NR 110.18(1)(1)Design considerations.
NR 110.18(1)(a)(a) Multiple settling tanks.
NR 110.18(1)(a)1.1. Multiple settling tanks shall be provided at all sewage treatment plants with an average design flow which exceeds 1,890 cubic meters per day (0.5 million gallons per day).
NR 110.18(1)(a)2. 2. Control appurtenances such as valves, gates, splitter boxes, and flow measuring devices, shall be provided to divide inflow equally to each settling tank.
NR 110.18(1)(b) (b) Servicing.
NR 110.18(1)(b)1.1. All settling tanks shall be provided with easy access for maintenance.
NR 110.18(1)(b)2. 2. Each settling tank shall be capable of being independently dewatered and isolated for servicing. Provisions shall be made to protect empty settling tanks from the hydrostatic uplift due to high groundwater.
NR 110.18(1)(c) (c) Safety. Operator safety shall be considered in the design of settling tanks. Safety features such as machinery covers, life lines, stairways, walkways, handrails and slip-resistant surfaces shall be provided if appropriate.
NR 110.18(1)(d) (d) Electrical controls. Electrical fixtures and controls in enclosed settling tanks shall meet the requirements of the national electrical code for class 1, group D, division 1 locations. The fixtures and controls shall be located to provide convenient and safe access for operation and maintenance.
NR 110.18(1)(e) (e) Imhoff tanks. Imhoff tanks will not be approved by the department.
NR 110.18(2) (2) Design requirements.
NR 110.18(2)(a)(a) Inlets.
NR 110.18(2)(a)1.1. Settling tank inlets shall be designed to dissipate the inlet velocity, to distribute the flow equally and to prevent short-circuiting. Either channel shall be designed to maintain a velocity of at least 30 centimeters per second (one foot per second) at one-half of average design flow or some other means of preventing solid deposition shall be used. Corner pockets and dead ends shall be eliminated and corner fillets or channeling used where necessary. Elimination or removal of floating materials in inlet structures having submerged ports shall be required.
NR 110.18(2)(a)2. 2. Inlet velocities in rectangular settling tanks may not exceed 15 centimeters per second (0.5 foot per second).
NR 110.18(2)(a)3. 3. Inlet velocities in center feed circular settling tanks may not exceed 91 centimeters per second (3 feet per second).
NR 110.18(2)(b) (b) Tank features.
NR 110.18(2)(b)1.1. The side water depth of mechanically cleaned settling tanks shall be as shallow as practical but not less than 2.1 meters (7 feet). Final clarifiers for activated sludge may not be less than 3 meters (10 feet) in depth. Final clarifier for fixed film treatment systems may not be less than 2.1 meters (7 feet).
NR 110.18(2)(b)2. 2. The tops of troughs, beams, and similar construction features which are submerged shall have a minimum slope of 1.4 vertical to one horizontal. A slope of one to one shall be provided on the underside of such features to prevent the accumulation of scum and solids.
NR 110.18(2)(b)3. 3. Effluent weirs shall be adjustable.
NR 110.18(2)(c) (c) Sludge and scum removal.
NR 110.18(2)(c)1.1. Scum baffles shall be provided ahead of outlet weirs on all primary and final settling tanks.
NR 110.18(2)(c)2. 2. Sludge hoppers shall have a minimum side wall slope of 1.7 vertical to one horizontal. Hopper wall surfaces should be made smooth with rounded corners to aid in sludge removal. The department will not approve increasing the depth of sludge hoppers for the purpose of sludge thickening in settling tanks.
NR 110.18(2)(c)3. 3. Each sludge hopper shall have an individually valved sludge withdrawal line at least 15 centimeters (6 inches) in diameter. Head available for withdrawal of sludge shall be at least 76 centimeters (30 inches), or greater as necessary, to maintain a velocity of 91 centimeters per second (3 feet per second) in the withdrawal pipe.
NR 110.18(2)(c)4. 4. A sludge well or other appropriate equipment shall be provided for viewing and sampling sludge.
NR 110.18(2)(c)5. 5. Provisions for cleaning sludge piping shall be made.
NR 110.18(2)(c)6. 6. The department may approve the use of glass lined pipe for sludge. Glass lined pipe may not be less than 10 centimeters (4 inches) in diameter.
NR 110.18(2)(c)7. 7. Suitable mechanical sludge and scum collection equipment shall be provided in all settling tanks. Provisions for separate scum washing shall be made for treatment facilities which do not have primary settling facilities.
NR 110.18(2)(d) (d) Design parameters.
NR 110.18(2)(d)1.1. Operating design parameters for settling facilities may not exceed the values given in Table 3. The surface settling rate for primary settling tanks shall be calculated with all flows received at the settling tank. The surface settling rate for final settling tanks shall be based on influent flow. The maximum hour solids loading shall be computed based on the maximum day design flow plus the maximum design return sludge rate requirement and the design mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) under aeration.
Table 3 - See PDF for table PDF
NR 110.18(2)(d)2. 2. For treatment plants with an average design flow greater than 3,785 cubic meters per day (one million gallons per day), the department may approve an overflow rate of 188 cubic meters per meter per day (15,000 gallons per foot per day).
NR 110.18(2)(d)3. 3. The design parameters shown in Table 3 may be waived by the department if the settling tank design is based on settling tests of wastes currently received at the existing treatment facility, or if the effluent from the sewage treatment facility is to be disposed on land.
NR 110.18 History History: Cr. Register, November, 1974, No. 227, eff. 12-1-74; r. and recr. Register, February, 1983, No. 326, eff. 3-1-83; CR 09-123: am. (2) (d) Register July 2010 No. 655, eff. 8-1-10.
NR 110.19 NR 110.19Trickling filters.
NR 110.19(1)(1)Applicability.
NR 110.19(1)(a)(a) Surface water discharge. New trickling filters shall be used in conjunction with other treatment units which, in combination, will produce an acceptable level of treatment as defined in s. NR 110.15 (2) (a). Existing trickling filters may be used as a treatment unit in plant expansion if the effluent quality requirements of s. NR 110.15 (2) (a) are met.
NR 110.19(1)(b) (b) Land disposal. Trickling filter treatment systems are an acceptable means of treatment prior to land disposal of effluent.
NR 110.19(2) (2) Design report. A design report must be submitted in accordance with s. NR 110.15 (1). The report shall show the empirical equations and the assumptions used for designing the trickling filter and the additional treatment units.
NR 110.19(3) (3) Design requirements.
NR 110.19(3)(a)(a) Recirculation. Recirculation shall be provided for intermediate and high-rate filters to increase treatment efficiency and to provide wetting of the biological growth. The recirculation rate shall be variable. The recirculation rate to average influent flow ratio should not exceed 4:1.
NR 110.19(3)(b) (b) Dosing cycle. The interval between dosing cycles may not exceed one hour.
NR 110.19(3)(c) (c) Flooding. Filter structures should be designed to allow flooding of the filter.
NR 110.19(3)(d) (d) Primary treatment. Trickling filters shall be preceded by primary treatment facilities.
NR 110.19(4) (4) Design loading. Hydraulic and organic loadings to trickling filters may not exceed the values given in Table 4. Higher loadings may be approved if justified by pilot studies or if manufactured media is used. Higher loadings may also be used if the trickling filter is intended to act only as a roughing or polishing treatment unit.
Table 4 - See PDF for table PDF
NR 110.19(5) (5) Hydraulic features.
NR 110.19(5)(a)(a) Dosing equipment.
NR 110.19(5)(a)1.1. Sewage shall be distributed over the filter by rotary distributors or other suitable devices which will permit uniform distribution to the filter surface area.
NR 110.19(5)(a)2. 2. Sewage shall be applied to the filters by siphons, pumps or by gravity discharge from preceding treatment units when suitable flow characteristics have been developed. The dosing rate shall be large enough to insure rotation of the distributor arms.
NR 110.19(5)(a)3. 3. A minimum clearance of 15 centimeters (6 inches) between media and distributor arms shall be provided.
NR 110.19(5)(b) (b) Underdrainage system.
NR 110.19(5)(b)1.1. An underdrainage system which covers the entire floor of the filter shall be provided. Inlet openings into the underdrains shall have an unsubmerged gross combined area equal to at least 15% of the surface area of the filter.
NR 110.19(5)(b)2. 2. The underdrains shall have a minimum slope of 1%. Effluent channels shall be designed to produce a minimum velocity of 60 centimeters per second (2 feet per second) at the average design flow of application to the filter including recirculated flows.
NR 110.19(6) (6) Media.
NR 110.19(6)(a)(a) Type. The media shall be crushed rock, slag or material specially manufactured for use as media in trickling filters.
NR 110.19(6)(b) (b) Quality.
NR 110.19(6)(b)1.1. Rock and slag media shall be durable, resistant to spalling or flaking, and be relatively insoluble in sewage. Slag media may not contain iron.
NR 110.19(6)(b)2. 2. Manufactured media shall be resistant to ultraviolet degradation, disintegration, erosion, aging, all common acids and alkalies, organic compounds, and fungus or biological attack. Either the media shall be structurally capable of supporting a person's weight or a suitable access walkway shall be provided to allow for distributor maintenance.
NR 110.19(6)(c) (c) Size and grading of rock, slag and similar media.
NR 110.19(6)(c)1.1. Rock, slag and similar media may not contain more than 5% by weight of pieces whose longest dimension is 3 times the least dimension. They shall be free from thin elongated and flat pieces, dust, clay, sand, or fine material and shall conform to the following size and gradings when mechanically graded over a vibrating screen with square openings:
NR 110.19(6)(c)1.a. a. Passing 11.4 centimeter (4 1/2-inch) screen — 100% by weight;
NR 110.19(6)(c)1.b. b. Retained on 7.6 centimeter (3-inch) screen — 95-100% by weight;
NR 110.19(6)(c)1.c. c. Passing 5.1 centimeter (2-inch) screen — 0.2% by weight;
NR 110.19(6)(c)1.d. d. Passing 2.5 centimeter (1-inch) screen — 0.1% by weight;
NR 110.19(6)(c)2. 2. The department may approve other rock media gradations provided the gradations are consistent with accepted published engineering practices.
NR 110.19(7) (7) Structural features.
NR 110.19(7)(a)(a) Mercury seals. Mercury seals may not be used on trickling filter distributors. Mercury seals shall be removed from existing filters during renovation. Mercury seals removed from existing filters during renovation or destruction of the filter shall be disposed in a location and manner approved by the department.
NR 110.19(7)(b) (b) Depth of media. Rock or slag filter media, or loose synthetic media, shall have a minimum depth of 1.5 meters (5 feet) above the underdrains. Synthetic corrugated filter media should have a minimum depth of 3 meters (10 feet) to provide adequate contact time with the wastewater. Rock or slag filter media depths may not exceed 3 meters (10 feet) and synthetic filter media depths may not exceed 9.1 meters (30 feet) except where special construction is justified through pilot studies.
NR 110.19(7)(c) (c) Covers. Covers shall be provided on all filters to prevent icing and freezing and to increase the treatment efficiency of the filter during winter conditions.
NR 110.19(7)(d) (d) Ventilation.
NR 110.19(7)(d)1.1. The underdrainage system, effluent channels, and effluent pipe shall be designed to permit free passage of air. The size of drains, channels and pipe shall be such that not more than 50% of their cross-sectional area will be submerged under the maximum daily design hydraulic loading. The design of the effluent channels should consider the probability of increased hydraulic loading.
NR 110.19(7)(d)2. 2. Filter covers shall be designed to allow adequate ventilation to maintain the filter in an aerobic state at all times.
NR 110.19(7)(e) (e) Maintenance. All distribution devices, underdrains, channels and pipes shall be installed so that they may be properly maintained, flushed and drained.
NR 110.19(7)(f) (f) Flow measurement. Devices shall be provided to permit measurement of flow to the filter, including the amount of recirculated flow.
NR 110.19 History History: Cr. Register, November, 1974, No. 227, eff. 12-1-74; r. and recr. Register, February, 1983, No. 326, eff. 3-1-83; CR 09-123: am. (5) (b) 2. and (6) (b) 1. Register July 2010 No. 655, eff. 8-1-10.
NR 110.20 NR 110.20Rotating biological contactors.
NR 110.20(1)(1)General.
NR 110.20(1)(a)(a) Applicability. Rotating biological contactors may be used when the wastewater is amenable to biological treatment. This treatment process may be used for carbonaceous or nitrogenous oxygen demand reduction, or both.
NR 110.20(1)(b) (b) Manufacturer's warranty. Manufacturers of rotating biological contactor equipment shall guarantee the rotating shafts, and media against failure during the initial 5 years of operation for all proposed rotating biological contactor treatment systems. The guarantee shall include equipment replacement and installation costs.
NR 110.20(2) (2) Design considerations.
NR 110.20(2)(a)(a) Design report. A design report for rotating biological contactors shall be submitted in accordance with s. NR 110.15 (1).
NR 110.20(2)(b) (b) Design parameters. The design of rotating biological contactors shall consider:
NR 110.20(2)(b)1. 1. Design flow rate;
NR 110.20(2)(b)2. 2. Influent carbonaceous and nitrogenous biochemical oxygen demand;
NR 110.20(2)(b)3. 3. Rotational velocity;
NR 110.20(2)(b)4. 4. Wastewater temperature; and
NR 110.20(2)(b)5. 5. Percent influent biochemical oxygen demand which is soluble.
NR 110.20(3) (3) Design features.
NR 110.20(3)(a)(a) Primary treatment. Rotating biological contactors shall be preceded by primary treatment.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.