2023 - 2024 LEGISLATURE
September 28, 2023 - Introduced by Representatives Sortwell, Donovan, Goeben,
Magnafici, Moses and Mursau, cosponsored by Senators Wanggaard and
Ballweg. Referred to Committee on Judiciary.
1An Act to create 16.971 (10m) and 971.23 (4) of the statutes;
relating to: index
2of discovery for district attorneys and public defenders.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, the Department of Administration maintains automated
justice information systems that are compatible among counties and agencies. DOA
also maintains a case management system that allows district attorneys to manage
and share all case-related information; DOA must provide access to this system to
the Department of Justice. This bill requires that DOA maintain an index system
for discovery that allows district attorneys and public defenders to manage and
organize all discovery-related information.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
1. 16.971 (10m) of the statutes is created to read:
(10m) The department, in conjunction with district attorneys and the
5public defender board, shall maintain an index system for discovery that allows
1district attorneys and public defenders to manage, access, and organize all
2discovery-related information.
2. 971.23 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
(4) Discovery index submission. A party must input disclosures to the
5index system maintained under s. 16.971 (10m) at the times and in the sequence that
6the court orders.