2023 - 2024 LEGISLATURE
February 12, 2024 - Introduced by Representatives Donovan, Gundrum, Maxey,
Michalski, Novak, Rettinger, Tusler and Wichgers, cosponsored by
Senators Hutton, Bradley, Stroebel, Jacque, James and Wanggaard.
Referred to Committee on Corrections.
1An Act to amend 938.067 (3), 938.19 (1) (d) 7., 938.20 (7) (b) and 938.205 (1)
2(intro.) of the statutes;
relating to: determining whether to hold or release a
3juvenile from custody.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, when a juvenile who is possibly involved with a delinquent
act is taken into custody and not released by the person who took the juvenile into
custody, a court intake worker must interview the juvenile and determine whether
to hold the juvenile temporarily in custody or release him or her. Current law
requires the intake worker to base that decision on whether probable cause exists to
believe that 1) the juvenile will commit injury to a person or property; 2) the parent,
guardian, legal custodian, or other responsible adult is neglecting, refusing, unable,
or unavailable to provide adequate supervision and that care and services to ensure
the juvenile's safety and well-being are not available or would be inadequate; or 3)
the juvenile will run away or be taken away so as to be unavailable for court
proceedings or administrative proceedings relating to a violation of conditions of
Department of Corrections supervision. Under current law, within 24 hours after the
end of the day on which the intake worker makes this decision, the juvenile court
must hold a hearing on whether to continue holding the juvenile in custody.
Instead of an intake worker determining whether to temporarily hold a juvenile
in custody or release him or her, the bill requires a judge to make this determination.
Under the bill, an intake worker must review the need to hold the juvenile in custody,
make a recommendation to a judge, and request an order from that judge regarding
whether or not to hold the juvenile in custody. Upon this request and
recommendation by an intake worker, the bill requires the judge to issue a signed
order stating whether the intake worker must hold or release the juvenile based on
the same probable cause criteria as under current law. Under the bill, if the judge
orders the juvenile to be released, the intake worker still determines to whom the
juvenile is released. Under the bill, if the judge orders the juvenile to be held in
custody, the intake worker still determines where a juvenile is placed and the
juvenile court still holds a hearing on whether to continue holding the juvenile in
custody within 24 hours after the end of the day on which the judge issues this order.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
1. 938.067 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) Whether juvenile should be held. Determine Review whether
3not the juvenile
shall should be held
in physical custody under s. 938.205 and policies
4promulgated under s. 938.06 (1) or (2)
and make a recommendation to a judge and
5request an order from that judge on the basis of that review.
2. 938.19 (1) (d) 7. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (d) 7. The juvenile has violated the conditions of an order under s.
8938.21 (4) or of an order for temporary physical custody issued by
an intake worker 9a judge under s. 938.20 (7) (b).
3. 938.20 (7) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(7) (b) The intake worker shall review the need to hold the juvenile in
12custody and
shall make a recommendation to a judge and request an order from that
13judge regarding whether or not to hold the juvenile in custody. The judge shall make
14every effort to release the juvenile from custody
and, if the judge orders the juvenile
15to be released, the intake worker shall release the juvenile as provided in par. (c).
16The intake worker shall base his or her
recommendation, and the judge shall
17base its decision, as to whether to release the juvenile or to continue to hold the
1juvenile in custody on the criteria under s. 938.205 and criteria established under s.
2938.06 (1) or (2).
An intake worker shall include with his or her request to a judge
3the statement provided to the intake worker under s. 938.20 (3). A judge who
4receives a request under this paragraph shall issue to the intake worker an order
5signed by the judge directing the intake worker to release the juvenile or continue
6to hold the juvenile in custody.
4. 938.205 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) Criteria. (intro.) A juvenile may be held under s. 938.207, 938.208,
9or 938.209 (1) if
the intake worker a judge to whom a request is issued under s. 938.20
10(7) (b) determines that there is probable cause to believe the juvenile is within the
11jurisdiction of the court and if probable cause exists to believe any of the following: