As last affected by 2023 Senate Resolution 2
Adopted April 19, 2023
Chapter 1: Officers — Election and Duties
President; president pro tempore Rule 1 Presiding officer and committee on senate organization Rule 1m Substitute president Rule 2 Duties of president pro tempore and majority leader Rule 3 Voting by presiding officer Rule 3m Duties of president and presiding officer Rule 4 Chapter 2: Order and Decorum
Presiding officer to preserve order Rule 7 Conduct while sitting in session Rule 8 Who may be admitted to the floor;recording proceedings; listing of visitors Rule 11 Privileges of senate to contestants for seats Rule 12 Disturbance in lobby Rule 13 Conduct of individuals in the gallery Rule 13m Imposing penalties on senators who areabsent without leave Rule 13n Admittance to senate spaces Rule 13r Chapter 3: Order of Business
Roll call, quorum Rule 15 Order of business Rule 17 Committee of the whole Rule 19 Standing committees of senate Rule 20 Committees of conference Rule 20m Special committees Rule 21 Advice and consent of the senate Rule 22 Committee not to be absent Rule 23 Committee quorum; subcommittees Rule 24 Business in committees; notice of meeting Rule 25 Schedule of committee activities Rule 26 Committee reports Rule 27 Chapter 4: Proposals — Procedure
Copies of proposals Rule 29 Filing of proposals Rule 30 Clerical corrections to proposals Rule 31 Reference to proposals and other matters Rule 32 Introduction or offering of new proposals; admissibility of identical proposals; admissibility of resolutions in special session Rule 33 Proposals to be on file one day before action Rule 34 Three separate readings Rule 35 First reading; reference to committee Rule 36 Second reading; ordering to a 3rd reading Rule 37 Third reading; question Rule 38 Minimum special quorum Rule 39 Proposal amended on 3rd reading to be reengrossed Rule 40 Rereference in order; withdrawing from committee Rule 41 Messaging to the assembly; proposals held during reconsideration period Rule 42 Enrolling bills and joint resolutions Rule 43 Signing of documents Rule 44 Presentation to the governor Rule 44m