DCF 52.12(3)(c)(c) Upon receipt of an application, a center shall check references either by letter or phone and shall document the date of contact, the person making the contact and the person contacted and shall summarize the conversation concerning the character and experience of the person that would permit a judgment to be made about hiring or contracting, and what the relationship of the reference is to the prospective staff person or how the reference knows that person.
DCF 52.12(3)(d)(d) The center shall comply with the background records check provisions under ch. DCF 12 for the hiring or contracting of center staff who will have access to residents, including, as applicable, not hiring or contracting with a person to work in any position where the person would have direct, regular contact with residents if the person answers “yes” to any question on the DCF-F-2978-E background information form which would bar that person.
DCF 52.12 NoteNote: Caregiver background check requirements are also in s. 48.685, Stats.
DCF 52.12 NoteNote: Refer to s. DCF 52.62 (1), General Conditions for Approval of License, with regard to the applicant or licensee being found fit and qualified to provide care to children.
DCF 52.12(3)(e)(e) A center shall require that each staff person before working with residents present a statement from a physician covering at least the areas included in a form prescribed by the department indicating that the staff person does not have a communicable disease, illness or disability that would interfere with the staff person’s ability to work with or care for residents.
DCF 52.12 NoteNote: Form CFS0384, Child Welfare Facility Staff Health Report, is available in the forms section of the department website at http://dcf.wisconsin.gov or by writing or calling any field office listed in Appendix D.
DCF 52.12(3)(f)(f) All staff shall have the ability and emotional stability to carry out their assigned functions and duties. Center staff whose behavior or mental or physical condition gives reasonable concern for safety of residents may not be in contact with residents in care. If, at any time, a center suspects or has reason to believe that the physical or mental health of a center employee or other person on the premises may pose a threat to the health, safety, or welfare of a resident in care, the center shall require an alcohol or drug abuse assessment or a physical or mental health evaluation of the person.
DCF 52.12(4)(4)Job descriptions and standards. A center shall provide each new staff member under sub. (1) (a) or (2) (i) with all of the following materials and place copies dated and signed by the staff member in the staff member’s personnel record:
DCF 52.12(4)(a)(a) A job description specifying the staff member’s roles and responsibilities.
DCF 52.12(4)(b)(b) Individual performance standards, including expected staff conduct toward residents.
DCF 52.12(4)(c)(c) A copy of a department form for reporting suspected child abuse or neglect.
DCF 52.12(4)(d)(d) A statement calling attention to requirements under s. 48.78 or 938.78, Stats., and s. 51.30, Stats., for maintaining resident confidentiality.
DCF 52.12(5)(5)Staff training.
DCF 52.12(5)(a)(a) Approved by department. At the time of initial licensure and every 2 years thereafter, a center, prior to implementing training required under this subsection, shall submit to the department, for approval, a description of the process and content of orientation and initial training, including the number of training hours for all new staff who work with residents and a plan for establishing and meeting ongoing training needs for all staff who work with residents.
DCF 52.12(5)(b)(b) Orientation. Before a new staff member is permitted to work independently with residents, the center shall provide orientation training for the new staff member covering at least all of the following areas:
DCF 52.12(5)(b)1.1. Overall center philosophy and program goals.
DCF 52.12(5)(b)2.2. Organization and management of the center, including administrative procedures.
DCF 52.12(5)(b)3.3. The nature of residents’ emotional and physical needs.
DCF 52.12(5)(b)4.4. Expected staff conduct toward residents, expected resident conduct, the center’s house rules for residents required under s. DCF 52.42 (3) (f) and center behavior management techniques.
DCF 52.12(5)(b)5.5. Observing and reporting resident behavior.
DCF 52.12(5)(b)6.6. Resident rights and grievance procedures.
DCF 52.12(5)(b)7.7. Identification and reporting of child abuse and neglect.
DCF 52.12(5)(b)8.8. Laws on confidentiality of personally identifiable information.
DCF 52.12(5)(b)9.9. Center procedures for reporting missing persons.
DCF 52.12(5)(b)10.10. Fire safety and evacuation procedures.
DCF 52.12(5)(b)11.11. Emergency medical procedures and center emergency security measures and procedures.
DCF 52.12(5)(b)12.12. Sanitation and hygiene practices including the nature, causes, transmission and prevention of hepatitis B, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and the legal, social and psychological aspects of those conditions.
DCF 52.12(5)(c)(c) Initial training. A center shall document that a new staff member who works with residents has already received training in the following areas or the center shall provide at least 40 hours of training covering those subjects within 6 months after the staff member begins work at the center:
DCF 52.12(5)(c)1.1. Developmental care.
DCF 52.12(5)(c)2.2. Creating a therapeutic milieu.
DCF 52.12(5)(c)3.3. Human sexuality.
DCF 52.12(5)(c)4.4. Teamwork.
DCF 52.12(5)(c)5.5. Working with groups.
DCF 52.12(5)(c)6.6. Emergency safety intervention.
DCF 52.12(5)(c)7.7. Family relationships and the impact of separation from the family.
DCF 52.12(5)(c)8.8. Suicide prevention, including identification of signs and center response measures.
DCF 52.12(5)(c)9.9. Fire safety and evacuation, with training provided by a Wisconsin vocational, technical and adult education college.
DCF 52.12(5)(c)10.10. Sensitivity to racial and cultural differences among residents.
DCF 52.12(5)(cm)(cm) Automated external defibrillator training. A residential care center for children and youth shall have in each building housing residents when those residents are present at least one staff member who has current proficiency in the use of an automated external defibrillator, as defined in s. 256.15 (1) (cr), Stats., achieved through instruction provided by an individual, organization, or institution of higher education that is approved under s. 46.03 (38), Stats., to provide such instruction.
DCF 52.12(5)(d)(d) Working with monitor. A newly hired resident care worker who meets one of the qualifications under sub. (2) (e) 1. to 3. may not assume independent responsibility for residents until completing 80 hours of work with residents during which assistance and guidance is provided by an experienced center resident care worker.
DCF 52.12(5)(e)(e) Educational program orientation. A center shall provide orientation training on the center’s educational program required under s. DCF 52.41 (1) (b) to center staff responsible for resident educational services before staff provide those services to residents.
DCF 52.12(5)(f)(f) Continuing training. A center shall provide or arrange for continuing training for staff so that staff competencies necessary to meet the needs of residents are maintained and enhanced. The center shall do all of the following:
DCF 52.12(5)(f)1.1. Determine continuing training needs through staff performance reviews and assessments.
DCF 52.12(5)(f)2.2. Provide or arrange for at least 24 hours of continuing training annually for every staff member working with residents. Training provided or arranged by the center under pars. (b) and (c) may be counted towards the required 24 hours of annual training but not training received by a staff member from a previous employer.
DCF 52.12(5)(g)(g) Traineeship.
DCF 52.12(5)(g)1.1. The center shall establish a traineeship for a new resident care worker who is not otherwise qualified under sub. (2) (e) 1. to 3. The trainee shall be required to work with an experienced resident care worker for at least the first 160 hours of work with residents.
DCF 52.12(5)(g)2.2. When a traineeship program required under sub. (2) (e) 4. has been completed, the center shall note this in the resident care worker’s personnel record. Documentation shall include the beginning and ending dates of the traineeship, the name of the experienced staff member who worked with the trainee and assessment of the strengths and competencies of the resident care worker by the resident care worker supervisor.
DCF 52.12(5)(g)3.3. If, as part of the traineeship, the topics under par. (c) are covered, this training may be counted towards meeting the requirement under par. (c).
DCF 52.12(5)(gm)(gm) RPPS decision makers. A center shall ensure that an individual specified in s. DCF 52.415 (2) (b) successfully completes training on the application of the reasonable and prudent parent standard prior to making reasonable and prudent parenting decisions.
DCF 52.12(5)(h)(h) Documentation of training. A center shall document in each staff member’s personnel record all orientation and training received by the staff member. Documentation shall include dates of training and who provided the training.
DCF 52.12(6)(6)Staff supervision.
DCF 52.12(6)(a)(a) A center shall provide for appropriate supervision of staff as follows:
DCF 52.12(6)(a)1.1. There shall be at least one full-time equivalent social work case work supervisor as described under sub. (1) (a) 2. for no more than 8 full-time resident services case manager staff under sub. (1) (a) 3.
DCF 52.12(6)(a)2.2. There shall be at least one full-time equivalent resident care worker supervisor as described under sub. (1) (a) 4. for no more than 8 full-time equivalent resident care workers under sub. (1) (a) 5.
DCF 52.12(6)(a)3.3. The center director or professional designee shall supervise the remaining staff and consultant and service staff under subs. (1) and (2) (i).
DCF 52.12(6)(a)4.4. The center director shall ensure that when a supervisor is absent, each staff member supervised by that person knows to whom the staff member reports.
DCF 52.12(6)(b)(b) Staff supervision shall include both of the following:
DCF 52.12(6)(b)1.1. A written performance review and assessment of a staff member at least once in the staff person’s first 6 months with the center and annually thereafter.
DCF 52.12(6)(b)2.2. Filing a copy of the performance review and assessment and any written response of the staff person to it in the staff person’s personnel record.
DCF 52.12(7)(7)Volunteers and student interns. A center that accepts unpaid college students on field placement or volunteers to provide services to residents shall do all of the following:
DCF 52.12(7)(a)(a) Verify the individual’s qualifications to work with residents through character reference checks and background verification and a signed statement under sub. (3) (b) and (c), a caregiver background records check under sub. (3) (d) and a physician’s statement under sub. (3) (e).
DCF 52.12(7)(b)(b) Maintain a list of volunteers and students on field placement working in the center and have a written description of the job responsibilities of each. The center shall provide a copy of a particular student’s or volunteer’s job responsibilities to the student or volunteer. The description shall include the following:
DCF 52.12(7)(b)1.1. A statement of the purpose of the student’s or volunteer’s involvement, role and responsibilities.
DCF 52.12(7)(b)2.2. Identification of a staff member meeting, at minimum, the requirements under sub. (2) for a resident care worker who will supervise the student or volunteer.
DCF 52.12(7)(b)3.3. An indication of the extent to which the student or volunteer will be able to contribute to development of a resident’s service plan or plan progress reviews.
DCF 52.12(7)(c)(c) Orient students and volunteers on subjects listed under sub. (5) (b) before permitting them to work with residents.
DCF 52.12(7)(d)(d) Have each student or volunteer sign a department-provided statement acknowledging the student or volunteer’s responsibility for reporting any suspected child abuse and neglect under sub. (9) and for maintaining confidentiality of resident record information in accordance with s. 48.78 or 938.78, Stats., and s. 51.30, Stats.
DCF 52.12(7)(e)(e) Maintain a personnel record on each student and volunteer. The record shall contain the documentation required in this subsection. The center shall maintain the record for 5 years after last date of service.
DCF 52.12(7)(f)(f) Follow a policy of not using volunteers or students to replace staff required under sub. (1).
DCF 52.12(8)(8)External professional services.
DCF 52.12(8)(a)(a) A center may contract for or otherwise arrange for professional services not provided by the center when necessary for implementation of a resident’s treatment plan. If a center does contract for or otherwise arrange for external professional services, the center shall do all of the following:
DCF 52.12(8)(a)1.1. Maintain a list of all external professional service providers.
DCF 52.12(8)(a)2.2. Require that each external professional service provider have the appropriate license or certification.
DCF 52.12(8)(a)3.3. Require that each external professional service provider provide written reports to the center on the resident’s progress.
DCF 52.12(8)(b)(b) A center arranging for an outside specialist or consultant to treat or advise about treating a dysfunctional behavior or condition of a resident shall notify the resident’s placing person or agency in writing if the outside specialist or consultant states that the resident needs follow-along and support services. The center shall inform the placing person or agency of specialist or consultant recommendations for the resident including the needs, types of follow-along or support services and the amount of recommended time needed for those efforts. Center staff shall document the recommendations and notification in the resident’s treatment record.
DCF 52.12(9)(9)Child abuse and neglect reporting.
DCF 52.12(9)(a)(a) A center shall at all times protect residents from abuse or neglect.
DCF 52.12(9)(b)(b) A center shall require each staff member, student intern and volunteer to read and sign a statement provided by the department which describes the individual’s responsibility to report suspected child abuse or neglect as required under s. 48.981 (2) and (3), Stats.
DCF 52.12 NoteNote: Form number CFS2172, Residential Care Center Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting and Confidentiality Responsibilities, is available in the forms section of the department website at http://dcf.wisconsin.gov or by writing or calling any field office listed in Appendix D.
DCF 52.12(9)(c)(c) A center shall have written policies and procedures for reporting to the appropriate local county social or human services department or law enforcement agency when there is reasonable cause to suspect that a child has been abused or neglected. The policies and procedures shall include:
DCF 52.12(9)(c)1.1. Notifying the child’s placing person or agency and the department licensing representative of possible abuse or neglect and the basis for that suspicion.
DCF 52.12(9)(c)2.2. Meeting reporting requirements in s. 48.981 (2) and (3), Stats.
DCF 52.12(9)(c)3.3. Prohibiting imposition of a sanction or any reprisal against a person for reporting suspicion of child abuse or neglect.
DCF 52.12(9)(d)(d) When child abuse or neglect is reported, the center shall take necessary steps to protect the resident until a finding is made.
DCF 52.12(10)(10)Personnel records.
DCF 52.12(10)(a)(a) General personnel records. A center shall maintain a personnel record for each staff member under subs. (1) (a) and (2) (i). The record shall contain, at minimum, the following information:
DCF 52.12(10)(a)1.1. The staff member’s application for employment under sub. (3) (b).
DCF 52.12(10)(a)2.2. Copies of the staff member’s job description and the performance standards and conduct expectations relating to that job required under sub. (4) (a) and (b).
DCF 52.12(10)(a)3.3. Documentation of information obtained from a staff member’s references required under sub. (3) (c).
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.