ar61(3)(3) “Special privilege: Any member desiring to make a statement on a matter other than one of assembly or personal privilege may rise and, with recognition by the presiding officer and within any time limits determined by the presiding officer or the assembly, may discuss any subject relative to state or local government, the conduct of public officials in relation to their official duties, or other matters concerning the public welfare, or any question pertaining to the rights of the assembly collectively, its safety, dignity, or the integrity of its proceedings.
ar61(4)(a)(a) A member may raise a question of assembly or personal privilege at any time. Questions of assembly privilege take precedence over questions of personal privilege and both take precedence over all other questions except a motion to adjourn, a call of the assembly, a motion to lift a call of the assembly, or a motion to recess.
ar61(4)(b)(b) Questions of special privilege may not be raised when any matter is under consideration by the assembly.
ar61(5)(5) Questions of assembly or personal privilege have precedence only insofar as they require immediate consideration and are not dilatory.
ar61(6)(6) Once a question of privilege is before the assembly, it is subject to debate and to all proper motions. When the question of privilege has been disposed of, the business of the assembly is resumed at the point at which it was interrupted.
[(5) am. 2013 A.Res. 3]
ar62Assembly Rule 62. Points of order and appeals.
ar62(1)(1) A member may raise a point of order at any time except while a motion to adjourn is before the assembly.
ar62(2)(2) A member may not speak more than once on any point of order.
ar62(3)(3) The presiding officer may speak on points of order in preference to others and may:
ar62(3)(a)(a) Immediately announce and explain a ruling on a point of order that has been raised; or
ar62(3)(b)(b) Defer such ruling by taking a point of order under advisement.
1. When the point of order concerns a proposal or a question currently pending on such proposal, taking the point of order under advisement removes the proposal from further consideration until the presiding officer announces the ruling on the point of order.
2. When the point of order concerns an amendment, taking the point of order under advisement removes from further consideration until a ruling on the point of order is made only the specific amendment.
3. When the point of order concerns an amendment to an amendment, taking the point of order under advisement removes from further consideration until a ruling on the point of order is made only the amendment to the amendment, except that the original amendment is also removed from further consideration once all other amendments to the amendment have been disposed of.
4. All points of order involving amendments, or amendments to amendments, must be disposed of before the assembly proceeds to any question of lesser precedence (see rule 65).
ar62(3m)(3m) The presiding officer shall rule on a point of order within 7 legislative days after the point of order is raised or on the final legislative day of the last general-business floorperiod preceding the veto review session, whichever is earlier.
ar62(4)(4) A point of order is timely only if raised before the question it concerns is decided.
ar62(5)(5) A point of order questioning the validity of a senate action on a proposal before the assembly is not in order.
ar62(6)(6) Any member may appeal a ruling of the presiding officer on any point of order. When an appeal is made, the question is: “Shall the decision of the chair stand as the decision of the assembly?”
ar62(7)(7) Appeals are debatable and are decided by a majority of the members present and voting on a roll call vote. The presiding officer may vote on appeals.
[(3m) cr. 1995 A.Res. 2]
[(3m) and (7) am. 2001 A.Res. 3]
Chapter 8:
ar63Assembly Rule 63. Putting a motion. When a motion is made, it shall be stated by the presiding officer or read by the chief clerk before debate.
ar64Assembly Rule 64. Seconding. Whenever a requested action is required to be seconded, immediately after the request is made the presiding officer shall ask if there are sufficient seconds. Any member wishing to be a second shall then stand in his or her assigned place until counted. The presiding officer shall count the seconds and immediately announce whether or not there are sufficient seconds for the request to be granted by the assembly.
ar65Assembly Rule 65. Privileged and subsidiary motions and requests during debate.
ar65(1)(1) When a main question is under debate the following privileged motions and requests are in order if appropriate under the rules governing motions, requests, and proposals:
ar65(1)(a)(a) To suspend the rules [rule 90].
ar65(1)(b)(b) To request a call of the assembly [rule 83].
ar65(1)(c)(c) To adjourn [rule 70].
ar65(1)(d)(d) To adjourn to a fixed time [rule 70].
ar65(1)(e)(e) To lift a call of the assembly [rule 87].
ar65(1)(f)(f) To recess.
ar65(1)(g)(g) To raise a question of assembly privilege [rule 61 (1)].
ar65(1)(h)(h) To raise a question of personal privilege [rule 61 (2)].
ar65(1)(i)(i) To offer and ask consideration of a privileged resolution [rules 33 and 43].
ar65(2)(2) When a main question is under debate the following subsidiary motions are in order if appropriate under the rules governing motions and proposals:
ar65(2)(a)(a) To lay on or take from the table [rule 74].
ar65(2)(b)(b) To end debate [rule 71].
ar65(2)(c)(c) To postpone to a day or time certain [rule 72].
ar65(2)(d)(d) To refer to a standing committee [rule 72].
ar65(2)(e)(e) To refer to a special committee [rule 72].
ar65(2)(f)(f) To revive an amendment [rule 18 (3)].
ar65(2)(g)(g) To amend, if the proposal or motion is amendable [rules 52 to 55 and 70 (2) and (4)].
ar65(2)(h)(h) To postpone indefinitely, reject, or nonconcur in a proposal [rules 49 and 72].
ar65(2)(i)(i) To return a proposal to the 2nd reading stage [rule 73m].
ar65(3)(3) The motions and requests listed in subs. (1) and (2) have precedence in the order in which they are listed. While any motion or request is pending, motions or requests of the same or lower precedence are not in order, except that:
ar65(3)(a)(a) Amendments may be offered while other amendments are under consideration;
ar65(3)(b)(b) Amendments to amendable motions are not in order while a question of higher precedence is pending; and
ar65(3)(c)(c) Any amendment may be rejected or tabled.
ar65(4)(4) If any motion is made while no other question is before the assembly, or is made subject to qualifications not specifically authorized in the assembly rules, the motion loses its precedence and becomes a main motion, subject to the rules that apply to main motions.
ar65(5)(5) The right of members to debate a question and make motions and requests relating thereto ceases when the presiding officer has called for the “ayes” or directed the chief clerk to open the roll.
[(2)(e) and (g) am. 1999 A.Res. 3]
[(1)(i) am. 2001 A.Res. 3]
[(2)(i) cr. 2019 A.Res. 12]
ar66Assembly Rule 66. Incidental motions, requests and questions during debate.
ar66(1)(1) In addition to the motions and requests listed in rule 65 (1) and (2), and subject to the limitations imposed by other rules, the following incidental motions, requests, and questions are in order while a proposal or question is under debate:
ar66(1)(a)(a) A point of order and appeal therefrom [rule 62].
ar66(1)(b)(b) A question of quorum [rule 30].
ar66(1)(c)(c) A request that a member be called to order [rule 58].
ar66(1)(d)(d) A parliamentary inquiry.
ar66(1)(e)(e) A request or motion for a leave of absence [rule 27].
ar66(1)(f)(f) A request or motion by the maker of a pending motion that it be withdrawn, if rule 73 (6) does not apply.
ar66(1)(g)(g) A request or motion by the author of a pending amendment that it be withdrawn and returned to the author.
ar66(1)(h)(h) A request or motion to be excused from voting for special cause [rule 77].
ar66(1)(i)(i) A request for a roll call vote when one is not required [rule 76 (3)].
ar66(1)(j)(j) A request for a division of a question [rule 80].
ar66(1)(k)(k) A request that a member yield to a question [rule 57].
ar66(1)(L)(L) The entering of a motion to reconsider an amendment [rule 73].
ar66(2)(2) The motions, requests, and questions listed in sub. (1) do not have an order of precedence, can be initiated at any time they are timely, and shall be disposed of before any question to which they relate is returned to or any other incidental motion, request, or question is entertained.
ar67Assembly Rule 67. Nondebatable motions. Any motion to adjourn, recess, end debate, take up a resolution under rule 32 (3m), return a proposal to the 2nd reading stage under rule 73m, or suspend the rules, and all incidental questions relating to such motions including appeals, are decided without debate.
[am. 1995 A.Res. 2]
[am. 2019 A.Res. 12]
ar68Assembly Rule 68. Amendments to motions to be germane. Amendments to amendable motions are subject to the rules of germaneness in rule 54 as if they were amendments to proposals and amendments.
[am. 2001 A.Res. 3]
ar69Assembly Rule 69. Dilatory motions.
ar69(1)(1) When it appears to the presiding officer that any motion or procedure is being used for the purpose of delay, including a motion to recess for purposes of a partisan caucus, the presiding officer shall declare it dilatory and out of order.
ar69(2)(2) Two consecutive identical motions are dilatory unless significant business has intervened between the motions.
ar69(3)(3) Two consecutive motions to adjourn are not be in order unless other significant business has intervened between the motions or unless no other business is pending before the assembly.
ar69(4)(4) While a motion remains undecided pending the presiding officer’s ruling on a point of order taken under advisement, it is dilatory to enter a substantially similar motion on the same question, but it is proper to request an expansion of the question under advisement.
[(4) am. 2001 A.Res. 3]
[(1) am. 2019 A.Res. 12]
ar69mAssembly Rule 69m. Motion to recess. A motion to recess to a day of the year other than the day of the year on which the motion is made shall be treated the same as, and has the same effect as, a motion to adjourn.
[cr. 1995 A.Res. 2]
ar70Assembly Rule 70. Adjourning.
ar70(1)(1) A motion to adjourn is always in order including when the assembly is under call, but not while the assembly is voting or another member has the floor or while the assembly has recessed for a party caucus and is not under call.
ar70(2)(2) A motion to adjourn to a fixed time other than that prescribed by rule 28 is debatable and amendable as to the proposed time for convening.
ar70(3)(3) A simple motion to adjourn is not debatable or amendable.
ar70(4)(4) A motion to fix the time for convening the next daily session may be amended by altering the time. The motion is debatable and in order only when no other main question is before the assembly.
[(1) am. 1995 A.Res. 2]
ar71Assembly Rule 71. Ending debate.