NR 40.04(2)(b)7.7. Cirsium palustre (European marsh thistle) except in Ashland, Bayfield, Chippewa, Clark, Door, Florence, Forest, Iron, Langlade, Lincoln, Marathon, Marinette, Menominee, Oconto, Oneida, Price, Rusk, Sawyer, Shawano, Taylor and Vilas counties
NR 40.04(2)(b)8.8. Conium maculatum (Poison hemlock) except in Buffalo, Crawford, Dane, Grant, Green, Iowa, Jefferson, Kenosha, La Crosse, Lafayette, Milwaukee, Monroe, Ozaukee, Racine, Richland, Rock, Sauk, Sheboygan, Trempealeau, Vernon, Walworth, and Waukesha counties
NR 40.04(2)(b)9.9. Crassula helmsii (Australian swamp crop or New Zealand pygmyweed)
NR 40.04(2)(b)10.10. Cytisus scoparius (Scotch broom)
NR 40.04(2)(b)10g.10g. Digitalis lanata (Grecian foxglove)
NR 40.04(2)(b)10r.10r. Dioscorea batatas or Dioscorea polystacha (Chinese yam)
NR 40.04(2)(b)11.11. Dioscorea oppositifolia (Indian yam)
NR 40.04(2)(b)12.12. Egeria densa (Brazilian waterweed or wide-leaf anacharis)
NR 40.04(2)(b)12g.12g. Eichhornia azurea (Anchored water hyacinth)
NR 40.04(2)(b)12r.12r. Eichhornia crassipes (Water hyacinth, floating)
NR 40.04(2)(b)13.13. Epilobium hirsutum (Hairy willow herb) except in Brown, Calumet, Door, Kenosha, Kewaunee, and Manitowoc counties
NR 40.04(2)(b)13e.13e. Fallopia x bohemicum or F. x bohemica or Polygonum x bohemicum (Bohemian knotweed)
NR 40.04(2)(b)13m.13m. Fallopia sachalinensis or Polygonum sachalinense (Giant knotweed)
NR 40.04(2)(b)13s.13s. Glossostigma cleistanthum (Mudmat)
NR 40.04(2)(b)14.14. Glyceria maxima (Tall or reed mannagrass) except in Brown, Calumet, Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Door, Fond du Lac, Green, Jefferson, Kenosha, Kewaunee, Manitowoc, Milwaukee, Outagamie, Ozaukee, Racine, Rock, Sheboygan, Walworth, Washington, Waukesha and Winnebago counties
NR 40.04(2)(b)15.15. Heracleum mantegazzianum (Giant hogweed)
NR 40.04(2)(b)16.16. Humulus japonicus (Japanese hops) except in Buffalo, Crawford, Dane, Grant, Green, Iowa, Jackson, La Crosse, Lafayette, Monroe, Pepin, Richland, Sauk, Trempealeau, and Vernon counties
NR 40.04(2)(b)17.17. Hydrilla verticillata (Hydrilla)
NR 40.04(2)(b)18.18. Hydrocharis morsus-ranae (European frogbit)
NR 40.04(2)(b)18d.18d. Hydrocotyle ranunculoides (Floating marsh pennywort)
NR 40.04(2)(b)18h.18h. Hygrophila polysperma (Indian swampweed)
NR 40.04(2)(b)18p.18p. Impatiens glandulifera (Policeman’s helmet)
NR 40.04(2)(b)18t.18t. Ipomoea aquatica (Water spinach)
NR 40.04(2)(b)19.19. Lagarosiphon major (Oxygen-weed, African elodea or African waterweed)
NR 40.04(2)(b)20.20. Lepidium latifolium (Perennial or broadleaved pepperweed)
NR 40.04(2)(b)21.21. Lespedeza cuneata or Lespedeza sericea (Sericea or Chinese lespedeza)
NR 40.04(2)(b)22.22. Leymus arenarius or Elymus arenarius (Lyme grass or sand ryegrass) except in Door, Kenosha, Kewaunee, Manitowoc, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, and Sheboygan counties
NR 40.04(2)(b)22g.22g. Limnophila sessiliflora (Asian marshweed)
NR 40.04(2)(b)22r.22r. Linaria dalmatica (Dalmatian toadflax) except in Juneau and Bayfield counties
NR 40.04(2)(b)23.23. Lonicera japonica (Japanese honeysuckle)
NR 40.04(2)(b)24.24. Lonicera maackii (Amur honeysuckle) except in Adams, Brown, Buffalo, Calumet, Columbia, Crawford, Dane, Dodge, Fond du Lac, Grant, Green, Green Lake, Iowa, Jefferson, Juneau, Kenosha, Kewaunee, La Crosse, Lafayette, Manitowoc, Marquette, Milwaukee, Monroe, Outagamie, Ozaukee, Racine, Richland, Rock, Sauk, Sheboygan, Vernon, Walworth, Washington, Waukesha, Waupaca, Waushara, and Winnebago counties
NR 40.04(2)(b)24m.24m. Lythrum virgatum (Wanded loosestrife)
NR 40.04(2)(b)25.25. Microstegium vimineum (Japanese stilt grass)
NR 40.04(2)(b)26.26. Myriophyllum aquaticum (Parrot feather)
NR 40.04(2)(b)27.27. Najas minor (Brittle naiad, or lesser, bushy, slender, spiny or minor naiad or waternymph)
NR 40.04(2)(b)27m.27m. Nelumbo nucifera (Sacred lotus)
NR 40.04(2)(b)28.28. Nymphoides peltata (Yellow floating heart)
NR 40.04(2)(b)28e.28e. Oenanthe javanica (Java waterdropwort or Vietnamese parsley)
NR 40.04(2)(b)28m.28m. Oplismenus hirtellus ssp. undulatifolius (Wavy leaf basket grass)
NR 40.04(2)(b)28s.28s. Ottelia alismoides (Ducklettuce)
NR 40.04(2)(b)29.29. Paulownia tomentosa (Princess tree)
NR 40.04(2)(b)29d.29d. Petasites hybridus (Butterfly dock)
NR 40.04(2)(b)29h.29h. Phellodendron amurense (Amur cork tree) except male cultivars and seedling rootstock
NR 40.04(2)(b)29p.29p. Phragmites australis (Phragmites or common reed) non-native ecotype except in Brown, Calumet, Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Door, Florence, Fond du Lac, Forest, Green Lake, Jefferson, Kenosha, Kewaunee, Langlade, Manitowoc, Marathon, Marinette, Marquette, Menominee, Milwaukee, Oconto, Outagamie, Ozaukee, Portage, Racine, Rock, Shawano, Sheboygan, Walworth, Washington, Waukesha, Waupaca, Waushara, and Winnebago counties
NR 40.04(2)(b)29t.29t. Pistia stratiotes (Water lettuce)
NR 40.04(2)(b)30.30. Polygonum perfoliatum or Persicaria perfoliata (Mile-a-minute vine)
NR 40.04(2)(b)32.32. Pueraria montana or P. lobata (Kudzu)
NR 40.04(2)(b)33.33. Quercus acutissima (Sawtooth oak)
NR 40.04(2)(b)33g.33g. Ranunculus ficaria (Lesser celandine)
NR 40.04(2)(b)33r.33r. Rubus armeniacus (Himalayan blackberry)
NR 40.04(2)(b)34.34. Rubus phoenicolasius (Wineberry or wine raspberry)
NR 40.04(2)(b)34b.34b. Sagittaria sagittifolia (Hawaii arrowhead)
NR 40.04(2)(b)34f.34f. Salvinia herzogii (Giant salvinia)
NR 40.04(2)(b)34k.34k. Salvinia molesta (Giant salvinia)
NR 40.04(2)(b)34p.34p. Solidago sempervirens (Seaside goldenrod) except in Kenosha, Milwaukee and Racine counties
NR 40.04(2)(b)34s.34s. Sorghum halepense (Johnsongrass)
NR 40.04(2)(b)34w.34w. Stratiotes aloides (Water soldiers)
NR 40.04(2)(b)34y.34y. Taeniatherum caput-medusae (Medusahead)
NR 40.04(2)(b)35.35. Torilis arvensis (Spreading hedgeparsley)
NR 40.04(2)(b)36.36. Torilis japonica (Japanese hedgeparsley or erect hedgeparsley) except in Adams, Brown, Calumet, Columbia, Crawford, Dane, Dodge, Door, Fond du Lac, Grant, Green, Green Lake, Iowa, Jefferson, Juneau, Kenosha, Kewaunee, La Crosse, Lafayette, Langlade, Manitowoc, Marathon, Marinette, Marquette, Menominee, Milwaukee, Monroe, Oconto, Outagamie, Ozaukee, Portage, Racine, Richland, Rock, Sauk, Shawano, Sheboygan, Vernon, Walworth, Washington, Waukesha, Waupaca, Waushara, and Winnebago counties
NR 40.04(2)(b)37.37. Trapa natans (Water chestnut)
NR 40.04(2)(b)37e.37e. Tussilago farfara (Colt’s foot)
NR 40.04(2)(b)37m.37m. Typha domingensis (Southern cattail)
NR 40.04(2)(b)37s.37s. Typha laxmannii (Graceful cattail)
NR 40.04(2)(b)38.38. Vincetoxicum nigrum or Cynanchum louiseae (Black or Louise’s swallow-wort) except in Columbia, Crawford, Dane, Grant, Green, Iowa, Jefferson, Juneau, Kenosha, La Crosse, Lafayette, Milwaukee, Monroe, Racine, Richland, Rock, Sauk, Vernon, Walworth and Waukesha counties
NR 40.04(2)(b)39.39. Vincetoxicum rossicum or Cynanchum rossicum (Pale or European swallow-wort)
NR 40.04(2)(b)40.40. Wisteria floribunda (Japanese wisteria)
NR 40.04(2)(b)41.41. Wisteria sinensis (Chinese wisteria)
NR 40.04(2)(c)(c) Fish and crayfish. The following fish invasive species and crayfish invasive species are prohibited:
NR 40.04(2)(c)1.1. Channidae (snakehead), including Channa argus (Northern snakehead), Channa bleheri (Rainbow snakehead), Channa gachua (Dwarf snakehead), Channa maculata (Blotched snakehead), Channa marulius (Bullseye snakehead), Channa punctata (Spotted snakehead), and Channa striata (Chevron snakehead)
NR 40.04(2)(c)2.2. Ctenopharyngodon idella (Grass carp)
NR 40.04(2)(c)3.3. Cyprinella lutrensis (Red shiner)
NR 40.04(2)(c)6.6. Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (Silver carp)
NR 40.04(2)(c)7.7. Hypophthalmichthys nobilis (Bighead carp)
NR 40.04(2)(c)8.8. Mylopharyngodon piceus (Black carp)
NR 40.04(2)(c)9.9. Sander lucioperca (Zander)
NR 40.04(2)(c)10.10. Scardinius erythrophthalmus (Rudd)
NR 40.04(2)(c)11.11. Tinca tinca (Tench)
NR 40.04(2)(c)12.12. All other nonnative fish and nonnative crayfish except:
NR 40.04(2)(c)12.a.a. Established nonnative fish species and established nonnative crayfish species
NR 40.04(2)(c)12.b.b. Nonnative viable fish species in the aquarium trade
NR 40.04(2)(c)12.c.c. Nonnative fish species in the aquaculture industry
NR 40.04(2)(c)12.d.d. Nonviable fish species
NR 40.04(2)(c)12.e.e. Genetically modified fish species
NR 40.04(2)(d)(d) Aquatic invertebrates except crayfish. The following aquatic invertebrate invasive species are prohibited:
NR 40.04(2)(d)1.1. Bithynia tentaculata (Faucet snail)
NR 40.04(2)(d)2.2. Bythotrephes cederstroemi (Spiny water flea)
NR 40.04(2)(d)3.3. Cercopagis pengoi (Fishhook water flea)
NR 40.04(2)(d)4.4. Corbicula fluminea (Asian clam)
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.