2023 - 2024 LEGISLATURE
March 14, 2023 - Introduced by Representatives Steffen, Behnke, Armstrong,
Baldeh, Bodden, Brooks, Dittrich, Duchow, Mursau, Novak, Ortiz-Velez,
Rodriguez, Rozar, Sortwell, Subeck and Tusler, cosponsored by Senators
Wimberger, James, Felzkowski, Nass, Roys, Spreitzer, Stafsholt and
Wanggaard. Referred to Committee on Education.
1An Act to renumber 948.50 (2) (a);
to amend 948.50 (2) (b); and
to create
2948.50 (2) (am) of the statutes;
relating to: the definition of “strip search” for
3the purpose of the prohibition against strip-searching a pupil.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, it is a Class B misdemeanor for a school or school district
official, employee, or agent to conduct a strip search of a pupil. For purposes of this
prohibition, current law defines a “strip search” to mean a search in which a person's
genitals, pubic area, buttock, or anus, or a female person's breast, is uncovered and
either is exposed to view or is touched by a person conducting the search. This bill
expands this definition to include a search in which a person's naked or
underwear-clad genitalia, anus, buttocks, or female areola or nipple is uncovered
and either is exposed to view or is touched by a person conducting the search.
The bill does not change current law with regard to strip searches conducted
by law enforcement.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
1. 948.50 (2) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 948.50 (2) (av).
2. 948.50 (2) (am) of the statutes is created to read:
(2) (am) “Private area" means the naked or underwear-clad genitalia,
2anus, buttocks, or female areola or nipple.
3. 948.50 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (b) “Strip search" means a search in which a person's
genitals, pubic
5area, buttock or anus, or a female person's breast, private area is uncovered and
6either is exposed to view or is touched by a person conducting the search.