2023 - 2024 LEGISLATURE
May 15, 2023 - Introduced by Senators Taylor,
Spreitzer, Roys, Carpenter,
Larson, Hesselbein and Felzkowski, cosponsored by Representatives Myers,
Andraca, Considine, Shelton, Palmeri, Conley, Emerson, Drake, Ratcliff,
Steffen, Stubbs, Goyke, Snodgrass, Hong, Neubauer, Bare, Madison,
Clancy, Joers, J. Anderson, Sinicki, C. Anderson, Ohnstad, Haywood,
Billings, Murphy and Moore Omokunde. Referred to Committee on Senate
1Relating to: recognizing May 8 to May 12, 2023, as Teacher Appreciation Week in
Whereas, Wisconsin is home to about 60,000 teachers, who help establish the
4foundations of knowledge for over 800,000 children in this state; and
Whereas, one teacher has the potential to touch the lives of over 3,000 children
6over the course of his or her career; and
Whereas, teachers encourage in their students a love of reading, scientific
8curiosity, appreciation for the arts, and the ability to think independently, among
9many other things; and
Whereas, teachers can be essential figures in children's lives, looking out for
11students who are struggling socially or academically and offering them a helping
12hand; and
Whereas, teachers regularly make sacrifices for the sake of their students,
14waking up early and staying up late to plan lessons, grade assignments, and
15communicate with parents and guardians; and
1Whereas, when budgets are tight, teachers often pay for supplies out of their
2own pockets; and
Whereas, although they have faced innumerable challenges in recent years,
4teachers have met these challenges with creativity and grace; and
Whereas, the 2023 Wisconsin Teachers of the Year—Kaelee Heideman, Sarah
6Kopplin, Lori Danz, Peggy Billing, and Dustin Anderson—exemplify the ideals all
7educators aspire to; and
Whereas, the Wisconsin Legislature must recognize the commitment and hard
9work of teachers as a first step in addressing a statewide workforce shortage that
10threatens serious consequences for our children; now, therefore, be it
11Resolved by the
senate, the assembly concurring, That the Wisconsin
12Legislature hereby proclaims May 8 to May 12, 2023, as Teacher Appreciation Week
13in Wisconsin.