2023 - 2024 LEGISLATURE
December 8, 2023 - Introduced by Senators Marklein, Cowles and Wirch,
cosponsored by Representatives
Kitchens, Binsfeld, Brandtjen, Edming,
Macco, O'Connor, Penterman, Sinicki and Duchow. Referred to Committee
on Natural Resources and Energy.
1An Act to create 27.01 (10) (d) 1m. of the statutes;
relating to: reservations and
2fees for camping in certain state parks and modifying administrative rules of
3the Department of Natural Resources.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill modifies the process and fees for reserving camping sites in certain
state parks, which are established by law and in administrative rules of the
Department of Natural Resources.
Currently, camping reservations (reservations) may be made 11 months in
advance, and nonresidents pay a higher camping fee than residents. Current law
also authorizes DNR to determine which state campgrounds are located in areas
where market conditions justify higher camping fees and to promulgate rules
establishing higher camping fees for those campgrounds.
Under the bill, for those campgrounds for which DNR has established these
higher camping fees, residents may begin making reservations 11 months in advance
and nonresidents may begin making reservations 14 days later. A resident who
makes a reservation during the 14-day window before a nonresident may do so must
pay the nonresident camping fee for each night of the reservation, in addition to the
increased fee established by DNR.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
1. 27.01 (10) (d) 1m. of the statutes is created to read:
(10) (d) 1m. For campsites for which increased fees have been established
3under par. (h), the department shall charge a camping fee equal to the camping fee
4under subd. 2. for each night for a resident camping party that reserves the campsite
5in the 14-day period during which only residents may apply for reservations as
6provided by the department by rule, except as provided under par. (fm). The fee
7established under this subdivision is in addition to any increased fee established
8under par. (h).
2. NR 45.10 (3) (a) of the administrative code is amended to read:
NR 45.10
(3) (a) Reservation applications may be accepted for camping up to
1111 months before the date of occupancy.
For campgrounds identified in s. NR 45.12
12(2) (b) 5., reservation applications by residents may be accepted for camping up to 11
13months before the date of occupancy, and reservation applications by nonresidents
14may be accepted for camping beginning 14 days after the date applicable to residents. 15The following minimum stays shall apply:
Effective dates. Notwithstanding s. 227.265, this act takes effect
17on June 1, 2025.