Register July 2011 No. 667
Chapter DHS 147
DHS 147.01   Authority and purpose.
DHS 147.02   Applicability.
DHS 147.03   Definitions.
DHS 147.04   Allocation of funds.
DHS 147.05   Application.
DHS 147.06   Awards.
DHS 147.07   Allowable uses of funds.
DHS 147.08   Records and reports.
DHS 147.09   Exceptions to requirements.
Ch. DHS 147 Note Note: Chapter HSS 147 was created as an emergency rule effective September 29, 1988. Chapter HSS 147 was renumbered Chapter HFS 147 under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 1., Stats., and corrections made under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 6. and 7., Stats., Register, August, 1997, No. 500. Chapter HFS 147 was renumbered chapter DHS 147 under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., and corrections made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register January 2009 No. 637.
DHS 147.01 DHS 147.01Authority and purpose. This chapter is promulgated under the authority of s. 255.05, Stats., for the purpose of establishing criteria and procedures for the award of annual project grants from the appropriation under s. 20.435 (1) (cc), Stats., to institutions, nonprofit corporations, public agencies, and individuals operating or proposing to operate projects aimed at cancer control and prevention.
DHS 147.01 History History: Register, April, 1989, No. 400, eff. 5-1-89; correction made under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 7., Stats., Register, August, 1995, No. 476; correction made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register January 2009 No. 637; correction made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register July 2011 No. 667.
DHS 147.02 DHS 147.02Applicability. This chapter applies to the department and to applicants for and recipients of grants awarded under this chapter.
DHS 147.02 History History: Register, April, 1989, No. 400, eff. 5-1-89.
DHS 147.03 DHS 147.03Definitions. In this chapter:
DHS 147.03(1) (1) “Applicant" means an individual, institution, or organization applying for a grant under this chapter.
DHS 147.03(2) (2) “Continuation grant" means a grant awarded to an applicant for continued support of a given project funded during the preceding funding year.
DHS 147.03(3) (3) “Department" means the Wisconsin department of health services.
DHS 147.03(4) (4) “Division" means the department's division of health.
DHS 147.03(5) (5) “Funding year" means the state fiscal year.
DHS 147.03(6) (6) “Grant" means a transfer of funds to an approved applicant for the conduct of a project on cancer control and prevention in accordance with s. 255.05, Stats., and this chapter.
DHS 147.03(7) (7) “Initial grant" means the first grant awarded to an applicant for a given project.
DHS 147.03(8) (8) “Institution" has the meaning specified in s. 255.05 (1) (a), Stats., namely, any hospital, nursing home, county home, county mental hospital, tuberculosis sanitorium, community-based residential facility or other place licensed or approved by the department under ss. 49.70, 49.71, 49.72, 50.02, 50.03, 50.35, 51.08, and 51.09, Stats.
DHS 147.03(9) (9) “Match" means a contribution by a grantee of cash or in-kind resources for the support of grant activities, as defined in the relevant RFP.
DHS 147.03 Note Note: Examples of an in-kind match are the dedication of staff time not supported by the grant to grant activities and the use of buildings, furniture or equipment not obtained with grant income for grant activities.
DHS 147.03(10) (10) “Nonprofit corporation" has the meaning specified in s. 255.05 (1) (b), Stats., namely, a nonstock, nonprofit corporation, organized under ch. 181, Stats.
DHS 147.03(11) (11) “Organization" has the meaning specified in s. 255.05 (1) (c), Stats., namely, a nonprofit corporation or a public agency which proposes to provide services to individuals.
DHS 147.03(12) (12) “Project" means a time-limited cancer control and prevention effort supported by a grant awarded by the department under this chapter.
DHS 147.03(13) (13) “Project year" means the 12-month period selected by the department over which period a project will be supported by a grant under this chapter.
DHS 147.03(14) (14) “Public agency" has the meaning specified in s. 255.05 (1) (d), Stats., namely, a county, city, village, town or school district or an agency of this state or of a county, city, village, town or school district.
DHS 147.03(15) (15) “Review committee" means a committee established by the department to review applications for grants under this chapter.
DHS 147.03(16) (16) “RFP" means a request for proposals, a document released by the department to solicit applications for project support, and which defines project priorities, who may apply for funding, the amounts available for support of given types of projects, the term of projects, application procedures, review criteria, and procedures for appealing rejection of an application.
DHS 147.03(17) (17) “Selected grantee" means an applicant to whom funds are to be awarded, but with whom an agreement under s. DHS 147.06 (5) has not yet been signed.
DHS 147.03 History History: Register, April, 1989, No. 400, eff. 5-1-89; corrections made under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 7., Stats., Register, August, 1995, No. 476; corrections in (3) and (8) made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 6. and 7., Stats., Register January 2009 No. 637.
DHS 147.04 DHS 147.04Allocation of funds. The department shall annually allocate funds available for the support of cancer control and prevention projects according to priorities established by the department. These priorities shall be based upon such factors as, for example, social need, target population, responsiveness of a condition to intervention, availability of a proposed service, availability of applicants capable of providing a needed service, the incidence rates of the various cancers which a proposed project would address, scientific merit and the cost of a proposed service.
DHS 147.04 History History: Register, April, 1989, No. 400, eff. 5-1-89.
DHS 147.05 DHS 147.05Application.
DHS 147.05(1) (1)Who may apply. An applicant for a grant may be:
DHS 147.05(1)(a) (a) A public agency;
DHS 147.05(1)(b) (b) A nonprofit corporation;
DHS 147.05(1)(c) (c) An institution; or
DHS 147.05(1)(d) (d) An individual.
DHS 147.05(2) (2)Solicitation.
DHS 147.05(2)(a)(a) The department shall solicit applications for initial grants by preparing one or more RFPs, publishing legal notice of the availability of the RFPs in the official state newspaper, and distributing copies of the RFPs upon request.
DHS 147.05(2)(b) (b) The department may solicit applications for continuation grants from currently-funded projects in a form determined by the department to be appropriate for the projects.
DHS 147.05 Note Note: Prospective applicants may ask to be placed on a mailing list of parties to be sent future RFPs by writing the Division of Public Health, Bureau of Community Health Promotion, P.O. Box 2659, Madison, WI 53701-2659.
DHS 147.05(3) (3)Making application.
DHS 147.05(3)(a)(a) Parties considering making application for a grant shall give notice to the department of intent to apply. Notice shall be given in the form and according to the instructions given in the relevant RFP or continuation grant application instructions.
DHS 147.05(3)(b) (b) An application for a grant shall be made in accordance with the format specified in the relevant RFP or continuation grant application instructions.
DHS 147.05(3)(c) (c) An application for a grant shall be submitted to the department, as specified in the appropriate RFP or continuation grant application instructions, by the deadline shown in the RFP or continuation grant application instructions.
DHS 147.05(4) (4)Content of an application. The department shall specify in each RFP or set of continuation grant application materials the format of and the required elements to be included in an application for these funds.
DHS 147.05(5) (5)Review of applications.
DHS 147.05(5)(a)(a) Preliminary review. The department shall review all applications for a grant for compliance with the format and content specifications of the relevant RFP or continuation grant application instructions. The department may reject any application failing to meet the specifications published in the RFP. Rejection of an application for failure to meet form and content specifications is not subject to appeal.
DHS 147.05(5)(b) (b) Final review.
DHS 147.05(5)(b)1.1. A review committee or review committees consisting of individuals selected by the department shall evaluate applications for initial and continuation grants. The number and expertise of members of a review committee or committees shall be determined by the department based on the nature and number of the applications anticipated, as determined by notices of intent received under sub. (3) (a).
DHS 147.05(5)(b)2. 2. The review committee or committees shall review applications for initial or continuation grants in accordance with the criteria specified in the relevant RFP or continuation grant application materials. Criteria may include, depending upon the nature of the service being solicited, but are not limited to, target population, purposes and objectives of the proposed project, scientific merit, reasonableness of the proposed budget and budget justification, evaluation plans, success in achieving previously-stated objectives, evidence of cooperation with other agencies and organizations in the proposed service area and the stated qualifications of the applicant.
DHS 147.05 History History: Register, April, 1989, No. 400, eff. 5-1-89.
DHS 147.06 DHS 147.06Awards.
DHS 147.06(1) (1)Making awards.
DHS 147.06(1)(a)(a) The department shall make awards based on the priorities set forth in par. (d), the recommendations resulting from the review under s. DHS 147.05 (5) and other factors such as geographic distribution of cancer control and prevention services; existing providers or availability of services in the proposed project service area; the availability of other, more appropriate fund sources for the proposed project; the likelihood that the proposed cancer control and prevention service would exist even absent this funding; and the apparent balance between cancer control and prevention activities and administration of a project.
DHS 147.06(1)(b) (b) The department may reject any or all applications.
DHS 147.06(1)(c) (c) The department may negotiate the amount of an award made under par. (a), specific budget items and project goals and objectives before entering into a commitment.
DHS 147.06(1)(d) (d) Priority among types of applicants shall be given in the following order:
DHS 147.06(1)(d)1. 1. Public agencies, nonprofit corporations and institutions; and
DHS 147.06(1)(d)2. 2. Individuals.
DHS 147.06(2) (2)Matching. All awards shall be matched by the recipient at a rate of not less than 1:1. The amount of funding under a grant due a grant recipient, up to a maximum of the stated award level in the agreement between the department and the agency, shall be finally determined by the amount of match, documented as prescribed by the department, that is reported as expended by the recipient at the close of each project year. Funds already disbursed to the recipient which have not been appropriately matched shall be repaid to the department according to a schedule determined by the department, or, in the case of a continuation grant, may be applied to the subsequent year's award.
DHS 147.06(3) (3)Notification. The department shall notify in writing all applicants for initial or continuation grants of award decisions.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.