(Name and Title)
(Signature of Officer)
The undersigned deposes and says that (s)he has duly executed the attached notice dated , , for and on behalf of ; and that (s)he is the ___________
(Name of Registrant)     (Title of Officer)
and that (s)he is authorized to execute and file such instrument. Deponent further says that (s)he is familiar with such instrument and the contents thereof, and that the facts therein set forth are true to the best of his/her knowledge, information and belief.
(Type or print name beneath)
Subscribed and sworn to this
day of , .
Notary Public _______________________________
My commission expires
Filed with the office of the commissioner of insurance,
state of Wisconsin
(Name of Affiliate)
On Behalf of the Following Care Management Organizations
Name Address
Date: , .
Name, Title, Address and Telephone Number of Individual to Whom Notices and Correspondence Concerning this Statement Should be Addressed:
The, (I), , an affiliate of ________________,
  (Affiliate)   (Care Management Organization)
a care management organization permitted to do business in the state of Wisconsin, pursuant to the requirements of ch. 648, Stats., do hereby consent to the jurisdiction of the Commissioner of Insurance and the courts of the state of Wisconsin.
has caused this statement to be duly signed on
(Name of Affiliate)
its behalf in the city of and state of
on the day of , .
(Name of Affiliate)
(Signature of Officer)
The undersigned deposes and says that (s)he has duly executed the attached statement dated , , for and on behalf of that (s)he is the
(Name of Registrant)
_____________ of such company, and that (s)he is authorized
(Title of Officer)
to execute and file such instrument. Deponent further says that (s)he is familiar with such instrument and the contents thereof, and that the facts therein set forth are true to the best of his or her knowledge and belief.
(Type or print name beneath)
Subscribed and sworn to this
day of , .
Notary Public _______________________________
My commission expires
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.