Jus 12.01 History History: Cr. Register, February, 1992, No. 434, eff. 3-1-92; correction in (2) made under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 7., Stats., Register September 2001 No. 549; correction in (3) (c) under 13.92 (4) (b) 6., Stats., Register June 2016 No. 726.
Jus 12.02 Jus 12.02Program plan.
Jus 12.02(1) (1)Submission, review and approval.
Jus 12.02(1)(a)(a) If a county intends to claim reimbursement for the costs of providing services under this chapter, the county shall submit a program plan to the department for its approval prior to the beginning of the program. Two or more counties may submit a joint plan.
Jus 12.02(1)(b) (b) The department may require the submission of an updated plan in whole or in part.
Jus 12.02(1)(c) (c) Programs shall operate according to the approved program plan unless a plan revision is approved by the department under sub. (3).
Jus 12.02(2) (2)Contents.
Jus 12.02(2)(a)(a) The program plan shall contain the following sections:
Jus 12.02(2)(a)1. 1. Summary;
Jus 12.02(2)(a)2. 2. Levels of services to victims and witnesses that the county intends to provide;
Jus 12.02(2)(a)3. 3. Related personnel and agencies;
Jus 12.02(2)(a)4. 4. Proposed staffing for the program;
Jus 12.02(2)(a)5. 5. Proposed education, training and experience requirements for program staff and the staff of agencies providing related administrative programs and individual services;
Jus 12.02(2)(a)6. 6. The county's budget for implementing the program;
Jus 12.02(2)(a)7. 7. Civil rights assurance;
Jus 12.02(2)(a)8. 8. Copy of the county board resolution authorizing the program and plan submission; and
Jus 12.02(2)(a)9. 9. Other information required by the department.
Jus 12.02(3) (3)Revisions.
Jus 12.02(3)(a)(a) A county may request approval from the department for program plan revisions. All such requests shall be made in writing to the program coordinator in the department's office of crime victim services. If prior approval is not obtained, the department may reduce reimbursement to the county by the amount of unauthorized expenditures.
Jus 12.02(3)(b) (b) Requests for approval of program plan revisions may be submitted at any time. The department may approve or deny a request upon review of availability of funds and compatibility of the requested revision with applicable law and this chapter.
Jus 12.02(4) (4)Agreement. Upon department approval of a county's program plan, an agreement shall be established between the county and the department.
Jus 12.02(5) (5)Levels of services. No plan may be approved unless it provides all of the following services, except that the department may waive any of these requirements for cause:
Jus 12.02 Note Note: The department shall determine “cause" based upon grounds submitted by the county.
Jus 12.02(5)(a) (a) Notification.
Jus 12.02(5)(a)1.1. Programs shall provide notification services to all victims and witnesses who desire them. Notification services shall include case status, notification of subpoena cancellation, any known significant developments in the case, and final disposition.
Jus 12.02(5)(a)2. 2. Programs may develop an alert system whereby witnesses are permitted to remain at work, their places of residence, or other designated places, until their appearances in court are required.
Jus 12.02(5)(a)3. 3. Routine subpoena preparation and service otherwise normally done in the absence of a victim and witness assistance program is not a notification service for purposes of this chapter.
Jus 12.02(5)(b) (b) Victim compensation referral.
Jus 12.02(5)(b)1.1. Programs shall notify potentially eligible victims of violent crimes of the existence of the crime victim compensation program under ch. 949, Stats. Notification shall include an explanation of available benefits and application procedures.
Jus 12.02(5)(b)2. 2. Programs may assist potentially eligible crime victim compensation recipients in the completion and submission of their application forms.
Jus 12.02(5)(b)3. 3. Programs may advise crime victims of the merits of their crime victim compensation applications and assist them in gathering necessary information to perfect their claims.
Jus 12.02(5)(c) (c) Social services referrals.
Jus 12.02(5)(c)1.1. Programs shall provide information about and make appropriate referrals to agencies which provide support and other services.
Jus 12.02(5)(c)2. 2. Programs shall keep a listing of referral services, including eligibility requirements, services offered, hours of operation, location, telephone number, fee, and contact person, if known.
Jus 12.02(5)(c)3. 3. Programs shall refer witnesses of homicide and the family members of victims of homicide directly to appropriate available community service agencies in order to meet immediate and long term needs.
Jus 12.02(5)(c)4. 4. Programs may follow up referrals to service agencies in order to assure that the needs of victims, witnesses, and the families of homicide victims are met.
Jus 12.02(5)(d) (d) Witness fee assistance.
Jus 12.02(5)(d)1.1. Programs shall notify witnesses in a criminal justice proceeding of the existence of witness fees and the procedure to be followed in order to apply for and receive any witness fees to which they are entitled.
Jus 12.02(5)(d)2. 2. Programs may assist witnesses in applying for payment of witness fees.
Jus 12.02(5)(e) (e) Public information.
Jus 12.02(5)(e)1.1. Programs shall furnish to the general public and agencies that have contact with crime victims and witnesses information describing the victim and witness assistance services offered by the program and how to avail themselves of those services.
Jus 12.02(5)(e)2. 2. Programs may develop and make available informational brochures describing the rights of victims and witnesses, services provided through the program, and how to avail themselves of those services.
Jus 12.02(5)(e)3. 3. Programs may hold educational sessions with criminal justice and other related agencies in their jurisdictions in order to enhance understanding and cooperation among agencies, inform agencies of the rights and needs of victims and witnesses, and describe the services provided through the program.
Jus 12.02(5)(e)4. 4. Programs may initiate community public relations activities.
Jus 12.02(5)(f) (f) Escort.
Jus 12.02(5)(f)1.1. Programs shall provide information to victims and witnesses who request it on personal support services available to them while they are in court.
Jus 12.02(5)(f)2. 2. Programs may arrange accompaniment for witnesses throughout their court appearances.
Jus 12.02(5)(g) (g) Transportation.
Jus 12.02(5)(g)1.1. Programs shall inform victims and witnesses who request it of transportation services available related to participation in the investigation or prosecution of the crime and how to avail themselves of those services.
Jus 12.02(5)(g)2. 2. Transportation services shall include the provision of information regarding the location of the courthouse and available parking facilities.
Jus 12.02(5)(g)3. 3. Programs may provide transportation directly, when deemed necessary by program staff for the participation of victims and witnesses in criminal justice proceedings.
Jus 12.02(5)(h) (h) Victim impact statements and restitution.
Jus 12.02(5)(h)1.1. Programs shall inform victims of felonies of their right to provide the court with information pertaining to the economic, physical, and psychological effects of the crime upon them.
Jus 12.02(5)(h)2. 2. Programs may assist victims of felonies in developing victim impact statements to be provided to the court at the time of sentencing.
Jus 12.02(5)(h)3. 3. Programs may assist in the early gathering of restitution information for the purpose of providing the court and the district attorney with information pertaining to the economic effect of the crime upon the victim of a felony. The determination, verification, and collection of restitution are not victim services for purposes of this chapter.
Jus 12.02(5)(i) (i) Employer intercession.
Jus 12.02(5)(i)1.1. Programs shall notify employers of the victims and witnesses of crime of their employees' involvement in the case whenever a victim or witness requests such notification and program staff determine it is feasible.
Jus 12.02(5)(i)2. 2. Programs may intercede with a victim's or witness's employer at the employee's request when the occurrence of the crime or the court appearance might cause the employee to lose time from work which may jeopardize the employee's wage or employment.
Jus 12.02(5)(j) (j) Property return.
Jus 12.02(5)(j)1.1. Programs shall inform victims of their right to have personal property held as evidence returned within a reasonable amount of time.
Jus 12.02(5)(j)2. 2. Programs shall refer victims to criminal justice authorities responsible for the return of property held as evidence and assist victims in securing the release of the property.
Jus 12.02(5)(j)3. 3. Programs may contact criminal justice authorities responsible for the return of property in order to obtain the early release of victims' property.
Jus 12.02(5)(j)4. 4. Programs may participate in the administration of a system that facilitates the early release of victims' property.
Jus 12.02(5)(k) (k) Protection services.
Jus 12.02(5)(k)1.1. Programs shall inform victims and witnesses of protection available, the level of protection available, and whom to contact if they are threatened or harassed.
Jus 12.02(5)(k)2. 2. When informed of threats or harassment, programs shall alert the appropriate law enforcement agencies and prosecutor.
Jus 12.02(5)(k)3. 3. Programs may arrange with law enforcement agencies to investigate allegations of intimidation or threats against victims and witnesses of crime.
Jus 12.02(5)(L) (L) Waiting facilities and reception.
Jus 12.02(5)(L)1.1. Programs shall provide safe, comfortable, and convenient facilities for victims and witnesses to wait upon their arrival to appear in court.
Jus 12.02(5)(L)2. 2. Programs shall provide for witness reception. Witness reception shall include information on waiting facilities, restrooms, food service, and other similar needs.
Jus 12.02(5)(L)3. 3. Programs may provide a separate waiting room for victims and witnesses while awaiting court appearances.
Jus 12.02(5)(m) (m) Child victims and witnesses.
Jus 12.02(5)(m)1.1. Programs may provide information and referrals specially suited to children's needs, taking into consideration each child's level of development, language skills, ability to understand, and the sensitivity of the crime.
Jus 12.02(5)(m)2. 2. Programs may provide explanations in language understood by the child of all legal proceedings in which the child is involved.
Jus 12.02(5)(m)3. 3. Programs may provide advice to the court concerning the child's ability to understand the legal proceedings and the questions being asked. The advice may include the following:
Jus 12.02(5)(m)3.a. a. Assistance in determinations concerning the taking of videotaped depositions;
Jus 12.02(5)(m)3.b. b. Appropriate action to ensure a speedy trial in order to minimize the length of time the child must endure the stress of involvement in legal proceedings; and
Jus 12.02(5)(m)3.c. c. Assessment of the adverse impact a delay or continuance may have on the well being of a child victim or witness.
Jus 12.02(5)(m)4. 4. Programs may provide advice to the court concerning the child's ability to cooperate with the prosecution and potential effects of the proceedings on the child.
Jus 12.02(5)(n) (n) Notification of application for pardon or parole. Programs shall assist victims in enforcing their rights under s. 950.04 (1v) (f), Stats., pertaining to the provision of written statements concerning pardon and parole applications of convicted offenders. Arrangements for notification shall be in accordance with the provisions of ss. 304.06 (1) and 304.09, Stats.
Jus 12.02(6) (6)Related personnel and agencies. The plan shall include a list of all the people and organizations, public and private, who are responsible for services related to victims and witnesses.
Jus 12.02(7) (7)Staffing. The plan shall indicate personnel proposed to carry out the functions of the program, including paid and volunteer staff, and an organization chart which shows how the victim and witness staff fits into the agency within which it is located in the county.
Jus 12.02(8) (8)Education, training and experience. The plan shall contain position descriptions which include the education, training, and experience required of staff providing services through the program.
Jus 12.02(9) (9)Civil rights assurance. The plan shall contain an addendum which assures that the county or any of its subcontractors for purposes of providing victim and witness services will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of age, race, religion, color, handicap, sex, physical condition, developmental disability, sexual orientation, or national origin.
Jus 12.02(10) (10)Use of volunteers. Counties may use volunteers and existing public resources for the provision of these services.
Jus 12.02(11) (11)Provision of service. Programs shall provide as many services as possible in person or over the telephone.
Jus 12.02(12) (12)Budget submission. In plan submissions, plan revisions, and reimbursement claims, a budget shall be submitted by the county to the department in sufficient detail to show the basis for the computation of the cost, justification, and explanation of budget items. The budget shall cover the entire victim and witness program.
Jus 12.02(13) (13)Budget categories. The proposed budget shall include the following categories:
Jus 12.02(13)(a) (a) Personal services - salaries
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.