Commercial-to-housing revolving loan fund and loan program established; reports required; DOA appendix report [A.Amdt.1: further revisions; A.Amdt.3: confidentiality provision added] - AB268
Community reentry centers: DOC to contract with entities to operate, conditions specified; report required [A.Amdt.1: appropriation removed] - SB172
Comparative local government spending report: DOR to produce annually - AB245
Complex rehabilitation technology wheelchair repair and accessories: MA reimbursement rates [S.Amdt.1: report requirements added] - SB592
Crisis urgent care and observation facilities: DHS to establish certification process and grants program; MA waiver provision [S.Amdt.1: further revisions; A.Amdt.1: crisis hostels provision added] - SB462
Decennial review of occupational licensure requirements; Occupational License Review Council created in DSPS; report required; LRB duties [S.Sub.Amdt.1] - Se3 SB1
Delayed relocation of utilities in a highway right-of-way: process for a highway improvement contractor to seek damages, report required; rules modified [Admin.Code Trans 220.06] [S.Amdt.2: further revisions] - SB270
Dismissing or amending certain criminal charges requires court approval, report required; deferred prosecution agreements for certain crimes prohibited - AB57
Early literacy instruction and reading readiness assessments and interventions: Office of Literacy and Council on Early Literacy Curricula created, teacher licensing and professional development training, model policy for promoting third graders to fourth grade, school district and school report cards, parental notification, parent or guardian complaint to DPI; reports and sunset provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, third grade promotion and early literacy instruction provisions modified; A.Amdt.1: further revisions re accountability report, reading plans for at-risk pupils, and model policy, and rule-making authority removed] - AB321
Farmland preservation agreements and tax credits changes, report required [A.Amdt.1: further revisions] - AB133
Field prosecutor attorney positions in DOJ: annual report required by 2017 WisAct 261 repealed [Sec. 2332] - AB43
Field prosecutor attorney positions in DOJ: annual report required by 2017 WisAct 261 repealed [Sec. 2332] [original bill only] - SB70
Freight rail preservation program report required [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 9144 (1)] - SB70
Fund of funds investment program revisions [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 24-35] - SB70
Habitat work plan: DNR required to prepare biennially [S.Amdt.1: report to JCF added] - SB159
Hospital emergency department services grants created; DHS and JCF duties; report required [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, JCF duties removed] - SB1014
LAB performance audit of election processes following a general election required; noncompliance and report provisions - SB736
Law enforcement officer virtual behavioral health crisis care pilot program: DHS to establish; report required [A.Amdt.1: further revisions] - AB573
Laws under DOR’s purview: enforcement and administration changes [S.Amdt.1: electronic vaping device directory created, report required; S.Amdt.2: Division of Alcohol Beverages created in DOR, retail closing hour exception for 2024 national political convention, alcohol beverage regulations, laws, and taxes revised, rule repealed [Admin.Code Tax 8.87]] - SB268
Local professional baseball park district: changes to governing board, general powers, and duties; lease and nonrelocation agreements; state grant, local government payments, short-term loans, and segregated fund re facilities improvements; sales and use tax exemption; report required; JSCTE appendix report [A.Amdt.1: Milwaukee County sales tax and pension obligation bonds provisions added, redevelopment report required; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, LAB audit, ticket surcharge, and Milwaukee County pension bonds and sales tax provisions added, local government payments changed, redevelopment report] - AB438
Long-term care: DHS and managed care organizations reporting requirements [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 244] - SB70
Main street housing rehabilitation revolving loan fund and loan program established re owners of rental housing; reports required; DOA appendix report [A.Amdt.1: program revisions; A.Amdt.2: confidentiality provision added] - AB265
Next Generation 911: grants for certain costs to incumbent local exchange carriers operating as originating service providers [A.Amdt.1: sunset and report added; A.Amdt.2: 911 fund name change] - AB356
Occupational credentials: DSPS biennial report required to include certain metrics - AB200
Occupational credentials: DSPS biennial report required to include certain metrics - SB189
Opportunity attraction and promotion program: WEDC to establish and administer grants; annual report required - SB810
PFAS group of substances: requirements created and programs established to address issues related to; reports and studies [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, rule revisions added [Admin.Code NR 811.12, PSC 184.06]; S.Amdt.1: further revisions] - SB312
Psychiatry and behavioral health residency program appropriation for the Medical College of Wisconsin [Sec. 302; S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, report requirements revised, Sec. 1, 64] - SB70
Residential housing infrastructure revolving loan fund and program established to support workforce and senior housing projects; reports required; DOA appendix report [A.Amdt.1 as amended by A.Amdt.1: further revisions] - AB264
Retirement systems in first class cities and counties: sales and use tax imposed, reports required, new hires covered under WRS, and City of Milwaukee and Milwaukee County systems closed to new employees; JSCRS appendix report [A.Amdt.2: further revisions, collective bargaining provision added; S.Amdt.1: further revisions] - AB245
Tour.Dept annual activities report requirement modified; repeal of certain distribution of donated cheese, use of famous Wisconsin residents in tourism marketing, and audited financial statement from WPGA Junior Foundation - AB23
Tour.Dept annual activities report requirement modified; repeal of certain distribution of donated cheese, use of famous Wisconsin residents in tourism marketing, and audited financial statement from WPGA Junior Foundation - SB36
Tour.Dept marketing reporting requirements revised [Sec. 752] - AB43
Tour.Dept marketing reporting requirements revised [Sec. 752] [original bill only] - SB70
UI law changes re identity spoofing, education and information materials provided by DWD, assistance call center, and database comparisons; DOA Secretary authorized to temporarily transfer employees to DWD to assist with UI appeals; report required [S.Amdt.1: temporary assignment of employees to DWD provisions modified] - AB152
WEDC talent attraction and retention initiatives re veterans, report required; expending moneys for a vibrant spaces grant program prohibited [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 62, 435, 436, 9149 (1)] - SB70
Wisconsin-Ireland Trade Commission: WEDC to create advisory committee; report required [A.Amdt.1: code of ethics provision added] - AB548
residential propertyResidential property, see Housing
resortResort, see Recreation
"Class C" retail licenses may be issued to establishments other than restaurants - AB304
"Class C" retail licenses may be issued to establishments other than restaurants - SB332
Food and beverages served in foam polystyrene packaging prohibited, exceptions provided - AB288
Food and beverages served in foam polystyrene packaging prohibited, exceptions provided - SB315
Maple syrup served in a public eating place requirement - AB602
Maple syrup served in a public eating place requirement - SB567
Third-party food delivery services requirements established - AB294
Third-party food delivery services requirements established - SB290
Unfinished bottle of wine removed from a restaurant: requirements modified and expanded to certain retailers - AB304
Unfinished bottle of wine removed from a restaurant: requirements modified and expanded to certain retailers - SB332
restitution to crime victimRestitution to crime victim, see Crime victim
restroomRestroom, see Public health
retail establishmentRetail establishment
Adult-entertainment establishments: requirements and prohibitions created - AB60
Adult-entertainment establishments: requirements and prohibitions created - SB56
Assessment of leased property and assessor requirements; property assessed at highest and best use; "dark property" defined [Sec. 1276, 1314-1316, 9337 (13)] - AB43
Assessment of leased property and assessor requirements; property assessed at highest and best use; "dark property" defined [Sec. 1276, 1314-1316, 9337 (13)] [original bill only] - SB70
Auxiliary container re merchandise, food, or beverages from a food service or retail facility: repeal limitation on authority of political subdivisions to regulate - AB290
Auxiliary container re merchandise, food, or beverages from a food service or retail facility: repeal limitation on authority of political subdivisions to regulate - SB282
Cotton candy: retail food establishment license exemption for establishments that sell or process - AB851
Cotton candy: retail food establishment license exemption for establishments that sell or process - SB814
Financial institutions prohibited from using firearm merchant codes for retail payment card transactions; governmental entities prohibited from keeping lists of firearms owners, exception for criminal investigations or prosecutions - AB468
Financial institutions prohibited from using firearm merchant codes for retail payment card transactions; governmental entities prohibited from keeping lists of firearms owners, exception for criminal investigations or prosecutions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, "financial institutions" replaced with "payment card networks," AG authority added] - SB466
Food and beverages served in foam polystyrene packaging prohibited, exceptions provided - AB288
Food and beverages served in foam polystyrene packaging prohibited, exceptions provided - SB315
Grocery and Retail Food Employees: appreciation and respect for proclaimed - AR6
ID scanners provided to alcohol beverage retail licensees by municipalities: prohibition repealed; data from device cannot be collected or retained - AB880
ID scanners provided to alcohol beverage retail licensees by municipalities: prohibition repealed; data from device cannot be collected or retained - SB827
Minimum age to purchase cigarettes, tobacco products, and nicotine products raised; minimum age to purchase vapor products imposed [Sec. 2267-2274, 2607-2618, 9302 (2)] - AB43
Minimum age to purchase cigarettes, tobacco products, and nicotine products raised; minimum age to purchase vapor products imposed [Sec. 2267-2274, 2607-2618, 9302 (2)] [original bill only] - SB70
Remote retail sales of cigars or pipe tobacco: permit from DOR and other requirements created [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] - AB910
Remote retail sales of cigars or pipe tobacco: permit from DOR and other requirements created - SB835
Retail business that sells firearms: storage requirements when the business is unattended - AB761
Retail business that sells firearms: storage requirements when the business is unattended - SB764
Retail sales of alcohol beverages: remote delivery order and remote pickup order allowed; conditions, permit, and ordinance provisions - AB127
Retail sales of alcohol beverages: remote delivery order and remote pickup order allowed; conditions, permit, and ordinance provisions - SB130
Retailers with physical location required to accept cash payment, forfeiture provision - AB628
Sales tax retailer's discount modified [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 350, 9337 (4)] - SB70
retirement _ private plansRetirement — Private plans
Individual income tax rate in certain bracket lowered; retirement income subtraction expanded; JSCTE appendix report - AB386
Individual income tax rate in certain bracket lowered; retirement income subtraction expanded; JSCTE appendix report - SB435
Individual income tax subtraction for payments or distributions for qualified retirement plans or certain IRAs increased and expanded; JSCTE appendix report - AB1021
Individual income tax subtraction for payments or distributions for qualified retirement plans or certain IRAs increased and expanded; JSCTE appendix report - SB978