Register September 2021 No. 789
Chapter Jus 11
Subchapter I — Crime Victim Compensation
Jus 11.01   Description of the program.
Jus 11.02   Filing of claims.
Jus 11.03   Claims investigation and decision.
Jus 11.04   Economic loss.
Jus 11.05   Awards.
Jus 11.06   Mental health treatment.
Jus 11.07   Limitations on awards.
Jus 11.09   Contested case hearing.
Jus 11.10   Review by attorney general.
Jus 11.11   Duties of a law enforcement agency.
Jus 11.12   Attorney fees.
Jus 11.13   Recovery.
Subchapter II — Sexual Assault Forensic Examination Compensation
Jus 11.14   Description of the program.
Jus 11.15   Eligibility for an award.
Jus 11.16   Procedures for payment of awards of examination costs.
Ch. Jus 11 Note Note: Chapter Ind 81 as it existed on February 29, 1992 was repealed and a new chapter Jus 11 was created effective March 1, 1992.
subch. I of ch. Jus 11 Subchapter I — Crime Victim Compensation
Jus 11.01 Jus 11.01Description of the program.
Jus 11.01(1)(1)Authority and purpose. This subchapter is promulgated pursuant to s. 949.02, Stats., for the purpose of administering the awards for the Crime Victim Compensation Program in Wisconsin which provides assistance to innocent victims of crimes and their families in order to ease their financial burdens.
Jus 11.01(2) (2) Applicability. This subchapter applies to all persons who apply for financial assistance from the Crime Victim Compensation Program and to all related matters, proceedings and hearings.
Jus 11.01(3) (3) Administration. Chapter 949, Stats., and this subchapter shall be administered by a director appointed by the attorney general.
Jus 11.01(4) (4) Service and filing. Papers and petitions required to be served upon, or filed with the department of justice, by this subchapter shall be served either in person or by mail and shall be addressed: Wisconsin Department of Justice, Office of Crime Victim Services, 17 West Main Street, Post Office Box 7951, Madison, WI 53707-7951. The papers and petitions are deemed served or filed when received by the department.
Jus 11.01(5) (5) Definitions. In this subchapter:
Jus 11.01(5)(a) (a) “Contested case" has the meaning specified in s. 227.01 (3), Stats.
Jus 11.01(5)(b) (b) “Crime" has the meaning specified in s. 949.01 (1), Stats.
Jus 11.01(5)(c) (c) “Department" has the meaning specified in s. 949.01 (1m), Stats.
Jus 11.01(5)(d) (d) “Dependent" has the meaning specified in s. 949.01 (2), Stats.
Jus 11.01(5)(e) (e) “Family member" has the meaning specified in s. 949.06 (1m) (a), Stats.
Jus 11.01(5)(f) (f) “Law enforcement agency" has the meaning specified in s. 949.01 (3), Stats.
Jus 11.01(5)(g) (g) “Medical treatment" has the meaning specified in s. 949.01 (4), Stats.
Jus 11.01(5)(gm) (gm) “Parent of the victim” has the meaning specified in s. 949.01 (4g), Stats.
Jus 11.01(5)(h) (h) “Personal injury" has the meaning specified in s. 949.01 (5), Stats.
Jus 11.01(5)(i) (i) “Victim" has the meaning specified in s. 949.01 (6), Stats.
Jus 11.01 History History: Cr. Register, February, 1992, No. 434, eff. 3-1-92; CR 15-058: am. (1) to (4), (5) (intro.) Register May 2016 No. 725, eff. 6-1-16; correction in (4) under 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register June 2016 No. 726; CR 19-136: am. (1), (2), cr. (5) (gm) Register September 2021 No. 789, eff. 10-1-21.
Jus 11.02 Jus 11.02Filing of claims.
Jus 11.02(1)(1)Filing deadline. A claim must be filed by the applicant within the time limits specified in s. Jus 11.07 (1).
Jus 11.02(2) (2) Application form. A claim shall be filed on the application form prescribed by the department and shall contain at least the following information:
Jus 11.02(2)(a) (a) The name and address of the victim of the crime.
Jus 11.02(2)(b) (b) The name and address of the applicant and the relationship of the applicant to the victim.
Jus 11.02(2)(c) (c) An accurate description of the crime and the date on which the crime occurred.
Jus 11.02(2)(d) (d) The law enforcement agency to which the crime was reported and the date on which the crime was reported.
Jus 11.02(2)(e) (e) The nature and extent of the injuries the victim sustained from the crime; the name and address of any person who gave medical treatment to the victim for these injuries; the name and address of any hospital or similar institution where the victim received medical treatment for the injuries and the costs of such treatment.
Jus 11.02(2)(f) (f) The work loss the victim sustained as a result of the crime.
Jus 11.02(2)(g) (g) The source and amount of benefit the victim, dependent or applicant has received, or is to receive, from any collateral source for economic loss that resulted from the crime and the name of the collateral source.
Jus 11.02(2)(h) (h) Whether the claimant knows the offender, and the nature of the relationship, if any.
Jus 11.02(2)(i) (i) A release authorizing the department to obtain any report, document or other information it needs in its determination of the claim.
Jus 11.02(2)(j) (j) Any additional information or material the department determines is reasonably related to the application.
Jus 11.02 Note Note: A copy of the application form may be obtained at the Wisconsin department of justice at no charge.
Jus 11.02(3) (3) Incomplete applications. Whenever an application is not complete or the department otherwise lacks information required under sub. (2), the department shall request the applicant to provide the required information. If the applicant fails within 30 days to provide the information or to indicate why the information is unavailable, the applicant shall be denied an award under s. Jus 11.07 (7).
Jus 11.02 History History: Cr. Register, February, 1992, No. 434, eff. 3-1-92; CR 19-136: am. (2) (c), (g), (h) Register September 2021 No. 789, eff. 10-1-21.
Jus 11.03 Jus 11.03Claims investigation and decision.
Jus 11.03(1)(1)Claims determination. Claims may be investigated and verified, and an eligibility determination may be made, regardless of whether the alleged offender has been apprehended, prosecuted for, or convicted of, any crime based upon the same incident or has been found not guilty of such crime.
Jus 11.03(2) (2) Suspend proceedings. The department may suspend proceedings upon its own motion or that of a prosecuting attorney for a period it deems appropriate on the grounds that a prosecution for an offense arising out of the act has been commenced or is imminent.
Jus 11.03(3) (3) Written decision. The department, by the Crime Victim Compensation Program director, shall issue a written decision setting forth the denial of the claim and the reasons, and shall furnish the applicant with a copy of the decision. The decision shall also advise the applicant of any right to a contested case hearing.
Jus 11.03(4) (4) Closed claims. A claim for compensation is closed when any of the following conditions occur:
Jus 11.03(4)(a) (a) The statutory maximum allowed under s. 949.08 (1m) (a) and (b), Stats., has been awarded by the department.
Jus 11.03(4)(b) (b) The 30 day time period for appealing the decision of the department has passed without a request from the applicant for a contested case hearing.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.