The bill provides that, with certain exceptions explained below, a private school
may participate in the SNSP only if 1) the private school is accredited by August 1
of the school year in which the private school participates or 2) the private school
participates in a parental choice program. Under current law, a private school may
participate in the SNSP if the private school is accredited or if the private school's
educational program meets certain criteria.
The bill provides that, if a private school is participating in the SNSP in the
2023-24 school year and is not accredited by August 1, 2023, the private school must
1) obtain preaccreditation by August 1, 2024; 2) apply for accreditation by December
31, 2024; and 3) obtain accreditation by December 31, 2027.

SNSP; religious opt out
The bill provides that a private school participating in the SNSP must allow a
child attending the private school under the SNSP to refrain from participating in
any religious activity if the child's parent submits to the child's teacher or the private
school's principal a written request that the child be exempt from such activities.
Primary and secondary education: administrative and other funding
Early literacy and reading improvement
The bill requires DPI to establish a literacy coaching program to improve
literacy outcomes statewide. The literacy coaching program must include two types
of literacy coaches. The first type of literacy coach supports the implementation of
evidence-based literacy instructional practices in grades kindergarten to 12 in
school districts and independent charter schools (literacy instructional practices
coach). Specifically, a literacy instructional practices coach collaborates with a
participating school district or independent charter school to establish goals for
literacy outcomes for specific grade levels and literacy areas and provide ongoing
support to meet the identified goals. The second type of literacy coach focuses on
early literacy instructional transitions by providing in-person trainings for
four-year-old kindergarten to first grade teachers (early literacy transition coach).
The purpose of these trainings is to evaluate existing early literacy curricula and
goals and to assist school districts and independent charter schools to create local,
standards-aligned, and developmentally appropriate curricula and instruction for
four-year-old kindergarten to first grade pupils.
The bill requires each urban school district, which is defined as a school district
in which at least 16,000 pupils were enrolled in the previous school year, to
participate in both types of coaching provided under the literacy coaching program.
Other school districts and independent charter schools may choose to participate in
one or both types of coaching provided under the literacy coaching program. Under
the bill, DPI must make a payment to a school district or independent charter school
that participates in the literacy coaching program. For coaching provided by a
literacy instructional practices coach, the bill requires a payment of $7,000, and for
participating in training provided by an early literacy transition coach, the bill
requires a payment of $6,000.
The bill requires DPI to contract with a certain number of individuals to serve
as literacy coaches and to assign those individuals to geographic regions of this state.
Specifically, the bill requires DPI to assign one literacy instructional practices coach
and one early literacy transition coach to each urban school district and one literacy
instructional practices coach and one early literacy transition coach for each 40,000
pupils enrolled in school districts and independent charter schools located in a CESA
region. Based on this formula, DPI estimates that it will be required to contract for
28 literacy instructional practices coaches and 28 early literacy transition coaches.
Grow Your Own programs
The bill creates a new grant program that is administered by DPI and available
to school districts and operators of independent charter schools to reimburse the cost
of Grow Your Own programs. Under the bill, Grow Your Own programs include high

school clubs that encourage careers in teaching, payment of costs associated with
current staff acquiring education needed for licensure, support for career pathways
using dual enrollment, support for partnerships focused on attracting or developing
new teachers, or incentives for paraprofessionals to gain licensure. The bill
appropriates funding for this purpose in fiscal year 2024-25.
Stipends for student teachers and cooperating teachers
The bill provides stipends, through DPI, to student teachers who are
completing a teacher preparatory program approved by the superintendent of public
instruction and to teachers who oversee a student teacher in their classrooms. The
stipends are $2,500 per student teacher per semester and $1,000 per cooperating
teacher per semester. Under the bill, DPI begins paying these stipends in the
2024-25 school year.
Teacher improvement program stipends
Under current law, DPI operates a teacher improvement program to provide
prospective teachers with one-semester internships under the supervision of
licensed teachers, in-service activities, and professional staff development research
Under the bill, DPI provides stipends to individuals who are participating in
the teacher improvement program. The stipends are $9,600 per individual per
semester, and begin in the 2024-25 school year.
Bullying prevention grants
Under current law, the state superintendent of public instruction must award
grants to nonprofit organizations to provide training and an online bullying
prevention curriculum for pupils in grades kindergarten to eight. The bill expands
the purpose of these grants to provide training and an online bullying prevention
curriculum for pupils in grades kindergarten to 12.
Peer-to-peer suicide prevention grants
Under current law, DPI administers a competitive grant program to award
grants to public, private, and tribal high schools for the purpose of supporting
peer-to-peer suicide prevention programs. Under current law, the maximum
annual peer-to-peer suicide prevention grant amount is $1,000. The bill increases
the maximum annual peer-to-peer suicide prevention grant amount to $6,000.
Mental health training programs
Under current law, DPI must establish a mental health training program under
which it provides training to school district and independent charter school staff on
three specific evidence-based strategies related to addressing mental health issues
in schools. The three specific evidence-based strategies are 1) The Screening, Brief
Intervention, and Referral to Treatment program, 2) Trauma Sensitive Schools, and
3) Youth Mental Health First Aid.
The bill expands the mental health training program to include training on any
evidence-based strategy related to addressing mental health issues and suicide
prevention in schools and converts the list of evidence-based strategies under
current law to a nonexclusive list of strategies. Additionally, the bill requires that
DPI provide the training to out-of-school-time program employees.

Out-of-school-time program grants
The bill creates a grant program under which DPI must award grants to school
boards and organizations to support high-quality after-school programs and other
out-of-school-time programs that provide services to school-age children.
Seal of biliteracy
The bill requires DPI to annually award grants to school boards and
independent charter schools to reimburse them for the costs of the assessments
necessary for pupils to earn a state seal of biliteracy and costs to train instructional
staff to conduct these assessments. The bill also provides express authority for DPI
to establish a state seal of biliteracy for high school pupils who demonstrate through
various assessments advanced achievement in bilingualism, biliteracy, and
sociocultural competence. Currently, 14 school districts participate in a state seal of
biliteracy program administered by DPI.
Grants to replace race-based nicknames, logos, mascots, or team names
associated with American Indians
The bill authorizes DPI to award a grant to a school board that terminates the
use of a race-based nickname, logo, mascot, or team name that is associated with a
federally recognized American Indian tribe or American Indians in general. Under
the bill, a school board is eligible for a grant whether or not the school board decides
to terminate the use of a race-based nickname, logo, mascot, or team name
voluntarily, in response to an objection to its use, or in compliance with an order
issued by the Division of Hearings and Appeals. The bill specifies that the amount
of the grant may not exceed the greater of $50,000 or the actual cost incurred by the
school board to replace the race-based nickname, logo, mascot, or team name. Under
the bill, these grants are funded from Indian gaming receipts.
Grants for milk coolers and dispensers
The bill creates a grant program for purchasing milk coolers and milk
dispensers that cost less than $5,000 per unit. Under the bill, DPI must award a
grant for this purpose to educational entities that participate in the National School
Lunch program, including school districts, independent charter schools, private
schools, the Wisconsin Educational Services Program for the Deaf and Hard of
Hearing, and the Wisconsin Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired.
Milwaukee mathematics partnership grant
Under the bill, beginning in the 2024-25 school year, DPI must award a grant
to the school board of a first class city school district (currently, only Milwaukee
Public Schools) to develop and implement a plan to improve mathematics instruction
in the school district if the school board provides matching funds equal to at least 20
percent of the grant. The bill requires the school board to work with UW-Milwaukee
to develop and implement the plan.
GED test fee payments
The bill requires DPI to pay the $30 testing service fee for an eligible individual
who takes a content area test given under the general educational development test
(commonly called the GED test). The GED test consists of four separate content area
tests that cover mathematical reasoning, reasoning through language arts, social

studies, and science. Under the bill, DPI must pay for an eligible individual to take
all four content area tests once in each calendar year.
In order to be eligible for the payment, an individual must satisfy DPI's
requirements to receive a Certificate of General Educational Development or a High
School Equivalency Diploma. Among other things, DPI requires that the individual
meet certain residency and minimum age requirements and attend a counseling
session. The individual also must obtain a passing score on a GED practice test for
the content area (commonly called a GED Ready practice test).
Mentor Greater Milwaukee, Inc.
The bill requires DPI to award grants to Mentor Greater Milwaukee, Inc., to
expand access to quality youth mentoring in Milwaukee County.
The Literacy Lab
The bill requires the state superintendent of public instruction to annually
distribute an amount appropriated to DPI to The Literacy Lab to provide an
evidence-based literacy intervention program in public schools located in
Milwaukee and Racine.
Reach Out and Read Wisconsin
The bill requires the state superintendent of public instruction to annually
distribute an amount appropriated to DPI to Reach Out and Read, Inc., for the early
literacy program operated by its affiliate Reach Out and Read Wisconsin. The
mission of Reach Out and Read, Inc., is to give young children a foundation for
success by incorporating books into pediatric care and encouraging families to read
aloud together.
Graduation Alliance
The bill requires the state superintendent of public instruction to annually
distribute an amount appropriated to DPI to Graduation Alliance, Inc., to support
pupils and their families through an academic coaching program known as Engage
Wisconsin. Currently, DPI partners with Graduation Alliance, Inc., to provide
Engage Wisconsin to pupils and their families.
Recollection Wisconsin
The bill appropriates money from the universal service fund to provide funding
to Wisconsin Library Services, Inc., commonly known as WiLS, to support the
digitization of historic materials in public libraries throughout this state. The bill
also requires DPI to distribute annually the amount appropriated for this purpose
to WiLS. The collaborative administered by WiLS to digitize and make available
historic materials throughout the state is known as Recollection Wisconsin.
Provision of opioid antagonist in public schools and independent charters
Under current law, school boards and governing bodies of private schools are
required to supply a standard first aid kit for use in an emergency. Also under
current law, certain school personnel, including employees and volunteers of public
and private schools, are permitted to administer an opioid antagonist on a person
who appears to be undergoing an opioid-related drug overdose.

The bill adds that school boards and operators of independent charter schools
are required to ensure that each school maintain a usable supply of an opioid
antagonist on-site, in a place that is accessible at all times.
Prohibiting vaping on school property
The bill prohibits individuals from vaping on school premises. Under the bill,
“school premises” is defined as any real property owned by, rented by, or under the
control of a school board, operator or governing board of an independent charter
school, or governing body of a private school. “School premises” includes outdoor
spaces such as playgrounds and athletic fields. The bill defines vaping as inhaling
or exhaling vapor from a vapor product, regardless of whether the liquid or other
substance being heated to produce the vapor contains nicotine. Under current law,
a school board, operator or governing board of an independent charter school, or
governing body of a private school may prohibit vaping on school premises under its
respective control.
Fees for licensure of school and public library personnel; appropriation
Under current law, 90 percent of the fees collected by DPI for licensure of school
and public library personnel and for school districts' participation in DPI's teacher
improvement program are credited to an annual sum certain appropriation. The
remaining 10 percent of these fees are deposited into the general fund under current
law. The bill changes this annual sum certain appropriation to a continuing
appropriation and requires that 100 percent of the total fees collected by DPI be
credited to the appropriation. An annual sum certain appropriation is expendable
only up to the amount shown in the schedule and only for the fiscal year for which
it is made. A continuing appropriation is expendable until fully depleted or repealed.
Under current law and the bill, the purposes of the appropriation are for 1)
DPI's administrative costs related to licensure of school and public library personnel;
2) if DPI exercises its authority to provide information and analysis of the
professional school personnel supply in this state, the costs of providing that
information and analysis; and 3) DPI's teacher improvement program.
Higher education
Grants for technical college district boards to provide workforce
advancement training for businesses
The bill requires the TCS Board to award grants to technical college district
boards for the provision of customized instruction and training opportunities for
businesses to meet current workforce demands in various industries.
Technical college district revenue limits
The bill increases the limit on certain revenue, primarily derived from the
property tax levy, that technical college districts may generate.
Under current law, with certain exceptions, a technical college district board
may not increase its revenue each school year by more than the greater of 1) 0 percent
or 2) the percentage change in the district's equalized value due to new construction,
less improvements removed, between the previous year and the current year. The
amount of this limit is called the valuation factor. A district board's revenue is the

sum of its tax levy for operations and the amount of aid it receives for property tax
relief and tax-exempt personal property.
The bill increases item 1 of the valuation factor from 0 percent to 2 percent,
allowing an increase of a district board's revenue by 2 percent over the previous year
regardless of any change in the district's equalized value due to net new construction.
Funding for a farm and industry short course at UW-River Falls
The bill creates a biennial appropriation for general program operations of a
farm and industry short course at UW-River Falls.
UW System direct admission program
The bill requires the Board of Regents of the UW System to establish a direct
admission program that provides Wisconsin high school graduates with conditional
or guaranteed admission to a UW System institution based on established eligibility
Grants for technical college district boards for the creation of open
educational resources
The bill requires the TCS Board to award grants to technical college district
boards for the creation of open educational resources that will allow the public and
technical colleges across the TCS to access technical college course materials.
Funding for equipment, supplies, and personnel training at a regional
Madison Area Technical College EMT training center
The bill requires the TCS Board to award a grant of $2,500,000 in fiscal year
2023-24 to Madison Area Technical College for equipment, supplies, and emergency
medical technician, advanced emergency medical technician, and paramedic
personnel training at an emergency medical technician regional training center
located in Baraboo.
Paid family and medical leave; paid sick leave for temporary employees
The bill requires the Board of Regents to develop a plan for a program for paid
family and medical leave of 12 weeks annually for UW System employees and a plan
for a program for paid sick leave for temporary UW System employees. The bill
requires the board to submit these plans to the administrator of the Division of
Personnel Management in DOA with its compensation plan changes for the 2023-25
Nonresident tuition exemptions for UW and technical college students
The bill creates a nonresident tuition exemption for certain UW System and
technical college students.
Under current law, a person generally must be a resident of this state for at
least 12 months prior to registering at a UW System institution in order to be exempt
from paying nonresident tuition. Current law also includes nonresident tuition
exemptions, under which certain nonresident students pay resident tuition rates.
Also under current law, the TCS Board establishes program fees that the
technical college districts must charge students. With exceptions, the fees for
nonresidents are 150 percent of the fees for residents. The TCS Board must establish
procedures to determine the residence of students attending technical colleges, but
current law specifies that certain students must be considered residents of this state.

The bill creates a nonresident tuition exemption for an individual who is not a
citizen of the United States and who 1) graduated from a Wisconsin high school or
received a declaration of equivalency of high school graduation from Wisconsin; 2)
was continuously present in Wisconsin for at least three years following the first day
of attending a Wisconsin high school or immediately preceding receipt of a
declaration of equivalency of high school graduation; and 3) enrolls in a UW System
institution and provides the institution with proof stating that he or she has filed or
will file an application for lawful permanent resident status with U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration Services as soon as the individual is eligible to do so. The bill also
provides that an individual who meets these criteria is considered a resident of this
state for purposes of admission to and payment of fees at a technical college.
The bill also creates a nonresident tuition exemption for certain tribal members
or children or grandchildren of tribal members. Under the bill, a student enrolled
in a UW System institution or technical college qualifies for resident tuition or fee
rates if 1) the student, or the student's parent or grandparent, is a member of a
federally recognized American Indian tribe or band in Wisconsin or is a member of
a federally recognized tribe in Minnesota, Illinois, Iowa, or Michigan; and 2) the
student has resided in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, Iowa, or Michigan, or in any
combination of these states, for at least 12 months prior to enrolling in a UW System
institution or technical college.
Wisconsin grant program
The bill makes various changes to the Wisconsin grant program.
Under current law, HEAB administers the Wisconsin grant program, which
provides grants to resident undergraduate students enrolled at least half time in UW
System schools, technical colleges, private nonprofit colleges, and tribal colleges.
HEAB limits its award of these grants to 10 semesters or the equivalent. For
students enrolled in UW System schools, technical colleges, and tribal colleges,
HEAB must award Wisconsin grants based on a formula that accounts for expected
parental and student contributions and is consistent with generally accepted
definitions and nationally approved needs analysis methodology. For students
enrolled in private nonprofit colleges, the amount of the grant that HEAB awards is
based on a mathematical calculation specified by statute. All Wisconsin grants are
subject to a maximum grant amount.
The bill makes the following changes to the Wisconsin grant program:
1. The bill extends and clarifies the limit on the total number of semesters for
which a UW System, technical college, or tribal college student may receive a
Wisconsin grant. The bill limits these grants to 12 semesters of full-time enrollment
or the equivalent. If a student receiving the grant is enrolled less than full-time, only
the fraction of the student's enrollment, in proportion to full-time enrollment, is
counted toward this 12-semester limit.
2. The bill changes the enrollment requirement for a Wisconsin grant from at
least half-time to at least quarter-time for students enrolled in technical colleges.
3. The bill raises the maximum amount that may be awarded through a
Wisconsin grant during one academic year for UW System students. The bill raises
the maximum amount of a Wisconsin grant for students enrolled in a UW System

institution or college campus from $3,150 in an academic year to an amount not to
exceed half of the in-state, undergraduate tuition and fees charged at UW-Madison
for an academic year.
4. The bill modifies the method that HEAB uses to determine the amount of a
Wisconsin grant awarded to a student enrolled in a private nonprofit college. The
bill eliminates the statutory mathematical calculation used to determine the amount
of such a grant and replaces this calculation with the same standard used for the
award of grants to students enrolled in UW System schools, technical colleges, and
tribal colleges.
5. The bill changes the meaning of the phrase “expected family contribution,”
as discussed below.
Updating terminology used in calculation of student financial aid
The bill changes the meaning of the phrase “expected family contribution” in
higher education statutes.
Under current state and federal law, the phrase “expected family contribution”
describes a metric used in determining the amount of financial aid a college student
may receive. The federal FAFSA Simplification Act of 2019 changed the name of
“expected family contribution” to “student aid index,” and accompanied the name
change with a change in how the federal government calculates the metric. Similar
to the “expected family contribution,” the student aid index will “reflect an
evaluation of a student's approximate financial resources to contribute toward the
student's postsecondary education for the academic year.” The terminology change
is set to go into effect on July 1, 2024, and will apply starting with the 2024-25
financial aid award year.