The bill prohibits a local health officer from issuing a mandate to close a
business in order to control an outbreak or epidemic of communicable disease for
longer than 14 days unless the governing body of the governmental unit in which the
order is intended to apply approves an extension. Under the bill, no approved
extension may be longer than 14 days.
Levy limit reduction for service transfers
Generally under current law, local levy limits are applied to the property tax
levies that are imposed by a political subdivision in December of each year. Current
law prohibits any political subdivision from increasing its levy by a percentage that
exceeds its “valuation factor," which is defined as the greater of either 0 percent or
the percentage change in the political subdivision's equalized value due to new
construction, less improvements removed.
Also under current law, if a political subdivision transfers to another
governmental unit the responsibility to provide a service that it provided in the
previous year, the levy increase limit otherwise applicable in the current year is
decreased to reflect the cost that the political subdivision would have incurred to
provide that service. Similarly, if a political subdivision increases the services that
it provides by adding the responsibility for providing a service transferred to it by
another governmental unit that provided the service in the previous year, the levy
increase limit otherwise applicable in the current year is increased to reflect the cost
of that service. The bill repeals both of these provisions.
Local regulation of nonmetallic quarries
The bill limits the ability of a political subdivision to place limits or conditions
on the operation of quarries from which nonmetallic materials that are used
primarily in the construction or repair of public transportation facilities, public
infrastructure, or private construction or transportation projects are extracted, as
1. The bill prohibits a political subdivision from requiring a quarry operator to
obtain a permit unless, prior to the establishment of quarry operations, the political
subdivision enacts an ordinance requiring a permit. The bill also prohibits a political
subdivision from, during the duration of a permit that is required in order to operate

a quarry, adding conditions to that permit unless the permittee consents and from
requiring compliance with another political subdivision's requirements as a
condition of the permit. In addition, if the permit is a permit that is granted pursuant
to an ordinance that is not a zoning ordinance, any conditions in the permit must be
related to the purpose of the ordinance authorizing the permit and be based on
substantial evidence.
2. Under the bill, if a political subdivision enacts an ordinance, other than a
zoning ordinance, regulating the operation of a quarry that was not in effect when
quarry operations began at a quarry, the ordinance may not be applied to that quarry
or to land that is contiguous to the land on which the quarry is located that a) has
remained under common ownership, leasehold, or control with the land on which the
quarry is located since the time the ordinance was enacted; b) can be shown to have
been intended for quarry operations prior to the enactment of the ordinance; and c)
is located in the same political subdivision.
3. The bill prohibits a political subdivision from limiting the times that
activities related to extracting or processing minerals at a quarry occur if the
minerals will be used in a public works project that requires nighttime construction
or an emergency repair.
4. Under the bill, a political subdivision may not limit blasting at a quarry,
except that the political subdivision may require the operator of the quarry to do any
of the following: a) provide preblasting notice to owners of structures within the
affected area and to the political subdivision; b) cause a third party to conduct a
building survey of structures within the affected area; c) cause a third party to
conduct a survey of and test any wells within the affected area; d) maintain records
and reports; e) comply with other properly adopted local blasting regulations that are
not related to airblast, flyrock, or ground vibration; and f) comply with requirements
under current law and rules promulgated by the Department of Safety and
Professional Services related to blasting.
The bill also allows a political subdivision to petition DSPS for an order
granting the political subdivision the authority to impose additional restrictions and
requirements related to blasting on a quarry operator that are more restrictive than
requirements under current law and rules promulgated by DSPS related to blasting.
DSPS may not charge a fee for the petition, but if the petition is related to the
potential impact of blasting on a qualified historic building, DSPS may require the
quarry operator to pay the costs of an impact study related to the building.
Emergency medical responder certification requirements
The bill also affects the requirements for certification as an emergency medical
responder, formally known as a first responder. First, the bill prohibits the
Department of Health Services from requiring an applicant who is applying for
certification as an emergency medical responder to register with or take the
examination of the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT).
An ambulance service provider or another emergency medical services program is
allowed to require an emergency medical responder to register with or take the
examination of the NREMT. Current rules promulgated by DHS require an
applicant for a license as an emergency medical services practitioner at any level,

including an emergency medical responder, to be registered with the NREMT or, in
certain circumstances, to complete the NREMT examination.
Currently, an applicant for certification as an emergency medical responder
who demonstrates to DHS that the education, training, instruction, or other
experience gained by the applicant in connection with military service is
substantially equivalent to the course required for emergency medical responder
certification is considered to have satisfied completion of that course. The bill
requires DHS to issue the certification for an applicant who has relevant education,
training, and experience gained in connection with military service. For applicants
with military service who are not affiliated with an ambulance service provider, the
determination of whether an applicant has obtained the relevant education,
training, and experience remains with DHS as under current law. For applicants
with military service intending to volunteer for or be employed by an ambulance
service provider or emergency medical services program, the determination of
whether an applicant has obtained relevant education, training, and experience is
solely within the discretion of that ambulance service provider or emergency medical
services program.
Ambulance staffing
The bill allows an ambulance that is engaged in a nonemergent interfacility
transport to be staffed with one emergency medical technician and one individual
who has a certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Currently, an ambulance
may be staffed with any of the following: any two emergency medical services
practitioners, licensed registered nurses, licensed physician assistants or
physicians, or any combination of those individuals; one emergency medical services
practitioner plus one individual with an emergency medical services practitioner
training permit; or, for certain rural ambulance service providers, one emergency
medical technician and one emergency medical responder.
Under the bill, an ambulance service provider or emergency medical services
program may not prohibit an emergency medical responder or emergency medical
services practitioner who is employed by or volunteering with it from being employed
by or volunteering with another ambulance service provider or emergency medical
services program.
Rural ambulance service providers
Under current law, a rural ambulance service provider may upgrade the service
level of an ambulance to the highest level of license of any emergency services
practitioner staffing that ambulance if approved by the medical director. The bill
prohibits DHS from requiring a rural ambulance service provider to stock an
ambulance with equipment to perform all functions that the emergency medical
services practitioner with the highest level of license staffing the ambulance may
perform in order to upgrade its ambulance service level.
Joint Committee on Finance approval of stewardship projects
The bill requires the Department of Natural Resources to obtain support from
local governments before taking certain steps with respect to activities or projects
that will be funded under the Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson Stewardship 2000

Current law authorizes the state to incur public debt for certain conservation
activities under the stewardship program, which is administered by DNR. The state
may incur this debt to acquire land for the state for conservation purposes and for
property development activities and may award grants or state aid to certain local
governmental units and nonprofit conservation organizations to acquire land for
these purposes.
Under current law, under certain situations, stewardship moneys may not be
obligated for a given project or activity unless DNR first notifies JCF in writing of
the proposal. If the JCF cochairpersons do not notify DNR within 14 working days
after DNR's notification that JCF has scheduled a meeting to review the proposal,
DNR may obligate the moneys. If, within 14 working days after DNR's notification,
the JCF cochairpersons notify DNR that JCF has scheduled a meeting to review the
proposal, DNR may obligate the moneys only upon JCF's approval. This process is
generally known as “passive review.”
Current law provides that each city, village, or town (municipality) and each
county may adopt a resolution supporting or opposing the proposed acquisition of
land funded under the stewardship program. Under current law, if DNR receives a
copy of such a resolution within 30 days after notifying the municipality or county,
DNR must take the resolution into consideration before approving or denying the
land acquisition. The bill expands these resolutions to apply to any stewardship
program project or activity, but limits the application to a project or activity on land
north of USH 8. The bill prohibits DNR from obligating stewardship money and from
submitting a project or activity to JCF for passive review, if required, unless every
municipality and county in which all or a portion of the land on which the project or
activity will occur is located adopts a resolution supporting the project or activity by
a simple majority vote of the governing body.
Because this bill relates to an exemption from state or local taxes, it may be
referred to the Joint Survey Committee on Tax Exemptions for a report to be printed
as an appendix to the bill.
Because this bill relates to public employee retirement or pensions, it may be
referred to the Joint Survey Committee on Retirement Systems for a report to be
printed as an appendix to the bill.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB301,1 1Section 1. 8.06 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB301,13,4 28.06 Special elections may be called. Towns, cities, villages, and, subject
3to ss. 67.05 (6a) (a) 2. and 121.91 (3) (a), school districts, may call special elections

1for any purpose authorized by law. If an election is called for a special referendum,
2the election shall be noticed under s. 8.55. A county in which a 1st class city is located
3may call an election for a special referendum for the purpose of imposing the tax
4under s. 77.70 (2).
SB301,2 5Section 2. 13.94 (1) (w) of the statutes is created to read:
SB301,13,86 13.94 (1) (w) Once every 5 years, conduct a financial audit of expenditures of
7revenues generated by the sales and use taxes imposed under ss. 77.70 (2) and
SB301,3 9Section 3. 13.94 (1) (x) of the statutes is created to read:
SB301,13,1710 13.94 (1) (x) Annually, conduct a financial audit of the retirement systems of
11Milwaukee County and the city of Milwaukee, to include financial statements and
12an evaluation of accounting controls and accounting records maintained by the
13systems for individual participants and departments. Within 30 days after
14completion of such audit, the bureau shall file with the governor, the legislative
15reference bureau, the department of administration, and the respective systems a
16detailed report thereof, including specific instances, if any, of illegal or improper
SB301,4 18Section 4. 13.94 (1) (y) of the statutes is created to read:
SB301,13,2019 13.94 (1) (y) At least once every 5 years, contract for an actuarial audit of the
20retirement systems of Milwaukee County and the city of Milwaukee.
SB301,5 21Section 5. 13.94 (1s) (c) 1m. of the statutes is created to read:
SB301,13,2422 13.94 (1s) (c) 1m. The retirement systems of Milwaukee County and the city
23of Milwaukee for the cost of the audits required to be performed of those systems
24under sub. (1) (x) and (y).
SB301,6 25Section 6. 13.94 (1s) (c) 1s. of the statutes is created to read:
113.94 (1s) (c) 1s. Milwaukee County and the city of Milwaukee for the cost of
2the audits required to be performed under sub. (1) (w).
SB301,7 3Section 7 . 23.0917 (5t) of the statutes is renumbered 23.0917 (5t) (a) and
4amended to read:
SB301,14,215 23.0917 (5t) (a) Each city, village, town, or county may adopt a nonbinding
6resolution that supports or opposes the proposed acquisition of land project or
to be funded by moneys obligated from the appropriation under s. 20.866 (2)
8(ta) if all or a portion of the land on which the project or activity will occur is located
9in the city, village, town, or county. The department shall provide written
10notification of the proposed acquisition project or activity to each city, village, town,
11or county in which the land on which the project or activity will occur is located. A
12city, village, town, or county that adopts a resolution shall provide the department
13with a copy of the resolution. If the department receives the copy within 30 days after
14the date that the city, village, town, or county received the notification of the proposed
15acquisition, the department shall take the resolution into consideration before
16approving or denying
The department may not approve the obligation of moneys for
17the acquisition project or activity from the appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) (ta) and
18may not notify the joint committee on finance of the proposal, if required under sub.
19(6m), unless every city, village, town, or county in which the land on which the project
20or activity will occur is located adopts a resolution approving the project or activity
21by a simple majority vote of the governing body
SB301,8 22Section 8 . 23.0917 (5t) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
SB301,14,2523 23.0917 (5t) (b) Paragraph (a) applies only if the project or activity to be funded
24by moneys obligated from the appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) (ta) is located on land
25north of USH 8.
1Section 9. 25.17 (1) (jf) of the statutes is created to read:
SB301,15,22 25.17 (1) (jf) Local government fund (s. 25.491);
SB301,10 3Section 10 . 25.491 of the statutes is created to read:
SB301,15,5 425.491 Local government fund. (1) There is established a separate
5nonlapsible trust fund designated as the local government fund.
SB301,15,8 6(2) There is established in the local government fund a separate account that
7is designated the “county and municipal aid account” to make the payments under
8s. 79.036.
SB301,15,11 9(3) There is established in the local government fund a separate account that
10is designated the “expenditure restraint program account” to make the payments
11under s. 79.05.
SB301,15,14 12(4) There is established in the local government fund a separate account that
13is designated “state aid, local government fund; tax exempt property” to make the
14payments under s. 79.095.
SB301,15,17 15(5) There is established in the local government fund a separate account that
16is designated “state aid, local government fund; personal property tax exemption” to
17make the payments under s. 79.096.
SB301,15,20 18(6) There is established in the local government fund a separate account that
19is designated “state aid, local government fund; repeal of personal property taxes”
20to make the payments under s. 79.0965.
SB301,15,23 21(7) There is established in the local government fund a separate account that
22is designated “state aid; video service provider fee” to make the payments under s.
1(8) There is established in the local government fund a separate account that
2is designated “municipal services” to make payments as determined under s. 70.119
SB301,16,6 4(9) There is established in the local government fund a separate account that
5is designated the “supplemental county and municipal aid account” to make the
6payments under s. 79.037.
SB301,16,9 7(10) There is established in the local government fund a separate account that
8is designated the “innovation account” to make the grant payments under s. 79.038
SB301,16,12 10(11) There is established in the local government fund a separate account that
11is designated the “innovation planning grants account” to make the grant payments
12under s. 79.038 (2).
SB301,11 13Section 11 . 26.03 (1m) (b) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB301,16,1814 26.03 (1m) (b) (intro.) Paragraph (a) 1. does not apply to a person harvesting
15raw forest products on public lands, as defined in s. 70.13 (7), 2021 stats., to a person
16harvesting raw forest products for fuel wood for his or her home consumption, to a
17person harvesting for the purpose of clearing the land for agricultural use or to a
18person harvesting from the person's own land, any of the following:
SB301,12 19Section 12 . 33.01 (9) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB301,16,2320 33.01 (9) (a) For the purpose of receiving notice under this chapter, a person
21whose name appears as an owner of real property on the tax roll under s. 70.65 (2)
22(a) 1. that was delivered under s. 74.03 on or before the 3rd Monday in December of
23the previous year.
SB301,13 24Section 13 . 33.01 (9) (am) 1. and 2. of the statutes are amended to read:
133.01 (9) (am) 1. A person whose name appears as an owner of real property
2on the tax roll under s. 70.65 (2) (a) 1. that was delivered under s. 74.03 on or before
3the 3rd Monday in December of the previous year.
SB301,17,74 2. The spouse of a person whose name appears as an owner of real property on
5the tax roll under s. 70.65 (2) (a) 1. that was delivered under s. 74.03 on or before the
63rd Monday in December of the previous year if the spouse is referred to on that tax
SB301,14 8Section 14 . 33.01 (9) (ar) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB301,17,119 33.01 (9) (ar) 1. The person's name appears as an owner of real property on the
10tax roll under s. 70.65 (2) (a) 1. that was delivered under s. 74.03 on or before the 3rd
11Monday in December of the previous year.
SB301,15 12Section 15 . 33.01 (9) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB301,17,1513 33.01 (9) (b) 1. Whose name appears as an owner of real property on the tax
14roll under s. 70.65 (2) (a) 1. that was delivered under s. 74.03 on or before the 3rd
15Monday in December of the previous year; or
SB301,16 16Section 16 . 49.45 (51) of the statutes is repealed.
SB301,17 17Section 17. 59.52 (25) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB301,17,2118 59.52 (25) Advisory and contingent Contingent referenda. The board may
19conduct a countywide referendum for advisory purposes or for the purpose of
20ratifying or validating a resolution adopted or ordinance enacted by the board
21contingent upon approval in the referendum.
SB301,18 22Section 18. 59.605 (3) (c) of the statutes is repealed.
SB301,19 23Section 19 . 59.875 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB301,18,424 59.875 (2) (a) Beginning on July 1, 2011, in any employee retirement system
25of a county, except as otherwise provided in a collective bargaining agreement

1entered into under subch. IV of ch. 111 and except as provided in par. pars. (b), and
employees shall pay half of all actuarially required contributions for funding
3benefits under the retirement system. The employer may not pay on behalf of an
4employee any of the employee's share of the actuarially required contributions.
SB301,20 5Section 20 . 59.875 (2) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
SB301,18,116 59.875 (2) (c) In any employee retirement system of a county that has elected
7to become a participating employer under the Wisconsin Retirement System under
8s. 40.21 (1), except as provided in par. (b), irrespective of the funding status of the
9retirement system, the employer shall pay the remaining balance of actuarially
10determined normal cost contributions each year that is not covered by the employee
SB301,21 12Section 21. 59.875 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
SB301,18,2413 59.875 (4) Amortization period for employer contributions.
14Notwithstanding any provision of law or actuarial rule, beginning on January 1,
152024, in any retirement system established under chapter 201, laws of 1937, the
16required annual employer contribution shall be calculated using a 30-year
17amortization period and an annual investment return assumption that is the same
18as or less than the annual investment return assumption used by the Wisconsin
19Retirement System. Future unfunded actuarial accrued liability due to factors such
20as market returns and standard actuarial practices may be amortized on the basis
21of standard actuarial practices. The amortization period and investment return
22assumptions in this subsection shall supersede any amortization period and
23investment return assumption adopted by the retirement system's actuary or
24retirement board.
SB301,22 25Section 22. 59.90 of the statutes is created to read:
159.90 Provisions applicable to certain counties with special sales tax
All of the following apply to a county in which a 1st class city is located:
SB301,19,3 3(1) With regard to the budget of the county, all of the following apply:
SB301,19,84 (a) The total amount of budgeted expenditures related to cultural or
5entertainment matters or involving partnerships with nonprofit groups may not be
6greater than 5 percent of the total amount of budgeted expenditures for the budget
7period. This paragraph does not apply to any expenditure of a county for parks,
8including zoos, or for health or transit services.
SB301,19,139 (b) When each department of the county submits estimated revenues and
10expenditures for the ensuing budget period, it shall also provide a proposal to reduce
11the department's expenditures for the ensuing fiscal period by an amount equal to
12a total of 5 percent of the department's base level for its budget for the current fiscal
SB301,19,18 14(2) The board may enact an ordinance or adopt a resolution that includes new
15program spending only upon a two-thirds vote of all of the members of the board.
16This subsection does not apply to a program that is intended to reduce expenditures
17or consolidate or reorganize existing services into a different administrative
18structure without increasing expenditures.
SB301,19,21 19(3) The board may enact an ordinance or adopt a resolution that increases the
20total number of positions in the county only upon a two-thirds vote of all of the
21members of the board.
SB301,19,24 22(4) The county shall prepare a report on changes to its compensation plan that
23are necessary and desirable to make the county competitive in the market for
24correctional workers at a sustainable level of funding.