Offered by Individual
Period ending October 10, 2024
Pursuant to Joint Rule 77 (2), "In the author indexes, the brief description of each proposal shall be shown routinely only under the first and second author, and under the first cosponsor, of each proposal. For additional authors and cosponsors, the proposal shall be listed in the author index by number only."
Table of Contents
2408Agard, Sen. Melissa (16th Sen.Dist.; D)
Abortion prohibition with criminal penalties eliminated - SB298
Abortion-related regulations: certain provisions and criminal penalties repealed - SB734
Additional sales and use taxes: municipalities may enact ordinance to allow - SB815
Advertisement of broadband services and Internet speed requirements and standardized consumer label based on FCC template; penalties and unfair trade practice provisions - SB1081
AEDs required at high school athletic activities and UW athletic events; trained individuals and implementation plan provisions - SB349
Agriculture and climate change research positions in the Division of Extension at UW Madison - SB769
American Heart Month: February 2023 proclaimed as - SJR11
Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Heritage Month: May recognized as - AJR44
Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Heritage Month: May recognized as - SJR44
Baby bond program and baby bond trust fund established; JSCTE appendix report - AB1143
Baby bond program and baby bond trust fund established; JSCTE appendix report - SB1036
Bay View labor strike and tragedy in 1886: anniversary commemorated every May 5th - SJR31
Beginning farmer and owners of farm assets income tax credit created - SB1025
Black History Month: February 2023 recognized as and contributions to the state of named persons recognized - SJR12
Blank, Dr. Rebecca M.: life and public service of former UW-Madison Chancellor commended - SJR18
Book bans or restrictions on access to books and other media by state agencies, local governmental units, library, school, or institution of higher education: prohibition on funding for entities that enforce - SB615
Break time for employees to express breast milk: requirements created, accommodations specified, and employment discrimination provision - SB430
Broadband expansion grant program changes re application, use of funds, and report - SB1082
Broadband expansion grant program: PSC to give farms a priority - SB1084
Cesar Chavez Day: March 31, 2023 proclaimed as - AJR21
Child care partnership grant program established; DCF payments to certain child care providers, TANF allocation for Wisconsin Shares changed - SB487
Civic Information Consortium Board created and attached to the UW System re nonprofit corporation to award grants to support local journalism and media projects; report required - SB1042
Civil service system changes re hiring process, probation, reinstatement, restoration, layoffs, just cause, and discipline - SB565
Clearinghouse of information for small businesses: DOA to coordinate with other agencies to publish specified information on the Internet - SB463
Climate change: local governments required to consider when preparing certain plans; planning grants created - SB771
Condemnation authority used to acquire land to establish or extend recreational trails, bicycle ways or lanes, or pedestrian ways: prohibition eliminated - SB816
Covenants in employment contracts not to compete while employed or after termination made illegal, void, and unenforceable - SB566
Crime victim examination by health care provider to gather evidence: DOJ grant programs to reimburse health care provider costs and for recruitment, retention, or training for health care providers; rule revised [Admin.Code Jus 11.16] - AB734