Core Item.
(1) “Core item” means a provision in this Code that is not designated as a PRIORITY ITEM or a PRIORITY FOUNDATION ITEM.
(2) “Core item” includes an item that usually relates to general sanitation, operational controls, sanitation standard operating procedures (SSOPs), facilities or structures, equipment design, or general maintenance.
“Corrosion-resistant material” means a material that maintains acceptable surface cleanability characteristics under prolonged influence of the FOOD to be contacted, the normal use of cleaning compounds and SANITIZING solutions, and other conditions of the use environment.
“Counter-mounted equipment” means EQUIPMENT that is not portable and is designed to be mounted off the floor on a table, counter, or shelf.
“Critical control point” means a point or procedure in a specific FOOD system where loss of control may result in an unacceptable health RISK.
“Critical limit” means the maximum or minimum value to which a physical, biological, or chemical parameter must be controlled at a CRITICAL CONTROL POINT to minimize the RISK that the identified FOOD safety HAZARD may occur.
“Cut leafy greens” means fresh leafy greens whose leaves have been cut, shredded, sliced, chopped, or torn. The term “leafy greens” includes iceberg lettuce, romaine lettuce, leaf lettuce, butter lettuce, baby leaf lettuce (i.e., immature lettuce or leafy greens), escarole, endive, spring mix, spinach, cabbage, kale, arugula, and chard. The term “leafy greens” does not include herbs such as cilantro or parsley.
“Dealer” means a PERSON who is authorized by a SHELLFISH CONTROL AUTHORITY for the activities of SHELLSTOCK shipper, shucker-packer, repacker, reshipper, or depuration processor of MOLLUSCAN SHELLFISH according to the provisions of the National Shellfish Sanitation Program.
“Department” means the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection as applicable.
“Disclosure” means a written statement that clearly identifies the animal-derived FOODS which are, or can be ordered, raw, undercooked, or without otherwise being PROCESSED to eliminate pathogens, or items that contain an ingredient that is raw, undercooked, or without otherwise being PROCESSED to eliminate pathogens.
Drinking Water.
(1) “Drinking water” means water that meets the requirements of ch. NR 809, Safe Drinking Water.
(2) “Drinking water” is traditionally known as “potable water.”
(3) “Drinking water” includes the term “water” except where the term used connotes that the water is not potable, such as “boiler water,” “ mop water,” “rainwater,” “wastewater,” and “nondrinking” water.
“Dry storage area” means a room or area designated for the storage of PACKAGED or containerized bulk FOOD that is not TIME/TEMPERATURE CONTROLLED FOR SAFETY FOOD and dry goods such as SINGLE-SERVICE items
Easily Cleanable.
(1) “Easily cleanable” means a characteristic of a surface that:
(a) Allows effective removal of soil by normal cleaning methods;
(b) Is dependent on the material, design, construction, and installation of the surface; and
(c) Varies with the likelihood of the surface's role in introducing pathogenic or toxigenic agents, allergens, or other contaminants into FOOD based on the surface's APPROVED placement, purpose, and use.
(2) “Easily cleanable” includes a tiered application of the criteria that qualify the surface as EASILY CLEANABLE as specified in Subparagraph (1) of this definition to different situations in which varying degrees of cleanability are required such as:
(a) The appropriateness of stainless steel for a FOOD preparation surface as opposed to the lack of need for stainless steel to be used for floors or for tables used for CONSUMER dining; or
(b) The need for a different degree of cleanability for a utilitarian attachment or accessory in the kitchen as opposed to a decorative attachment or accessory in the CONSUMER dining area.
“Easily movable” means:
(1) Portable; mounted on casters, gliders, or rollers; or provided with a mechanical means to safely tilt a unit of EQUIPMENT for cleaning; and
(2) Having no utility connection, a utility connection that disconnects quickly, or a flexible utility connection line of sufficient length to allow the EQUIPMENT to be moved for cleaning of the EQUIPMENT and adjacent area.
(1) “Egg” means the shell EGG of avian species such as chicken, duck, goose, guinea, quail, RATITE, or turkey.
(2) “Egg” does not include:
(a) A BALUT;
(b) The EGG of reptile species such as alligator; or
Egg Product.
(1) “Egg Product” means all, or a portion of, the contents found inside EGGS separated from the shell and pasteurized in a FOOD PROCESSING PLANT, with or without added ingredients, intended for human consumption, such as dried, frozen or liquid EGGS.
(2) “Egg Product” does not include FOOD which contains EGGS only in a relatively small proportion such as cake mixes.
“Employee” means the LICENSE HOLDER, PERSON IN CHARGE, FOOD EMPLOYEE, PERSON having supervisory or management duties, PERSON on the payroll, family member, volunteer, PERSON performing work under contractual agreement, or other PERSON working in the FOOD ESTABLISHMENT.
“EPA” means the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
(1) “Equipment” means an article that is used in the operation of a FOOD ESTABLISHMENT such as a freezer, grinder, hood, ice maker, MEAT block, mixer, oven, reach-in refrigerator, scale, sink, slicer, stove, table, TEMPERATURE MEASURING DEVICE for ambient air, VENDING MACHINE, or WAREWASHING machine.
(2) “Equipment” does not include apparatuses used for handling or storing large quantities of PACKAGED FOODS that are received from a supplier in a cased or overwrapped lot, such as hand trucks, forklifts, dollies, pallets, racks, and skids.
“Exclude” means to prevent a PERSON from working as an EMPLOYEE in a FOOD ESTABLISHMENT or entering a FOOD ESTABLISHMENT as an EMPLOYEE.
“Existing” in reference to a FOOD ESTABLISHMENT, means a FOOD ESTABLISHMENT operating under a LICENSE issued by the REGULATORY AUTHORITY before [the effective date of this code]
“FDA” means the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
(1) “Fish” means fresh or saltwater finfish, crustaceans and other forms of aquatic life (including alligator, frog, aquatic turtle, jellyfish, sea cucumber, and sea urchin and the roe of such animals) other than birds or mammals, and all mollusks, if such animal life is intended for human consumption.
(2) “Fish” includes an edible human FOOD product derived in whole or in part from FISH, including FISH that have been PROCESSED in any manner.
“Food” means a raw, cooked, or PROCESSED edible substance, ice, BEVERAGE, or ingredient used or intended for use or for sale in whole or in part for human consumption, or chewing gum.
“Foodborne disease outbreak” means the occurrence of two or more cases of a similar illness resulting from the ingestion of a common FOOD.
“Food-contact surface” means:
(1) A surface of EQUIPMENT or a UTENSIL with which FOOD normally comes into contact; or
(2) A surface of EQUIPMENT or a UTENSIL from which FOOD may drain, drip, or splash:
(a) Into a FOOD, or
( b) Onto a surface normally in contact with FOOD.
“Food employee” means an individual working with unPACKAGED FOOD, FOOD EQUIPMENT or UTENSILS, or FOOD-CONTACT SURFACES.
“Food Establishment”
(1) “Food establishment" means an operation that:
(a) Stores, prepares, PACKAGES, serves, vends food directly to the CONSUMER, or otherwise provides FOOD for human consumption such as a restaurant as defined in s. 97.01 (14g), Stats.; satellite or catered feeding location; catering operation if the operation provides FOOD directly to a CONSUMER or to a conveyance used to transport people; market; vending location; institution; or FOOD bank; and
(b) Relinquishes possession of FOOD to a CONSUMER directly, or indirectly through a delivery service such as home delivery of grocery orders or restaurant takeout orders, or delivery service that is provided by common carriers.
(2) “Food establishment" includes:
An operation that is conducted in a mobile, stationary, temporary, or permanent facility or location; where consumption is on or off the PREMISES; and regardless of whether there is a charge for the FOOD.
(3) “Food establishment" does not include:
(a) An establishment that offers only prePACKAGED FOODS that are not TIME/TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR SAFETY FOODS;
(b) A produce stand that only offers whole, uncut fresh fruits and vegetables;
(c) A FOOD PROCESSING PLANT; including those that are located on the PREMISES of a FOOD ESTABLISHMENT;
(d) A kitchen in a private home if only FOOD that is not TIME/TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR SAFETY FOOD, is prepared for sale or service at a function such as a religious or charitable organization's bake sale if allowed by LAW and if the CONSUMER is informed by a clearly visible placard at the sales or service location that the FOOD is prepared in a kitchen that is not subject to regulation and inspection by the REGULATORY AUTHORITY;
(e) An area where FOOD that is prepared as specified in Subparagraph (3)(d) of this definition is sold or offered for human consumption;
(f) A kitchen in a private home, such as a small family day-care provider; or a bed-and-breakfast operation that prepares and offers FOOD to guests if the home is owner occupied, the number of available guest bedrooms does not exceed 8, breakfast is the only meal offered, the number of guests served does not exceed 20; or
(g) A private home that receives catered or home-delivered FOOD.
Food Processing Plant.
(1) “Food processing plant” means a commercial operation that manufactures, PACKAGES, labels, or stores FOOD for human consumption, and provides FOOD for sale or distribution to other business entities such as FOOD PROCESSING PLANTS or FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS.
(2) “Food processing plant” does not include a FOOD ESTABLISHMENT.
Game Animal.
(1) “Game animal” means an animal, the products of which are FOOD, that is not classified as cattle, sheep, swine, goat, horse, mule, or other equine in 9 CFR 301.2 - Definitions, or as POULTRY, or as FISH.
(2) “Game animal” includes mammals such as reindeer, elk, deer, antelope, water buffalo, bison, rabbit, squirrel, opossum, raccoon, nutria, or muskrat; and nonaquatic reptiles such as land snakes.
(3) “Game animal” does not include RATITES.
“General use pesticide” means a pesticide that is not classified by EPA for restricted use as specified in 40 CFR 152.175 — Pesticides classified for restricted use.
“Grade A standards” means the requirements of the United States Public Health Service/FDA “Grade A Pasteurized Milk Ordinance” with which certain fluid and dry milk and milk products comply.
Note: A copy of the “Grade A Pasteurized Milk Ordinance” may be secured from the Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Food and Drug Administration, Division of Plant and Dairy Food Safety (HFS316), 5100 Paint Branch Parkway, College Park, MD 20740-3835 or you can contact the Wisconsin department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection.
“HACCP plan” means a written document that delineates the formal procedures for following the HAZARD Analysis and CRITICAL CONTROL POINT principles developed by The National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods.
Handwashing Sink.
(1) “Handwashing sink” means a lavatory, a basin or vessel for washing, a wash basin, or a PLUMBING FIXTURE especially placed for use in personal hygiene and designed for the washing of the hands.
(2) “Handwashing sink” includes an automatic handwashing facility.
“Hazard” means a biological, chemical, or physical property that may cause an unacceptable CONSUMER health RISK.
“Health practitioner” means a physician licensed to practice medicine, or if allowed by LAW, a nurse practitioner, physician assistant, or similar medical professional.
“Hermetically sealed container” means a container that is designed and intended to be secure against the entry of microorganisms and, in the case of low acid canned FOODS, to maintain the commercial sterility of its contents after PROCESSING.
“Highly susceptible population” means PERSONS who are more likely than other people in the general population to experience foodborne disease because they are:
(1) Immunocompromised; preschool age children, or older adults; and
(2) Obtaining FOOD at a facility that provides services such as custodial care, health care, or assisted living, such as a child or adult day care center, kidney dialysis center, hospital or nursing home, or nutritional or socialization services such as a senior center.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.