Purpose: Halt snowmobile operators at a road crossing, railroad crossing or trail intersection.
Minimum size: 12 inches by 12 inches
Color: Red background and white letters and border.
Legend: 4 inch Upper case letters.
Purpose: To notify snowmobile operator that the right of way should be given to other vehicles, snowmobiles or other trail users at trail intersections and limited vehicle crossings.
Minimum size: 12 inches by 12 inches by 12 inches
Color: Red background and letters with white border and center.
Legend: 4 inch Upper case letters.
Purpose: To inform snowmobile operator of laws or regulations.
Minimum size: Either 12 inches by 18 inches or 12 inches by 12 inches.
Color: White background and black letters and border. Additional colors such as red or green may be added to reinforce sign message of snowmobile prohibition or permission.
12 inches by 18 inches
12 inches by 18 inches
12 inches by 12 inches
12 inches by 12 inches
Purpose: To advise the snowmobile operator to proceed with caution at a reduced speed or to advise of a specific trail condition.
Minimum size: 12 inches by 12 inches
Color: Yellow background and black letters and/or legend.
12 inches by 12 inches
12 inches by 12 inches
12 inches by 12 inches
  Left Right
Purpose: Used in pairs, hazard markers indicate the trail opening through which a snowmobile operator may pass over a bridge or culvert. The stripes of each sign face inward and show the bridge opening. Used singly, a hazard marker indicates a trail obstruction. The stripes of the sign point down toward the path around the obstruction.
Minimum size: 6 inches by 12 inches
Colors: Alternate black and yellow 45 degree diagonal stripes.
  Left   Right
Purpose: Barrier markers are used in pairs to indicate a barrier or gate that restricts entry to a trail or road for snowmobiling. The stripes of each sign face inward and toward the center of the trail or road.
Minimum size: 6 inches by 12 inches
Color: Alternate red and white 45 degree diagonal stripes.
Purpose: Directs snowmobile operator to a destination.
Size: Variable - 2 inch Upper case letters
Colors: Brown background with reflective white letters and legend.
Purpose: Furnish information about trails or facilities.
Size: Variable - 2 inch Upper case letters.
Color: Brown background with white letters.
Purpose: To indicate that the trail is part of the designated state corridor trail system.
Minimum size: 6 inches by 6 inches
Color: Blue background with reflective white border, shield and letters.
NR 50.09(4)(c)3.c. c. Federal forest service sign specifications may be used on federal forest service lands.
NR 50.09(4)(d) (d) Maintenance of snowmobile trail.
NR 50.09(4)(d)1.1. Counties shall be required to groom and maintain snowmobile trails developed on lands receiving aids for acquisition and/or development.
NR 50.09(4)(d)2. 2. Trails shall be groomed to a minimum width of 4 feet for one-way and 8 feet for 2-way trails. Maximum width for a 2-way trail to be groomed shall be 12 feet unless the amount of snowmobile traffic and safety warrant grooming to a greater width as approved by the department.
NR 50.09(4)(d)3. 3. The costs of performing the activities of snowmobile trail maintenance under s. NR 50.03 (19) are eligible for assistance.
NR 50.09(4)(e) (e) Major bridge rehabilitation.
NR 50.09(4)(e)1.1. For bridge rehabilitation projects that involve total deck replacement, the deck shall be reconstructed to a width of at least 8 feet, free from obstruction.
NR 50.09(4)(e)2. 2. When a bridge rehabilitation project is located on an abandoned railroad grade and involves total deck construction or replacement, the width of the bridge, free from obstruction, shall be at least 10 feet.
NR 50.09(4)(e)3. 3. Bridges or culverts that have been developed or improved through the use of bridge rehabilitation funds are not be eligible for additional rehabilitation funds for a period of 10 years after rehabilitation, except where a natural event or other circumstances beyond the control of the county adversely affect bridge or culvert safety during this period and an affirmative recommendation of the snowmobile recreation council is obtained.
NR 50.09(4)(f) (f) Supplementary snowmobile trail maintenance payments.
NR 50.09(4)(f)1.1. Counties are eligible for supplementary snowmobile trail maintenance payments under s. 350.12 (4) (bg), Stats., if all of the following conditions are met:
NR 50.09(4)(f)1.a. a. The county applies for a supplementary snowmobile trail maintenance payment for the snowmobile trail maintenance expenses of the previous fiscal year by August 1 of the current fiscal year.
NR 50.09(4)(f)1.b. b. The reimbursement claim for the previous fiscal year maintenance expenses is submitted to the appropriate department regional office prior to August 1 of the current fiscal year.
NR 50.09(4)(f)1.c. c. The county has expended the entire amount specified under s. 350.12 (4) (b) 1., Stats., on eligible snowmobile trail maintenance cost items in the previous fiscal year.
NR 50.09(4)(f)1.d. d. The county has spent at least $150 per mile for eligible snow grooming expenses during the previous fiscal year.
NR 50.09(4)(f)2. 2. All counties qualifying under subd. 1. shall be subject to a cap of $250 per mile for all eligible non-snow grooming activities listed in s. NR 50.03 (19) in the calculation of a supplemental snowmobile trail maintenance payment.
NR 50.09(4)(f)3. 3. All counties qualifying under subd.1. are subject to a cap of 5 times the per mile maximum for maintenance specified under s. 350.12 (4) (b) 1., Stats., for all eligible snowmobile maintenance activities in the calculation of a supplemental snowmobile maintenance payment.
NR 50.09(4)(f)4. 4. Counties requesting supplemental snowmobile trail maintenance payments shall submit full financial documentation prescribed by the department to the appropriate department regional office for audit purposes. Counties may request an advance payment of 50 percent of the audited supplemental request prior to August 1 of the current fiscal year.
NR 50.09(4)(f)5. 5. Should the amount of funds approved for supplementary snowmobile trail maintenance payments under s. 350.12 (4) (bg), Stats., not be sufficient to satisfy the total audited requests received under subd. 1., the funds shall be distributed on a proportional basis.
NR 50.09(4)(g) (g) Snowmobile trail rehabilitation.
NR 50.09(4)(g)1.1. Snowmobile trail segments eligible for rehabilitation assistance shall be a minimum of 3 miles in length and shall have been a part of the funded trail system of the county for a minimum of 10 years from the date of application for trail rehabilitation except where a natural event or other circumstances beyond the control of the county adversely affected trail safety prior to this 10 year period.
NR 50.09(4)(g)2. 2. Snowmobile trail segments that have been improved through the use of rehabilitation funds are not eligible for additional rehabilitation funds for a period of 10 years except where a natural event adversely affects trail safety during this period.
NR 50.09(4)(g)3. 3. A county is not eligible for rehabilitation funds for snowmobile trail segments that total more than 10 percent of the total mileage of the county funded for maintenance.
NR 50.09(5) (5)Allowable costs, billing and audits.
NR 50.09(5)(a)(a) Reimbursement of costs of county acquisition of rights-of-way or fee title may be up to 100 percent of eligible acquisition expenses.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.