Senate Bill 30
AN ACT (relating clause)
Nonconcurrence: Ayes, 9; Noes, 0.
ar18(2)(2) A committee may accept or offer a simple amendment or a substitute amendment and recommend its adoption.
ar18(3)(3) Any amendment referred to a standing committee shall be reported out of committee only if adoption is recommended. An amendment not reported may, upon motion and a majority vote of those present, be revived by the assembly while the proposal is in an amendable stage.
ar18(4)(4) The report of the committee shall be reproduced in the journal.
ar18(5)(5) Whenever a committee introduces or offers a proposal, it shall include in the jacket a report in the following form, and shall deposit the jacket with the chief clerk:
Assembly Bill...... (LRB-........ / ....)
AN ACT (relating clause)
Introduction: Ayes,.... ; Noes,.... .
[(4) am. 1995 A.Res. 2]
[(5)(intro.) am. 2001 A.Res. 3]
ar19Assembly Rule 19. Committee report without recommendation.
ar19(1)(1) A committee may report a proposal without recommendation only:
ar19(1)(a)(a) If a vote for passage, adoption, or concurrence is a tie; or
ar19(1)(b)(b) If successive motions for indefinite postponement, rejection, or nonconcurrence, and passage, adoption, or concurrence fail.
ar19(2)(2) When a recommendation is not made, the committee shall report as illustrated in the following example:
The committee on ..................... reports:
Assembly Resolution 40
A resolution relating, etc.
Without recommendation [rule 19].
Assembly Bill 90
AN ACT (relating clause)
Without recommendation [rule 19].
Senate Bill 50
AN ACT (relating clause)
Substitute amendment 1, adoption: Ayes, 11; Noes, 0.
Without recommendation [rule 19].
ar19(3)(3) The report of the committee shall be reproduced in the journal. Notwithstanding subs. (1) and (2), the chief clerk shall record in the journal that a bill is reported without recommendation whenever the bill is withdrawn from committee under rule 15 (6) before the committee’s vote on the bill.
[(1)(a) and (b) and (3) am. 1995 A.Res. 2]
ar20Assembly Rule 20. Committee reports concerning proposed rules. Each committee to which a proposed administrative rule is referred under rule 3 (1) (r) shall submit a report within the review period specified in section 227.19 (4) (b) of the statutes in the form specified in this rule, authenticated by the personal signature of the chairperson or cochairpersons. The report of the committee shall be reproduced in the journal. Whenever a committee schedules a public hearing or meeting with an agency representative concerning a proposed rule, or whenever modifications to a proposed rule are agreed to be made or received, the committee shall submit an interim report. The form of the report is as follows:
ar20(1)(1) For standing committees:
The committee on .......... reports [and recommends]:
Clearinghouse Rule [year]-1
An Order of the.... (name of agency) relating to rules concerning....
Public hearing scheduled.
(list date, time, and place of public hearing)
Clearinghouse Rule [year]-2
An Order of the.... (name of agency) relating to rules concerning....
(list date, time, and place of meeting)
Clearinghouse Rule [year]-3
An Order of the.... (name of agency) relating to rules concerning....
Modifications to be made by agency.
Clearinghouse Rule [year]-4
An Order of the.... (name of agency) relating to rules concerning....
Modifications received from agency.
Clearinghouse Rule [year]-5
An Order of the.... (name of agency) relating to rules concerning....
No action taken.
Clearinghouse Rule [year]-6
An Order of the.... (name of agency) relating to rules concerning....
Objection: Ayes, 5; Noes, 1; Absent, 1.
Clearinghouse Rule [year]-7
An Order of the.... (name of agency) relating to rules concerning....
No objection: Ayes, 6; Noes, 1.
ar20(2)(2) For the joint committee for review of administrative rules:
The joint committee for review of administrative rules reports and recommends:
Clearinghouse Rule [year]-8
An Order of the.... (name of agency) relating to rules concerning....
Concurrence in objection: Ayes, 8; Noes, 1; Absent, 1.
Clearinghouse Rule [year]-9
An Order of the.... (name of agency) relating to rules concerning....
Nonconcurrence in objection: Ayes, 9; Noes, 1.
[(intro.), (1) and (2) am. 1995 A.Res. 2]
ar21Assembly Rule 21. Ethics and standards of conduct, special committee on.
ar21(1)(1) Any resolution to reprimand, censure, or expel an officer or member of the assembly shall be referred to a special committee on ethics and standards of conduct, convened for the purpose of holding one or more public hearings on the resolution and submitting the committee’s recommendation to the assembly. The special committee shall consist of 3 members of the majority party and 3 members of the minority party, appointed as are the members of standing committees.
ar21(2)(2) The hearing shall be scheduled as soon as possible, allowing reasonable time to ascertain the facts of the controversy, to furnish a copy of the detailed written charges to the officer or member cited, and to permit that person to prepare a proper defense.
ar21(3)(3) At the hearing, the officer or member cited may have the advice of counsel, may offer testimony to mitigate or refute the charges, and may cross-examine any witness testifying in support of the charges.
ar21(4)(4) With the consent of the officer or member cited, the committee may vote to close parts of the hearing to the public.
ar21(5)(5) Promptly after the conclusion of the hearing, the committee shall return the resolution to the assembly together with a written report containing the committee’s recommendation for action on the resolution.
ar21(6)(6) Following assembly action on the committee’s report, by adoption or rejection of the resolution, referral of the resolution to a standing committee, or return of the resolution to its primary author, the special committee on ethics and standards of conduct is discharged.
[cr. 1989 A.Res. 27]
[(6) am. 2001 A.Res. 3]
ar23Assembly Rule 23. Committee on assembly organization.
ar23(1m)(1m) The committee on assembly organization may conduct any business by ballot. If the committee elects to vote by ballot, public notice shall be given at least 24 hours before the ballot is circulated.
ar23(2)(2) Corrections before third reading. Any proposal ordered to a 3rd reading shall be examined by the chief clerk for the purpose of correcting grammatical, structural, or other errors in the proposal. The clerk shall call any proposal found to contain errors that alter its real intent to the attention of the committee on assembly organization and the committee shall report any required corrections to the assembly in the form of amendments. When corrective amendments are reported by the committee, the affected proposal automatically and temporarily reverts to the engrossing stage for the limited purpose of considering the corrective amendment.
ar23(3)(3) Corrections in enrolling. Whenever in the process of enrolling the chief clerk or the legislative reference bureau discovers an error in a proposal that alters its real intent, the error shall be reported to the committee on assembly organization. If the committee concurs with the judgment of the clerk or bureau, the committee shall offer a joint resolution to recall the proposal for further legislative action.
ar23(4)(4) Enrolled bill to governor. On motion of the assembly or by directive of the speaker, any assembly bill that has been correctly enrolled may be immediately messaged to the office of the governor.
[(4)(title) cr. 1991 A.Res. 2]
[(3) am. 2001 A.Res. 3]
[(1m) cr. 2013 A.Res. 4]
ar24Assembly Rule 24. Committee on rules.
ar24(1)(1) The committee on rules consists of the speaker, speaker pro tempore, majority leader, assistant majority leader, majority caucus chairperson, minority leader, assistant minority leader, minority caucus chairperson, and 4 members from the majority party and 3 members from the minority party appointed by the speaker.
ar24(2)(2) The committee shall function both as a standing committee and as a calendar scheduling committee.
ar24(2)(a)(a) For all proposals previously reported to the assembly by any standing committee, action of the committee on rules is governed by those requirements and limitations provided in the assembly rules which pertain to establishing calendars and special orders of business.
ar24(2)(b)(b) For all other proposals, action of the committee on rules is governed either by the rules for establishing calendars and special orders or by the rules that apply to the consideration of proposals by standing committees.
ar24(3)(3) Whenever a proposal has been referred to the committee on rules, after having been reported to the assembly by another standing committee, the committee may:
ar24(3)(a)(a) If the proposal should have been referred to a joint survey committee or the joint committee on finance, but was not so referred, or is a senate proposal that, if it were an assembly proposal, should have been so referred, return the proposal to the speaker for referral.
ar24(3)(b)(b) If the proposal is not referred under par. (a), refer the proposal to an appropriate order on a calendar dated at least 2 days after the referral.