bill of rightsBill of rights, see Civil right; Voting
Outdoor advertising signs that do not conform to local ordinances and are affected by certain transportation-related state projects: provisions revised - AB486
Outdoor advertising signs that do not conform to local ordinances and are affected by certain transportation-related state projects: provisions revised - SB467
bills legislativeBills, Legislative, see also Budget bills and process
Bill increasing the sales, franchise, or income tax rate: supermajority in each house required for passage. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - AJR66
Bill increasing the sales, franchise, or income tax rate: supermajority in each house required for passage. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - SJR63
Bills introduced that create a crime or revise a penalty: referral to JRCCP for a report required; no further action on the bill until report is prepared [Sec. 54-56, 9351 (4)] - AB43
Bills introduced that create a crime or revise a penalty: referral to JRCCP for a report required; no further action on the bill until report is prepared [Sec. 54-56, 9351 (4)] [original bill only] - SB70
Occupational and business licenses: DOA to report on proposed legislation requiring [S.Sub.Amdt.1] - Se3 SB1
Public hearing required on bills with one third of members of either house as cosponsors - AB598
Public hearing required on bills with one third of members of either house as cosponsors - SB547
State to use GAAP to account for and report on funds and expenditures; budgetary basis of accounting established; once deficit is eliminated, prohibiting legislature from passing a bill resulting in a deficit. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - AJR117
State to use GAAP to account for and report on funds and expenditures; budgetary basis of accounting established; once deficit is eliminated, prohibiting legislature from passing a bill resulting in a deficit. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - SJR106
Bingo account: allowable cash withdrawal for paying cash prizes - AB113
Bingo account: allowable cash withdrawal for paying cash prizes - SB54
biodiesel fuelBiodiesel fuel, see Fuel
Hunting, trapping, and fishing approvals: nonresident approval fee changes - AB1036
Hunting, trapping, and fishing approvals: nonresident approval fee changes - SB993
National Wild Turkey Federation: 50th anniversary commemorated - AJR26
National Wild Turkey Federation: 50th anniversary commemorated - SJR28
Old Abe, the eagle mascot of the 8th Regiment of the Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War: lasting legacy commemorated - AJR63
Old Abe, the eagle mascot of the 8th Regiment of the Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War: lasting legacy commemorated - SJR88
Regulation of fowl: political subdivisions and sewerage districts cannot prohibit keeping four or fewer fowl on residential property - AB685
Regulation of fowl: political subdivisions and sewerage districts cannot prohibit keeping four or fewer fowl on residential property - SB912
Contraceptives: dispensing an extended supply required to be covered by health insurers - AB1130
Pharmacists permitted to prescribe contraceptives to persons at least 18 years of age; self-assessment questionnaire, Pharmacy Examining Board, and emergency rules provisions - AB176
Pharmacists permitted to prescribe contraceptives to persons at least 18 years of age; self-assessment questionnaire, Pharmacy Examining Board, and emergency rules provisions - SB211
Sexually protective device: civil cause of action for nonconsensual removal or tampering with - AB732
Sexually protective device: civil cause of action for nonconsensual removal or tampering with - SB700
Statutory right to contraception established - AB366
Statutory right to contraception established - SB365
black americanBlack American, see Minority groups
blind and visually impairedBlind and visually impaired
Deaf, hard of hearing, and deaf-blind behavioral health treatment center grants [Sec. 799] - AB43
Deaf, hard of hearing, and deaf-blind behavioral health treatment center grants [Sec. 799] [original bill only] - SB70
Semesters limit on Wisconsin grants to UW, technical college, and tribal college students extended; changes to talent incentive grants and grants to students with visual or hearing impairments [Sec. 297-301, 645, 671, 680, 681, 683, 685, 686, 688-690] - AB43
Semesters limit on Wisconsin grants to UW, technical college, and tribal college students extended; changes to talent incentive grants and grants to students with visual or hearing impairments [Sec. 297-301, 645, 671, 680, 681, 683, 685, 686, 688-690] [original bill only] - SB70
Transportation services for blind workers: income tax credit created; ABLE account provision - AB408
Transportation services for blind workers: income tax credit created; ABLE account provision - SB398
blue bookBlue Book
Blue Book and highway map distribution revised - AB221
Blue Book and highway map distribution revised - SB138
Henry All-Weather .45-70 designated the state rifle, Blue Book provision - AB168
Henry All-Weather .45-70 designated the state rifle, Blue Book provision - SB165
Lactococcus lactis (bacterium) designated as the state microbe, Blue Book provision - AB800
Lactococcus lactis (bacterium) designated as the state microbe, Blue Book provision - SB779
Monarch designated the state butterfly; Blue Book provision - AB446
Monarch designated the state butterfly; Blue Book provision - SB443
Rusty patched bumble bee designated as the state native insect; Blue Book provision - AB363
boatBoat, see also Harbor
Ballast water discharge permit replaced with fee on commercial vessels subject to the federal Vessel Incidental Discharge Act; DNR memorandum of understanding with U.S. Coast Guard [Sec. 358, 2663, 2675-2677, 9132 (8), 9432 (3)] - AB43
Ballast water discharge permit replaced with fee on commercial vessels subject to the federal Vessel Incidental Discharge Act; DNR memorandum of understanding with U.S. Coast Guard [Sec. 358, 2663, 2675-2677, 9132 (8), 9432 (3)] [original bill only] - SB70
Motorboat causing an amplified wake: operation restrictions - SB1016
Wakeboat study funding request included in UW System proposed 2025-27 biennial budget - AB1171
Wakeboat study funding request included in UW System proposed 2025-27 biennial budget - SB1077
Wakesurfing and wakeboarding regulations created - AB656
Wakesurfing and wakeboarding regulations created - SB680
Environmental trust bonds to finance retiring electric generating facilities; integrated resource and reliability planning by electric utilities and cooperatives; closure of large electric generating facilities - AB682
Environmental trust bonds to finance retiring electric generating facilities; integrated resource and reliability planning by electric utilities and cooperatives; closure of large electric generating facilities - SB651
Recreational vehicles: additional regulations for dealers and the relationship between dealers and manufacturers or distributors; definitions modified for vehicle registration, equipment standards, and certain other vehicle regulations purposes; JRCCP may report [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, fines and forfeitures removed, bond required, more definition revisions, exception to length limits for vehicles operated on highways] - AB230
WHEFA changes to issuing bonds, financing a project outside the state, and executive salary group for the director and employees - AB724
WHEFA changes to issuing bonds, financing a project outside the state, and executive salary group for the director and employees - SB690
bonds _ countyBonds — County, see also Milwaukee County
Referendum to issue bonds: statement of the purpose to include estimated amount of interest accruing and interest rate - AB82
Referendum to issue bonds: statement of the purpose to include estimated amount of interest accruing and interest rate - SB83
bonds _ municipalBonds — Municipal
Referendum to issue bonds: statement of the purpose to include estimated amount of interest accruing and interest rate - AB82
Referendum to issue bonds: statement of the purpose to include estimated amount of interest accruing and interest rate - SB83
bovine tuberculosisBovine tuberculosis, see Animal — Disease
bow and arrow huntingBow and arrow hunting, see Hunting
boys and girls clubBoys and Girls Club, see Youth
breast cancerBreast cancer, see Disease
breweryBrewery, see Alcohol beverage, and its subheadings