Register March 2024 No. 819
Chapter NR 17
NR 17.001   Definitions.
NR 17.01   Bird dog training license.
NR 17.02   Hound dog training license.
NR 17.03   Dog club training license.
NR 17.04   Dog training on free roaming wild animals and additional restrictions on dogs.
NR 17.045   Hound dog training enclosure permit.
NR 17.047   Sources of captive wild animals for hound dog training.
NR 17.05   Classes of dog training grounds.
NR 17.06   Bird dog trial license.
NR 17.07   Hound dog trial license.
NR 17.08   Dog trialing on free roaming wild animals and additional restrictions on dogs.
NR 17.09   Dog trials on department lands.
NR 17.10   Classes of field trial grounds.
NR 17.11   Records and reporting.
Ch. NR 17 Note Note: Chapter NR 17 as it existed on October 31, 2003 was repealed and a new chapter NR 17 was created Register October 2003 No. 574, effective November 1, 2003.
NR 17.001 NR 17.001Definitions.
NR 17.001(1)(1)“Barrier area" means natural or artificial escape and refuge cover for rabbits which provides protection for rabbits located inside a hound dog training enclosure.
NR 17.001(1e) (1e)“Captive animal refuge area" means a natural or artificially constructed den, shelter or other protective structure located under, at or above ground level, which provides protection for a coyote or fox and is not accessible by any dog released into the hound dog training enclosure.
NR 17.001(1m) (1m)“Club" for the purposes of this chapter and s. 169.20 (3) (a), Stats., means at least 2 or more individuals, of whom at least one is eligible under s. 169.33 (2), Stats., to obtain a dog club training license and participate in legal bird or hound dog training activities, who are identified in writing as members of a licensed dog training club on a list retained by the license holder, which shall be made available to the department upon request.
NR 17.001 Note Note: Pursuant to s. 29.304, Stats., no one under the age of 12 may possess a firearm. A person under the age of 12 may be a member of a dog training club and may train dogs with the use of captive wild animals as authorized under the dog training club license, but may not possess a firearm as part of the training activity.
NR 17.001(1s) (1s)“Department" means the state of Wisconsin department of natural resources.
NR 17.001(2) (2)“Department lands" means lands under the management and control of the department.
NR 17.001(3) (3)“Dog training" means actively developing a dog's ability to retrieve, point, flush, or track game for the purpose of hunting, dog trial competition or hunt testing.
NR 17.001(4) (4)“Dog club" means an organization that owns or leases land for the purpose of training bird dogs or hound dogs to retrieve, point, flush or track game.
NR 17.001(5) (5)“Dog trial" means any organized competitive field event involving sporting dog breeds which is sanctioned, licensed or recognized by a local, state, regional or national dog organization.
NR 17.001(5m) (5m)“Fox" for the purpose of this chapter and ss. 169.20 and 169.21, Stats., means red and gray fox.
NR 17.001 Note Note: “Fox" includes all color phases of the red fox.
NR 17.001(5s) (5s)“Hound dog training enclosure" means a fenced area of land that is used as the primary enclosure for captive wild coyote, fox, or rabbit held under a dog training club, hound dog training or hound dog trial license into which dogs are released for the purpose of dog training or trials.
NR 17.001(6) (6)“Hunt" or “hunting" includes shooting, shooting at, pursuing, taking, capturing or killing or attempting to capture or kill any wild animal.
NR 17.001(7) (7)“Northern restricted zone" means that portion of the state north of the highway described in s. NR 10.07 (1) (i).
NR 17.001(7m) (7m)“Owner" or “operator" means the person who owns the property on which a hound dog training enclosure exists, or a manager, or a lessee of the property who has an agreement with the owner of the enclosed lands to retain possession or control of the improvements to the property during the term of the lease.
NR 17.001(8) (8)“Primary enclosure" means the pen or cage any captive wild animals are kept in when not being used for training.
NR 17.001(8m) (8m)“Rabbit" for the purpose of this chapter and ss. 169.20 and 169.21, Stats., means cottontail rabbits, jack rabbits and snowshoe hare.
NR 17.001(9) (9)“Roll cage" means a rolling cage built to confine a captive wild animal for dog training purposes.
NR 17.001 History History: CR 03-031: cr. Register October 2003 No. 574, eff. 11-1-03; CR 05-104: renum. (1) to be (1s), cr. (1), (1e), (1m), (5m), (5s), (7m) and (8m), Register June 2007 No. 618, eff. 7-1-07.
NR 17.01 NR 17.01 Bird dog training license.
NR 17.01(1)(1)Authority. A bird dog training license authorizes the licensee to possess and use for dog training purposes only, captive bred quail of the subfamily odontophorinae, gray partridge, chukar partridge, red-legged partridge, mallard duck, and pheasants of the species phasianus colchicus or syrmaticus reevesii. The license does not authorize commercial shoots or organized hunts involving any of these species or the selling, breeding or propagation of bobwhite quail or mallard ducks.
NR 17.01 Note Note: The selling, breeding or propagation of captive pheasants of the species phasianus colchicus or syrmaticus reevesii, gray partridge, chukar partridge, red-legged partridge and quail of the subfamily odontophorinae that are not bobwhite quail is allowed pursuant to ss. 169.08 (2), 169.10 (1) (b) and (2) (a) 2., Stats. Commercial shoots may only take place as authorized by a bird hunting preserve license.
NR 17.01(2) (2)Conditions. The licensee shall be subject to all of the following conditions:
NR 17.01(2)(a) (a) Display of license. Be in possession of a bird dog training license while engaged in dog training activities and make the license available to any authorized department agent upon request.
NR 17.01(2)(d) (d) Proof of legal possession. Be in possession of a receipt or invoice meeting the requirements of s. NR 17.11 indicating the captive wild birds were purchased or obtained from a legal source. The licensee shall make the receipt or invoice available to any authorized department agent upon request.
NR 17.01(2)(e) (e) Care and treatment. Captive wild birds possessed for dog training purposes shall be treated in a humane manner and confined under sanitary conditions with proper and adequate space, shade, food and fresh water. If birds are severely injured, they shall be humanely killed. Primary and transportation enclosures for the captive wild birds shall meet the requirements in ss. NR 16.30 and 16.38.
NR 17.01(2)(f) (f) Captive wild bird identification. All captive wild birds specified in s. 169.19 (2) (b) 1. to 6., Stats., except mallards identified as required under 50 CFR 21.13(b), chukar partridge, and red-legged partridge, released and killed under the authority of a dog training license shall, prior to release, be marked around the leg with a band supplied by the department.
NR 17.01(2)(g) (g) Bird bands. The licensee may not have on their person while engaged in dog training any unused department dog training bird bands. Birds that are not banded or identified as required in par. (f) may not be killed during training exercises.
NR 17.01(3) (3)Exceptions. Bird dog training licenses are not required on licensed bird hunting preserves or licensed dog club training properties.
NR 17.01 History History: CR 03-031: cr. Register October 2003 No. 574, eff. 11-1-03; CR 19-146: r. (2) (b), (c) Register June 2020 No. 774, eff. 7-1-20.
NR 17.02 NR 17.02 Hound dog training license.
NR 17.02(1)(1)Authority. A hound dog training license authorizes the licensee to possess and use captive bobcat, coyote, fox, raccoons or rabbits for dog training purposes, and use captive black bear possessed under the authority of a captive wild animal farm license for dog training purposes. The license does not authorize commercial or organized shoots, selling, breeding or propagating of animals or training of dogs with the use of captive bear on department lands.
NR 17.02 Note Note: Unintentional reproduction of rabbits in pens is not a violation of this section.
NR 17.02 Note Note: The unintentional breeding of rabbits in training enclosures is not a violation of this section.
NR 17.02(2) (2)Conditions. The licensee shall be subject to all of the following conditions:
NR 17.02(2)(a) (a) Display of license. Be in possession of a hound dog training license while engaged in dog training activities and make the license available to any authorized department agent upon request.
NR 17.02(2)(b) (b) Location. Train only on the properties identified on the license. The properties shall be identified by township, range, section and name of the property owner or by specific department property name.
NR 17.02(2)(c) (c) Private property owner identification. On properties other than department lands the application shall include the name, address and phone number of the owner of the property where dogs are being trained.
NR 17.02(2)(d) (d) Proof of legal possession. Any person using captive wild animals for dog training shall possess a receipt or invoice meeting the requirements of s. NR 17.11 and indicating the captive animals were purchased or obtained from a licensed captive wild animal farm, wild fur farm or other legal source. The licensee shall make the receipt or invoice available to any authorized department agent upon request.
NR 17.02(3) (3)Care and housing.
NR 17.02(3)(a) (a) Captive coyote, fox and rabbit. Captive coyote, fox and rabbit obtained in accordance with s. NR 17.047 and possessed for dog training purposes may only be kept within a hound dog training enclosure that is permitted and that meets the requirements established under s. NR 17.045, except that these species may be confined or controlled on a temporary basis in accordance with ss. NR 16.30 and 16.38 for the purpose of health care or treatment, transportation from one enclosure to another or special handling needs when not being used for training dogs. For special handling needs and transportation, coyote, fox and rabbit shall be housed in accordance with ss. NR 16.30 and 16.38.
NR 17.02(3)(b) (b) Captive bear, bobcat and raccoon. Captive bear, bobcat and raccoon obtained in accordance with s. NR 17.047 may be used for dog training purposes provided:
NR 17.02(3)(b)1. 1. The bear is possessed under authority of a captive wild animal farm license.
NR 17.02(3)(b)2. 2. Bear, bobcat and raccoon, when not being used for training purposes, are housed in accordance with ss. NR 16.30 and 16.38.
NR 17.02(3)(b)3. 3. The bear, bobcat or raccoon is kept in a cage at all times. The cage shall be constructed so that all of the following requirements are met:
NR 17.02(3)(b)3.a. a. The cage is strong enough to contain the bear, bobcat or raccoon securely and comfortably and to withstand the normal rigors of training.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.