Decertification of law enforcement, tribal law enforcement, jail, or juvenile detention officers by LESB expanded; model use of force policy for law enforcement agencies and use of de-escalation tactics - AB1222
Decertification of law enforcement, tribal law enforcement, jail, or juvenile detention officers by LESB expanded; model use of force policy for law enforcement agencies and use of de-escalation tactics - SB1111
Human Trafficking Council created in DOJ; establishment of county sex trafficking task forces required under set conditions; designating a law enforcement officer to coordinate prevention and enforcement efforts [A.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, county task force and law enforcement coordinator encouraged but not required] - AB978
Human Trafficking Council created in DOJ; establishment of county sex trafficking task forces required under set conditions; designating a law enforcement officer to coordinate prevention and enforcement efforts - SB954
Law enforcement: specialized training reimbursement and officer recruitment, retention, and wellness grants funding - AB1192
Law enforcement: specialized training reimbursement and officer recruitment, retention, and wellness grants funding - SB1094
Lawfully present aliens may be appointed as deputy sheriffs or local law enforcement officers; LESB provision - AB51
Lawfully present aliens may be appointed as deputy sheriffs or local law enforcement officers; LESB provision - SB78
LESB reimbursement to political subdivisions for law enforcement training increased; Office of School Safety to develop school resource officer standards, provide training, and maintain a database - SB209
LESB to pay law enforcement agencies for preparatory training expenses of recruits; minimum amount per officer increased - AB620
LESB to pay law enforcement agencies for preparatory training expenses of recruits; minimum amount per officer increased - SB573
Noncitizens with valid employment authorization from USDHS: appointment as deputy sheriffs or police officers [Sec. 1191, 1192, 2340] - AB43
Noncitizens with valid employment authorization from USDHS: appointment as deputy sheriffs or police officers [Sec. 1191, 1192, 2340] [original bill only] - SB70
Peer support teams and critical incident stress management (CISM) services teams for various law enforcement, fire protection, and emergency medical service agencies: DOJ to establish, LESB duties, and privileged communication provisions [A.Amdt.1: "agency" definition changed, LESB duties removed] - AB576
Peer support teams and critical incident stress management (CISM) services teams for various law enforcement, fire protection, and emergency medical service agencies: DOJ to establish, LESB duties, and privileged communication provisions - SB621
Record expunged of certain crimes: conditions modified; employment discrimination because of conviction record and LESB provisions - AB37
Record expunged of certain crimes: conditions modified; employment discrimination because of conviction record and LESB provisions - SB38
Tactical EMS professional allowed to carry a firearm in prohibited areas; definition and LESB duties - AB882
Tactical EMS professional allowed to carry a firearm in prohibited areas; definition and LESB duties [S.Amdt.1: definition modified, approval of sheriff or chief of police required] - SB829
Warrior-style training for law enforcement prohibitions - AB1218
law libraryLaw library, see Libraries
lawn careLawn care, see Pests
lawyerLawyer, see Attorney
lead or lead poisoningLead or lead poisoning, see Public health
Assessment of leased property and assessor requirements; property assessed at highest and best use; "dark property" defined [Sec. 1276, 1314-1316, 9337 (13)] - AB43
Assessment of leased property and assessor requirements; property assessed at highest and best use; "dark property" defined [Sec. 1276, 1314-1316, 9337 (13)] [original bill only] - SB70
Local professional baseball park district: changes to governing board, general powers, and duties; lease and nonrelocation agreements; state grant, local government payments, short-term loans, and segregated fund re facilities improvements; sales and use tax exemption; report required; JSCTE appendix report [A.Amdt.1: Milwaukee County sales tax and pension obligation bonds provisions added, redevelopment report required; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, LAB audit, ticket surcharge, and Milwaukee County pension bonds and sales tax provisions added, local government payments changed, redevelopment report] - AB438
Local professional baseball park district: changes to governing board, general powers, and duties; lease and nonrelocation agreements; state grant, local government payments, short-term loans, and segregated fund re facilities improvements; sales and use tax exemption; report required; JSCTE appendix report - SB483
Residential lease requirements: good cause and notice required for terminating or refusal to renew and period of renewed residential tenancies - AB710
legal aidLegal aid
Civil legal services for the indigent: annual payments from DOA to Wisconsin Trust Account Foundation, Inc. [Sec. 84, 486] - AB43
Civil legal services for the indigent: annual payments from DOA to Wisconsin Trust Account Foundation, Inc. [Sec. 84, 486] [original bill only] - SB70
legislative audit bureauLegislative Audit Bureau
Broadband expansion grant program changes re definition of “infrastructure,” report requirement, and LAB performance audit - AB1176
Broadband expansion grant program changes re definition of “infrastructure,” report requirement, and LAB performance audit - SB1086
Film production services tax credit and film production company investment credit created; State Film Office created in the Tour.Dept; reports and LAB audit provisions - AB1125
Film production services tax credit and film production company investment credit created; State Film Office created in the Tour.Dept; reports and LAB audit provisions - SB1026
LAB performance audit of election processes following a general election required; noncompliance and report provisions - AB749
LAB performance audit of election processes following a general election required; noncompliance and report provisions - SB736
Local professional baseball park district: changes to governing board, general powers, and duties; lease and nonrelocation agreements; state grant, local government payments, short-term loans, and segregated fund re facilities improvements; sales and use tax exemption; report required; JSCTE appendix report [A.Amdt.1: Milwaukee County sales tax and pension obligation bonds provisions added, redevelopment report required; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, LAB audit, ticket surcharge, and Milwaukee County pension bonds and sales tax provisions added, local government payments changed, redevelopment report] - AB438
Retirement systems in first class cities and counties: sales and use tax imposed, reports required, new hires covered under WRS, and City of Milwaukee and Milwaukee County systems closed to new employees; JSCRS appendix report [A.Amdt.2: further revisions, collective bargaining provision added; S.Amdt.1: further revisions] - AB245
Retirement systems in first class cities and counties: sales and use tax imposed, reports required, new hires covered under WRS, and City of Milwaukee and Milwaukee County systems closed to new employees; JSCRS appendix report - SB301
State agency biennial budget requests to include proposal to reduce number of position authorizations; report required that identifies FTE positions that could be more efficient using AI tools; LAB audit - AB1068
State agency biennial budget requests to include proposal to reduce number of position authorizations; report required that identifies FTE positions that could be more efficient using AI tools; LAB audit - SB1010
legislative fiscal bureauLegislative Fiscal Bureau
State Mandates, Joint Committee on, created; legislature may not enact bills with state-imposed mandates unless they either receive a hearing or are funded; state agency rules provision; LFB report requirement - AB92
State Mandates, Joint Committee on, created; legislature may not enact bills with state-imposed mandates unless they either receive a hearing or are funded; state agency rules provision; LFB report requirement - SB91
legislative reference bureauLegislative Reference Bureau, see also Blue Book
Blue Book and highway map distribution revised - AB221
Blue Book and highway map distribution revised - SB138
Decennial review of occupational licensure requirements; Occupational License Review Council created in DSPS; report required; LRB duties [S.Sub.Amdt.1] - Se3 SB1
Legislative redistricting: new procedure for preparing the plans, LRB duties specified; Redistricting Advisory Commission created [A.Amdt.1: LRB directed to assist the Commission; A.Amdt.2: plan must pass by bipartisan vote; A.Amdt.3: Commission voting provision; A.Amdt.4: appoint expert in Voting Rights Act to Commission; A.Amdt.5: revision to voting on plan; A.Amdt.6: public hearing provision revised; A.Amdt.7: confidentiality provision modified; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, legislative redistricting based on 2020 census, LRB duties, Commission removed] - AB415
Legislative redistricting: new procedure for preparing the plans, LRB duties specified; Redistricting Advisory Commission created and parameters set [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, legislative redistricting based on 2020 census, LRB duties, Commission removed] - SB488
Occupational and business licenses: DOA to report on proposed legislation requiring [S.Sub.Amdt.1] - Se3 SB1
legislatureLegislature, see also Redistricting
Actions in which the legislature is a party: Supreme Court to assign venue at random - AB128
Actions in which the legislature is a party: Supreme Court to assign venue at random - SB131
Articles of impeachment against Meagan Wolfe, Administrator of the Wisconsin Elections Commission - AR18
Bay View labor strike and tragedy in 1886 commemorated; Assembly Chief Clerk to permanently remove portrait of Jeremiah Rusk from the Assembly parlor and hang a portrait of former Governor Tommy G. Thompson in its place - AR8
Childless adults BadgerCare Reform waiver, JCF review of MA state plan amendments, and legislative oversight of DHS federal law waiver requests: 2017 WisAct 370 provisions repealed [Sec. 570, 1075, 2632, 3046, 9119 (3)] - AB43
Childless adults BadgerCare Reform waiver, JCF review of MA state plan amendments, and legislative oversight of DHS federal law waiver requests: 2017 WisAct 370 provisions repealed [Sec. 570, 1075, 2632, 3046, 9119 (3)] [original bill only] - SB70
Elections Commissions called on to appoint an interim administrator and submit a nomination for a permanent replacement - SR4
Expenditure of moneys from the federal government: legislature may not delegate sole power of how it may be spent and JCF approval required before initial allocation by executive branch. Constitutional amendment (2nd consideration) - AJR6
Expenditure of moneys from the federal government: legislature may not delegate sole power of how it may be spent and JCF approval required before initial allocation by executive branch. Constitutional amendment (2nd consideration) - SJR5
Gathering in places of worship: state and political subdivisions cannot forbid or order closures in response to a state of emergency. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - AJR60
Gathering in places of worship: state and political subdivisions cannot forbid or order closures in response to a state of emergency. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - SJR54
Income tax reciprocity between Wisconsin and Minnesota: study by respective departments of revenue required; agreement conditions and approval by Governor and JCF [S.Amdt.1: JCF approval changed to approval by joint resolution of the Legislature; A.Amdt.1: joint resolution provision replaced with JCF approval, study provision modified] - SB374
Legislative Human Resources Office (LHRO) created [Sec. 58, 59, 61, 564, 566, 2520] - AB43
Legislative Human Resources Office (LHRO) created [Sec. 58, 59, 61, 564, 566, 2520; S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 17-19, 190, 191, 431] - SB70
Legislative intervention in certain court proceedings: provisions repealed [Sec. 49, 57, 60, 2328, 2329, 3191, 3195, 3196, 3228, 3229] - AB43
Legislative intervention in certain court proceedings: provisions repealed [Sec. 49, 57, 60, 2328, 2329, 3191, 3195, 3196, 3228, 3229] [original bill only] - SB70
Nomination of Meagan Wolfe as Elections Commission administrator: Senate President to refer nomination to appropriate standing committee per Senate rule 22 (3) - SR3
Non-judicial elective state officials required to serve as election officials; Senate, Assembly, and legislative committees prohibited from meeting on election days - AB496
Non-judicial elective state officials required to serve as election officials; Senate, Assembly, and legislative committees prohibited from meeting on election days - SB537
Organization of the 2023-24 Assembly, list of officers, and notification to the Senate and Governor - AR1
Organization of the 2023-24 Senate, list of officers, and notification to the Assembly and Governor - SR1
Public office filled by appointment of the Governor with advice and consent of the Senate: vacancy occurs when incumbent's term expires or Governor submits a nomination [Sec. 187] - AB43
Public office filled by appointment of the Governor with advice and consent of the Senate: vacancy occurs when incumbent's term expires or Governor submits a nomination [Sec. 187] [original bill only] - SB70
Required general fund structural balance shall not apply to legislation enacted during the 2023-24 legislative session [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 9128 (1)] - SB70
Revival of AB51, AB102, AB129, AB567, and AB615 for immediate Senate consideration - SR5
Social Security and Medicare: affirming Wisconsin Legislature’s support for; Wisconsin’s congressional delegation urged to oppose harmful cuts or changes - SJR23
State agencies prohibited from contracting with enterprise, organization, or business entity organized under laws or rules of or controlled by a country of concern; DOA and AG duties - AB1090
State agencies prohibited from contracting with enterprise, organization, or business entity organized under laws or rules of or controlled by a country of concern; DOA and AG duties - SB1000
State government: retention of legal counsel by the legislature, advice and consent of the Senate, Capitol security, deference to agency interpretation of law, suspension of administrative rules, agency rule-making authority, and advisory committees for rule making [Sec. 47, 48, 154, 2453-2458] - AB43
State government: retention of legal counsel by the legislature, advice and consent of the Senate, Capitol security, deference to agency interpretation of law, suspension of administrative rules, agency rule-making authority, and advisory committees for rule making [Sec. 47, 48, 154, 2453-2458] [original bill only] - SB70
Vacancies in certain elective state offices: appointment by Governor replaced with special election; exception provided - AB476
Vacancies in certain elective state offices: appointment by Governor replaced with special election; exception provided - SB465
legislature _ billsLegislature — Bills, see Bills, Legislative