NR 106.99 Note Note: Permittees may refer to the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality's “Wastewater PFAS Sampling Guidance” for recommended sampling protocols and cross-contamination prevention measures. This document may be found through searching the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy website.
NR 106.99(2)(d) (d) Actions to reduce or eliminate PFOS and PFOA in permitted discharges. The plan shall identify PFOS and PFOA source reduction activities and measures to eliminate, reduce, or control sources to the maximum extent practicable.
NR 106.99 Note Note: An example of an action to eliminate, reduce, or control PFAS in permitted discharges is to update sewer use ordinances.
NR 106.99(2)(e) (e) Education and outreach. The plan shall include activities to educate the general public, industrial and commercial sewer system users, or other professionals about the ways to reduce the use of PFAS-containing products, proper disposal of PFAS-containing products, and other mitigation efforts.
NR 106.99(2)(f) (f) Other activities. The plan may include activities that the department, in consultation with the permittee, determines to be appropriate for the individual permittee's circumstances.
NR 106.99(3) (3) Primary and secondary industry plans. In addition to the provisions under s. NR 106.99 (1), for primary and secondary industries, a PFOS and PFOA minimization plan shall consist of an evaluation of all of the following elements:
NR 106.99(3)(a) (a) Source identification and inventory.
NR 106.99(3)(b) (b) Improvement of operational controls or maintenance.
NR 106.99(3)(c) (c) Substitution of raw materials or chemical additives with low or zero PFOS, PFOA, and PFOS and PFOA precursor alternatives.
NR 106.99(3)(d) (d) Institution of alternative processes.
NR 106.99(3)(e) (e) Clean-up of historical contamination.
NR 106.99(3)(f) (f) Other activities that the department, in consultation with the permittee, determines to be appropriate for the individual permittee's circumstances.
NR 106.99(4) (4) Reviewing and approving a PFOS and PFOA minimization plan. In reviewing the appropriate elements for a PFOS and PFOA minimization plan for municipal dischargers or primary and secondary industrial dischargers, the department shall consider all of the following:
NR 106.99(4)(a) (a) The type and size of discharger.
NR 106.99(4)(b) (b) The operations that generate the wastewater.
NR 106.99(4)(c) (c) The concentrations of PFOS and PFOA in the effluent, influent, and biosolids or sludge, if applicable and available.
NR 106.99(4)(d) (d) The costs of potential PFOS and PFOA minimization plan elements.
NR 106.99(4)(e) (e) The environmental costs and benefits of the PFOS and PFOA minimization plan elements.
NR 106.99(4)(f) (f) The characteristics of the community in which the discharger is located, if applicable.
NR 106.99(4)(g) (g) The opportunities for material or product substitution.
NR 106.99(4)(h) (h) The opportunities available for support from or cooperation with other organizations.
NR 106.99(4)(i) (i) The actions the discharger has taken in the past to reduce PFOS or PFOA use or discharges.
NR 106.99(4)(j) (j) Any other relevant information.
NR 106.99(5) (5) Revisions to plans. Any revision to previously approved plans requires department approval.
NR 106.99 History History: CR 21-083: cr. Register July 2022 No. 799, eff. 8-1-22.
NR 106.995 NR 106.995Sampling and laboratory analysis requirements.
NR 106.995(1)(1)The permittee shall collect samples in accordance with the requirements in the permit. The department may require either grab or composite samples as a permit condition. If the permittee uses a composite sampler, an equipment blank is required.
NR 106.995 Note Note: If the permittee uses a composite sampler, it is recommended the permittee contact their department compliance representative prior to sample collection for additional sampling information.
NR 106.995(2) (2)The laboratory performing the analyses on any samples shall be certified for the applicable PFAS compounds in the aqueous matrix by the Wisconsin Laboratory Certification Program established under s. 299.11, Stats., in accordance with s. NR 149.41.
NR 106.995 Note Note: If the EPA Office of Water publishes a 1600 series isotope dilution method for the analysis of PFAS in wastewater, the department recommends use of the EPA method.
NR 106.995(3) (3)The department may reject any sample results if results are produced by a laboratory that is not in compliance with certification requirements under ch. NR 149.
NR 106.995 History History: CR 21-083: cr. Register July 2022 No. 799, eff. 8-1-22.
NR 106.996 NR 106.996New dischargers or new sources. If the department determines that a new source or new discharger may have the reasonable potential to cause or contribute to an exceedance of the PFOS or PFOA standard under s. NR 102.04 (8) (d) 1., the permittee shall install pollution control measures to achieve the standard prior to discharge, and water quality-based effluent limitations for PFOS or PFOA or both that are calculated using the procedure in ss. NR 106.07 (2) and 106.98 (4) and ch. NR 207 shall be included in the permit.
NR 106.996 History History: CR 21-083: cr. Register July 2022 No. 799, eff. 8-1-22; correction made under s. 35.17, Stats., Register July 2022 No. 799.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.