Corporations, take-over, recovery of security s. 552.21 (3) Dam, lien for damages related to s. 31.26 Death, effect on cause of action s. 859.15 Decedent’s estate:
Claim to recover real property s. 705.15 Election of surviving spouse s. 861.11 Discrimination in employment, complaint s. 111.39 (1) Drainage proceedings, appeals s. 88.09 Election, contesting, notice s. 13.23 Employment relations commission orders, action to enforce s. 230.44 (3) Execution, after death of debtor s. 815.14 Extradition of persons of unsound mind s. 51.84 Family and Medical Leave Act, violations s. 103.10 (13) Flood damage from milldam, action for s. 31.33 (1) Franchise investment, action to enforce s. 553.51 (4) Gambling, recovery of wagers s. 895.056 Garnishment, reinstatement of employment s. 425.110 General relief, recovery s. 49.08 Hazardous substance cleanup, cost recovery by local governments s. 292.33 (7) Health care benefits cessation, failure of employer to notify s. 109.075 (4) Highways, alleys, defect in deed s. 66.1033 Home inspectors, actions against s. 440.977 Income tax, collection actions s. 71.77 Insurance, action on policy s. 631.83 Insurance policy, absent insured s. 813.22 Insurance securities, recovery of insider profits s. 611.31 (4) Insurer rehabilitation s. 645.34 Letters of credit, actions on s. 405.115 Limited liability company, wrongful distribution s. 183.0406 (5) Marital property, claim against spouse s. 766.70 (1) Medical and family leave law, violations s. 103.10 (13) Medical malpractice, mediation request tolls s. 655.44 (4) Minor’s estate, recovery of s. 786.50 Military service, state, effect on computing limitations periods s. 321.62 Misdemeanor prosecutions s. 939.74 Mortgage foreclosure on agricultural property, deficiency s. 846.04 Motor vehicle dealer; forfeiture for violation s. 218.0162 Parental rights termination, motion for relief s. 48.46 (2) Probate, distributees, actions against s. 865.19 Probate, informal administration, fraud s. 865.031 Probate, personal representatives, actions against s. 865.18 Probate, spouses’ rights in fraudulent transfers s. 861.17 (5) Property tax, collection action s. 74.55 Public assistance, recovery of s. 49.08 Public improvements, notice of claim, lien s. 779.15 (3) Racketeering violations, civil or criminal actions s. 946.88 (1) Real estate brokers’ commission lien, enforcement action s. 779.32 (9) Real estate loan, 1st lien, customer action s. 428.106 (4) Real property conveyances, adverse claims s. 706.09 Sales finance company; forfeiture for violation s. 218.0162 State public official interested in contract, action to void s. 19.45 (6) Tax certificate, voided s. 75.20 Tax deed, action by grantee s. 75.26 Tax deed, action to bar previous owner s. 75.39
Chs. 885-895, Provisions Common to Actions and Provisions Common to Actions and Proceedings in All Courts