Register June 2022 No. 798
Chapter Adm 21
Adm 21.01   Authority.
Adm 21.02   Definitions.
Adm 21.03   Advertising.
Adm 21.04   Issuance of addenda.
Adm 21.05   Submittal and receipt of bids.
Adm 21.06   Withdrawal of bids.
Adm 21.07   Bid opening.
Adm 21.08   Rejection of bids.
Adm 21.09   Award of contracts.
Adm 21.01 Adm 21.01Authority.
Adm 21.01(1)(1)Section 16.855 (15), Stats., empowers the department to adopt rules to implement the advertising and award of contracts for construction projects.
Adm 21.01(2) (2)These rules shall apply to all state construction projects when the estimated construction cost exceeds the threshold prescribed in s. 16.855 (1m), Stats.
Adm 21.01 History History: Cr. Register, March, 1979, No. 279, eff. 4-1-79; CR 05-069: am. (2) Register May 2006 No. 605, eff. 6-1-06; CR 08-025: am. (1) Register August 2010 No. 656, eff. 9-1-10; correction in (2) under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register July 2014 No. 703.
Adm 21.02 Adm 21.02Definitions. In this chapter:
Adm 21.02(1) (1)“Advertise for proposals" means a written notice announcing that sealed bids will be received for a specific construction project, inviting prospective bidders to obtain or review drawings and specifications for the purpose of submitting a bid to do work. The advertisement for proposals shall contain as a minimum, the following information:
Adm 21.02(1)(a) (a) Location of the work.
Adm 21.02(1)(b) (b) Identification of owner.
Adm 21.02(1)(c) (c) Scope of the work, which describes such items as square footage, number of floors and primary function(s) of the project.
Adm 21.02(1)(d) (d) A 10% bid guarantee is required.
Adm 21.02(1)(e) (e) Date and time receipt of bids will close and public opening will occur.
Adm 21.02(1)(f) (f) Location where bids will be received.
Adm 21.02(1)(g) (g) Date and place where drawings and specifications will be available.
Adm 21.02(2) (2)“Bid" means the completed standard bid form on which the bidder has set forth the price or prices for which the bidder is willing to enter into a contract to perform and complete the work bid, in full compliance with the contract documents.
Adm 21.02(3) (3)“Bid guarantee" means a properly executed department form of bid bond, a bank certified check, or a cashier's check, in an amount equal to 10% of the highest combination base bid(s) and alternate bids submitted. In the event the federal government participates in a state project, the bid guarantee shall be as specified by the federal government, but not less than 10%.
Adm 21.02(4) (4)“Bidder" means an individual, partnership, or corporation that submits a bid.
Adm 21.02(5) (5)“Bidder's authorized representative" means an individual who has been provided in writing, the authority to act in the bidder's behalf.
Adm 21.02(6) (6)“Bidding period" means that time span from the date of first publication of the advertisement for proposals to the date of bid opening.
Adm 21.02(7) (7)“Department" means the Wisconsin department of administration.
Adm 21.02(8) (8)“Lowest qualified responsible bidder" shall be defined to include all of the following which must be met to be considered for award of contract:
Adm 21.02(8)(a) (a) Lowest bidder. The lowest bidder is one whose bid contains the lowest total dollar amount when compared with other bids submitted for the same work. Should the specifications require evaluation of other factors in conjunction with lowest dollar amount to determine the lowest bidder, a formula shall be specified which will permit the conversion of evaluation factors to a dollar value.
Adm 21.02(8)(b) (b) Qualified bidder. A qualified bidder is one who meets the following conditions:
Adm 21.02(8)(b)1. 1. Has completed one or more projects of at least 50% of the size or value of the division of work being bid and the type of work completed is similar to that being bid. If a greater magnitude of experience is deemed necessary, other than size or value of the work, such requirements will be described in the specifications.
Adm 21.02(8)(b)2. 2. Has access to all necessary equipment and has organizational capacity and technical competence necessary to enable performance of the work properly and expeditiously.
Adm 21.02(8)(b)3. 3. Consideration will be given to associations consisting of 2 or more contracting firms organized for the purpose of entering into a construction contract as a single entity, providing the assignment of and provisions for continuity of the various responsibilities within the association are agreed upon prior to award of contract and further providing that either of the individual firms constituting the association is qualified as defined herein.
Adm 21.02(8)(b)4. 4. In the event that the project is of such magnitude as to limit competition as a result of the conditions established for qualification, the department may waive the condition for bidder qualification.
Adm 21.02(8)(b)5. 5. The department may require bidders to submit sworn statements as to financial ability, equipment and experience in construction and require other such information as may be necessary to determine their competency. Bidders failing to submit required sworn statements shall be deemed not qualified.
Adm 21.02(8)(c) (c) Responsible bidder. A responsible bidder is one who meets the following conditions:
Adm 21.02(8)(c)1. 1. Maintains a permanent place of business.
Adm 21.02(8)(c)2. 2. Provides a sworn statement upon request, which evidences the bidder has adequate financial resources to complete the work being bid, as well as all other work the bidder is presently under contract to complete.
Adm 21.02(8)(c)3. 3. Is bondable for the terms of the proposed contract.
Adm 21.02(8)(c)4. 4. Has a record of satisfactorily completing past projects. Criteria which will be considered in determining satisfactory completion of projects by contractors and subcontractors will include:
Adm 21.02(8)(c)4.a. a. Completed contracts in accordance with drawings and specifications.
Adm 21.02(8)(c)4.b. b. Diligently pursued execution of the work and completed contracts according to the established time schedule unless extensions are granted by the owner.
Adm 21.02(8)(c)4.c. c. Fulfilled guarantee requirements of the contract documents.
Adm 21.02(8)(c)4.d. d. Established and diligently maintained a satisfactory affirmative action program in accordance with the contract provisions.
Adm 21.02(8)(c)4.e. e. Established and diligently maintained a satisfactory safety program in accordance with the contract provisions.
Adm 21.02(8)(c)5. 5. Is not presently on an ineligible list maintained by the department for noncompliance with equal employment opportunities and affirmative action requirements as provided for in s. 16.765 (9), Stats., or on any other agency list for construction related violation of statutes or administrative rules.
Adm 21.02(9) (9)“Omission, error or mistake" are terms used interchangeably and synonymously, constituting a neglect to provide something that is required or a departure from accuracy.
Adm 21.02(10) (10)“Supporting documents" means those documents packaged with a bid including, but not limited to, bid guarantee, power of attorney if bid bond is submitted as bid guarantee, affidavit form and other information specifically requested. Materials submitted with the bid form that are unsolicited are deemed to be fugitive materials and shall not be considered in determining the lowest bidder or award of contract.
Adm 21.02 History History: Cr. Register, March, 1979, No. 279, eff. 4-1-79; r. (1) (c), renum. (1) (d) to (h) to be (1) (c) to (g), Register, October, 1983, No. 334, eff. 11-1-83; CR 05-069: r. and recr. Register May 2006 No. 605, eff. 6-1-06; CR 08-025: am. (3), renum. (7) to (9) to be (8) to (10) and am. (8) (c) 5., cr. (7) Register August 2010 No. 656, eff. 9-1-10.
Adm 21.03 Adm 21.03Advertising.
Adm 21.03(1)(1)All drawings and specifications for the project shall be available for distribution to prospective bidders on or before the date upon which the advertisement for proposals will be published.
Adm 21.03(2) (2)The department shall advertise for proposals by publication of a class 1 notice under ch. 985, Stats., in the official state newspaper. The notice shall be published a minimum of 30 days prior to bid opening, unless the department indicates in writing that the bidding period will be for a lesser period of time.
Adm 21.03(3) (3)In addition to the class 1 notice required in sub. (2), the department may solicit and advertise for proposals by either or both of the following methods:
Adm 21.03(3)(a) (a) An advertisement for proposals may be placed in trade publications, or newspapers within the locale of the project, which would have the potential of reaching prospective bidders.
Adm 21.03(3)(b) (b) An advertisement for proposal may be mailed directly to potential bidders, if such measure is deemed necessary to encourage adequate competition in bidding.
Adm 21.03 History History: Cr. Register, March, 1979, No. 279, eff. 4-1-79; CR 08-025: am. (2) and (3) (intro.) Register August 2010 No. 656, eff. 9-1-10.
Adm 21.04 Adm 21.04Issuance of addenda.
Adm 21.04(1)(1)The department may issue addenda during the bidding period to correct, alter, or to provide clarification of the drawings and specifications for the project being bid or to extend the bidding period. No oral correction, alteration or clarification of said documents shall be considered valid.
Adm 21.04(2) (2)Each addendum issued shall be identified by project number and title, date of addenda, and assigned an addendum number which will indicate consecutive issue.
Adm 21.04(3) (3)Addenda shall be distributed to every recipient of drawings and specifications for the project being bid including all locations where drawings and specifications are available for public inspection.
Adm 21.04(4) (4)No addenda shall be issued during the last 7 calendar days prior to the published bid opening date, unless such addenda include an extension of the bid opening date for a minimum of 7 additional calendar days.
Adm 21.04 History History: Cr. Register, March, 1979, No. 279, eff. 4-1-79; am. (4), Register, October, 1983, No. 334, eff. 11-1-83; CR 08-025: am. (1) Register August 2010 No. 656, eff. 9-1-10.
Adm 21.05 Adm 21.05Submittal and receipt of bids.
Adm 21.05(1)(1)All bids shall be submitted electronically or in sealed envelopes.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.