AB382,32,1212 a. Operated by a college or university recognized by the licensing authority; and
AB382,32,1513 b. Accredited, or in candidacy that subsequently becomes accredited, by an
14accrediting agency recognized by either the Council for Higher Education
15Accreditation or its successor; or the United States department of education.
AB382,32,1916 (e) The multistate license for a regulated social worker is subject to the renewal
17requirements of the home state. The regulated social worker must maintain
18compliance with the requirements of par. (a) to be eligible to renew a multistate
AB382,32,2520 (f) The regulated social worker's services in a remote state are subject to that
21member state's regulatory authority. A remote state may, in accordance with due
22process and that member state's laws, remove a regulated social worker's multistate
23authorization to practice in the remote state for a specific period of time, impose
24fines, and take any other necessary actions to protect the health and safety of its
1(g) If a multistate license is encumbered, the regulated social worker's
2multistate authorization to practice shall be deactivated in all remote states until the
3multistate license is no longer encumbered.
AB382,33,74 (h) If a multistate authorization to practice is encumbered in a remote state,
5the regulated social worker's multistate authorization to practice may be
6deactivated in that state until the multistate authorization to practice is no longer
AB382,33,10 8(5) Issuance of a multistate license. (a) Upon receipt of an application for
9multistate license, the home state licensing authority shall determine the applicant's
10eligibility for a multistate license in accordance with sub. (4).
AB382,33,1411 (b) If such applicant is eligible pursuant to sub. (4), the home state licensing
12authority shall issue a multistate license that authorizes the applicant or regulated
13social worker to practice in all member states under a multistate authorization to
AB382,33,1715 (c) Upon issuance of a multistate license, the home state licensing authority
16shall designate whether the regulated social worker holds a multistate license in the
17bachelor's, master's, or clinical category of social work.
AB382,33,2118 (d) A multistate license issued by a home state to a resident in that state shall
19be recognized by all compact member states as authorizing social work practice
20under a multistate authorization to practice corresponding to each category of
21licensure regulated in each member state.
AB382,34,2 22(6) Authority of interstate compact commission and member state licensing
(a) Nothing in this compact, nor any rule of the commission, shall be
24construed to limit, restrict, or in any way reduce the ability of a member state to enact
25and enforce laws, regulations, or other rules related to the practice of social work in

1that state, where those laws, regulations, or other rules are not inconsistent with the
2provisions of this compact.
AB382,34,43 (b) Nothing in this compact shall affect the requirements established by a
4member state for the issuance of a single state license.
AB382,34,75 (c) Nothing in this compact, nor any rule of the commission, shall be construed
6to limit, restrict, or in any way reduce the ability of a member state to take adverse
7action against a licensee's single state license to practice social work in that state.
AB382,34,108 (d) Nothing in this compact, nor any rule of the commission, shall be construed
9to limit, restrict, or in any way reduce the ability of a remote state to take adverse
10action against a licensee's multistate authorization to practice in that state.
AB382,34,1411 (e) Nothing in this compact, nor any rule of the commission, shall be construed
12to limit, restrict, or in any way reduce the ability of a licensee's home state to take
13adverse action against a licensee's multistate license based upon information
14provided by a remote state.
AB382,34,17 15(7) Reissuance of a multistate license by a new home state. (a) A licensee can
16hold a multistate license, issued by their home state, in only one member state at any
17given time.
AB382,34,1918 (b) If a licensee changes their home state by moving between two member
AB382,34,2220 1. The licensee shall immediately apply for the reissuance of their multistate
21license in their new home state. The licensee shall pay all applicable fees and notify
22the prior home state in accordance with the rules of the commission.
AB382,35,223 2. Upon receipt of an application to reissue a multistate license, the new home
24state shall verify that the multistate license is active, unencumbered and eligible for
25reissuance under the terms of the compact and the rules of the commission. The

1multistate license issued by the prior home state will be deactivated and all member
2states notified in accordance with the applicable rules adopted by the commission.
AB382,35,83 3. Prior to the reissuance of the multistate license, the new home state shall
4conduct procedures for considering the criminal history records of the licensee. Such
5procedures shall include the submission of fingerprints or other biometric-based
6information by applicants for the purpose of obtaining an applicant's criminal
7history record information from the federal bureau of investigation and the agency
8responsible for retaining that state's criminal records.
AB382,35,109 4. If required for initial licensure, the new home state may require completion
10of jurisprudence requirements in the new home state.
AB382,35,1411 5. Notwithstanding any other provision of this compact, if a licensee does not
12meet the requirements set forth in this compact for the reissuance of a multistate
13license by the new home state, then the licensee shall be subject to the new home
14state requirements for the issuance of a single state license in that state.
AB382,35,1815 (c) If a licensee changes their primary state of residence by moving from a
16member state to a nonmember state, or from a nonmember state to a member state,
17then the licensee shall be subject to the state requirements for the issuance of a single
18state license in the new home state.
AB382,35,2119 (d) Nothing in this compact shall interfere with a licensee's ability to hold a
20single state license in multiple states; however, for the purposes of this compact, a
21licensee shall have only one home state, and only one multistate license.
AB382,35,2322 (e) Nothing in this compact shall interfere with the requirements established
23by a member state for the issuance of a single state license.
AB382,36,2 24(8) Military families. An active military member or their spouse shall
25designate a home state where the individual has a multistate license. The individual

1may retain their home state designation during the period the service member is on
2active duty.
AB382,36,5 3(9) Adverse actions. (a) In addition to the other powers conferred by state law,
4a remote state shall have the authority, in accordance with existing state due process
5law, to:
AB382,36,166 1. Take adverse action against a regulated social worker's multistate
7authorization to practice only within that member state, and issue subpoenas for
8both hearings and investigations that require the attendance and testimony of
9witnesses as well as the production of evidence. Subpoenas issued by a licensing
10authority in a member state for the attendance and testimony of witnesses or the
11production of evidence from another member state shall be enforced in the latter
12state by any court of competent jurisdiction, according to the practice and procedure
13of that court applicable to subpoenas issued in proceedings pending before it. The
14issuing licensing authority shall pay any witness fees, travel expenses, mileage, and
15other fees required by the service statutes of the state in which the witnesses or
16evidence are located.
AB382,36,1817 2. Only the home state shall have the power to take adverse action against a
18regulated social worker's multistate license.
AB382,36,2219 (b) For purposes of taking adverse action, the home state shall give the same
20priority and effect to reported conduct received from a member state as it would if
21the conduct had occurred within the home state. In so doing, the home state shall
22apply its own state laws to determine appropriate action.
AB382,37,323 (c) The home state shall complete any pending investigations of a regulated
24social worker who changes their home state during the course of the investigations.
25The home state shall also have the authority to take appropriate action(s) and shall

1promptly report the conclusions of the investigations to the administrator of the data
2system. The administrator of the data system shall promptly notify the new home
3state of any adverse actions.
AB382,37,64 (d) A member state, if otherwise permitted by state law, may recover from the
5affected regulated social worker the costs of investigations and dispositions of cases
6resulting from any adverse action taken against that regulated social worker.
AB382,37,97 (e) A member state may take adverse action based on the factual findings of
8another member state, provided that the member state follows its own procedures
9for taking the adverse action.
AB382,37,1310 (f) Joint investigations. 1. In addition to the authority granted to a member
11state by its respective social work practice act or other applicable state law, any
12member state may participate with other member states in joint investigations of
AB382,37,1614 2. Member states shall share any investigative, litigation, or compliance
15materials in furtherance of any joint or individual investigation initiated under the
AB382,37,2417 (g) If adverse action is taken by the home state against the multistate license
18of a regulated social worker, the regulated social worker's multistate authorization
19to practice in all other member states shall be deactivated until all encumbrances
20have been removed from the multistate license. All home state disciplinary orders
21that impose adverse action against the license of a regulated social worker shall
22include a statement that the regulated social worker's multistate authorization to
23practice is deactivated in all member states until all conditions of the decision, order
24or agreement are satisfied.
1(h) If a member state takes adverse action, it shall promptly notify the
2administrator of the data system. The administrator of the data system shall
3promptly notify the home state and all other member states of any adverse actions
4by remote states.
AB382,38,65 (i) Nothing in this compact shall override a member state's decision that
6participation in an alternative program may be used in lieu of adverse action.
AB382,38,97 (j) Nothing in this compact shall authorize a member state to demand the
8issuance of subpoenas for attendance and testimony of witnesses or the production
9of evidence from another member state for lawful actions within that member state.
AB382,38,1210 (k) Nothing in this compact shall authorize a member state to impose discipline
11against a regulated social worker who holds a multistate authorization to practice
12for lawful actions within another member state.
AB382,38,19 13(10) Establishment of social work licensure compact commission. (a) The
14compact member states hereby create and establish a joint government agency
15whose membership consists of all member states that have enacted the compact
16known as the social work licensure compact commission. The commission is an
17instrumentality of the compact states acting jointly and not an instrumentality of
18any one state. The commission shall come into existence on or after the effective date
19of the compact as set forth in sub. (14).
AB382,38,2220 (b) Membership, voting, and meetings. 1. Each member state shall have and
21be limited to one (1) delegate selected by that member state's state licensing
AB382,38,2323 2. The delegate shall be either:
1a. A current member of the state licensing authority at the time of appointment,
2who is a regulated social worker or public member of the state licensing authority;
AB382,39,44 b. An administrator of the state licensing authority or their designee.
AB382,39,65 3. The commission shall by rule or bylaw establish a term of office for delegates
6and may by rule or bylaw establish term limits.
AB382,39,87 4. The commission may recommend removal or suspension any delegate from
AB382,39,109 5. A member state's state licensing authority shall fill any vacancy of its
10delegate occurring on the commission within 60 days of the vacancy.
AB382,39,1211 6. Each delegate shall be entitled to one vote on all matters before the
12commission requiring a vote by commission delegates.
AB382,39,1513 7. A delegate shall vote in person or by such other means as provided in the
14bylaws. The bylaws may provide for delegates to meet by telecommunication,
15videoconference, or other means of communication.
AB382,39,1816 8. The commission shall meet at least once during each calendar year.
17Additional meetings may be held as set forth in the bylaws. The commission may
18meet by telecommunication, video conference or other similar electronic means.
AB382,39,1919 (c) The commission shall have the following powers:
AB382,39,2020 1. Establish the fiscal year of the commission;
AB382,39,2121 2. Establish code of conduct and conflict of interest policies;
AB382,39,2222 3. Establish and amend rules and bylaws;
AB382,39,2323 4. Maintain its financial records in accordance with the bylaws;
AB382,39,2524 5. Meet and take such actions as are consistent with the provisions of this
25compact, the commission's rules, and the bylaws;
16. Initiate and conclude legal proceedings or actions in the name of the
2commission, provided that the standing of any state licensing board to sue or be sued
3under applicable law shall not be affected;
AB382,40,64 7. Maintain and certify records and information provided to a member state as
5the authenticated business records of the commission, and designate an agent to do
6so on the commission's behalf;
AB382,40,77 8. Purchase and maintain insurance and bonds;
AB382,40,98 9. Borrow, accept, or contract for services of personnel, including, but not
9limited to, employees of a member state;
AB382,40,1010 10. Conduct an annual financial review;
AB382,40,1511 11. Hire employees, elect or appoint officers, fix compensation, define duties,
12grant such individuals appropriate authority to carry out the purposes of the
13compact, and establish the commission's personnel policies and programs relating
14to conflicts of interest, qualifications of personnel, and other related personnel
AB382,40,1616 12. Assess and collect fees;
AB382,40,2017 13. Accept any and all appropriate gifts, donations, grants of money, other
18sources of revenue, equipment, supplies, materials, and services, and receive, utilize,
19and dispose of the same; provided that at all times the commission shall avoid any
20appearance of impropriety or conflict of interest;
AB382,40,2221 14. Lease, purchase, retain, own, hold, improve, or use any property, real,
22personal, or mixed, or any undivided interest therein;
AB382,40,2423 15. Sell, convey, mortgage, pledge, lease, exchange, abandon, or otherwise
24dispose of any property real, personal, or mixed;
AB382,40,2525 16. Establish a budget and make expenditures;
117. Borrow money;
AB382,41,52 18. Appoint committees, including standing committees, composed of
3members, state regulators, state legislators or their representatives, and consumer
4representatives, and such other interested persons as may be designated in this
5compact and the bylaws;
AB382,41,76 19. Provide and receive information from, and cooperate with, law enforcement
AB382,41,98 20. Establish and elect an executive committee, including a chair and a vice
AB382,41,1210 21. Determine whether a state's adopted language is materially different from
11the model compact language such that the state would not qualify for participation
12in the compact; and
AB382,41,1413 22. Perform such other functions as may be necessary or appropriate to achieve
14the purposes of this compact.
AB382,41,1715 (d) The executive committee. 1. The executive committee shall have the power
16to act on behalf of the commission according to the terms of this compact. The powers,
17duties, and responsibilities of the executive committee shall include:
AB382,41,2018 a. Oversee the day-to-day activities of the administration of the compact
19including enforcement and compliance with the provisions of the compact, its rules
20and bylaws, and other such duties as deemed necessary;
AB382,41,2321 b. Recommend to the commission changes to the rules or bylaws, changes to
22this compact legislation, fees charged to compact member states, fees charged to
23licensees, and other fees;
AB382,41,2524 c. Ensure compact administration services are appropriately provided,
25including by contract;
1d. Prepare and recommend the budget;
AB382,42,22 e. Maintain financial records on behalf of the commission;
AB382,42,43 f. Monitor compact compliance of member states and provide compliance
4reports to the commission;
AB382,42,55 g. Establish additional committees as necessary;
AB382,42,96 h. Exercise the powers and duties of the commission during the interim
7between commission meetings, except for adopting or amending rules, adopting or
8amending bylaws, and exercising any other powers and duties expressly reserved to
9the commission by rule or bylaw; and
AB382,42,1010 i. Other duties as provided in the rules or bylaws of the commission.
AB382,42,1111 2. The executive committee shall be composed of up to eleven (11) members:
AB382,42,1312 a. The chair and vice chair of the commission shall be voting members of the
13executive committee; and
AB382,42,1514 b. The commission shall elect five voting members from the current
15membership of the commission.
AB382,42,1716 c. Up to four (4) ex officio, nonvoting members from four (4) recognized national
17social work organizations.
AB382,42,1818 d. The ex officio members will be selected by their respective organizations.