AB43,205,2524 (b) The notice under s. 10.01 (2) (e) specifies the date and time during which,
25and each location where, the early canvassing of absentee ballots will be conducted.
1Section 40. 8.50 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB43,206,16 28.50 Special elections. (intro.) Unless otherwise provided, this section
3applies to filling vacancies in the U.S. senate and house of representatives, executive
4state offices except the offices of governor, lieutenant governor, and district attorney,
5judicial and legislative state offices, county, city, village, and town offices, and the
6offices of municipal judge and member of the board of school directors in school
7districts organized under ch. 119. State legislative offices may be filled in
8anticipation of the occurrence of a vacancy whenever authorized in sub. (4) (e). No
9Except as provided in sub. (4m), no special election may be held after February 1
10preceding the spring election unless it is held on the same day as the spring election,
11nor after August 1 preceding the general election unless it is held on the same day
12as the general election, until the day after that election. If the special election is held
13on the day of the general election, the primary for the special election, if any, shall
14be held on the day of the partisan primary. If the special election is held on the day
15of the spring election, the primary for the special election, if any, shall be held on the
16day of the spring primary.
AB43,41 17Section 41 . 8.50 (2) (a) and (b) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB43,207,218 8.50 (2) (a) The Except as provided in sub. (4m), the date for the special election
19shall be not less than 62 nor more than 77 days from the date of the order except when
20the special election is held to fill a vacancy in a national office or the special election
21is held on the day of the general election or spring election. If a special election is held
22concurrently with the spring election, the special election may be ordered not earlier
23than 92 days prior to the spring primary and not later than 49 days prior to that
24primary. If a special election is held concurrently with the general election or a
25special election is held to fill a national office
, the special election may be ordered not

1earlier than 122 days prior to the partisan primary or special primary, respectively,
2and not later than 92 days prior to that primary.
AB43,207,103 (b) If Except as provided in sub. (4m), if a primary is required, the primary shall
4be on the day 4 weeks before the day of the special election except when the special
5election is held on the same day as the general election the special primary shall be
6held on the same day as the partisan primary or if the special election is held
7concurrently with the spring election, the primary shall be held concurrently with
8the spring primary, and except when the special election is held on the Tuesday after
9the first Monday in November of an odd-numbered year, the primary shall be held
10on the 2nd Tuesday of August in that year.
AB43,42 11Section 42 . 8.50 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB43,208,212 8.50 (3) (a) Nomination Except as provided in sub. (4m), nomination papers
13may be circulated no sooner than the day the order for the special election is filed and
14shall be filed not later than 5 p.m. 28 days before the day that the special primary
15will or would be held, if required, except when a special election is held concurrently
16with the spring election or general election, the deadline for filing nomination papers
17shall be specified in the order and the date shall be no earlier than the date provided
18in s. 8.10 (2) (a) or 8.15 (1), respectively, and no later than 35 days prior to the date
19of the spring primary or no later than June 1 preceding the partisan primary.
20Nomination papers may be filed in the manner specified in s. 8.10, 8.15, or 8.20. Each
21candidate shall file a declaration of candidacy in the manner provided in s. 8.21 no
22later than the latest time provided in the order for filing nomination papers. If a
23candidate for state or local office has not filed a registration statement under s.
2411.0202 (1) (a) at the time he or she files nomination papers, the candidate shall file
25the statement with the papers. A candidate for state office shall also file a statement

1of economic interests with the ethics commission no later than the end of the 3rd day
2following the last day for filing nomination papers specified in the order.
AB43,43 3Section 43 . 8.50 (4) (b) of the statutes is repealed.
AB43,44 4Section 44 . 8.50 (4m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB43,208,75 8.50 (4m) Special elections for national office. (a) Except as provided in
6par. (b), a vacancy in the office of U.S. senator or representative in congress shall be
7filled as soon as practicable in the following manner:
AB43,208,128 1. At a special election to be held on the 3rd Tuesday in May following the first
9day of the vacancy. The special primary shall be held concurrently with the spring
10primary on the 3rd Tuesday in February. The first day for circulating nomination
11papers shall be November 1 and the papers shall be filed no later 5 p.m. on the first
12Tuesday in December preceding the primary.
AB43,208,1613 2. At a special election to be held on the 2nd Tuesday in August following the
14first day of the vacancy. The special primary shall be held on the 3rd Tuesday in May
15in that year. The first day for circulating nomination papers shall be February 1 and
16the papers shall be filed no later than 5 p.m. on the first Tuesday in March.
AB43,208,2017 3. At a special election to be held on the Tuesday after the first Monday in
18November following the first day of the vacancy. The special primary shall be held
19on the 2nd Tuesday in August in that year. Nomination papers shall be circulated
20and filed as provided under s. 8.15.
AB43,208,2321 (b) A special election shall not be held under par. (a) 3. in any year in which the
22general election is held for that office, but, instead, the vacancy shall be filled at the
23partisan primary and general election.
AB43,208,2424 (c) A vacancy filled under par. (a) shall be for the residue of the unexpired term.
AB43,45 25Section 45. 13.09 (7) of the statutes is created to read:
113.09 (7) If a member of the committee objects to a proposed action or item
2during a period of passive review required by law for the purpose of reviewing the
3proposed action or item, the name of each objecting member, as well as the reason
4for each objection, shall be recorded and made publicly available.
AB43,46 5Section 46 . 13.121 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB43,209,146 13.121 (4) Insurance. For the purpose of premium determinations under s.
740.05 (4) and (5) each member of the legislature shall accrue sick leave at a rate
8equivalent to a percentage of time worked recommended for such positions by the
9administrator of the division of personnel management in the department of
10administration and approved by the joint committee on employment relations in the
11same manner as compensation for such positions is determined under s. 20.923. This
12percentage of time worked shall be applied to the sick leave accrual rate established
13under s. 230.35 (2). The approved percentage shall be incorporated into the
14compensation plan under s. 230.12 (1).
AB43,47 15Section 47 . 13.124 of the statutes is repealed.
AB43,48 16Section 48 . 13.127 of the statutes is repealed.
AB43,49 17Section 49 . 13.365 of the statutes is repealed.
AB43,50 18Section 50 . 13.48 (26m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB43,209,2419 13.48 (26m) Lead service line replacement. The legislature finds and
20determines that the prevalence of lead service lines in connections to public water
21systems poses a public health hazard and that processes for reducing lead entering
22drinking water from such pipes requires additional treatment of wastewater. It is
23therefore in the public interest, and it is the public policy of this state, to assist
24private users of public water systems in replacing lead service lines.
1Section 51. 13.48 (30) (a) (intro.) and 2. of the statutes are consolidated,
2renumbered 13.48 (30) (a) and amended to read:
AB43,210,43 13.48 (30) (a) In this section: 2. “Unserved, “unserved area” has the meaning
4given in s. 196.504 (1) (c).
AB43,52 5Section 52. 13.48 (30) (a) 1. of the statutes is repealed.
AB43,53 6Section 53. 13.48 (30) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB43,210,177 13.48 (30) (b) The legislature finds and determines that the provision of
8broadband Internet access is essential to the welfare of the citizens of this state and
9to economic development in this state, and therefore the provision of broadband
10Internet access is a government function and a statewide responsibility of statewide
11dimension. The legislature further determines that sufficient private capital has
12been and continues to be unavailable to fulfill the need for the development of
13broadband Internet access in
underserved and unserved areas in this state. It is
14therefore in the public interest, and it is the public policy of this state, to assist the
15public service commission in making broadband expansion grants under s. 196.504
16(2) (a) for the purpose of constructing broadband infrastructure in
underserved and
17unserved areas of this state.
AB43,54 18Section 54. 13.525 (5) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB43,211,219 13.525 (5) (a) If any Any bill that is introduced in either house of the legislature
20that proposes to create a new crime or revise a penalty for an existing crime and the
21bill is referred to a standing committee of the house in which it is introduced, the
22chairperson may request
shall be referred to the joint review committee to prepare
23a report on the bill under par. (b). If the bill is not referred to a standing committee,
24the speaker of the assembly, if the bill is introduced in the assembly, or the presiding

1officer of the senate, if the bill is introduced in the senate, may request the joint
2review committee to prepare a report on the bill under par. (b).
AB43,55 3Section 55. 13.525 (5) (b) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB43,211,84 13.525 (5) (b) (intro.) If the joint review committee receives a request under par.
5(a) for a report on
is referred a bill that proposes to create a new crime or revise a
6penalty for an existing crime,
under par. (a), neither house may further consider the
7bill until
the committee shall prepare prepares a report concerning all of the
AB43,56 9Section 56. 13.525 (5) (d) of the statutes is repealed.
AB43,57 10Section 57 . 13.56 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB43,211,1911 13.56 (2) Participation in certain proceedings. The cochairpersons of the joint
12committee for review of administrative rules or their designated agents shall accept
13service made under ss. 227.40 (5) and 806.04 (11). If the committee determines that
14the legislature should be represented in the proceeding, it shall request the joint
15committee on legislative organization to intervene in designate the legislature's
16representative for
the proceeding as provided under s. 806.04 (11). The costs of
17participation in the proceeding shall be paid equally from the appropriations under
18s. 20.765 (1) (a) and (b), except that such costs incurred by the department of justice
19shall be paid from the appropriation under s. 20.455 (1) (d).
AB43,58 20Section 58. 13.90 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB43,211,2421 13.90 (1) (intro.) The joint committee on legislative organization shall be the
22policy-making board for the legislative reference bureau, the legislative fiscal
23bureau, the legislative audit bureau, the legislative human resources office, and the
24legislative technology services bureau. The committee shall:
AB43,59 25Section 59. 13.90 (1m) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
113.90 (1m) (a) In this subsection, “legislative service agency" means the
2legislative council staff, the legislative audit bureau, the legislative fiscal bureau,
3the legislative reference bureau, the legislative human resources office, and the
4legislative technology services bureau.
AB43,60 5Section 60 . 13.90 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB43,212,166 13.90 (2) The cochairpersons of the joint committee on legislative organization
7or their designated agent shall accept service made under ss. s. 806.04 (11) and
8893.825 (2)
. If the committee, the senate organization committee, or the assembly
9organization committee determines that the legislature should intervene be
in the proceeding as provided under s. 803.09 (2m), the assembly shall
11represent the assembly, the senate shall represent the senate, and the joint
12committee on legislative organization shall represent the legislature
, that
13committee shall designate the legislature's representative for the proceeding
. The
14costs of participation in the proceeding shall be paid equally from the appropriations
15under s. 20.765 (1) (a) and (b), except that such costs incurred by the department of
16justice shall be paid from the appropriation under s. 20.455 (1) (d).
AB43,61 17Section 61 . 13.97 of the statutes is created to read:
AB43,212,20 1813.97 Legislative human resources office. There is created a service
19agency known as the “Legislative Human Resources Office,” headed by a director.
20The legislative human resources office shall be strictly nonpartisan.
AB43,212,21 21(1) Duties of the office. The legislative human resources office shall:
AB43,212,2322 (a) Provide human resources services to the legislative branch, as directed by
23the joint committee on legislative organization.
AB43,213,324 (b) Establish a formal complaint process to review and investigate allegations
25of harassment, discrimination, retaliation, violence, or bullying by legislators,

1legislative employees, and legislative service agency employees. The office shall
2investigate all such allegations, unless the director designates another person or
3entity to review and investigate any specific allegation.
AB43,213,5 4(2) Duties of the director. The director of the legislative human resources
5office shall:
AB43,213,66 (a) Report to the joint committee on legislative organization.
AB43,213,77 (b) Direct the operations of the staff.
AB43,213,88 (c) Employ, train, and supervise the personnel assigned to the director.
AB43,213,99 (d) Supervise all expenditures of the legislative human resources office.
AB43,213,1210 (e) Manage reviews and investigations of the formal complaint process
11established under sub. (1) (b). Upon completion of an investigation, report the
12findings to the appropriate legislative leader or employee supervisor.
AB43,213,1413 (f) On a periodic basis, recommend to the joint committee on legislative
14organization improvements to human resources services and programs.
AB43,62 15Section 62 . 14.46 of the statutes is created to read:
AB43,213,21 1614.46 Assistant secretary of state. The secretary of state may appoint an
17assistant secretary of state who may perform and execute any duty or power of the
18secretary of state, except duties and powers the secretary of state performs as a
19member of the board of commissioners of public lands. The assistant secretary of
20state shall take and file the official oath and shall file an official bond in the sum and
21with the conditions as the secretary of state prescribes.
AB43,63 22Section 63. 15.01 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB43,214,1023 15.01 (6) “Division," “bureau," “section," and “unit" means the subunits of a
24department or an independent agency, whether specifically created by law or created
25by the head of the department or the independent agency for the more economic and

1efficient administration and operation of the programs assigned to the department
2or independent agency. The office of credit unions in the department of financial
3institutions, the office of the inspector general in the department of children and
4families, the office of the inspector general in the department of health services, and
5the office of children's mental health in the department of health services have the
6meaning of “division" under this subsection. The office of the long-term care
7ombudsman under the board on aging and long-term care, the office of homeland
8security under the department of military affairs,
and the office of educational
9accountability in the department of public instruction have the meaning of “bureau"
10under this subsection.
AB43,64 11Section 64 . 15.07 (3) (bm) 7. of the statutes is created to read:
AB43,214,1312 15.07 (3) (bm) 7. The prescription drug affordability review board shall meet
13at least 4 times each year.
AB43,65 14Section 65 . 15.105 (34) of the statutes is created to read:
AB43,214,1815 15.105 (34) Office of environmental justice. There is created in the
16department of administration an office of environmental justice. The office shall be
17under the direction and supervision of a director, who shall be appointed by the
18secretary of administration to serve at the pleasure of the secretary.
AB43,66 19Section 66 . 15.105 (35) of the statutes is created to read:
AB43,214,2220 15.105 (35) Office of sustainability and clean energy. There is created in the
21department of administration an office to be known as the office of sustainability and
22clean energy.
AB43,67 23Section 67 . 15.165 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB43,214,24 2415.165 (title) Same; attached boards and offices.
AB43,68 25Section 68 . 15.165 (5) of the statutes is created to read:
115.165 (5) Office of internal audit. There is created an office of internal audit
2that is attached to the department of employee trust funds under s. 15.03. The office
3shall be under the direction and supervision of an internal auditor who shall be
4appointed by the employee trust funds board in the classified service. The internal
5auditor shall report directly to the employee trust funds board.
AB43,69 6Section 69 . 15.185 (6) of the statutes is created to read:
AB43,215,107 15.185 (6) Small business retirement savings board. (a) There is created a
8small business retirement savings board that is attached to the department of
9financial institutions under s. 15.03. The board shall consist of the following
AB43,215,1111 1. The secretary of financial institutions or his or her designee.
AB43,215,1412 2. One member who has a favorable reputation for skill, knowledge, and
13experience in the field of retirement saving and investments, appointed by the
AB43,215,1615 3. One member who has a favorable reputation for skill, knowledge, and
16experience relating to small business, appointed by the governor.
AB43,215,2017 4. One member who is a representative of an association representing
18employees or who has a favorable reputation for skill, knowledge, and experience in
19the interests of employees in retirement saving, appointed by the speaker of the
AB43,215,2321 5. One member who has a favorable reputation for skill, knowledge, and
22experience in the interests of employers in retirement saving, appointed by the
23president of the senate.
16. One member who has a favorable reputation for skill, knowledge, and
2experience in retirement investment products or retirement plan designs, appointed
3by the secretary of financial institutions.
AB43,216,44 7. One member appointed by the investment board.
AB43,216,55 (b) The members under par. (a) 2. to 7. shall be appointed for 4-year terms.
AB43,70 6Section 70 . 15.197 (20) of the statutes is created to read:
AB43,216,97 15.197 (20) Spinal cord injury council. (a) There is created in the department
8of health services a spinal cord injury council that, except as provided in par. (b),
9consists of the following members appointed by the department for 2-year terms:
AB43,216,1110 1. One member representing the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine
11and Public Health.
AB43,216,1212 2. One member representing the Medical College of Wisconsin.
AB43,216,1313 3. One member who has a spinal cord injury.
AB43,216,1414 4. One member who is a family member of a person with a spinal cord injury.
AB43,216,1515 5. One member who is a veteran who has a spinal cord injury.
AB43,216,1716 6. One member who is a physician specializing in the treatment of spinal cord
AB43,216,1818 7. One member who is a researcher in the field of neurosurgery.
AB43,216,2019 8. One member who is a researcher employed by the veterans health
20administration of the U.S. department of veterans affairs.