DHS 18.08 History History: Cr. Register, June, 1983, No. 330, eff. 7-1-83.
DHS 18.09 DHS 18.09Review of the DEIS.
DHS 18.09(1) (1)Specified distribution. Copies of the DEIS shall be distributed to:
DHS 18.09(1)(a) (a) The governor's office.
DHS 18.09(1)(b) (b) The department of natural resources and other state, federal, and local government agencies having special expertise, interest or jurisdiction.
DHS 18.09(1)(c) (c) Regional and county planning agencies located within the proposed project or action area.
DHS 18.09(1)(d) (d) Regional offices of the department covering the area of the proposed project or action and the department's central office in Madison.
DHS 18.09(1)(e) (e) Appropriate public libraries:
DHS 18.09(1)(e)1. 1. For proposed actions affecting a local area, the nearest public library.
DHS 18.09(1)(e)2. 2. For projects of regional importance, public libraries with a geographic distribution which permits public access without undue travel.
DHS 18.09(1)(e)3. 3. For projects having statewide significance, public libraries providing reasonable access for individuals who could be affected by the proposed action.
DHS 18.09(1)(f) (f) The county clerk, city clerk or town clerk for proposed actions affecting a local area.
DHS 18.09(1)(g) (g) Any individual or group requesting a copy.
DHS 18.09(2) (2)Notice of availability.
DHS 18.09(2)(a)(a) The department shall publish in local newspapers, or in the official state newspaper, as appropriate, a notice of availability of the DEIS which briefly describes the proposed action and the administrative procedures being followed in review for environmental impact, sets the last date by which comments on the DEIS are to be submitted to the department, indicates locations where copies of the DEIS are available for review, and provides an address from which any interested party may obtain a copy of the DEIS.
DHS 18.09(2)(b) (b) The department shall send copies of the notice of availability to:
DHS 18.09(2)(b)1. 1. Local and regional news media in the affected area;
DHS 18.09(2)(b)2. 2. Groups and individuals known to have an interest in the particular EIS; and
DHS 18.09(2)(b)3. 3. All participants in the scoping process who are not covered by subd. 1. or 2.
DHS 18.09(2)(c) (c) The notice of availability of the DEIS may be combined with the notice of informational hearing under sub. (4).
DHS 18.09(3) (3)Period for comment. The department shall allow a minimum of 45 days from the date the notice of availability of the DEIS is published, including a minimum of 7 days following the hearing provided for in sub. (4), for receipt of written comments on the DEIS.
DHS 18.09(4) (4)Informational hearing.
DHS 18.09(4)(a)(a) The department shall hold a public hearing on the DEIS. The hearing shall be noticed as follows:
DHS 18.09(4)(a)1. 1. At least 30 days prior to the hearing, notice shall be mailed to all known agencies and offices required to grant any permit, license or approval necessary for the proposal; to any regional planning commission within which the affected area lies; to the governing bodies of all towns, villages, cities and counties within which any part of the proposal lies; to the governing bodies of any towns, villages or cities contiguous to any town, village or city within which any part of the proposal lies; and to interested persons who have requested such notification.
DHS 18.09(4)(a)2. 2. At least 25 days prior to the hearing, a notice shall be published in a newspaper circulated in the affected area or, for actions of statewide significance, in the official state newspaper.
DHS 18.09(4)(b) (b) The hearing shall be held in the affected area. On actions of statewide significance, the hearing may be held in Madison.
DHS 18.09(4)(c) (c) The hearing shall be transcribed either stenographically or electronically.
DHS 18.09 History History: Cr. Register, June, 1983, No. 330, eff. 7-1-83.
DHS 18.10 DHS 18.10Conversion of DEIS to FEIS. After weighing the testimony received at the public hearing on the DEIS, and undertaking whatever further investigation in response to that testimony seems necessary, the department may convert a DEIS to an FEIS. This may be accomplished by replacing the cover sheet, modifying the statement as judged appropriate to reflect information received at public hearing or while the hearing record was kept open, and by adding an appendix which records and responds to information, concerns, views, arguments, and suggestions received at the hearing and while the hearing record was kept open.
DHS 18.10 History History: Cr. Register, June, 1983, No. 330, eff. 7-1-83.
DHS 18.11 DHS 18.11Review of the FEIS.
DHS 18.11(1) (1)Distribution. The FEIS shall be distributed in the same manner as the DEIS in s. DHS 18.09 (1), and shall also be distributed to any person, organization or agency that submitted comments on the DEIS.
DHS 18.11(2) (2)Notice of availability. The availability of the FEIS shall be announced through a notice similar to the notice of availability of the DEIS in s. DHS 18.09 (2). That notice shall state whether the department will hold a public hearing on the FEIS, as permitted under sub. (3) (b). The department shall provide a copy of the FEIS to any individual or group requesting a copy.
DHS 18.11(3) (3)Period for comment.
DHS 18.11(3)(a)(a) The department shall allow a minimum of 45 days from the date the notice of availability of the FEIS is published, including a minimum of 7 days following a hearing held under par. (b), for receipt of written comments on the FEIS from state and federal agencies and the public.
DHS 18.11(3)(b) (b) The department may hold a public hearing on the FEIS. That hearing shall be announced through the notice of availability of the FEIS which shall be published at least 25 days prior to the hearing in a newspaper circulated in the affected area or, for actions of statewide significance, in the official state newspaper.
DHS 18.11(4) (4)Contested case hearing opportunity.
DHS 18.11(4)(a)(a) Request for a hearing. Any person meeting the qualifications contained in s. 227.42 (1) (a) to (d), Stats., may within 20 days after publication of the notice of availability under sub. (2), or within 20 days after the public hearing under sub. (3) (b), if there is one, file with the department a request for a contested case hearing. The request shall include facts sufficient to establish that the person satisfies the criteria set forth in s. 227.42 (1) (a) to (d), Stats., and a statement of the reasons the person believes that the FEIS does not conform to the requirements of s. 1.11, Stats. Any request received by the department more than 20 days after the date of publication of the notice of availability or more than 20 days after a public hearing under sub. (3) (b) shall be denied.
DHS 18.11(4)(b) (b) Hearing.
DHS 18.11(4)(b)1.1. If the department grants a request for a contested case hearing, the department shall inform the person making the request about the date, time and place of the hearing.
DHS 18.11(4)(b)2. 2. In the event that more than one request for a hearing on the FEIS is granted, the department may consolidate the requests and hold one hearing.
DHS 18.11(4)(b)3. 3. The only issue at the hearing shall be whether the FEIS complies with the requirements of s. 1.11, Stats. The persons who requested the hearing shall have the burden of proving to a reasonable certainty by the greater weight of the credible evidence that the FEIS does not comply with the requirements of s. 1.11, Stats.
DHS 18.11(4)(b)4. 4. The hearing shall be held in accordance with the department's general procedural rules for hearings or, in the absence of those rules, the conditions and procedures set out in ss. 227.44 to 227.50, Stats., except as otherwise provided in this subsection.
DHS 18.11(4)(c) (c) Evidence, discovery, and disclosure.
DHS 18.11(4)(c)1.1. The FEIS shall be received into the hearing record as an exception to the hearsay rule and shall be considered by the department in making its decision for whatever probative value the FEIS has.
DHS 18.11(4)(c)2. 2. Notwithstanding any other rule of the department, the parties in proceedings under this action shall have the means of discovery, except written interrogatories and depositions on written questions, available to parties through judicial proceedings set forth in ch. 804, Stats.
DHS 18.11(4)(c)3. 3. Not less than 10 days before the hearing the parties shall file with the department:
DHS 18.11(4)(c)3.a. a. The names and addresses of all witnesses, including adverse witnesses, that the party may call to testify at the hearing.
DHS 18.11(4)(c)3.b. b. A detailed written summary of the testimony to be elicited from each witness identified in subpar. a., including any opinion or conclusion of the witness on any matter relevant to the proceedings and the facts and data underlying that opinion or conclusion. The summary shall be on oath or affirmation.
DHS 18.11(4)(c)3.c. c. A copy of any document or other writing, except the FEIS, and a copy or detailed description of any demonstrative evidence the party may offer into evidence as exhibits.
DHS 18.11(4)(c)4.a.a. Any witness whose name, address and summary of testimony is not provided as required in subd. 3. a. and b. shall not be permitted to testify at the hearing. No witness may testify on any matter not included in the summary of testimony.
DHS 18.11(4)(c)4.b. b. No document or other writing or a copy or detailed description of any demonstrative evidence not filed as provided in subd. 3. c. may be made part of the record.
DHS 18.11(4)(c)5. 5. Unless objected to by the department, any summary of testimony of a witness for the person who requested the hearing shall be made part of the record in lieu of the testimony of that witness as an exception to the hearsay rule and shall be considered by the department for whatever probative value that testimony has in making its decision. Unless objected to by the person who requests the hearing, any summary of the testimony of a witness for the department shall be made part of the record in lieu of the testimony of such witness as an exception to the hearsay rule and shall be considered by the department for whatever probative value that testimony has in making its decision.
DHS 18.11 History History: Cr. Register, June, 1983, No. 330, eff. 7-1-83; corrections in (1) and (2) made under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 7., Stats., Register, August, 1994, No. 464.
DHS 18.12 DHS 18.12Decision.
DHS 18.12(1) (1)Review of comments. After expiration of the comment period on the FEIS and following any contested case hearing on the adequacy of the FEIS, the department shall carefully review, summarize and weigh the comments received on the FEIS and on the proposed action and the decision following any contested case hearing before making a decision on the action.
DHS 18.12(2) (2)Record of decision. After carefully reviewing the comments of interested parties on the FEIS, the department shall enter a final decision in writing on the proposed action, which shall be a clear, concise and public statement which discloses and explains the decision, identifies the alternatives considered in reaching it and the alternative or alternatives considered environmentally preferable, and states whether all practicable means to avoid or minimize environmental harm have been adopted and, if not, why not.
DHS 18.12 History History: Cr. Register, June, 1983, No. 330, eff. 7-1-83.
DHS 18.13 DHS 18.13Supplements. If it happens that after an FEIS has been prepared, the public comment period has ended, and a decision has been made on the proposed action, but before implementation of the action has proceeded very far, the department substantially changes the proposed action in environmentally significant ways, or if significant new circumstances arise or information is developed relevant to environmental concerns and having a bearing on the proposed action or its impacts, the department shall prepare a supplement to the FEIS which shall be distributed and reviewed in the same manner as the FEIS as provided in s. DHS 18.11.
DHS 18.13 History History: Cr. Register, June, 1983, No. 330, eff. 7-1-83; correction made under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 7., Stats., Register, August, 1994, No. 464.
DHS 18.14 DHS 18.14Equivalent processes.
DHS 18.14(1) (1) Where another state agency has concurrent responsibility with the department for a proposed type II action, a joint environmental assessment may be prepared with the other agency, or the environmental assessment prepared by the other agency may be accepted by the department provided that the assessment meets the requirements of this chapter, in which case the department's responsibility under WEPA has been met.
DHS 18.14(2) (2) Where a proposed action is found to require an EIS and another state agency is involved in the approval or decision, a joint EIS may be prepared with the other agency, or the EIS prepared by the other agency may be accepted by the department provided that the EIS meets the standards for an adequate statement under this chapter, in which case the department's responsibility under WEPA has been met.
DHS 18.14 History History: Cr. Register, June, 1983, No. 330, eff. 7-1-83.
DHS 18.15 DHS 18.15Responsibilities.
DHS 18.15(1) (1)Single department office.
DHS 18.15(1)(a)(a) The department shall have one office in Madison that other agencies and the public may contact to find out about department procedures implementing WEPA and progress being made in preparation of particular WEPA documents, and to obtain copies of environmental impact statements, environmental assessment reports, the department's action typelist, the department's administrative rules for WEPA implementation, and the final written decision of the department on particular proposed actions for which an environmental impact statement was prepared.
DHS 18.15(1)(b) (b) The single office of the department for WEPA-related matters shall also:
DHS 18.15(1)(b)1. 1. Maintain this chapter of administrative rules.
DHS 18.15(1)(b)2. 2. Arrange for department review and comment, if appropriate, on the environmental impact statements of other agencies.
DHS 18.15(1)(b)3. 3. Suggest and approve formats and forms for divisions to use in carrying out their responsibilities under sub. (2).
DHS 18.15(1)(b)4. 4. Train, keep updated, and advise appropriate division staff, including managers, about WEPA requirements and department procedures for implementation of WEPA.
DHS 18.15(1)(b)5. 5. At the request of the department secretary, review for adequacy or coordinate review for adequacy of any division-proposed environmental assessment report or environmental impact statement.
DHS 18.15(1)(b)6. 6. Ensure that copies of this chapter are maintained for public review at each of the department's regional offices and institutions.
DHS 18.15(2) (2)Divisions. Responsibilities of divisions of the department in the EIS process are these:
DHS 18.15(2)(a) (a) To decide what are actions for purposes of this chapter;
DHS 18.15(2)(b) (b) To determine type of action, under s. DHS 18.05;
DHS 18.15(2)(c) (c) To conduct environmental assessments, and to prepare and distribute environmental assessment reports;
DHS 18.15(2)(d) (d) To recommend preparation of environmental impact statements;
DHS 18.15(2)(e) (e) To prepare or arrange for preparation of environmental impact statements; and
DHS 18.15(2)(f) (f) To give notice and conduct informational hearings on draft and final environmental impact statements.
DHS 18.15 History History: Cr. Register, June, 1983, No. 330, eff. 7-1-83; correction in (2) (b) made under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 7., Stats., Register, August, 1994, No. 464.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.