DWD 301.07(11)(b)(b) Housing shall have flooring that is constructed of rigid materials, smooth finished, readily cleanable, and so located as to prevent the entrance of ground and surface water. DWD 301.07(11)(c)1.1. Each room used for sleeping purposes shall contain at least 50 square feet of floor space for each occupant. DWD 301.07(11)(c)2.2. In a room where workers cook, live, and sleep a minimum of 100 square feet per person shall be provided. DWD 301.07(11)(cm)(cm) Only a single family may live in a one-family housing unit, except as approved by the department. A single family may include parents and their unmarried children, grandparents, unaccompanied married children, and dependent minor relatives. The department may allow other individuals to share a one-family housing unit with a family, taking into consideration the following factors: DWD 301.07(11)(d)(d) Housing used for a family with one or more children over 6 years of age shall have a room or partitioned sleeping area for the parents. The partition shall be of rigid materials and installed so as to provide reasonable privacy. DWD 301.07(11)(e)(e) In dormitory accommodations a camp operator shall make available upon request curtains or partitions to permit reasonable privacy between individual sleeping units. A bunk bed shall be considered an individual sleeping unit. DWD 301.07(11)(f)(f) Separate sleeping accommodations shall be provided for all the members of each sex or for each family. DWD 301.07(11)(fm)(fm) Partitions between living units in a multifamily shelter shall extend from the floor to the ceiling of the shelter. DWD 301.07(11)(g)(g) There shall be adequate and separate arrangements for hanging clothing and storing personal effects for each person or family. DWD 301.07(11)(h)(h) The floor area in each living unit shall have a minimum ceiling height of 7 feet. DWD 301.07(11)(i)(i) Each habitable room shall have at least one window or skylight opening directly to the out-of-doors that satisfies all of the following: DWD 301.07(11)(i)1.1. The minimum total window or skylight areas in each habitable room, including windows in doors, shall equal at least 10 percent of the usable floor area. DWD 301.07(11)(i)2.2. The total window area that opens shall equal at least 45 percent of the minimum total window or skylight area required under subd. 1. DWD 301.07(12)(a)(a) Windows and doors that are used for ventilation shall be protected with screening of not less than 16 mesh. This paragraph does not apply to doors in buildings that are cooled with air conditioning. DWD 301.07(12)(b)(b) All screen doors shall be tight fitting, in good repair, and equipped with self-closing devices. DWD 301.07(13)(a)(a) All living quarters and service buildings shall be provided with permanently installed and operable heating equipment capable of maintaining a temperature of at least 68 degrees Fahrenheit. DWD 301.07(13)(c)(c) A stove or other source of heat utilizing combustible fuel shall be installed and vented in such a manner as to prevent fire hazards and a dangerous concentration of gases and shall comply with the Wisconsin commercial building code. DWD 301.07(13)(e)(e) If a solid or liquid fuel stove is used in a room with wood or other combustible flooring, the stove shall sit on a concrete slab, insulated metal sheet, or other fireproof material, extending at least 24 inches beyond the perimeter of the base of the stove. DWD 301.07(13)(f)(f) Any wall or ceiling within 24 inches of a solid or liquid fuel stove or a stovepipe shall be of fireproof material. DWD 301.07(13)(g)(g) A vented metal collar shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications around a stovepipe, or vent passing through a wall, ceiling, floor, or roof. DWD 301.07(13)(h)(h) A heating system may have automatic controls only if the controls are installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and the controls cut off the fuel supply upon failure or interruption of the flame or ignition, or whenever a predetermined safe temperature or pressure is exceeded. DWD 301.07(14)(b)(b) All habitable rooms, common use rooms, rooms containing toilet facilities, and other areas, including laundry rooms, hallways, and stairways, shall contain adequate ceiling or wall type light fixtures. DWD 301.07(14)(d)(d) Adequate lighting shall be provided for yard areas, and pathways to common use facilities. DWD 301.07(14)(e)(e) All electrical wiring and lighting fixtures shall be installed and maintained in a safe condition and shall comply with the provisions of ch. SPS 316. DWD 301.07(14)(f)(f) Common use facilities shall be provided with a light switch at the entrance door. DWD 301.07(14)(g)(g) Illumination of common use facilities shall be not less than 10 foot candles 30 inches above the floor. DWD 301.07(14)(h)(h) Public passageways, stairways, and exit doors shall be illuminated in accordance with the Wisconsin commercial building code. DWD 301.07(15)(a)(a) All rooms containing toilet facilities shall comply with the Wisconsin commercial building code, except that privies are not permitted. DWD 301.07(15)(c)(c) Urinals of the approved type shall be provided in toilets to be used by 10 or more males in the ratio of one per 40 males or fraction thereof. DWD 301.07 NoteNote: Par. (c) is amended eff. 1-1-2028 by CR 23-030 to read: DWD 301.07 Note(c) Urinals installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications shall be provided in toilet facilities to be used by 10 or more males in the ratio of one per 25 males or fraction thereof.
DWD 301.07(15)(d)(d) Except in individual family units, separate toilet facilities for men and women shall be provided and all of the following apply: DWD 301.07(15)(d)1.1. Toilet facilities for men and women that are in the same building shall be separated by a solid wall from floor to roof or ceiling. DWD 301.07(15)(d)2.2. Toilet facilities shall be distinctly marked “men” and “women” in English and in the language of the persons expected to occupy the housing or marked with easily understood pictures or symbols. DWD 301.07(15)(e)(e) Where common use toilet facilities are provided, an adequate and accessible supply of toilet tissue with holders shall be furnished. DWD 301.07(15)(f)(f) All common use toilet facilities shall be well lighted and ventilated and shall be clean and sanitary. DWD 301.07(15)(g)(g) Toilet seats shall be of impervious material or shall be well painted or varnished. DWD 301.07(15)(h)(h) All living quarters and service buildings shall be provided with toilet facilities that are located within 200 feet of each living unit. DWD 301.07(16)(a)(a) Bathing and handwashing facilities shall be supplied with adequate hot and cold water under pressure and shall be provided for the use of all occupants. DWD 301.07(16)(b)(b) Bathing and handwashing facilities shall be clean and sanitary and located within 200 feet of each living unit. DWD 301.07 NoteNote: Par. (c) is amended eff. 1-1-2028 by CR 23-030 to read: DWD 301.07 Note(c) There shall be a minimum ratio of one showerhead per 8 occupants of a migrant labor camp.
DWD 301.07(16)(d)(d) Showerheads shall be spaced at least 3 feet apart with a minimum of 9 square feet of floor space per showerhead or shall be placed in a commercially available 30-inch shower stall that has an area of at least 6.25 square feet. DWD 301.07(16)(e)(e) Floors of showers shall be constructed of nonabsorbent, nonskid materials and sloped to properly constructed floor drains. DWD 301.07(16)(f)(f) If common use shower facilities for both sexes are located in the same building, the facilities shall be separated by a solid opaque and nonabsorbent wall extending from the floor to ceiling or roof, and shall be plainly designated “men” or “women” in English and in the language of the persons expected to occupy the housing or marked with easily understood pictures or symbols. DWD 301.07(16)(g)(g) Adequate dry dressing space shall be provided in common use shower facilities. DWD 301.07(16)(h)(h) Except in individual family units, separate shower facilities shall be provided for each sex. DWD 301.07(16)(i)(i) Each shower unit for women shall be enclosed as a separate compartment. DWD 301.07(16)(j)(j) Each shower compartment shall be supplemented by an individual dressing compartment. DWD 301.07(16)(L)(L) Mechanical or automatic washers that are supplied with adequate hot and cold water under pressure shall be provided for the use of all occupants in the ratio of one per 20 occupants. DWD 301.07(16)(p)(p) At least one laundry tray, tub, or sink shall be provided in each room that includes a washer. DWD 301.07(16)(r)(r) Dryers shall be provided for the use of all occupants in the ratio of one per 20 occupants. DWD 301.07(17)(a)(a) If workers or their families are permitted or required to cook in their individual unit, a space shall be provided and equipped for cooking and eating. The space shall be provided with all of the following: DWD 301.07(17)(a)3m.3m. A refrigerator maintained at 40 degrees Fahrenheit or lower and a freezer maintained at zero degrees Fahrenheit or lower. DWD 301.07(17)(a)4.4. A table and chairs or equivalent seating and eating arrangements that are commensurate with the capacity of the unit. DWD 301.07(17)(b)(b) If workers or their families are permitted or required to cook and eat in a common facility, a room or building separate from the sleeping facilities shall be provided for cooking and eating. The room or building shall be provided with all of the following: DWD 301.07(17)(b)1.1. Stoves with an oven in a ratio of one stove to 10 persons or one stove to 2 families. DWD 301.07(17)(b)3m.3m. A refrigerator maintained at 40 degrees Fahrenheit or lower and a freezer maintained at zero degrees Fahrenheit or lower. DWD 301.07(17)(b)4.4. Tables and chairs or equivalent seating adequate for the intended use of the facility. DWD 301.07(17)(c)(c) If central mess facilities are provided, the kitchen and mess hall shall be in proper proportion to the capacity of the housing and shall be separate from the sleeping quarters. DWD 301.07(17)(d)(d) Central mess facilities operated by or for the camp operator shall comply with all of the following: DWD 301.07(17)(d)1.1. The kitchen and dining room shall be separated from sleeping quarters and rooms containing toilet facilities.
Department of Workforce Development (DWD)
Ch. DWD 301; Migrant Labor
administrativecode/DWD 301.07(13)(f)
administrativecode/DWD 301.07(13)(f)