Ins 40.025(2)(f) (f) An acquisition of an insurer whose domiciliary commissioner affirmatively finds that the insurer is in failing condition; there is a lack of feasible alternative to improving such condition; the public benefits of improving the insurer's condition through the acquisition exceed the public benefits that would arise from not lessening competition; and the findings are communicated by the domiciliary commissioner to the commissioner of this state.
Ins 40.025(3) (3) Pre-acquisition notification. Any person seeking a merger or acquisition, that is not otherwise exempted under sub. (2) that results in a change of control of an insurer authorized to do business in this state shall file a pre-acquisition notification in a sworn statement using form E in the appendix to this chapter. The person being acquired may file the pre-acquisition notification.
Ins 40.025(3)(a) (a) The commissioner may require such additional material and information as deemed necessary to determine whether the proposed acquisition, if consummated, would violate the competitive standard of sub. (4). The required information may include an opinion of an economist as to the competitive impact of the acquisition in this state accompanied by a summary of the education and experience of such person indicating his or her ability to render an informed opinion.
Ins 40.025(3)(b) (b) The waiting period required in this subsection shall begin on the date of receipt of the commissioner of a pre-acquisition notification and shall end on the earlier of the thirtieth day after the date of receipt, or termination of the waiting period by the commissioner. Prior to the end of the waiting period, the commissioner on a one-time basis may require the submission of additional needed information relevant to the proposed acquisition, in which event the waiting period shall end on the earlier of the thirtieth day after receipt of the additional information by the commissioner or termination of the waiting period by the commissioner.
Ins 40.025(4) (4) Competitive standard.
Ins 40.025(4)(a)(a) The commissioner may disapprove an acquisition if there is substantial evidence that the effect of the acquisition may be to substantially lessen competition in any line of insurance in this state or tend to create a monopoly or if the insurer fails to file adequate information in compliance with sub. (3). In this subsection, a highly concentrated market is one in which the share of the 4 largest insurers is 75% or more of the market. Percentages not shown in the tables in this subsection are interpolated proportionately to the percentages that are shown. If more than 2 insurers are involved, exceeding the total of the two columns in the table is prima facie evidence of violation of the competitive standard in this subsection. For the purpose of this item, the insurer with the largest share of the market shall be deemed to be Insurer A.
Ins 40.025(4)(b) (b) In determining whether a proposed acquisition would violate the competitive standard of par. (a) of this subsection, the commissioner shall consider the following:
Ins 40.025(4)(b)1. 1. Any acquisition covered under sub. (2) involving 2 or more insurers competing in the same market is prima facie evidence of violation of the competitive standards if:
Ins 40.025(4)(b)1.a. a. The market is highly concentrated and the involved insurers possess the following shares of the market:
Insurer A   Insurer B
4%   4% or more
10%   2% or more
15% or more   1% or more
Ins 40.025(4)(b)1.b. b. Or, the market is not highly concentrated and the involved insurers possess the following shares of the market:
Insurer A   Insurer B
5%   5% or more
10%   4% or more
15%   3% or more
19% or more   1% or more
Ins 40.025(4)(b)2. 2. There is a significant trend toward increased concentration when the aggregate market share of any grouping of the largest insurers in the market, from the 2 largest to the 8 largest, has increased by 7% or more of the market over a period of time extending from any base year 5 to 10 years prior to the acquisition up to the time of the acquisition. Any acquisition or merger covered under sub. (2) involving 2 or more insurers competing in the same market is prima facie evidence of violation of the competitive standard in par. (a) of this subsection if:
Ins 40.025(4)(b)2.a. a. There is a significant trend toward increased concentration in the market.
Ins 40.025(4)(b)2.b. b. One of the insurers involved is one of the insurers in a grouping of large insurers showing the requisite increase in the market share; and
Ins 40.025(4)(b)2.c. c. Another involved insurer's market is 2% or more.
Ins 40.025(4)(b)3. 3. For the purposes of this subsection:
Ins 40.025(4)(b)3.a. a. The term “insurer" includes any company or group of companies under common management, ownership, or control;
Ins 40.025(4)(b)3.b. b. The term “market" means the relevant product and geographical markets. In determining the relevant product and geographical markets, the commissioner shall give due consideration to, among other things, the definitions or guidelines, if any, promulgated by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners and to information, if any, submitted by parties to the acquisition. In the absence of sufficient information to the contrary, the relevant product market is assumed to be the direct written insurance premium for a line of business, such line being that used in the annual statement required to be filed by insurers doing business in this state, and the relevant geographical market is assumed to be this state;
Ins 40.025(4)(b)3.c. c. The burden of showing prima facie evidence of violation of the competitive standard rests upon the commissioner.
Ins 40.025(4)(b)4. 4. Even if an acquisition is not prima facie violative of the competitive standard under par. (a), the commissioner may establish the requisite anticompetitive effect based upon other substantial evidence. Even if an acquisition is prima facie violative of the competitive standard under par. (a), a party may establish the absence of the requisite anticompetitive effect based upon other substantial evidence. Relevant factors in making a determination under this subdivision include, but are not limited to, the following: market shares, volatility of ranking of market leaders, number of competitors, concentration, trend of concentration in the industry, and ease of entry and exit into the market.
Ins 40.025(4)(c) (c) The commissioner may approve the acquisition if the public benefits of the acquisition exceed the public benefits which would arise from not lessening competition.
Ins 40.025 History History: CR 14-071: cr. Register August 2015 No. 716, eff. 9-1-15; s. 35.17 correction in (1), (4) (b) 2., 4. Register August 2015 No. 716.
Ins 40.03 Ins 40.03Registration.
Ins 40.03(1)(1)Registration.
Ins 40.03(1)(a)(a) Except as provided under par. (b), every insurer which is authorized to do business in this state and which is a member of an insurance holding company system, and every person having or attempting to acquire control of such an insurer, shall register with the commissioner.
Ins 40.03(1)(b) (b) This subsection does not apply to a person, foreign insurer or alien insurer which is exempt from registration under s. 617.11 (2), Stats., unless otherwise ordered by the commissioner. An insurer may register on behalf of a person having or attempting to acquire control of the insurer or on behalf of an insurer which is an affiliate of the insurer. Lack of knowledge that an insurer has not registered on behalf of the person or affiliate or that the registration is incomplete or inaccurate is not a defense for the person or affiliate.
Ins 40.03(2) (2) Time for filing. Any person which is subject to registration under this section shall register within 15 days after it becomes subject to registration, and annually by June 1 of each subsequent year for the immediately preceding calendar year, unless the commissioner for good cause shown extends the time for registration, and then within the extended time.
Ins 40.03(3) (3) Information and form required. Every person subject to registration shall file the registration statement with the commissioner on the forms and in a format prescribed under s. Ins 40.15, and it shall contain the following information which is current on the date of filing:
Ins 40.03(3)(a) (a) The capital structure, general financial condition, ownership, and management of the insurer and any person having control of the insurer;
Ins 40.03(3)(b) (b) The identity and relationship of every member of the insurance holding company system except affiliates whose total assets are less than the lesser of .5% of the total assets of the ultimate controlling person or $10 million;
Ins 40.03(3)(c) (c) The following agreements in force, and transactions currently outstanding or which have occurred during the immediately preceding calendar year between the insurer and its affiliates:
Ins 40.03(3)(c)1. 1. Loans, extensions of credit, other investments, or purchases, sales or exchanges of securities of the affiliates by the insurer or of the insurer by its affiliates;
Ins 40.03(3)(c)2. 2. Purchases, sales, or exchange of assets;
Ins 40.03(3)(c)3. 3. Transactions not in the ordinary course of business;
Ins 40.03(3)(c)4. 4. Guarantees or undertakings for the benefit of an affiliate which result in an actual contingent exposure of the insurer's assets to liability, other than insurance contracts entered into in the ordinary course of the insurer's business;
Ins 40.03(3)(c)5. 5. All management agreements, exclusive agent agreements, service contracts and all cost-sharing arrangements;
Ins 40.03(3)(c)6. 6. Reinsurance agreements;
Ins 40.03(3)(c)7. 7. Dividends and other distributions to shareholders; and
Ins 40.03(3)(c)8. 8. Consolidated tax allocation agreements.
Ins 40.03(3)(d) (d) Any pledge of the insurer's stock, including stock of any subsidiary or affiliate having control of the insurer, for a loan made to any member of the insurance holding company system;
Ins 40.03(3)(e) (e) If requested by the commissioner, the insurer shall include financial statements, as prepared in the ordinary course of its business, of or within an insurance holding company system, including all affiliates. Financial statements may include, but are not limited to, annual audited financial statements filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. An insurer required to file financial statements pursuant to this paragraph may satisfy the request by providing the commissioner with the most recently filed parent corporation financial statements that have been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission;
Ins 40.03(3)(f) (f) Other matters concerning transactions between registered insurers and any affiliates as may be included from time to time in any registration forms adopted or approved by the commissioner;
Ins 40.03(3)(g) (g) Statements that the insurer's board of directors oversees corporate governance and internal controls and that the insurer's officers or senior management have approved, implemented, and continue to maintain and monitor corporate governance and internal control procedures;
Ins 40.03(3)(h) (h) Any other information required by the commissioner by rule or regulation.
Ins 40.03(4) (4) Summary of changes to registration statement. All registration statements shall contain a summary on form C contained in the appendix to this chapter outlining all items in the current registration statement representing changes from the prior registration statement.
Ins 40.03(5) (5) Materiality. No information need be disclosed on the registration statement required under this section if the information is not material for the purposes of this section. Any transaction related to a management, exclusive agency or similar agreement or which is a service contract or cost-sharing arrangement is a material transaction. Any other transaction subject to sub. (3) is a material transaction if it involves or exposes to risk in a single transaction or group or series of related transactions an amount which is more than .5% of the insurer's admitted assets as of the 31st day of December of the immediately preceding calendar year, unless the commissioner by order provides otherwise. The definition of materiality provided in this subsection does not apply for purposes of the group capital calculation or the liquidity stress test framework.
Ins 40.03(6) (6) Affiliate to provide information. A person within an insurance holding company system which includes an insurer subject to registration shall provide to the insurer any information which is reasonably necessary to enable the insurer to comply with this chapter and ch. 617, Stats. The person shall provide complete and accurate information.
Ins 40.03(7) (7) Consolidated filing. The commissioner may require or allow 2 or more insurers which are affiliates subject to registration to file a consolidated registration statement.
Ins 40.03(8) (8) Disclaimer. Any person may file with the commissioner a disclaimer of affiliation with any authorized insurer or a disclaimer may be filed by the insurer or any member of an insurance holding company system. The disclaimer shall fully disclose all material relationships and bases for affiliation between the person and the insurer as well as the basis for disclaiming affiliation. A disclaimer of affiliation shall be deemed to have been granted unless the commissioner, within 30 days following receipt of a complete disclaimer, notifies the filing party the disclaimer is disallowed. In the event of disallowance, the disclaiming party may request an administrative hearing, which shall be granted. The disclaiming party shall be relieved of its duty to register under this section if approval of the disclaimer has been granted by the commissioner, or if the disclaimer is deemed to have been approved.
Ins 40.03(9) (9) Enterprise risk filings.
Ins 40.03(9)(a)(a) Enterprise risk reports. Except as provided in par. (c), the ultimate controlling person of every insurer subject to registration shall file an annual enterprise risk report on form F in the appendix of this chapter. The report shall, to the best of the ultimate controlling person's knowledge and belief, identify the material risks within the insurance holding company system that could pose enterprise risk to the insurer. The report shall be filed with the lead state commissioner of the insurance holding company system. The time for filing the first enterprise risk report shall be June 1, 2015, or 30 days after the effective date of this rule, whichever date is later. Thereafter, the enterprise risk report shall be filed annually by June 1 for the immediately preceding calendar year. An applicant for an acquisition of control of an insurer under s. Ins 40.02 shall file an enterprise risk report within 15 days after the end of the month in which the acquisition of control occurs.
Ins 40.03(9)(b) (b) Confidentiality. Sections 19.31 to 19.37, Stats., do not apply to an insurer's annual enterprise risk report or to any information submitted to the commissioner in connection with an insurer's annual enterprise risk report and the report shall not be subject to subpoena, discovery or be admissible in evidence in any private civil action. The commissioner shall only share an insurer's annual enterprise risk report, and any information requested by the commissioner in connection with an insurer's annual enterprise risk report, with commissioners of states having statutes or regulations substantially similar to this subsection and who have agreed in writing not to disclose such information. For purposes of the information reported and provided to the commissioner pursuant to this paragraph and s. 617.13 (1), Stats., the information is confidential under s. 617.13 (2), Stats. The commissioner shall maintain the confidentiality of the group capital calculation and group capital ratio produced within the calculation and any group capital information received from an insurance holding company supervised by the Federal Reserve Board or any U.S. group wide supervisor pursuant to s. 617.13 (2), Stats.
Ins 40.03(9)(c) (c) Waiver of filing enterprise risk report. The commissioner may grant a waiver from the requirements in par. (a) if the ultimate controlling person demonstrates that compliance with par. (a) would impose an undue financial or organizational hardship on the ultimate controlling person. The commissioner may order an ultimate controlling person otherwise exempted under this paragraph to file an enterprise risk report if an insurer subject to registration is not in compliance with applicable risk-based capital or compulsory and security surplus requirements or is otherwise in hazardous condition as determined by the commissioner.
Ins 40.03(9)(d) (d) Group capital calculation filing. Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the ultimate controlling person of every insurer subject to registration shall concurrently file with the registration an annual group capital calculation as directed by the lead state commissioner. The report shall be completed in accordance with the NAIC group capital calculation instructions, which may permit the lead state commissioner to allow a controlling person that is not the ultimate controlling person to file the group capital calculation. The report shall be filed with the lead state commissioner of the insurance holding company system. Insurance holding company systems described below are exempt from filing the group capital calculation:
Ins 40.03(9)(d)1. 1. An insurance holding company system that has only one insurer within its holding company structure, that only writes business and is only licensed in its domestic state and assumes no business from any other insurer.
Ins 40.03(9)(d)2. 2. An insurance holding company system that is required to perform a group capital calculation specified by the United States Federal Reserve Board. The lead state commissioner shall request the calculation from the Federal Reserve Board under the terms of information sharing agreements in effect. If the Federal Reserve Board cannot share the calculation with the lead state commissioner, the insurance holding company system is not exempt from the group capital calculation filing.
Ins 40.03(9)(d)3. 3. An insurance holding company system whose non-U.S. group-wide supervisor is located within a reciprocal jurisdiction as described in s. Ins 52.01 (4), that recognizes the U.S. state regulatory approach to group supervision and group capital.
Ins 40.03(9)(d)4. 4. An insurance holding company system:
Ins 40.03(9)(d)4.a. a. That provides information to the lead state that meets the requirements for accreditation under the NAIC financial standards and accreditation program, either directly or indirectly through the group-wide supervisor, who has determined such information is satisfactory to allow the lead state to comply with the NAIC group supervision approach, as detailed in the NAIC Financial Analysis Handbook.
Ins 40.03(9)(d)4.b. b. Whose non-U.S. group-wide supervisor that is not in a reciprocal jurisdiction recognizes and accepts, as specified in s. Ins 40.21, the group capital calculation as the world-wide group capital assessment for U.S. insurance groups who operate in that jurisdiction.
Ins 40.03(9)(d)5. 5. Notwithstanding the provisions of subds. 3. and 4., a lead state commissioner shall require the group capital calculation for U.S. operations of any non-U.S. based insurance holding company system where, after any necessary consultation with other supervisors or officials, it is deemed appropriate by the lead state commissioner for prudential oversight and solvency monitoring purposes or for ensuring the competitiveness of the insurance marketplace.
Ins 40.03(9)(d)6. 6. Notwithstanding the exemptions from filing the group capital calculation stated in subds. 1. to 4., the lead state commissioner has the discretion to exempt the ultimate controlling person from filing the annual group capital calculation or to accept a limited group capital filing or report in accordance with criteria as specified in s. Ins 40.21.
Ins 40.03(9)(d)7. 7. If the lead state commissioner determines that an insurance holding company system no longer meets one or more of the requirements for an exemption from filing the group capital calculation under this paragraph, the insurance holding company system shall file the group capital calculation at the next annual filing date unless given an extension by the lead state commissioner based on reasonable grounds shown.
Ins 40.03(9)(e) (e) Liquidity stress test. The ultimate controlling person of every insurer subject to registration and scoped into the NAIC liquidity stress test framework shall file the results of a specific year's liquidity stress test with the lead state insurance commissioner in accordance with the following requirements:
Ins 40.03(9)(e)1. 1. The NAIC liquidity stress test framework includes scope criteria applicable to a specific data year. These scope criteria are reviewed at least annually by the financial stability task force or its successor. Any change to the NAIC liquidity stress test framework or to the data year for which the scope criteria are to be measured shall be effective on January 1 of the year following the calendar year when such changes are adopted. All of the following apply with regard to the liquidity stress test:
Ins 40.03(9)(e)1.a. a. Insurers meeting at least one threshold of the scope criteria are considered scoped into the NAIC liquidity stress test framework for the specified data year unless the lead state commissioner, in consultation with the NAIC financial stability task force or its successor, determines the insurer should not be scoped into the framework for that data year.
Ins 40.03(9)(e)1.b. b. Insurers that do not trigger at least one threshold of the scope criteria are considered scoped out of the NAIC liquidity stress test framework for the specified data year, unless the lead state commissioner, in consultation with the NAIC financial stability task force or its successor, determines the insurer should be scoped into the framework for that data year.
Ins 40.03(9)(e)1.c. c. Regulators wish to avoid having insurers scoped in and out of the NAIC liquidity stress test framework on a frequent basis. The lead state commissioner, in consultation with the NAIC financial stability task force or its successor, will assess this concern as part of the determination for an insurer.
Ins 40.03(9)(e)2. 2. The performance of, and filing of the results from, a specific year's liquidity stress test shall comply with the NAIC liquidity stress test framework's instructions and reporting templates for that year and any lead state commissioner determinations, in conjunction with the NAIC financial stability task force or its successor, provided within the framework.
Ins 40.03(9)(e)3. 3. For purposes of the information reported and provided to the lead state commissioner pursuant to par. (e), the information is confidential under s. 617.13 (2), Stats. The lead state commissioner shall maintain the confidentiality of the liquidity stress test results and supporting disclosures and any liquidity stress test information received from an insurance holding company supervised by the Federal Reserve Board and non-U.S. group wide supervisors in accordance with s. 617.13 (2), Stats.
Ins 40.03(9)(f) (f) Prohibition from publication of results. The group capital calculation and resulting group capital ratio required under par. (d) and the liquidity stress test along with its results and supporting disclosures required under par. (e) are regulatory tools for assessing group risks and capital adequacy and group liquidity risks, respectively, and are not intended as a means to rank insurers or insurance holding company systems generally. Therefore, except as otherwise permitted by law, the making, publishing, disseminating, circulating or placing before the public, or causing directly or indirectly to be made, published, disseminated, circulated or placed before the public in a newspaper, magazine or other publication, or in the form of a notice, circular, pamphlet, letter or poster, or over any radio or television station or any electronic means of communication available to the public, or in any other way as an advertisement, announcement or statement containing a representation or statement with regard to the group capital calculation, group capital ratio, the liquidity stress test results, or supporting disclosures for the liquidity stress test of any insurer or any insurer group, or of any component derived in the calculation by any insurer, broker, or other person engaged in any manner in the insurance business would be misleading and is therefore prohibited; provided, however, that if any materially false statement with respect to the group capital calculation, resulting group capital ratio, an inappropriate comparison of any amount to an insurer's or insurance group's group capital calculation or resulting group capital ratio, liquidity stress test result, supporting disclosures for the liquidity stress test, or an inappropriate comparison of any amount to an insurer's or insurance group's liquidity stress test result or supporting disclosures is published in any written publication and the insurer is able to demonstrate to the commissioner with substantial proof the falsity of such statement or its inappropriateness, then the insurer may publish announcements in a written publication if the sole purpose of the announcement is to rebut the materially false statement.
Ins 40.03 History History: Cr. Register, July, 1993, No. 451, eff. 8-1-93; CR 14-071: r. and recr. Register August 2015 No. 716, eff. 9-1-15; s. 35.17 correction in (9) (a) Register August 2015 No. 716; CR 21-106: am. (5), (9) (title), (a), (b), cr. (9) (c) (title), (d) to (f) Register July 2022 No. 799, eff. 8-1-22.
Ins 40.04 Ins 40.04Standards for transactions within an insurance holding company system.
Ins 40.04(1)(1)Transactions within an insurance holding company system. An insurer, or affiliate of an insurer, which is required to register under s. Ins 40.03 may not enter directly or indirectly into a transaction between the insurer and the affiliate unless the insurer and affiliate:
Ins 40.04(1)(a) (a) Comply with s. 617.21 (1), Stats., and sub. (6);
Ins 40.04(1)(b) (b) Expenses incurred and payment received for the transaction are allocated to the insurer in conformity with customary insurance accounting practices consistently applied; and
Ins 40.04(1)(c) (c) The books, accounts and records of each party to the transaction clearly and accurately disclose the nature and details of the transaction including the accounting information which is necessary to support the reasonableness of the charges or fees to the respective parties.
Ins 40.04(2) (2) Transactions required to be reported and subject to disapproval. A domestic insurer, and a person attempting to acquire control of a domestic insurer, or an affiliate of a domestic insurer, which directly or indirectly is involved in or benefits from, a transaction, shall report, under s. 617.21 (2), Stats., each of the following transactions, including amendments or modifications of transactions previously filed pursuant to this section, which are subject to any materiality standards contained in pars. (a) to (f), to the commissioner in writing at least 30 days before the domestic insurer enters into the transaction, unless the commissioner in writing approves a shorter period. The notice for amendments or modifications shall include the reasons for the change and the financial impact on the domestic insurer. Informal notice shall be reported to the commissioner within 30 days after termination of a previously filed agreement, if termination is other than according to the terms of the agreement as filed, and the commissioner shall determine the type of filing required, if any. Transactions required to be reported and subject to disapproval include each of the following:
Ins 40.04(2)(a) (a) Sales, purchases, exchanges, loans, extensions of credit, guarantees, or investments involving the domestic insurer and an affiliate or a person attempting to acquire control of the domestic insurer if the transactions are equal to or exceed the lesser of 2% of the domestic insurer's admitted assets or 10% of policyholder surplus as of the 31st day of December of the immediately preceding calendar year. All guarantees which are unlimited or not quantifiable as to amount are subject to the reporting requirements of this subsection;
Ins 40.04(2)(b) (b) Loans or extensions of credit or guarantees to any person who is not an affiliate, where the domestic insurer makes loans, extensions of credit or guarantees with the agreement or understanding that the proceeds of the transactions or benefit of the guarantees, in whole or in significant part, directly or indirectly, are to be used to make loans or extensions of credit to, to purchase assets of, or to make investments in, any affiliate of the domestic insurer making the loans, extensions of credit, or guarantee, or any person attempting to acquire control of the insurer, if the transactions are equal to or exceed the lesser of 2% of the domestic insurer's admitted assets or 10% of policyholder surplus as of the 31st day of December of the immediately preceding calendar year. All guarantees which are unlimited or not quantifiable as to amount are subject to the reporting requirements of this subsection;
Ins 40.04(2)(c) (c) Reinsurance agreements, including reinsurance pooling arrangements, or modifications to reinsurance agreements, which involve a domestic insurer and either an affiliate or a person attempting to acquire control of the domestic insurer in which the reinsurance premium, the projected reinsurance premium or a change in the insurer's liabilities in any of the next three years equals or exceeds 5% of the insurer's policyholder surplus, as of the 31st day of December of the immediately preceding calendar year, including, but not limited to, those agreements which may require as consideration the transfer of assets from an insurer to a nonaffiliate, if an agreement or understanding exists between the insurer and nonaffiliate that any portion of the assets will be transferred to one or more affiliates of the insurer;
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.