ATCP 40.26(6) (6) Minimum guarantees. No soil or plant additive label may identify any ingredient for which the guaranteed analysis shows a zero guarantee.
ATCP 40.26(7) (7) Fertilizer-additive combinations. The guaranteed analysis for a fertilizer-additive combination shall be in the format shown in Appendix A. Plant nutrients shall be guaranteed according to s. ATCP 40.10. Other ingredients shall be guaranteed according to this section.
ATCP 40.26(8) (8) Format exemptions. The department may exempt a soil or plant additive from any guaranteed analysis format requirement under this section if the person requesting the exemption demonstrates all of the following to the department's satisfaction:
ATCP 40.26(8)(a) (a) Another state, which has authorized sale of the soil or plant additive, has a conflicting statute or regulation.
ATCP 40.26(8)(b) (b) The format exemption will reconcile the conflict under par. (a).
ATCP 40.26(8)(c) (c) The format exemption will not affect, to the detriment of purchasers in this state, any claim or disclosure related to product performance, use, purpose, efficacy, or active ingredients.
ATCP 40.26(8)(d) (d) The format exemption will not cause the product label to be false, deceptive, or misleading in any respect.
ATCP 40.26(8)(e) (e) The format required by the other state satisfies the objectives of this section.
ATCP 40.26(8)(f) (f) The format required by the other state does not violate applicable labeling requirements, if any, under chs. ATCP 20, 29 and 41.
ATCP 40.26 History History: CR 04-140: cr. Register September 2005 No. 597, eff. 10-1-0; CR 18-019: am. (5) Register January 2020 No. 769, eff. 2-1-2020.
ATCP 40.28 ATCP 40.28 Soil or plant additives; permits.
ATCP 40.28(1)(1)General.
ATCP 40.28(1)(a)(a) Except as provided in par. (b), no person may distribute a soil or plant additive in this state without a permit from the department under this section. The department shall review permit applications according to subch. IV.
ATCP 40.28(1)(b) (b) Paragraph (a) does not apply to a soil or plant additive labeled solely for organic crop production if all of the following apply:
ATCP 40.28(1)(b)1. 1. The product qualifies, or all of its active ingredients qualify, under 7 CFR 205 for use in organic crop production.
ATCP 40.28(1)(b)2. 2. The product label discloses the listing or approval under subd. 1.
ATCP 40.28(1)(b)3. 3. The product label conspicuously states that “This product is intended for use according to an approved organic system plan."
ATCP 40.28(1)(b)4. 4. The manufacturer or distributor makes no performance claims for the product.
ATCP 40.28(1)(b)5. 5. The product label provides use directions, including use rates and methods of application.
ATCP 40.28(2) (2) Permit applications. A person seeking a permit under sub. (1) shall apply on a form provided by the department. The application shall include all of the following:
ATCP 40.28(2)(a) (a) The applicant's name, business address, and license number under s. ATCP 40.20. If the applicant does not have a license under s. ATCP 40.20, the applicant shall also submit a license application under s. ATCP 40.20 (3). No permit under this section is valid unless the permit holder also holds a current license under s. ATCP 40.20.
ATCP 40.28(2)(b) (b) The name, business address, and license number under s. ATCP 40.20 of the person who manufactures the soil or plant additive, if the applicant is not the manufacturer.
ATCP 40.28(2)(c) (c) The product label, including all of the information required under s. ATCP 40.24.
ATCP 40.28(2)(d) (d) Proposed labeling, including any advertising or promotional materials that make content or performance claims not included on the product label.
ATCP 40.28(2)(e) (e) A fee of $100.
ATCP 40.28(2)(f) (f) The following written statement signed by the applicant:
“I hereby certify all the following:
1. This product is effective and useful for all labeled purposes when applied under Wisconsin conditions according to label directions.
2. The statements on the product label, and in related advertising and promotional materials, are truthful. The applicant has relevant and reliable information to substantiate all product labeling, including any claim or guarantee related to product contents. The applicant has relevant scientific evidence to substantiate all express and implied performance claims.
3. This product and its labeling comply with ch. ATCP 40, Wis. Adm. Code."
ATCP 40.28(2)(g) (g) A method of analysis for each guaranteed active ingredient in the soil or plant additive. The method shall be one of the following:
ATCP 40.28(2)(g)1. 1. A method contained in the “Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International", 20th edition (2016).
ATCP 40.28 Note Note: The “Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International", 20th edition (2016) is on file with the department and the legislative reference bureau.
ATCP 40.28(2)(g)2. 2. For humic substances, the method contained in Appendix B.
ATCP 40.28(2)(g)3. 3. A method provided by the applicant and approved in writing by the department. The department may not approve a method under this subdivision if a method applies under subd. 1. or 2. A method approved under this subdivision must be relevant and scientifically defensible.
ATCP 40.28(2)(h) (h) Other relevant information required by the department.
ATCP 40.28 Note Note: You may obtain a permit application form from the department at the following address:
ATCP 40.28 Note Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
ATCP 40.28 Note ARM Division
ATCP 40.28 Note PO Box 8911
ATCP 40.28 Note Madison, WI 53708-8911
ATCP 40.28(3) (3) Permit not transferable. A permit under this section covers only one soil or plant additive product. A permit is not transferable between persons or products.
ATCP 40.28(4) (4) Fertilizer-additive combinations. A permit under this section does not authorize a person to distribute a fertilizer-additive combination unless the person also holds a fertilizer license under s. ATCP 40.04 and a fertilizer permit, if required, under s. ATCP 40.12.
ATCP 40.28(5) (5) Action on permit application. The department shall act on a permit application according to subch. IV.
ATCP 40.28 History History: CR 04-140: cr. Register September 2005 No. 597, eff. 10-1-05; CR 18-019: am. (2) (g) 1. Register January 2020 No. 769, eff. 2-1-20.
ATCP 40.30 ATCP 40.30 Soil or plant additives; content deficiencies. A soil or plant additive is mislabeled if, based on a sample collected and tested according to s. ATCP 40.32, the product contains less than 98% of the amount of any active ingredient guaranteed on the package label.
ATCP 40.30 History History: CR 04-140: cr. Register September 2005 No. 597, eff. 10-1-05.
ATCP 40.32 ATCP 40.32 Soil or plant additives; sampling and testing.
ATCP 40.32(1)(1)Sampling. The department may sample a soil or plant additive to determine whether it contains ingredients in the amounts guaranteed on the product label, or to test for toxic substances or other contaminants. The department shall use a sampling method that is appropriate to the material being sampled.
ATCP 40.32(2) (2) Testing. The department may determine appropriate methods for testing soil or plant additives. The department shall use methods identified in s. ATCP 40.28 (2) (g), if available.
ATCP 40.32 History History: CR 04-140: cr. Register September 2005 No. 597, eff. 10-1-05.
ATCP 40.34 ATCP 40.34 Soil or plant additives; toxic substances.
ATCP 40.34(1)(1)No soil or plant additive may contain any substance that is toxic or injurious to plants, animals, or humans when the soil or plant additive is handled or applied under reasonably foreseeable use conditions, unless the substance and hazards are identified on the product label.
ATCP 40.34 Note Note: See s. ATCP 40.24.
ATCP 40.34(2) (2)No soil or plant additive may contain a metal identified in Appendix C in a concentration that exceeds the maximum allowable concentration specified for that metal in Appendix C.
ATCP 40.34 History History: CR 04-140: cr. Register September 2005 No. 597, eff. 10-1-05.
subch. IV of ch. ATCP 40 Subchapter IV — Reviewing Permit Applications
ATCP 40.40 ATCP 40.40 Complete application. Within 30 working days after a person submits a permit application under s. ATCP 40.12 or 40.28, the department shall determine whether the application is sufficiently complete to warrant further review. If the application is incomplete, the department shall notify the applicant of what is needed to complete the application. The department shall deny the application if the applicant fails to complete the application within 30 days of the department's notice.
ATCP 40.40 History History: CR 04-140: cr. Register September 2005 No. 597, eff. 10-1-05.
ATCP 40.42 ATCP 40.42 Initial review of permit application. The department may review a permit application to the extent that it deems appropriate, based on product uses, content, labeling, and performance claims. The department may do all of the following as part of its review:
ATCP 40.42(1) (1)Review product labeling for compliance with this chapter.
ATCP 40.42(2) (2)Review the efficacy and usefulness of the product, under Wisconsin conditions, when the product is used according to label directions.
ATCP 40.42(3) (3)Review labeling statements, including statements related to product contents and performance, to determine whether they are accurate, truthful, and properly substantiated.
ATCP 40.42 Note Note: For example, the department may review performance claims such as the following:
ATCP 40.42 Note “Product X helps develop stronger, deeper root systems to help plants fight against minor diseases and insect infestations."
ATCP 40.42 Note “Product X will provide plant nutrients needed to give your lawn a golf course look."
ATCP 40.42(4) (4)Review for possible health, safety, and environmental hazards, and for proper labeling of products containing potentially hazardous or toxic ingredients.
ATCP 40.42(5) (5)Review any analytical methodology proposed by the applicant under s. ATCP 40.28 (2) (g).
ATCP 40.42(6) (6)Review for compliance with other requirements under this chapter.
ATCP 40.42 History History: CR 04-140: cr. Register September 2005 No. 597, eff. 10-1-05.
ATCP 40.44 ATCP 40.44 Action on permit application. Within 60 working days after the department receives a complete permit application under s. ATCP 40.12 or 40.28, the department shall do one of the following:
ATCP 40.44(1) (1) Issue the permit. The department may limit the time period for which the permit is effective, or impose other permit conditions that it deems necessary. If the department imposes permit conditions, the department shall give the applicant written notice of its reasons.
ATCP 40.44(2) (2) Deny the permit. If the department denies the permit, the department shall give the applicant written notice of its reasons.
ATCP 40.44(3) (3) Notification. Notify the applicant, in writing, that the department will conduct a supplementary review under s. ATCP 40.46. The notice shall do all the following:
ATCP 40.44(3)(a) (a) Identify the reasons for the supplementary review.
ATCP 40.44(3)(b) (b) Identify the scope of the supplementary review.
ATCP 40.44(3)(c) (c) Identify any additional information that the department requires of the applicant under s. ATCP 40.46 in order to conduct the supplementary review. The department may specify the form in which the applicant must submit the information.
ATCP 40.44 History History: CR 04-140: cr. Register September 2005 No. 597, eff. 10-1-05.
ATCP 40.46 ATCP 40.46 Supplementary review.
ATCP 40.46(1)(1)General.
ATCP 40.46(1)(a)(a) The department may conduct a supplementary review of a permit application under s. ATCP 40.12 or 40.28 if the department has reasonable grounds to conclude that the supplementary review is needed to determine compliance with this chapter. The department may require the applicant to submit information under this section that may be relevant to the supplementary review. The department may deny a permit application if the applicant fails to provide the information.
ATCP 40.46 Note Note: The department may request assistance from the University of Wisconsin, college of agriculture and life sciences in evaluating any substantiating evidence under this section.
ATCP 40.46(1)(b) (b) In its supplementary review, the department may consider any information that the department considers relevant, including information provided by the applicant. The department may consider whether the information is accurate, relevant, material, reliable, properly documented, substantiated, scientifically valid, persuasive, consistent with generally accepted scientific knowledge, consistent with other reliable information, applicable under Wisconsin conditions, and applicable in light of recommended uses, use rates, and use directions.
ATCP 40.46(3) (3) Review period. The department shall complete a supplementary review under sub. (1) as soon as reasonably possible, and within 120 working days after the department receives all of the supplementary information requested under sub. (1) (a).
ATCP 40.46(4) (4) Action following supplementary review. When the department completes its supplementary review, the department shall do one of the following:
ATCP 40.46(4)(a) (a) Issue the permit. The department may limit the time period for which the permit is effective, or impose other permit conditions that it deems necessary. If the department imposes permit conditions, the department shall give the applicant written notice of its reasons.
ATCP 40.46(4)(b) (b) Deny the permit. If the department denies the permit, the department shall give the applicant written notice of its reasons.
ATCP 40.46 History History: CR 04-140: cr. Register September 2005 No. 597, eff. 10-1-05.
ATCP 40.48 ATCP 40.48 Scientific substantiation. Test data and reports submitted in support of a permit application are not considered scientific unless all of the following apply:
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.