851. 48.366 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (a) The person is placed in a foster home, group home, or residential
2care center for children and youth, in the home of a relative other than a parent,
3the home of like-kin, or in a supervised independent living arrangement under an
4order under s. 48.355, 48.357, or 48.365 that terminates as provided in s. 48.355 (4)
5(b) 1., 2., or 3., 48.357 (6) (a) 1., 2., or 3., or 48.365 (5) (b) 1., 2., or 3. on or after the
6person attains 18 years of age.
852. 48.371 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (intro.) If a child is placed in a foster home, group home, or
9residential care center for children and youth or in the home of a relative other than
10a parent
or in the home of like-kin, including a placement under s. 48.205 or 48.21,
11the agency, as defined in s. 48.38 (1) (a), that placed the child or arranged for the
12placement of the child shall provide the following information to the foster parent,
like-kin, or operator of the group home or residential care center for
14children and youth at the time of placement or, if the information has not been
15provided to the agency by that time, as soon as possible after the date on which the
16agency receives that information, but not more than 2 working days after that date:
853. 48.371 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (a) Results of an HIV test, as defined in s. 252.01 (2m), of the child,
19as provided under s. 252.15 (3m) (d) 15., including results included in a court report
20or permanency plan. At the time that the HIV test results are provided, the agency
21shall notify the foster parent, relative,
like-kin, or operator of the group home or
22residential care center for children and youth of the confidentiality requirements
23under s. 252.15 (6).
854. 48.371 (3) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (intro.) At the time of placement of a child in a foster home, group
2home, or residential care center for children and youth or in the home of a relative
3other than a parent
or in the home of like-kin or, if the information is not available
4at that time, as soon as possible after the date on which the court report or
5permanency plan has been submitted, but no later than 7 days after that date, the
6agency, as defined in s. 48.38 (1) (a), responsible for preparing the child's permanency
7plan shall provide to the foster parent, relative,
like-kin, or operator of the group
8home or residential care center for children and youth information contained in the
9court report submitted under s. 48.33 (1), 48.365 (2g), 48.425 (1), 48.831 (2), or 48.837
10(4) (c) or permanency plan submitted under s. 48.355 (2e), 48.38, 48.43 (1) (c) or (5)
11(c), 48.63 (4) or (5) (c), or 48.831 (4) (e) relating to findings or opinions of the court or
12agency that prepared the court report or permanency plan relating to any of the
14Section 855
. 48.371 (3) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (d) Any involvement of the child, whether as victim or perpetrator,
16in sexual intercourse or sexual contact in violation of s. 940.225, 948.02, 948.025, or
17948.085, prostitution in violation of s. 944.30 (1m), trafficking in violation of s.
18940.302 (2) if s. 940.302 (2) (a) 1. b. applies, sexual exploitation of a child in violation
19of s. 948.05, trafficking of a child in violation of s. 948.051, or causing a child to view
20or listen to sexual activity in violation of s. 948.055, if the information is necessary
21for the care of the child or for the protection of any person living in the foster home,
22group home, or residential care center for children and youth or in the home of the
or like-kin.
24Section 856
. 48.371 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
(5) Except as permitted under s. 252.15 (6), a foster parent, relative,
2like-kin, or operator of a group home or residential care center for children and youth
3that receives any information under sub. (1) or (3), other than the information
4described in sub. (3) (e), shall keep the information confidential and may disclose that
5information only for the purposes of providing care for the child or participating in
6a court hearing or permanency review concerning the child.
7Section 857
. 48.38 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) Permanency plan required. (intro.) Except as provided in sub. (3),
9for each child living in a foster home, group home, residential care center for children
10and youth, juvenile detention facility, shelter care facility, qualifying residential
11family-based treatment facility with a parent, or supervised independent living
12arrangement, the agency that placed the child or arranged the placement or the
13agency assigned primary responsibility for providing services to the child under s.
1448.355 (2) (b) 6g. shall prepare a written permanency plan, if any of the following
15conditions exists, and, for each child living in the home of a guardian
or, a relative
16other than a parent,
or like-kin, that agency shall prepare a written permanency
17plan, if any of the conditions specified in pars. (a) to (e) exists:
858. 48.38 (3m) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3m) (a)
All appropriate biological family members, relatives, and
20like-kin of the child, as determined by the agency. Notwithstanding s. 48.02 (12c)
21(b), in this paragraph, “like-kin” may include a person who is or previously was the
22child's licensed foster parent.
23Section 859
. 48.38 (4) (f) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) (f) (intro.) A description of the services that will be provided to the
25child, the child's family, and the child's foster parent, the operator of the facility
1where the child is living, or the relative
or like-kin with whom the child is living to
2carry out the dispositional order, including services planned to accomplish all of the
860. 48.38 (4m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4m) (b) At least 10 days before the date of the hearing the court shall
6notify the child; any parent, guardian, and legal custodian of the child; any foster
7parent, or other physical custodian described in s. 48.62 (2) of the child, the operator
8of the facility in which the child is living, or the relative
or like-kin with whom the
9child is living; and, if the child is an Indian child, the Indian child's Indian custodian
10and tribe of the time, place, and purpose of the hearing, of the issues to be determined
11at the hearing, and of the fact that they shall have a right to be heard at the hearing.
12Section 861
. 48.38 (4m) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4m) (d) The court shall give a foster parent, other physical custodian
14described in s. 48.62 (2), operator of a facility,
or relative
, or like-kin who is notified
15of a hearing under par. (b) a right to be heard at the hearing by permitting the foster
16parent, other physical custodian, operator,
or relative
, or like-kin to make a written
17or oral statement during the hearing, or to submit a written statement prior to the
18hearing, relevant to the issues to be determined at the hearing. The foster parent,
19other physical custodian, operator of a facility,
or relative
, or like-kin does not
20become a party to the proceeding on which the hearing is held solely on the basis of
21receiving that notice and right to be heard.
862. 48.38 (5) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(5) (b) The court or the agency shall notify the child; the child's parent,
24guardian, and legal custodian; the child's foster parent, the operator of the facility
25in which the child is living, or the relative
or like-kin with whom the child is living;
1and, if the child is an Indian child who is placed outside the home of his or her parent
2or Indian custodian, the Indian child's Indian custodian and tribe of the time, place,
3and purpose of the review, of the issues to be determined as part of the review, and
4of the fact that they shall have a right to be heard at the review as provided in par.
5(bm) 1. The court or agency shall notify the person representing the interests of the
6public, the child's counsel, the child's guardian ad litem, the child's court-appointed
7special advocate, and the child's school of the time, place, and purpose of the review,
8of the issues to be determined as part of the review, and of the fact that they may have
9an opportunity to be heard at the review as provided in par. (bm) 1. The notices under
10this paragraph shall be provided in writing not less than 30 days before the review
11and copies of the notices shall be filed in the child's case record. The notice to the
12child's school shall also include the name and contact information for the caseworker
13or social worker assigned to the child's case.
863. 48.38 (5) (bm) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
(5) (bm) 1. A child, parent, guardian, legal custodian, foster parent,
16operator of a facility,
or relative
, or like-kin who is provided notice of the review
17under par. (b) shall have a right to be heard at the review by submitting written
18comments relevant to the determinations specified in par. (c) not less than 10
19working days before the date of the review or by participating at the review. A person
20representing the interests of the public, counsel, guardian ad litem, court-appointed
21special advocate, or school who is provided notice of the review under par. (b) may
22have an opportunity to be heard at the review by submitting written comments
23relevant to the determinations specified in par. (c) not less than 10 working days
24before the date of the review. A foster parent, operator of a facility,
or relative
, or
25like-kin who receives notice of a review under par. (b) and a right to be heard under
1this subdivision does not become a party to the proceeding on which the review is held
2solely on the basis of receiving that notice and right to be heard.
864. 48.38 (5) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
(5) (e) Within 30 days, the agency shall prepare a written summary of
5the determinations under par. (c) and shall provide a copy to the court that entered
6the order; the child or the child's counsel or guardian ad litem; the person
7representing the interests of the public; the child's parent, guardian, or legal
8custodian; the child's court-appointed special advocate; the child's foster parent, the
9operator of the facility where the child is living, or the relative
or like-kin with whom
10the child is living; and, if the child is an Indian child who is placed outside the home
11of his or her parent or Indian custodian, the Indian child's Indian custodian and tribe.
865. 48.38 (5m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(5m) (b) The court shall notify the child; the child's parent, guardian, and
14legal custodian; and the child's foster parent, the operator of the facility in which the
15child is living, or the relative
or like-kin with whom the child is living of the time,
16place, and purpose of the hearing, of the issues to be determined at the hearing, and
17of the fact that they shall have a right to be heard at the hearing as provided in par.
18(c) 1. The court shall notify the child's counsel, the child's guardian ad litem, and the
19child's court-appointed special advocate; the agency that prepared the permanency
20plan; the child's school; the person representing the interests of the public; and, if the
21child is an Indian child who is placed outside the home of his or her parent or Indian
22custodian, the Indian child's Indian custodian and tribe of the time, place, and
23purpose of the hearing, of the issues to be determined at the hearing, and of the fact
24that they may have an opportunity to be heard at the hearing as provided in par. (c)
251. The notices under this paragraph shall be provided in writing not less than 30
1days before the hearing. The notice to the child's school shall also include the name
2and contact information for the caseworker or social worker assigned to the child's
866. 48.38 (5m) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
(5m) (c) 1. A child, parent, guardian, legal custodian, foster parent,
6operator of a facility,
or relative
, or like-kin who is provided notice of the hearing
7under par. (b) shall have a right to be heard at the hearing by submitting written
8comments relevant to the determinations specified in sub. (5) (c) not less than 10
9working days before the date of the hearing or by participating at the hearing. A
10counsel, guardian ad litem, court-appointed special advocate, agency, school, or
11person representing the interests of the public who is provided notice of the hearing
12under par. (b) may have an opportunity to be heard at the hearing by submitting
13written comments relevant to the determinations specified in sub. (5) (c) not less
14than 10 working days before the date of the hearing or by participating at the
15hearing. A foster parent, operator of a facility,
or relative
, or like-kin who receives
16notice of a hearing under par. (b) and a right to be heard under this subdivision does
17not become a party to the proceeding on which the hearing is held solely on the basis
18of receiving that notice and right to be heard.
867. 48.38 (5m) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
(5m) (e) After the hearing, the court shall make written findings of fact
21and conclusions of law relating to the determinations under sub. (5) (c) and shall
22provide a copy of those findings of fact and conclusions of law to the child; the child's
23parent, guardian, and legal custodian; the child's foster parent, the operator of the
24facility in which the child is living, or the relative
or like-kin with whom the child
25is living; the child's court-appointed special advocate; the agency that prepared the
1permanency plan; the person representing the interests of the public; and, if the child
2is an Indian child who is placed outside the home of his or her parent or Indian
3custodian, the Indian child's Indian custodian and tribe. The court shall make the
4findings specified in sub. (5) (c) 7. on a case-by-case basis based on circumstances
5specific to the child and shall document or reference the specific information on
6which those findings are based in the findings of fact and conclusions of law prepared
7under this paragraph. Findings of fact and conclusions of law that merely reference
8sub. (5) (c) 7. without documenting or referencing that specific information in the
9findings of fact and conclusions of law or amended findings of fact and conclusions
10of law that retroactively correct earlier findings of fact and conclusions of law that
11do not comply with this paragraph are not sufficient to comply with this paragraph.
12Section 868
. 48.385 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
1348.385 Plan for transition to independent living. (intro.) During the 90
14days immediately before a child who is placed in a foster home, group home, or
15residential care center for children and youth, in the home of a relative other than
16a parent,
in the home of like-kin, or in a supervised independent living arrangement
17attains 18 years of age or, if the child is placed in such a placement under an order
18under s. 48.355, 48.357, or 48.365 that terminates under s. 48.355 (4) (b) after the
19child attains 18 years of age or under a voluntary transition-to-independent-living
20agreement under s. 48.366 (3) that terminates under s. 48.366 (3) (a) after the child
21attains 18 years of age, during the 90 days immediately before the termination of the
22order or agreement, the agency primarily responsible for providing services to the
23child under the order or agreement shall do all of the following:
24Section 869
. 48.396 (2) (dm) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (dm) Upon request of a court having jurisdiction over actions
2affecting the family, an attorney responsible for support enforcement under s. 59.53
3(6) (a) or a party to a paternity proceeding under subch. IX of ch. 767, the party's
4attorney or the guardian ad litem for the child who is the subject of that proceeding
5to review or be provided with information from the records of the court assigned to
6exercise jurisdiction under this chapter and ch. 938 relating to the paternity of a child
7for the purpose of determining the paternity of the child or for the purpose of
8rebutting the presumption of
paternity parentage under s. 891.405, 891.407, or
9891.41 (1), the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under this chapter and ch. 938
10shall open for inspection by the requester its records relating to the paternity of the
11child or disclose to the requester those records.
870. 48.40 (1m) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1m) “Kinship care
relative provider" means a person receiving
14payments under s. 48.57 (3m) (am) for providing care and maintenance for a child.
15Section 871
. 48.42 (1g) (a) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1g) (a) 4. A statement identifying any
man person who has lived in a
17familial relationship with the child and who may be
the father a parent of the child.
18Section 872
. 48.42 (1g) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1g) (b) The petitioner shall notify any
man person identified in the
20affidavit under par. (a) as an alleged
parent of
his the right to file a declaration
paternal parental interest under s. 48.025 before the birth of the child, within 14
22days after the birth of the child, or within 21 days after the date on which the notice
23is mailed, whichever is later; of the birth date or anticipated birth date of the child;
24and of the consequences of filing or not filing a declaration of
paternal parental 25interest. The petitioner shall include with the notice a copy of the form required to
1file a declaration of
paternal parental interest under s. 48.025. The notice shall be
2sent by certified mail to the last-known address of the alleged
father parent.
3Section 873
. 48.42 (1g) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1g) (c) If an affidavit under par. (a) is not filed with the petition, notice
5shall be given to an alleged
father parent under sub. (2).
6Section 874
. 48.42 (2) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (b) 1. A person who has filed an unrevoked declaration of
paternal 8parental interest under s. 48.025 before the birth of the child or within 14 days after
9the birth of the child.
10Section 875
. 48.42 (2) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (b) 2. A person or persons alleged to the court to be
the father a parent 12of the child or who may, based upon the statements of the
mother parent who gave
13birth to the child or other information presented to the court, be the
father parent 14of the child unless that person has waived the right to notice under s. 48.41 (2) (c).
15Section 876
. 48.42 (2) (bm) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (bm) 1. A person who has filed an unrevoked declaration of
paternal 17parental interest under s. 48.025 before the birth of the child, within 14 days after
18the birth of the child, or within 21 days after a notice under sub. (1g) (b) is mailed,
19whichever is later.
20Section 877
. 48.422 (6) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(6) (a) In the case of a nonmarital child who is not adopted or whose
22parents do not subsequently intermarry under s. 767.803 and for whom paternity
23has not been established, or for whom a declaration of
paternal parental interest has
24not been filed under s. 48.025 within 14 days after the date of birth of the child or,
25if s. 48.42 (1g) (b) applies, within 21 days after the date on which the notice under
1s. 48.42 (1g) (b) is mailed, the court shall hear testimony concerning the
paternity 2parentage of the child. Based on the testimony, the court shall determine whether
3all interested parties who are known have been notified under s. 48.42 (2) and (2g)
4(ag). If not, the court shall adjourn the hearing and order appropriate notice to be
6Section 878
. 48.422 (7) (bm) of the statutes is amended to read:
(7) (bm) Establish whether a proposed adoptive parent of the child has
8been identified. If a proposed adoptive parent of the child has been identified and
9the proposed adoptive parent is not a relative of the child, the court shall order the
10petitioner to submit a report to the court containing the information specified in s.
1148.913 (7). The court shall review the report to determine whether any payments or
12agreement to make payments set forth in the report are coercive to the birth parent
13of the child or to an alleged
to or presumed
father parent of the child or are
14impermissible under s. 48.913 (4). Making any payment to or on behalf of
the any 15birth parent
of the child, an, alleged or presumed
father parent of the child
, or the
16child conditional in any part upon transfer or surrender of the child or the
17termination of parental rights or the finalization of the adoption creates a rebuttable
18presumption of coercion. Upon a finding of coercion, the court shall dismiss the
19petition or amend the agreement to delete any coercive conditions, if the parties
20agree to the amendment. Upon a finding that payments
which that are
21impermissible under s. 48.913 (4) have been made, the court may dismiss the petition
22and may refer the matter to the district attorney for prosecution under s. 948.24 (1).
23This paragraph does not apply if the petition was filed with a petition for adoptive
24placement under s. 48.837 (2).
25Section 879
. 48.422 (7) (br) of the statutes is amended to read:
(7) (br) Establish whether any person has coerced a birth parent or
any 2alleged or presumed
father parent of the child in violation of s. 48.63 (3) (b) 5. Upon
3a finding of coercion, the court shall dismiss the petition.
4Section 880
. 48.423 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (d) That the person has complied with the requirements of the state
6where the
mother birth parent previously resided or was located to protect and
7preserve his
paternal or her parental interests in matters affecting the child.
881. 48.427 (3m) (a) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
(3m) (a) 5. A relative with whom the child resides, if the relative has
10filed a petition to adopt the child or if the relative is a kinship care
relative provider 11or is receiving payments under s. 48.62 (4) for providing care and maintenance for
12the child.
13Section 882
. 48.43 (5) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
(5) (b) 1. The court shall hold a hearing to review the permanency plan
15within 30 days after receiving a report under par. (a). At least 10 days before the date
16of the hearing, the court shall provide notice of the time, place, and purpose of the
17hearing to the agency that prepared the report, the child's guardian, the child, and
18the child's foster parent, the operator of the facility in which the child is living, or the
or like-kin with whom the child is living.
20Section 883
. 48.43 (5) (b) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
(5) (b) 3. The court shall give a foster parent, operator of a facility, or
or like-kin who is notified of a hearing under subd. 1. a right to be heard at
23the hearing by permitting the foster parent, operator, or relative
or like-kin to make
24a written or oral statement during the hearing, or to submit a written statement
25prior to the hearing, relevant to the issues to be determined at the hearing. The foster
1parent, operator of a facility, or relative
or like-kin does not become a party to the
2proceeding on which the hearing is held solely on the basis of receiving that notice
3and right to be heard.
4Section 884
. 48.43 (5m) of the statutes is amended to read:
(5m) Either the court or the agency that prepared the permanency plan
6shall furnish a copy of the original plan and each revised plan to the child, if he or
7she is 12 years of age or over, to the child's guardian, to the child's foster parent, the
8operator of the facility in which the child is living, or the relative
or like-kin with
9whom the child is living, and, if the order under sub. (1) involuntarily terminated
10parental rights to an Indian child, to the Indian child's tribe.
11Section 885
. 48.432 (1) (am) 2. b. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (am) 2. b. If there is no adjudicated father, the
husband spouse of the
13mother at the time the individual or adoptee is conceived or born, or when the parents
14intermarry under s. 767.803.
15Section 886
. Subchapter IX (title) of chapter 48 [precedes 48.44] of the
16statutes is amended to read:
OR OLDER adults
21Section 887
. 48.44 of the statutes is amended to read:
2248.44 Jurisdiction over persons 17 or older adults. The court has
23jurisdiction over
persons 17 years of age or older
adults as provided under ss. 48.133,
2448.355 (4), 48.357 (6), 48.365 (5), and 48.45 and as otherwise specifically provided in
25this chapter.
888. 48.45 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (a) If in the hearing of a case of a child alleged to be in a condition
3described in s. 48.13 it appears that any
person 17 years of age or older adult has been
4guilty of contributing to, encouraging, or tending to cause by any act or omission
5such that condition of the child, the judge may make orders with respect to the
6conduct of
such that person in his or her relationship to the child, including orders
7determining the ability of the person to provide for the maintenance or care of the
8child and directing when, how
, and
from where funds for the maintenance or care
9shall be paid.
10Section 889
. 48.45 (1) (am) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (am) If in the hearing of a case of an unborn child and the unborn
12child's expectant mother alleged to be in a condition described in s. 48.133 it appears
13that any
person 17 years of age or over adult has been guilty of contributing to,
14encouraging, or tending to cause by any act or omission
, such that condition of the
15unborn child and expectant mother, the judge may make orders with respect to the
16conduct of
such that person in his or her relationship to the unborn child and
17expectant mother.
18Section 890
. 48.45 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) If it appears at a court hearing that any
person 17 years of age or older 20adult has violated s. 948.40, the judge shall refer the record to the district attorney
21for criminal proceedings as may be warranted in the district attorney's judgment.
22This subsection does not prevent prosecution of violations of s. 948.40 without the
23prior reference by the judge to the district attorney, as in other criminal cases.
891. 48.48 (8r) of the statutes is amended to read:
(8r) To reimburse county departments
and Indian tribes, from the
2appropriations under s. 20.437 (1) (dd) and (pd), for subsidized guardianship
3payments made under s. 48.623 (1) or (6), including guardianships of
Indian children
4ordered by tribal courts.
892. 48.48 (17m) of the statutes is created to read:
(17m) (a) To provide intensive family preservation services or to provide
7funding to county departments, nonprofit or for-profit corporations, Indian tribes,
8or licensed child welfare agencies under contract with the department or a county
9department to provide intensive family preservation services. In this subsection,
10“intensive family preservation services” means evidence-informed services that are
11targeted to prevent the removal of children from the home under this chapter or ch.
12938, to promote the safety of children in the home, or to provide services to children
13who are placed in out-of-home care or who are involved in the juvenile justice
(b) To provide support for intensive family preservation services provided by
16the department, county departments, nonprofit corporations, Indian tribes, or
17licensed child welfare agencies, including any of the following:
1. Training, coaching, quality assurance, data collection and analysis, and
19funding for certification or licensing for implementation of the services.
2. Purchasing or subsidizing the purchase of the services described in subd. 1.
(c) To develop criteria, standards, and review procedures for the administration
22of this subsection. Notwithstanding s. 227.10 (1), the criteria, standards, and review
23procedures established under this paragraph need not be promulgated as rules
24under ch. 227.