2023 - 2024 LEGISLATURE
February 19, 2024 - Introduced by Senators Agard,
L. Johnson and
cosponsored by Representatives
Considine, Shelton, Ratcliff, Emerson,
Stubbs, Clancy, Conley, Sinicki, Moore Omokunde, Subeck, J. Anderson,
Bare and Ohnstad. Referred to Committee on Housing, Rural Issues and
1An Act relating to: feasibility study concerning the establishment of a down
2payment assistance grant program.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill directs the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority
to conduct a feasibility study with respect to the establishment of a program to award
up to $2,000,000 in grants to counties that the counties will then distribute as down
payment assistance to individuals for the purchase of a principal residence. The
program would include the requirement that counties use the grants to provide down
payment assistance to individuals who meet at least the following conditions:
1. The individual's household income does not exceed 80 percent of the area
median family income in the participant county, adjusted for family size, as
published annually by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development.
2. The individual will use the monies to make a down payment on the purchase
of a principal residence for the individual in the county.
3. The individual completes a financial education program approved by
4. The individual agrees to pay back the assistance if he or she does not
maintain the residence as his or her principal residence for a period of at least five
Under the bill, WHEDA must submit a report of its findings from the feasibility
study to the legislature no later than December 31, 2024. The report must include
any recommendations of WHEDA, including additional or different eligibility
criteria for counties and individuals participating in the grant program.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
Nonstatutory provisions.
Down payment assistance grants feasibility study.
(a) In this subsection, “authority” means the Wisconsin Housing and Economic
4Development Authority.
(b) The authority shall conduct a study to determine the feasibility of
6establishing a program under which the authority awards up to a total of $2,000,000
7in grants to counties to provide down payment assistance to individuals who meet
8at least all of the following conditions:
91. The individual's household income does not exceed 80 percent of the area
10median income.
112. The individual will use the monies received from the county to make a down
12payment on the purchase of a residence that is the individual's principal residence
13and is located in the county.
143. The individual completes a financial education program approved by the
4. The individual agrees to pay back the monies received from the county if the
17individual does not maintain the residence described in subd. 2. as his or her
18principal residence for a period of at least 5 years.
(c) The feasibility study conducted under par. (b) shall explore potential
20funding sources for the specified program, including the authority's existing bonding
1(d) The authority shall submit a report of its findings from the feasibility study
2conducted under par. (b) to the chief clerk of each house of the legislature for
3distribution to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2) no later than December 31, 2024.
4The report shall include any recommendations of the authority, including additional
5or different eligibility criteria for counties and individuals participating in the grant