c. Unplanned school closures of 5 consecutive days or more.
(at) The department shall determine the amount of emergency payments under
18par. (ar) based on available funding.
933. 48.57 (3m) (as) of the statutes is created to read:
(3m) (as) From the appropriation under s. 20.437 (1) (es), a county
21department and, in a county having a population of 750,000 or more, the department
22may provide flexible support, in the form of additional payments or services, to a
23kinship care provider who qualifies under rules promulgated by the department
24under par. (i) 3.
934. 48.57 (3m) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
(3m) (b) 2. When any kinship care
relative provider of a child applies for
2or receives payments under this subsection, any right of the child or the child's parent
3to support or maintenance from any other person accruing during the time that
4payments are made under this subsection is assigned to the state. If a child who is
5the beneficiary of a payment under this subsection is also the beneficiary of support
6under a judgment or order that includes support for one or more children who are not
7the beneficiaries of payments under this subsection, any support payment made
8under the judgment or order is assigned to the state in the amount that is the
9proportionate share of the child who is the beneficiary of the payment made under
10this subsection, except as otherwise ordered by the court on the motion of a party.
935. 48.57 (3m) (cm) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3m) (cm) A kinship care
relative provider who receives a payment under
13par. (am) for providing care and maintenance for a child is not eligible to receive a
14payment under sub. (3n) or s. 48.62 (4) or 48.623 (1) or (6) for that child.
936. 48.57 (3m) (h) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3m) (h) A county department or, in a county having a population of
17750,000 or more, the department may recover an overpayment made under par. (am)
18from a kinship care
relative provider who continues to receive payments under par.
19(am) by reducing the amount of the kinship care
relative's provider's monthly
20payment. The department may by rule specify other methods for recovering
21overpayments made under par. (am). A county department that recovers an
22overpayment under this paragraph due to the efforts of its officers and employees
23may retain a portion of the amount recovered, as provided by the department by rule.
937. 48.57 (3m) (i) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
(3m) (i) 1. Rules to provide assessment criteria for determining whether
2a kinship care
relative provider who is providing care and maintenance for a child
3is eligible to receive payments under par. (am). The rules shall also provide that any
4criteria established under the rules shall first apply to applications for payments
5under par. (am) received, and to reviews under par. (d) conducted, on the effective
6date of those rules.
938. 48.57 (3m) (i) 3. of the statutes is created to read:
(3m) (i) 3. Rules governing the provision of flexible support under par.
9(as). Rules promulgated under this subdivision may specify qualifying costs and
10services and eligibility criteria.
939. 48.57 (3m) (i) 4. of the statutes is created to read:
(3m) (i) 4. Rules governing the provision of payments for exceptional
13circumstances to enable siblings or a minor parent and minor children to reside
14together and for initial clothing allowances for a child residing in the home of a
15kinship care provider who is receiving a monthly rate under par. (am).
16Section 940
. 48.57 (3m) (j) of the statutes is created to read:
(3m) (j) The department may promulgate rules governing the provision
18of emergency payments under par. (ar).
941. 48.57 (3n) (a) 1. b. of the statutes is amended to read:
(3n) (a) 1. b. The person is under 21 years of age, the person is a full-time
21student in good academic standing at a secondary school or its vocational or technical
22equivalent, an individualized education program under s. 115.787 is in effect for the
23person, and the person is placed in the home of the long-term kinship care
relative 24provider under an order under s. 48.355, 48.357, 48.365, 938.355, 938.357, or 938.365
25that terminates under s. 48.355 (4) (b) or 938.355 (4) (am) after the person attains
118 years of age or under a voluntary transition-to-independent-living agreement
2under s. 48.366 (3) or 938.366 (3).
942. 48.57 (3n) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
(3n) (a) 2. “Long-term kinship care
relative provider" means a relative
5other than a parent
, an extended family member, as defined in s. 48.028 (2) (am), or
7Section 943
. 48.57 (3n) (am) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3n) (am) (intro.) From the appropriations under s. 20.437 (2) (dz), (md),
9(me), and (s), the department shall reimburse counties having populations of less
10than 750,000 for payments made under this subsection and shall make payments
11under this subsection in a county having a population of 750,000 or more. Subject
12to par. (ap), a county department and, in a county having a population of 750,000 or
13more, the department shall make monthly payments for each child in the amount of
14$300 per month beginning on January 1, 2022, to a long-term kinship care
relative 15provider who is providing care and maintenance for that child if all of the following
16conditions are met:
. 48.57 (3n) (am) (intro.) of the statutes, as affected by 2023
18Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is amended to read:
(3n) (am) (intro.) From the appropriations under s. 20.437 (2) (dz), (md),
20(me), and (s), the department shall reimburse counties having populations of less
21than 750,000 for payments made under this subsection and shall make payments
22under this subsection in a county having a population of 750,000 or more. Subject
23to par. (ap)
and if all of the following conditions are met, beginning on January 1,
242024, a county department and, in a county having a population of 750,000 or more,
25the department shall make monthly payments
to a long-term kinship care provider
1who is providing care and maintenance for
each a child in the amount of
$300 per
2month beginning on January 1, 2022, to a long-term kinship care provider who is
3providing care and maintenance for that child if all of the following conditions are
4met $441 for a child under 5 years of age; $483 for a child 5 to 11 years of age; $548
5for a child 12 to 14 years of age; and $572 for a child 15 years of age or over:
945. 48.57 (3n) (am) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
(3n) (am) 1. The long-term kinship care
relative provider applies to the
8county department or department for payments under this subsection, provides
9proof that he or she has been appointed as the guardian of the child, and, if the child
10is placed in the home of the long-term kinship care
relative provider under a court
11order, other than a court order under s. 48.9795 or ch. 54, 2017 stats., applies to the
12county department or department for a license to operate a foster home.
946. 48.57 (3n) (am) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
(3n) (am) 2. The county department or department inspects the
15long-term kinship care
relative's provider's home, interviews the long-term kinship
relative provider and determines that long-term placement with the long-term
17kinship care
relative provider is in the best interests of the child.
947. 48.57 (3n) (am) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
(3n) (am) 4. The county department or department conducts a
20background investigation under sub. (3p) of the long-term kinship care
relative 21provider, the employees and prospective employees of the long-term kinship care
22relative provider who have or would have regular contact with the child for whom the
23payments would be made and any other adult resident, as defined in sub. (3p) (a),
24of the long-term kinship care
relative's provider's home to determine if the
25long-term kinship care
relative provider, employee, prospective employee or adult
1resident has any arrests or convictions that are likely to adversely affect the child or
2the long-term kinship care
relative's provider's ability to care for the child.
948. 48.57 (3n) (am) 4m. of the statutes is amended to read:
(3n) (am) 4m. Subject to sub. (3p) (fm) 1m. and 2m., the long-term
5kinship care
relative provider states that he or she does not have any arrests or
6convictions that could adversely affect the child or the long-term kinship care
7relative's provider's ability to care for the child and that, to the best of the long-term
8kinship care
relative's provider's knowledge, no adult resident, as defined in sub. (3p)
9(a), and no employee or prospective employee of the long-term kinship care
relative 10provider who would have regular contact with the child has any arrests or
11convictions that could adversely affect the child or the long-term kinship care
12relative's provider's ability to care for the child.
949. 48.57 (3n) (am) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
(3n) (am) 5. The long-term kinship care
relative provider cooperates
15with the county department or department in the application process, including
16applying for other forms of assistance for which the child may be eligible.
950. 48.57 (3n) (am) 5m. of the statutes is amended to read:
(3n) (am) 5m. The long-term kinship care
relative provider is not
19receiving payments under sub. (3m) with respect to the child.
951. 48.57 (3n) (am) 5r. of the statutes is amended to read:
(3n) (am) 5r. The child for whom the long-term kinship care
relative 22provider is providing care and maintenance is not receiving supplemental security
23income under
42 USC 1381 to
1383c or state supplemental payments under s. 49.77.
952. 48.57 (3n) (am) 6. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3n) (am) 6. (intro.) The long-term kinship care
relative provider and the
2county department or department enter into a written agreement under which the
3long-term kinship care
relative provider agrees to provide care and maintenance for
4the child and the county department or department agrees, subject to sub. (3p) (hm),
5to make monthly payments to the long-term kinship care
relative provider at the
6rate specified in sub. (3m) (am) (intro.) until the earliest of the following:
953. 48.57 (3n) (am) 6. c. of the statutes is amended to read:
(3n) (am) 6. c. The date on which the child is placed outside the long-term
9kinship care
relative's provider's home under a court order or under a voluntary
10agreement under s. 48.63 (1) (a) or (b) or (5) (b).
954. 48.57 (3n) (am) 6. d. of the statutes is amended to read:
(3n) (am) 6. d. The date on which the child ceases to reside with the
13long-term kinship care
relative provider.
955. 48.57 (3n) (am) 6. e. of the statutes is amended to read:
(3n) (am) 6. e. The date on which the long-term kinship
care's care
16provider's guardianship under s. 48.977 terminates.
956. 48.57 (3n) (an) of the statutes is created to read:
(3n) (an) In addition to the monthly payments
for long-term kinship care
19under par. (am), the department or, with the department's approval, the county
20department may make payments for exceptional circumstances to enable siblings or
21a minor parent and minor children to reside together and for initial clothing
22allowances to a long-term kinship care provider who is providing care and
23maintenance for a child residing in the home of the long-term kinship care provider
24who is receiving a monthly rate under par. (am), commensurate with the needs of the
25child, according to the rules promulgated by the department under par. (i) 2.
957. 48.57 (3n) (ap) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
(3n) (ap) 1. Subject to subds. 2. and 3., the county department or, in a
3county having a population of 750,000 or more, the department may make payments
4under par. (am) to a long-term kinship care
provider who is providing care
5and maintenance for a child who is placed in the home of the long-term kinship care
6relative provider for no more than 60 days after the date on which the county
7department or department received under par. (am) 1. the completed application of
8the long-term kinship care
relative provider for a license to operate a foster home or,
9if the application is approved or denied or the long-term kinship care
relative 10provider is otherwise determined to be ineligible for licensure within those 60 days,
11until the date on which the application is approved or denied or the long-term
12kinship care
relative provider is otherwise determined to be ineligible for licensure.
958. 48.57 (3n) (ap) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
(3n) (ap) 2. If the application specified in subd. 1. is not approved or
15denied or the long-term kinship care
provider is not otherwise determined
16to be ineligible for licensure within 60 days after the date on which the county
17department or department received the completed application for any reason other
18than an act or omission of the long-term kinship care
relative provider, the county
19department or department may make payments under par. (am) for 4 months after
20the date on which the county department or department received the completed
21application or, if the application is approved or denied or the long-term kinship care
22relative provider is otherwise determined to be ineligible for licensure within those
234 months, until the date on which the application is approved or denied or the
24long-term kinship care
relative provider is otherwise determined to be ineligible for
959. 48.57 (3n) (ap) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
(3n) (ap) 3. Notwithstanding that an application of a long-term kinship
relative provider specified in subd. 1. is denied or the long-term kinship care
4relative provider is otherwise determined to be ineligible for licensure, the county
5department or, in a county having a population of 750,000 or more, the department
6may make payments under par. (am) to the long-term kinship care
relative provider 7until an event specified in par. (am) 6. a. to f. occurs if the county department or
8department submits to the court information relating to the background
9investigation specified in par. (am) 4., an assessment of the safety of the long-term
10kinship care
relative's provider's home and the ability of the long-term kinship care
11relative provider to care for the child, and a recommendation that the child remain
12in the home of the long-term kinship care
provider and the court, after
13considering that information, assessment, and recommendation, orders the child to
14remain in the long-term kinship care
provider's home. If the court does not
15order the child to remain in the kinship care
relative's provider's home, the court
16shall order the county department or department to request a change in placement
17under s. 48.357 (1) (am) or 938.357 (1) (am) or to request a termination of the
18guardianship order under s. 48.977 (7). Any person specified in s. 48.357 (2m) (a) or
19938.357 (2m) (a) may also request a change in placement and any person who is
20authorized to file a petition for the appointment of a guardian for the child may also
21request a termination of the guardianship order.
960. 48.57 (3n) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
(3n) (b) 2. When any long-term kinship care
relative provider of a child
24applies for or receives payments under this subsection, any right of the child or the
25child's parent to support or maintenance from any other person accruing during the
1time that payments are made under this subsection is assigned to the state. If a child
2is the beneficiary of support under a judgment or order that includes support for one
3or more children who are not the beneficiaries of payments under this subsection,
4any support payment made under the judgment or order is assigned to the state in
5the amount that is the proportionate share of the child who is the beneficiary of the
6payment made under this subsection, except as otherwise ordered by the court on the
7motion of a party.
961. 48.57 (3n) (cm) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3n) (cm) A long-term kinship care
relative provider who receives a
10payment under par. (am) for providing care and maintenance for a child is not eligible
11to receive a payment under sub. (3m) or s. 48.62 (4) or 48.623 (1) or (6) for that child.
962. 48.57 (3n) (h) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3n) (h) A county department or, in a county having a population of
14750,000 or more, the department may recover an overpayment made under par. (am)
15from a long-term kinship care
relative provider who continues to receive payments
16under par. (am) by reducing the amount of the long-term kinship care
relative's 17provider's monthly payment. The department may by rule specify other methods for
18recovering overpayments made under par. (am). A county department that recovers
19an overpayment under this paragraph due to the efforts of its officers and employees
20may retain a portion of the amount recovered, as provided by the department by rule.
963. 48.57 (3n) (i) of the statutes is renumbered 48.57 (3n) (i) (intro.)
22and amended to read:
(3n) (i) (intro.) The department shall promulgate rules to implement this
24subsection. Those rules shall include
all of the following:
11. Rules governing the provision of long-term kinship care payments for the
2care and maintenance of a child after the child attains 18 years of age.
964. 48.57 (3n) (i) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
(3n) (i) 2. Rules governing the provision of payments for exceptional
5circumstances to enable siblings or a minor parent and minor children to reside
6together and for initial clothing allowances for children residing in a home of a
7long-term kinship care provider who is receiving a monthly rate under par. (am).
965. 48.57 (3p) (h) 3. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3p) (h) 3. (intro.) The director of the county department, the person
10designated by the governing body of an Indian tribe or, in a county having a
11population of 750,000 or more, the person designated by the secretary shall review
12the denial of payments or the prohibition on employment or being an adult resident
13to determine if the conviction record on which the denial or prohibition is based
14includes any arrests, convictions, or penalties that are likely to adversely affect the
15child or the ability of the kinship care
provider to care for the child. In
16reviewing the denial or prohibition, the director of the county department, the person
17designated by the governing body of the Indian tribe or the person designated by the
18secretary shall consider all of the following factors:
966. 48.57 (3p) (h) 3. b. of the statutes is amended to read:
(3p) (h) 3. b. The nature of the violation or penalty and how that violation
21or penalty affects the ability of the kinship care
relative provider to care for the child.
967. 48.57 (3p) (h) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
(3p) (h) 4. If the director of the county department, the person designated
24by the governing body of the Indian tribe or, in a county having a population of
25750,000 or more, the person designated by the secretary determines that the
1conviction record on which the denial of payments or the prohibition on employment
2or being an adult resident is based does not include any arrests, convictions, or
3penalties that are likely to adversely affect the child or the ability of the kinship care
4relative provider to care for the child, the director of the county department, the
5person designated by the governing body of the Indian tribe, or the person designated
6by the secretary may approve the making of payments under sub. (3m) or may permit
7a person receiving payments under sub. (3m) to employ a person in a position in
8which that person would have regular contact with the child for whom payments are
9being made or permit a person to be an adult resident.
10Section 968
. 48.60 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (a) A relative
or like-kin, guardian, or person delegated care and
12custody of a child under s. 48.979 who provides care and maintenance for such
14Section 969
. 48.62 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) A relative
or like-kin, a guardian of a child, or a person delegated care
16and custody of a child under s. 48.979 who provides care and maintenance for the
17child is not required to obtain the license specified in this section. The department,
18county department, or licensed child welfare agency as provided in s. 48.75 may issue
19a license to operate a foster home to a relative
or like-kin who has no duty of support
20under s. 49.90 (1) (a) and who requests a license to operate a foster home for a specific
21child who is either placed by court order or who is the subject of a voluntary
22placement agreement under s. 48.63. The department, a county department, or a
23licensed child welfare agency may, at the request of a guardian appointed under s.
2448.977, 48.978, or 48.9795, ch. 54, 2017 stats., or ch. 880, 2003 stats., license the
25guardian's home as a foster home for the guardian's minor ward who is living in the
1home and who is placed in the home by court order. Relatives
and like-kin with no
2duty of support and guardians appointed under s. 48.977, 48.978, or 48.9795, ch. 54,
32017 stats., or ch. 880, 2003 stats., who are licensed to operate foster homes are
4subject to the department's licensing rules.
970. 48.62 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) Monthly payments in foster care shall be provided according to the
7rates specified in this subsection. Beginning on January 1,
2022, the rates are $300
8for care and maintenance provided for a child of any age by a foster home that is
9certified to provide level one care, as defined in the rules promulgated under sub. (8)
10(a) and 2024, for care and maintenance provided by a foster home that is certified to
care at a any level of care
that is higher than level one care,
$420 $441 for
12a child under 5 years of age;
$460 $483 for a child 5 to 11 years of age;
$522 $548 for
13a child 12 to 14 years of age; and
$545 $572 for a child 15 years of age or over. In
14addition to these grants for basic maintenance, the department, county department,
15or licensed child welfare agency shall make supplemental payments for foster care
16to a foster home that is receiving an age-related rate under this subsection that are
17commensurate with the level of care that the foster home is certified to provide and
18the needs of the child who is placed in the foster home according to the rules
19promulgated by the department under sub. (8) (c).
971. 48.623 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) Eligibility. (intro.) A county department or, as provided in sub. (3)
an Indian tribe or the department shall provide monthly subsidized
23guardianship payments in the amount specified in sub. (3) (b) to a guardian of a child
24under s. 48.977 (2) or under a substantially similar tribal law if the county
, Indian tribe, or department determines that the conditions specified in
1pars. (a) to (d) have been met. A county department or, as provided in sub. (3) (a),
2a tribe or the department shall also provide those payments for the care of a sibling
3of such a child, regardless of whether the sibling meets the conditions specified in par.
4(a), if the county department
, Indian tribe, or department and the guardian agree on
5the appropriateness of placing the sibling in the home of the guardian. A guardian
6of a child under s. 48.977 (2) or under a substantially similar tribal law is eligible for
7monthly subsidized guardianship payments under this subsection if the county
, Indian tribe, or
the department, whichever will be providing those
9payments, determines that all of the following apply:
972. 48.623 (1) (b) 3. of the statutes is amended to read: