DWD 301.07 Note(c) There shall be a minimum ratio of one showerhead per 8 occupants of a migrant labor camp.
DWD 301.07(16)(d)(d) Showerheads shall be spaced at least 3 feet apart with a minimum of 9 square feet of floor space per showerhead or shall be placed in a commercially available 30-inch shower stall that has an area of at least 6.25 square feet.
DWD 301.07(16)(e)(e) Floors of showers shall be constructed of nonabsorbent, nonskid materials and sloped to properly constructed floor drains.
DWD 301.07(16)(f)(f) If common use shower facilities for both sexes are located in the same building, the facilities shall be separated by a solid opaque and nonabsorbent wall extending from the floor to ceiling or roof, and shall be plainly designated “men” or “women” in English and in the language of the persons expected to occupy the housing or marked with easily understood pictures or symbols.
DWD 301.07(16)(g)(g) Adequate dry dressing space shall be provided in common use shower facilities.
DWD 301.07(16)(h)(h) Except in individual family units, separate shower facilities shall be provided for each sex.
DWD 301.07(16)(i)(i) Each shower unit for women shall be enclosed as a separate compartment.
DWD 301.07(16)(j)(j) Each shower compartment shall be supplemented by an individual dressing compartment.
DWD 301.07(16)(k)(k) Lavatories or equivalent units shall be provided in a ratio as set forth in ch. SPS 362.
DWD 301.07(16)(L)(L) Mechanical or automatic washers that are supplied with adequate hot and cold water under pressure shall be provided for the use of all occupants in the ratio of one per 20 occupants.
DWD 301.07(16)(p)(p) At least one laundry tray, tub, or sink shall be provided in each room that includes a washer.
DWD 301.07(16)(r)(r) Dryers shall be provided for the use of all occupants in the ratio of one per 20 occupants.
DWD 301.07(17)(17)Cooking and eating facilities.
DWD 301.07(17)(a)(a) If workers or their families are permitted or required to cook in their individual unit, a space shall be provided and equipped for cooking and eating. The space shall be provided with all of the following:
DWD 301.07(17)(a)1.1. A stove with an oven.
DWD 301.07(17)(a)2.2. Adequate food storage shelves and a counter for food preparation.
DWD 301.07(17)(a)3m.3m. A refrigerator maintained at 40 degrees Fahrenheit or lower and a freezer maintained at zero degrees Fahrenheit or lower.
DWD 301.07(17)(a)4.4. A table and chairs or equivalent seating and eating arrangements that are commensurate with the capacity of the unit.
DWD 301.07(17)(a)5.5. Adequate lighting and ventilation.
DWD 301.07(17)(a)6.6. An adequate sink with hot and cold water under pressure.
DWD 301.07(17)(a)7.7. Floors that consist of nonabsorbent, easily cleaned materials.
DWD 301.07(17)(b)(b) If workers or their families are permitted or required to cook and eat in a common facility, a room or building separate from the sleeping facilities shall be provided for cooking and eating. The room or building shall be provided with all of the following:
DWD 301.07(17)(b)1.1. Stoves with an oven in a ratio of one stove to 10 persons or one stove to 2 families.
DWD 301.07(17)(b)2.2. Adequate food storage shelves and a counter for food preparation.
DWD 301.07(17)(b)3m.3m. A refrigerator maintained at 40 degrees Fahrenheit or lower and a freezer maintained at zero degrees Fahrenheit or lower.
DWD 301.07(17)(b)4.4. Tables and chairs or equivalent seating adequate for the intended use of the facility.
DWD 301.07(17)(b)5.5. Adequate sinks with hot and cold water under pressure.
DWD 301.07(17)(b)6.6. Adequate lighting and ventilation.
DWD 301.07(17)(b)7.7. Floors that consist of nonabsorbent, easily cleaned materials.
DWD 301.07(17)(c)(c) If central mess facilities are provided, the kitchen and mess hall shall be in proper proportion to the capacity of the housing and shall be separate from the sleeping quarters.
DWD 301.07(17)(d)(d) Central mess facilities operated by or for the camp operator shall comply with all of the following:
DWD 301.07(17)(d)1.1. The kitchen and dining room shall be separated from sleeping quarters and rooms containing toilet facilities.
DWD 301.07(17)(d)2.2. No kitchen or dining room shall be used for sleeping purposes.
DWD 301.07(17)(d)3.3. Kitchen and dining room tables and chairs or benches shall be so constructed as to be easily kept clean.
DWD 301.07(17)(d)4.4. Table tops or coverings shall be smooth and free from cracks.
DWD 301.07(17)(d)5.5. Dishes and utensils shall be of nontarnishable materials, free from cracks and easily cleaned.
DWD 301.07(17)(d)6.6. Cooking utensils shall be stored on racks or suspended on hooks at least 12 inches above the floor.
DWD 301.07(17)(d)7.7. The kitchen and dining room shall be swept daily.
DWD 301.07 NoteNote: The department recommends using a sweeping compound that lays the dust.
DWD 301.07(17)(d)8.8. The kitchen and dining room shall be scrubbed with hot soap suds or suitable detergent at least once a week.
DWD 301.07 NoteNote: During rainy periods, the department recommends scrubbing more often than once a week.
DWD 301.07(17)(d)9.9. Dining tables shall be washed with soap or suitable detergent and water after each meal.
DWD 301.07(17)(d)10.10. Handwashing facilities shall be provided in kitchens and shall include hot and cold water under pressure, soap and individual toweling for use by kitchen personnel only.
DWD 301.07(17)(d)11.11. Cooks and all food handlers shall be clean and wear clean clothing.
DWD 301.07(17)(d)12.12. A sink with ample facilities for providing hot and cold water under pressure shall be provided for washing dishes and kitchen utensils.
DWD 301.07(17)(d)13.13. All dishes and utensils shall be thoroughly scraped and shall be washed and scalded or disinfected.
DWD 301.07(17)(d)14.14. All dishes and utensils shall be air dried.
DWD 301.07(17)(d)15.15. All milk used shall either be adequately pasteurized, evaporated or powdered.
DWD 301.07(17)(d)16.16. Perishable foods such as meats, milk, butter, eggs, and salads shall be kept under refrigeration not to exceed 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
DWD 301.07(17)(d)17.17. Refrigerators shall be thoroughly washed with hot water and soap or suitable detergents at least once a week.
DWD 301.07(17)(d)18.18. Nonperishable foods shall be stored in clean and rodent proof containers elevated above the floor.
DWD 301.07(17)(d)19.19. The wall surface adjacent to cooking areas shall be of fire-resistant material and shall comply with the Wisconsin commercial building code.
DWD 301.07(18)(18)Garbage and other refuse.
DWD 301.07(18)(a)(a) Durable, fly tight, rodent tight, and clean containers in good condition of a minimum capacity of 20 gallons, shall be provided adjacent to each housing unit for the storage of garbage and other refuse.
DWD 301.07(18)(b)(b) Containers required under par. (a) shall be provided in a minimum ratio of 1 per 10 persons and shall be emptied when full, but not less than twice a week.
DWD 301.07(18)(d)(d) The disposal of garbage and other refuse shall be in accordance with state and local law.
DWD 301.07(19)(19)Insect and rodent control. Housing and facilities shall be free of insects, rodents and other vermin.
DWD 301.07(20)(20)Sleeping facilities.
DWD 301.07(20)(a)(a) Sleeping facilities shall be provided for each person.
DWD 301.07(20)(b)(b) Sleeping facilities shall consist of comfortable beds or bunks, and shall be provided with clean mattresses covered with a sanitized, waterproof material.
DWD 301.07(20)(bm)(bm) Sleeping facilities shall be spaced no closer than 36 inches both laterally and end-to-end and shall be elevated at least 12 inches from the floor.
DWD 301.07(20)(c)(c) Any bedding provided by the camp operator shall be clean and sanitary.
DWD 301.07(20)(d)(d) Sleeping facilities may not contain triple deck bunks.
DWD 301.07(20)(dm)(dm) The upper decks of bunk beds shall include guardrails that comply with 16 CFR 1213.3 (a).
DWD 301.07(20)(e)(e) The clear space above the top of the lower mattress of a bunk bed and the bottom of the upper deck shall be a minimum of 27 inches.
DWD 301.07(20)(f)(f) The distance from the top of the upper mattress to the ceiling shall be a minimum of 36 inches.
DWD 301.07(20)(g)(g) Sleeping facilities may not contain beds used for double occupancy except in family accommodations.
DWD 301.07(21)(21)Fire, safety, and first aid.
DWD 301.07(21)(a)(a) All buildings shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with applicable state or local fire and safety laws.
DWD 301.07(21)(b)(b) Any family housing and housing units for less than 10 persons that are of one-story construction shall have 2 means of escape.
DWD 301.07(21)(c)(c) Only one means of escape required under par. (b) may be a readily accessible window with space of not less than 24 by 24 inches that may be opened.
DWD 301.07(21)(d)(d) All sleeping quarters intended for use by 10 or more persons, central dining facilities and common assembly rooms shall have at least 2 doors remotely separated so as to provide alternate means of escape to the outside or to an interior hall.
DWD 301.07(21)(e)(e) Sleeping and common use rooms located on or above the second story shall comply with the state and local fire and building codes relative to multi-story dwellings and with all of the following:
DWD 301.07(21)(e)1.1. On two-story buildings a modified class “A” type fire escape constructed of wood may be provided as a second exit serving not more than 8 persons.
DWD 301.07(21)(e)2.2. The fire escape and its connectors shall be capable of supporting 100 pounds per square foot and shall be fastened to the building by through bolts of at least seven-eighth inch diameter and nuts and washers of at least 4 inch diameter.
DWD 301.07(21)(em)1.1. Except as provided in subd. 3., a camp operator shall install portable smoke detectors approved by the underwriters laboratory in all of the following locations:
DWD 301.07(21)(em)1.a.a. Except in the kitchen, within 6 feet of the doorway of each sleeping area of each housing unit.
DWD 301.07(21)(em)1.b.b. In the basement of each housing unit.
DWD 301.07(21)(em)1.c.c. At the head of any stairway on each floor level of each housing unit.
DWD 301.07(21)(em)2.2. Each portable smoke detector required under subd. 1. shall be installed no closer than 3 inches and no farther than 12 inches from the ceiling, except a camp operator may follow a manufacturer’s recommendation on the installation of a particular smoke detector in a different location if the camp operator provides the department’s migrant labor inspector with proof of the manufacturer’s installation recommendation at the time of the camp inspection.
DWD 301.07(21)(em)3.3. This paragraph does not apply to buildings with permanently wired smoke detectors installed by a professional electrician at the time of construction.
DWD 301.07(21)(f)(f) Exit lights and signs shall be provided in accordance with the Wisconsin commercial building code.
DWD 301.07(21)(g)(g) Fire extinguishing equipment shall be provided in a readily accessible place located not more than 100 feet from each housing unit.
DWD 301.07(21)(h)(h) Fire extinguishing equipment shall provide protection equal to a 2.5 gallon stored pressure or 5 gallon pump type water extinguisher.
DWD 301.07(21)(i)(i) First aid facilities consisting of at least all of the following shall be provided in a ratio of one per 50 persons and shall be readily accessible for use at all times:
DWD 301.07(21)(i)1.1. Sixteen adhesive bandages.
DWD 301.07(21)(i)2.2. Two and a half yards of adhesive tape.
DWD 301.07(21)(i)3.3. Ten antibiotic applications.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.