is placed in a foster home, group home, or
22residential care center for children and youth, in the home of a relative other than
23a parent, in the home of like-kin, or in a supervised independent living arrangement
24attains 18 years of age or, if the juvenile is placed in such a placement under an order
25under s. 938.355, 938.357, or 938.365 that terminates under s. 938.355 (4) (am) after

1the juvenile attains 18 years of age or under a voluntary
2transition-to-independent-living agreement under s. 938.366 (3) that terminates
3under s. 938.366 (3) (a) after the juvenile attains 18 years of age, during the 90 days
4immediately before the termination of the order or agreement, the agency primarily
5responsible for providing services to the juvenile under the order or agreement shall
6do all of the following:
SB70-AA3,470 7Section 470. DCF 56.23 (1) (c) of the administrative code is amended to read:
SB70-AA3,303,108 DCF 56.23 (1) (c) A placing agency may not make a supplemental or
9exceptional payment or pay an initial clothing allowance , except for an exceptional
10payment under sub. (3) (a) 2.,
for a child placed in a Level 1 foster home.
SB70-AA3,471 11Section 471. DCF 58.08 (9) (c) and (d) of the administrative code are created
12to read:
SB70-AA3,303,1713 DCF 58.08 (9) (c) Exceptional payments. A kinship care agency may issue to
14a relative caregiver who is receiving kinship care payments or long-term kinship
15care payments an exceptional payment to enable siblings or minor parent and minor
16children to reside together, subject to a maximum payment amount determined by
17the department.
SB70-AA3,303,2218 (d) Initial clothing allowance. A kinship care agency may pay an initial
19clothing allowance to a relative caregiver when the relative caregiver is initially
20approved by the kinship care agency. The amount of the initial clothing allowance
21shall be the actual cost of the clothing not to exceed a maximum determined by the
SB70-AA3,9106 23Section 9106. Nonstatutory provisions; Children and Families.
SB70-AA3,304,524 (1) Child care quality improvement program. Using the procedure under s.
25227.24, the department of children and families may promulgate the rules

1authorized under s. 49.133 (2) as emergency rules. Notwithstanding s. 227.24 (1) (a)
2and (3), the department of children and families is not required to provide evidence
3that promulgating a rule under this subsection as an emergency rule is necessary for
4the preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare and is not required to
5provide a finding of emergency for a rule promulgated under this subsection.
SB70-AA3,9406 6Section 9406. Effective dates; Children and Families.
SB70-AA3,304,97 (1) Foster care and kinship care rates. The treatment of ss. 48.57 (3m) (am)
8(intro.) (by Section 43q) and (3n) (am) (intro.) (by Section 66q) and 48.62 (4) takes
9effect on January 1, 2024, or on the day after publication, whichever is later.”.
SB70-AA3,304,10 10260. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert:
SB70-AA3,304,12 11 Section 472. 20.005 (3) (schedule) of the statutes: at the appropriate place,
12insert the following amounts for the purposes indicated: - See PDF for table PDF - See PDF for table PDF - See PDF for table PDF
SB70-AA3,304,13 13261. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert:
SB70-AA3,304,14 14 Section 473. 20.435 (5) (bf) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA3,304,1815 20.435 (5) (bf) Brighter futures initiative Grants for youth services . The
16amounts in the schedule to be transferred to the appropriation account under s.
1720.437 (1) (kb) for the brighter futures initiative under s. 48.545 grants for youth
18services under s. 48.481
SB70-AA3,474 19Section 474. 20.437 (1) (bc) of the statutes is amended to read:
120.437 (1) (bc) Grants for children's community programs youth services. The
2amounts in the schedule for grants for children's community programs youth
under s. 48.481. Notwithstanding ss. 20.001 (3) (a) and 20.002 (1), the
4department may transfer funds between fiscal years under this paragraph. All
5moneys under this appropriation account that are distributed under s. 48.481 but are
6not encumbered by December 31 of each year lapse to the general fund on the next
7January 1 unless carried forward to the next calendar year by the joint committee
8on finance.
SB70-AA3,475 9Section 475. 20.437 (1) (bd) of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-AA3,305,1110 20.437 (1) (bd) Tribal family services grants. The amounts in the schedule for
11tribal family services grants under s. 48.487.
SB70-AA3,476 12Section 476. 20.437 (1) (bn) of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-AA3,305,1613 20.437 (1) (bn) Tribal placements. The amounts in the schedule to be used for
14unexpected or unusually high-cost out-of-home care placements of Indian children
15by tribal courts, including placements of Indian juveniles who have been adjudicated
SB70-AA3,477 17Section 477. 20.437 (1) (e) of the statutes is repealed.
SB70-AA3,478 18Section 478. 20.437 (1) (eg) of the statutes is repealed.
SB70-AA3,479 19Section 479. 20.437 (1) (er) of the statutes is repealed.
SB70-AA3,480 20Section 480. 20.437 (1) (kb) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA3,305,2421 20.437 (1) (kb) Interagency aids; brighter futures initiative grants for youth
. All moneys transferred from the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (5)
23(bf) for the brighter futures initiative under s. 48.545 grants for youth services under
24s. 48.481
SB70-AA3,481 25Section 481. 20.9275 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
120.9275 (2) (intro.) No state agency or local governmental unit may authorize
2payment of funds of this state, of any local governmental unit or, subject to sub. (3m),
3of federal funds passing through the state treasury as a grant, subsidy or other
4funding that wholly or partially or directly or indirectly involves pregnancy
5programs, projects or services, that is a grant, subsidy or other funding under s.
648.481, 48.487, 48.545, 253.05, 253.07, 253.08, or 253.085 or 42 USC 701 to 710, if
7any of the following applies:
SB70-AA3,482 8Section 482. 48.48 (19) of the statutes is repealed.
SB70-AA3,483 9Section 483. 48.481 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA3,306,11 1048.481 (title) Grants for children's community programs youth
SB70-AA3,484 12Section 484. 48.481 (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 48.481 (2m) (intro.)
13and amended to read:
SB70-AA3,306,1714 48.481 (2m) (intro.) From the appropriation under s. 20.437 (1) (bc), the The
15department shall distribute the following grants for children's community programs
16youth services to public agencies, nonprofit corporations, and Indian tribes to
17provide programs that accomplish one or more of the following purposes
SB70-AA3,485 18Section 485. 48.481 (1) of the statutes is repealed.
SB70-AA3,486 19Section 486. 48.481 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-AA3,306,2020 48.481 (1m) In this section:
SB70-AA3,306,2221 (a) “Nonprofit corporation" means a nonstock, nonprofit corporation organized
22under ch. 181.
SB70-AA3,306,2423 (b) “Public agency" means a county, city, village, town, or school district or an
24agency of this state or of a county, city, village, town, or school district.
SB70-AA3,487 25Section 487. 48.481 (2) of the statutes is repealed.
1Section 488. 48.481 (2m) (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h) and (i) and (3) of the
2statutes are created to read:
SB70-AA3,307,33 48.481 (2m) (a) Increasing youth access to housing.
SB70-AA3,307,54 (b) Increasing youth self-sufficiency through employment, education, and
SB70-AA3,307,86 (c) Increasing youth social and emotional health by promoting healthy and
7stable adult connections, social engagement, and connection with necessary
SB70-AA3,307,99 (d) Preventing sex trafficking of children and youth.
SB70-AA3,307,1110 (e) Providing treatment and services for documented and suspected victims of
11child and youth sex trafficking.
SB70-AA3,307,1312 (f) Preventing and reducing the incidence of youth violence and other
13delinquent behavior.
SB70-AA3,307,1514 (g) Preventing and reducing the incidence of youth alcohol and other drug use
15and abuse.
SB70-AA3,307,1616 (h) Preventing and reducing the incidence of child abuse and neglect.
SB70-AA3,307,1717 (i) Preventing and reducing the incidence of teen pregnancy.
SB70-AA3,307,20 18(3) From the appropriations under s. 20.437 (1) (bc) and (kb), the department
19shall distribute $55,000 in each fiscal year to Diverse and Resilient, Inc., to provide
20programs that accomplish one or more of the purposes under sub. (2m).
SB70-AA3,489 21Section 489. 48.545 of the statutes is repealed.
SB70-AA3,490 22Section 490. 49.1385 of the statutes is repealed.
SB70-AA3,491 23Section 491. 49.175 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA3,308,524 49.175 (1) Allocation of funds. (intro.) In this section, with respect to any
25of the following that fund a contract for services, “allocate” means to designate an

1amount of money equal to the amount under the contract that the department is
2obligated to pay.
Except as provided in sub. (2), within the limits of the
3appropriations under s. 20.437 (2) (a), (cm), (dz), (k), (kx), (L), (mc), (md), (me), and
4(s) and (3) (kp), the department shall allocate the following amounts for the following
SB70-AA3,492 6Section 492. 49.175 (1) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA3,308,107 49.175 (1) (f) Homeless case management services grants. For grants to shelter
8facilities under s. 16.3085, $500,000 $1,000,000 in each fiscal year. All moneys
9allocated under this paragraph shall be credited to the appropriation account under
10s. 20.505 (7) (kg).
SB70-AA3,493 11Section 493. 49.175 (1) (ms) of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-AA3,308,1412 49.175 (1) (ms) Child support debt reduction. For the child support debt
13reduction program for low-income noncustodial parents under s. 49.226, $3,472,000
14in fiscal year 2023-24 and $6,944,000 in fiscal year 2024-25.
SB70-AA3,494 15Section 494. 49.175 (1) (o) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA3,308,1816 49.175 (1) (o) Evidence-based substance abuse prevention grants Grants for
17youth services
. For grants awarded under s. 48.545 (2) (c) 48.481, $500,000 in each
18fiscal year.
SB70-AA3,495 19Section 495. 49.175 (1) (t) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA3,309,220 49.175 (1) (t) Safety and out-of-home placement services. For services provided
21to ensure the safety of children who the department or a county determines may
22remain at home if appropriate services are provided, and for services provided to
23families with children placed in out-of-home care, $10,314,300 $6,282,400 in each
24fiscal year. To receive funding under this paragraph, a county shall match a
25percentage of the amount received that is equal to the percentage the county is

1required to match for a distribution under s. 48.563 (2) as specified by the schedule
2established by the department under s. 48.569 (1) (d).
SB70-AA3,496 3Section 496. 49.175 (1) (zh) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA3,309,84 49.175 (1) (zh) Earned income tax credit supplement. For the transfer of
5moneys from the appropriation account under s. 20.437 (2) (md) to the appropriation
6account under s. 20.835 (2) (kf) for the earned income tax credit, $63,600,000
7$109,020,000 in fiscal year 2021-22 2023-24 and $66,600,000 $111,260,000 in fiscal
8year 2022-23 2024-25.
SB70-AA3,497 9Section 497. 49.226 of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-AA3,309,13 1049.226 Child support debt reduction. (1) The department shall establish
11a program to provide a noncustodial child support debt reduction. A noncustodial
12parent qualifies to receive $1,500 in debt reduction under this section if all of the
13following apply: